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    PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Columbia Public …专业发展计划-哥伦比亚公共….docx

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    PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Columbia Public …专业发展计划-哥伦比亚公共….docx

    .PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANFORCOLUMBIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Adopted by Board of Education October 11, 1999 Revised December 2004 (CSIP Revision)PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANFORCOLUMBIA PUBLIC SCHOOLSI. DISTRICT COMMITMENTThe Columbia Public School District (CPS) has long recognized the complexity of teaching and learning and is committed to continuous improvement. In Columbia, ongoing professional growth is a well-established norm. Board Policy GCL formalizes this commitment. The district supports a full-time Staff Development Coordinator, District-level coordinators in each academic discipline, a Professional Development Committee (PDC) and a comprehensive year-round professional growth program that includes salary schedule and Career Ladder incentives for participation.II. PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVESBased on a thorough review of community and district-wide information from the CSIP (Comprehensive School Improvement Plan) Committee, needs assessment input from the faculty, the State Reports, and student data, the Professional Development Committee has established the following goals and objectives for the CPS Professional Development Program:GOAL 1: To provide professional development opportunities and resources for CPS staff which will enhance student learning and performance based on identified needs indicated in the CSIP, State Data, and Needs AssessmentsOBJECTIVE 1.1: Provide professional development, which enables the district in meeting the performance criteria established in the CPS Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP):Board Goal 1: Increase Student AchievementCSIP 1: All students will read at or above grade level by the end of third gradeas measured by the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP).CSIP 2: The percentage of students in Proficient and Advanced levels inCommunication Arts and Math will increase as measured by the Missouri AssessmentProgram.CSIP 3: District results on nationally standardized tests will remain at or abovestate and national averages as measured by Terra Nova, ACT, Plan, and Explore.CSIP 4: The Columbia School District will achieve a 95% average dailyattendance rate as measured by the MSIP Annual Performance Report.CSIP 5: The Columbia School District will reduce the dropout rate to 4% orbelow as measured by the MSIP Annual Performance Report.CSIP 6: All Columbia School District graduates will be prepared to enter andsucceed in post-secondary education and/or training programs or productiveoccupations as measured by student follow-up studies and the MSIP AnnualPerformance Report.OBJECTIVE 1.2: Provide district-wide and building-level professional development which addresses the needs identified from staff input, student data, and other appropriate sourcesGoal 2: To encourage continuous professional growth for beginning and experienced staffOBJECTIVE 2.1: Assist beginning teachers in meeting certification requirements and becoming assimilated into our districtOBJECTIVE 2.2: Provide professional development experiences, which address current issues and effective practices in education and encourage continual professional growthOBJECTIVE 2.3: Continually evaluate the effectiveness of the professional development program and make adjustments as neededIII. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEPurpose and Responsibilities: The primary purposes of the CPS Professional Development Committee (PDC) are to establish and support the CPS beginning teacher assistance and to ensure that the districts inservice program meets the identified needs of new and experienced teachers. All decisions regarding professional development should be made with one purposeimproving instruction so learning can improve. As established by the Missouri Professional Development Guidelines, specific PDC responsibilities are:1. Help implement a beginning teacher assistance program in which beginning teachers are assisted in the creation and implementation of a Professional Development Plan2. Determine the instructional needs of both beginning and experienced teachers3. Read, study, and discuss research on instructional practices and quality professional development.4. Work collaboratively with administrators to develop and implement the district Professional Development Plan5. Work collaboratively with administrators to design and implement high quality professional development. 6. Work collaboratively with administrators to design and implement high quality professional growth opportunities.Membership: The CPS Professional Development Committee (PDC) consists of teacher representatives from all schools in the district and 4 ex-officio administrative members, including the Staff Development Coordinator and the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction. The teachers in each building elect one third of the members each year, all of whom serve for 3-year terms, providing a measure of continuity from year to year. One representative is elected from each school having less than 100 teachers, and two representatives are elected in schools, which have over 100 teachers.Selection Criteria: All full-time teachers, counselors, and/or specialists with a minimum of two years teaching experience in the Columbia School District and previous participation in professional development activities are eligible to serve on the PDC. Nominations and elections of building representatives are due by June 1st of the school year preceding the term of service.Officers: A chairperson, chair-elect, and secretary are elected each year to guide the PDCs activities, with the chair and chair-elect positions alternating between the elementary and secondary levels.PDC Meeting Schedule: The PDC meets quarterly, or more often as needed. Ad hoc committees are established to meet, as they are needed.IV. FACULTY AND STAFF INVOLVEMENT IN PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATIONThe Professional Development Committee provides guidance for the entire staff development program in the district. Each representative obtains suggestions and feedback from the teachers in his/her building. This input is used in planning inservice activities and evaluating their effectiveness. In addition, information used in planning is also obtained from the following sources:Needs Assessment: Through an annual computer needs assessment process accessed through the districts website, input is obtained from over 90% of the faculty each year and analyzed on a district-wide, building-level, and departmental basis to aid in planning the professional development program. Using a technology-based format for this needs assessment allows the collection and analysis of input from over 1000 faculty members each year. Needs assessment results, along with student data, CSIP progress reports, and state report data are examined carefully by the PDC each year as a key part of their planning process.Feedback from Program Participants: Information from the written evaluations collected from participants at the end of each inservice is also used in planning additional and/or follow-up sessions.Participatory Planning: Specific times are designated throughout the year for the submission of proposals for sessions that meet the district-wide and building-level needs. Teachers, administrators, coordinators, and staff throughout the district submit these proposals, deliver the approved inservices, and/or identify appropriate presenters. Teacher volunteers who are willing to present on a wide variety of topics are also identified each year as a part of the annual needs assessment process.Assistance from District-wide Coordinators: The CPS Professional Devleopment program utilizes the district-wide subject-level coordinators in a variety of capacities. In addition to ongoing curricular support, each coordinator is responsible for providing appropriate staff development experiences in each content area. Both formally and informally, coordinators gather data and create professional growth experiences to meet specific departmental needs.Publicity and Enrollment in Professional Devleopment Opportunities: At regular times throughout the year, a schedule of staff development opportunities is prepared and printed for distribution to every staff member in the district. Enrollment in these activities is carefully monitored to indicate fulfilled, growing, and or diminishing needs and interests in the district.Building Level Input and Planning: Schools also impact the professional growth decision in many ways. When patterns of needs emerge from discussions with building staff, inservices are provided to meet these needs. Also, staff development which has initially been introduced district-wide may be offered again in more depth, at a school site upon the request of a specific building. In keeping with the districts emphasis on school improvement planning, unique building level programming is also provided in response to the goals of individual school improvement plans. A significant portion of the PDC budget is allocated at the building level for designing and providing on-site building level inservice as well as faculty attendance to outside conferences and professional development activities. The involvement of the PDC representative(s) in each buildings planning and resource allocation process is a key factor.V. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES FOR ACHIEVING GOALS AND OBJECTIVESIN-DISTRICT ACTIVITIES: The Columbia Public Schools consistently has one of the most extensive in-district staff development programs in the state, drawing upon national and state researchers, region-wide resource persons, and skilled district teachers, counselors, and administrators, to provide high quality professional development opportunities for all staff.Distirct-Wide Workshops/Courses: District-wide workshops/courses are designed throughout the year in response to expressed needs and to keep staff members current with relevant research and effective educational practices. After-school, evening, Saturday, and summer offerings each year provide several thousand hours of programming, from which staff members voluntarily select sessions to attend. On occasion, substitutes are provided so that staff may participate in professional-growth activities during the school day. Session facilitators include Columbia staff, individuals from the community and state, and nationally-known consultants.Building-Level Activities: In addition to district-wide professional growth programming, site based professional development is supported at individual schools. These programs are developed to meet each schools individual school improvement plan and/or to provide more in-depth training and follow-up based on previous district-wide offerings.Follow-Up and Implementation Activities: The CPS Professional Development Program encourages the implementation of skills and techniques learned in district and building inservice sessions. Throughout each activity, participants are encouraged to reflect upon and internalize the strategies which are introduced and to find ways to directly apply these new concepts in their classrooms. Workshop structures emphasize hands-on application and provide time for participants to generate and practice classroom applications. District coordinators continuously provide ideas, resource materials, and site visits to provide ongoing support after many of the inservices. Many also organize curriculum development sessions in which many targeted concepts are incorporated into the districts written curriculum.Collegial Interactions: Staff development research provides strong evidence that ongoing collegial interactions regarding new learning can strengthen implementation efforts. Throughout the district, district-wide and building level groups of teachers who have elected to focus on a given content or practice work together to develop their understanding and ability to apply what they are studying to their classrooms. Many of these groups are provided with follow-up workshops, chances to observe the selected strategy in use, and opportunities to be observed and coached in the use of the strategy. The most pervasive examples of the ongoing support for implementation are the districts reading and writing workshops. Other examples include literature study groups, hands on mathematics, and building level book studies on topics to meet the needs of at-risk students and improving reading instruction.OUT-OF-DISTRICT ACITIVITIES: Staff members also participate in out of district professional development activities such as the following:Out of District Conferences: These activities are supported through the building level PDC budgets and numerous grant funding sources. When the conference is sponsored by a non-district organization but held within the CPS boundaries, CPS inservice credit is also an option for our staff. District staff requesting credit must provide evidence that information from the conference or activity has been shared with colleagues.Educational Travel: Board of Education Policy GCLB stipulates that staff members who travel for the primary purpose of gaining experience relevant to their work may earn up to three credits for each approved travel experience. A maximum of eight credits may be earned during any five year period; a total of sixteen credits may be given during a staff members tenure with the Columbia Public School District.Membership in Professional Organizations: Membership in professional organizations is encouraged. These affiliations provide widespread opportunities for professional networking and collaboration, contacts for bringing in speaker/presenters to our district, and first-hand involvement in the work of state, regional, and national boards and committees.Cooperative Opportunities through Area Colleges and Universities: Through collaboration with the University of Missouri “Missouri Partnership for Educational Renewal” (MPER) and Continuing Professional Education departments, and the teacher education departments at Columbia and Stephens Colleges numerous cooperative efforts are supported which impact the professional development of CPS staff including:a. Cooperative graduate credit course offerings where special courses are often offered in conjunction with UMC so that participants have the option of paying for graduate credit or receiving CPS inservice credit for their participation.b. Special seminars in high needs areas, which are often jointly sponsored by the district and a local college or university.c. Action research with special action research groups sponsored by UMC at severa


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