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    9A Unit 4 TV programmes Part 1: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Unit Goals Vocabularycartoon; presentation; text; concert; murder; director; scene; act; success; company; show; comedy; prize; friendship; spaceman; art; habit; competition; website; ending; weekly; up-to-date; coming; dead; Asian; disagree; sporty; perfect; cover; vote; announce; face; disappear; end; dislike; throw; far; live; especially; right; farther; further; farthest; furthest; MTVExpressions1. If you are not a football fan, you might find this weeks programme a bit boring 2. There are also a number of interviews with the famous football players. 3. This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live.4. You could win two free concert tickets.5. In the film, a doctor is found dead in his house. 6. The film is excellent and is full of horror and mysteries. 7. If you enjoy solving mysteries, you will not love this film. 8. As you are watching the awards, write down your answers and send text messages to 1396.9. This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the Asian tiger. 10. If you get scared easily, dont watch it!11. Tiger Watch won an award for its amazing photography.Structures1. Im far too busy to go shopping.2. There are also a number of interviews with the famous football players.3. The results will be announced during the programme.4. You wont find out the answer until the end of the film.5. This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the Asian tiger.6. Theyre actually disappearing quicker than pandas.7. If you are an animal lover, you may find this programme a bit disturbing while watching the programme.8. There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives.9. While Millie was watching TV, Eddie was sleeping.10. While / As Millie was walking past the bookshop, she suddenly thought of buying a TV guide.11. As Millie sat down on the sofa, Andy came into the room.12. It is you who made our story so perfect.13. From 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m., I can watch Cartoon World. 14. Between 2003 and 2005, Tiger Watch was taken in India. 15. Before the awards start, we will interview some of the most famous stars. 16. After you watch this programme, youll realize how much danger these tigers face. Period 1 Comic Strip + Welcome to the unitTeaching Goals To understand vocabulary relating to TV programmes To think about TV preferences and rate different types pf TV programmesTeaching ProceduresStep 1. Revision What do you often do at weekends? Do you often watch TV? How often do you watch TV? Step 2. Presentation What kind of TV programmes do you often watch? (cartoons, movies, MTV, news, sports, cooking, drama, fashion, nature, travle ) What kind of TV programmes do your parents watch? What about your cousins? Which is your favorite TV programme? Why? e.g. cooking You can learn how to cook meals, eat healthy food and keep fit. travel - You can enjoy yourselves, make friends, get a lot of knowledge and learn more about the world. MTV You can relax yourselves. nature You can learn a lot and try your best to protect the nature.(Ask the students to answer as much as possible) Which TV programme do you like least? Why? Step 3. Practice Work in pairs and practise the dialogue, make as many sentences as possible. Then finish Part B on Page 59. Write 1-10 in the blanks. (1= your favourite programme, 10 = your least favourite programme) They are the students own answers. Step 4. Presentat ion Most people like watching TV, but do you know something about TV? Let me tell you. A person who performs in TV programmes, films, etc. is called an actor or actress. “ Send out programmes on radio or TV” means “broadcast” (pay attention: the past tense and the past participle of broadcast remain unchanged) Something that controls a machine from a distance is called “remote control”. A TV station is called “TV channel”. A room where TV programmes are made is called “ studio”. After class, try to find some information about TV on the Internet. Step 5. Exercise Millie is visiting the website of a TV station. Help jer match the words. Write the correct letter in the blanks of Part A on Page 59 Step 6. Presentation We knew that Eddie liked watching TV. He thought school was like watching TV. Theres a Dialogue between Eddie and Hobo. Listen and answer the following questions: 1. What does Hobo want to do? What about Eddie? 2. How long does Eddie have to watch TV every day? 3. What do you think of Eddie? Why? Can you tell more stories about Eddie?Step 7. Listen, read and act Listen and repeat after the tape, then read it together, afterwords work in pairs, finally act the dialogue out. Step 8. Consolidation exercise改写句子 1. I have to watch TV. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ watch TV? 2. Im too busy to go fishing. (改为同义句) Im _ busy _ I cant go fishing. 3. He has nothing to do every day. (改为同义句) He _ _ anything to do every day. 4. English lessons are broadcast twice a week. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ English lessons _?找出错误并在横线上改正 1. Millie say she likes programmes on animals the most. _2. Theres also a survery on the website about people favourite hobbies. _3. A dogs work is never do. _4. Shes one of the most famous actress now. _ Step 9. Homework 1. Revise todays phrases. 2. Write down more things about TV programmes on the notebook. 3. Read and recite the dialogue.Period 2 Reading (I)Teaching goals To recognize and understand vocabulary related to TV programmes·To identify statements as true or false based on the reading passage·To match students preferences and schedules to TV programmesTeaching ProceduresStep 1. Revision (1) Have a dictation (2) What do you often do on Saturday? (read nespapers, do homework, watch TV, play games, look for information on the Internet)Step 2. Presentation If you want to watch your favourite TV programmes, you can read a TV guide in newspapers or online.(Show picture 1) What kind of TV programme is it? (Sports) What time can you watch this programme? (From 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.)Here are four TV programmes. Read them, try to get the main idea of each programme. If there are some new words, just guess their meanings according to the context or skip them if you can understand the passage without them. Then try to fill in the table below. Name of the TV programmeTimeMain idea Sports World 10 a.m. 11.30 a.m. Hear a weekly round-up of what is happening in sportBeijing Music Awards8 p.m. 10 p.m. A good show to watch Murder in a Country House7 p.m. 9.30 p.m. A horror film Tiger Watch 10.30 p.m. 11.30 p.m.About the life of Asian tigerStep 3. Listen& Read Listen to the tape and read the passage after the tape, then identify statements of Part C on Page 63 as true or false.1. Sports World covers ice skating this week. (T) (Students need to work out this answer by inference. Sports World covers different sports. Although ice skating is not given as one of the examples, it is also a kind of sport.)2. Sports World is interviewing famous basketball players this week . (F) 3. Beijing Music Awards was recorded last month. (F) (It will be covered live.) (TV programmes are “recorded” whereas films are “shot”. )4. People have voted for Beijing Music Awards on the Internet. (T) 5. Murder in a Country House is a documentary. (F) 6. The actor in Murder in a Country House are superstars. (F) (They are all new.) 7. There are Asian tigers in India. (T) 8. Animal lovers might find Tiger Watch a bit funny. (F) ( They might find it a bit disturbing.) Step 4. Read & Exercise (1) Read the pasage one by one, try to find out the meanings of the new words, such as round-up, up-to-date, etc. Then finish the exercises of Part B1 on page 62. Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. c (2) Millie is thinking about which TV programme to watch. However she cant remember all the information in the TV guide. Help her fill in the blanks of Part B2 on page 62. For weaker classes, write the words on the blackboard. Answers: 1. round-up 2. live 3. horror 4. mystries 5. scenesStep 5. Read & Retell According to the key words and phrases, retell the TV guide. Sports World: round-up, up-to-date, cover, a bit boring Beijing Music Awards: live/laiv/, attend, vote.for, announce Murder in a Country House: a horror film, direct/director, solve mysteries Tiger Watch: documentary, finda bit disturbing, nature habit.Step 6. Consolidation 根据中文、英文释义及所给单词,用正确形式填空 1. There will be many _ (会见) with the chairperson this evening.2. That _ (授予仪式) will be held tomorrow.3. The headmaster was _ (not alive) last year.4. He didnt _ (take part in an event) at last.5. The results were _ (announce) a moment ago.6. Some of those workers are paid _ (week).单项选择( ) 1. Something that is up-to-date _ the latest information. A. include B. including C. includes D. included( ) 2. Beijing Music Awards _ last year. A. covered live B. was covered live C. covered lively D. was covered lively( ) 3. The programme explains that these tigers are _ killed for their skin and bones. A. be B. being C. been D. to be( ) 4.He _ two months ago. He has been _ for two months. A. died, died B. died, dead C. dead, dead D. died, deathStep7. Homework 1. Read the text and try to recite it. 2. Copy the important words and phrases two times 3. Do more consolidation exercises改写句子1. Some tourists come to visit this city every year. (改为同义句) _ _ _ tourists come to visit this city every year.2. Cindy Clark directed this film. (改为被动句) This film _ _ _ Cindy Clark.3. the / found / young / men / were / dead / bedroom / two / in (连成一句) _.4. His bag is filled with books. (改为同义句) His bag is _ _ books.找出错误并在横线上改正 1. A programme will be covered live mean it will be shown on television. _2. If you watch Sports World, you will hear a weekly round-up of what is happen in sport. _3. The two-hours action film make us feel excited. _4. He likes films which has good actors. _Period 3 Reading (II)Teaching Goals To practise the main language points of the contextTeaching ProceduresStep 1. Revision (1) Have a dictation 1. a weekly round-up 2. up-to-date information 3. cover different sports 4. such as 5. be covered live 6. this coming Saturday 7. vote online for 8. will be announced 9. send text messages to 10. wim two free concert tickets 11. murder in a country house 12. take a close look at the Asian tiger 13. face much danger 14. interview 15. presentation 16. director 17. dead 18. disappear 19. scene 20. attend (2) Retell the passage one by oneStep 2. Read Read the whole passage carefully, then try to tell the students the TV guide with their own words. Step 3. Practice Which TV programme is your favourite? Can you choose to watch all your favourite TV programmes? There are four TV programmes, Please recommend the most suitable Saturday TV programmes to Millie and her friends according to their different demands of Part D on page 63.Name of the TV programmeTimeMain idea Sports World 10 a.m. 11.30 a.m. Hear a weekly round-up of what is happening in sportBeijing Music Awards8 p.m. 10 p.m. A good show to watch Murder in a Country House7 p.m. 9.30 p.m. A horror film Tiger Watch 10.30 p.m. 11.30 p.m.About the life of Asian tiger1. The best TV programme for Millie is Murder in a Country House. (By inference, Millie cannot watch Tiger Watch, which starts at 10.30p.m.)2. The best TV programme for Simon is Sports World. (By inference, Simon cannot watch Beijing MusicAwards, which ends at 10 p.m.)3. The best TV programme for Amy is Beijing Music Awards. (By inference, Amy cannot watch Sports World, which is shown in the morning.) 4. The best TV programme for Andy is Tiger Watch. (By inference, Andy cannot watch Murder in a Country House, which ends at 9.30 p.m.)Step 4. Drill Ask students to prepare a short passage, then ask one of the students to recommend them a suitable TV programmes. Step 5. Read & Explain 1. director (n.) person in chare of a film, play, etc. who supervises and instructs the actors, camera crew and other staff. e.g. john Woo is a famous Hong Kong film director. 2. live (adv.) broadcast directly from an actual performance without being edited. e.g. The charity show is being shown live on TV. 3. presentation (n.) ceremony where something is given or presentede.g. He received an award for his acting at the presentation in Shanghai. 4. round-up (n.) summary e.g. I like to watch the news round-up before I go to bed. Step 6. Consolidation Millie and Amy are talking about what they watched on TV last night. Complete their conversation using words from the box. Please note that some words will not be used in the dialogue. announce, documentary, photography, presentation, Institute, round-up, director, mystery, awardMillie: Did you watch the 1 about sea life last night? The underwater 2 was very good. Amy: No. I wanted to watch it because I heard it won an 3 . However, my parents were watching a film by a famous French 4 at the time. Millie: What was it about? Amy: It was about a man who tried to use money to win an election. In the end, he is told off by his sister. Millie: It sounds interesting, but I prefer films with lots of 5 and suspense. Answers: 1. documentary 2. photography 3. award 4. director 5. mystery Step 7. Homework 1. Revise the whole passage 2. Translations: (1). 当你看到Tiger Watch 这档节目时,你能领略印度风光。 You can see _ India while _ Tiger Watch.(2). 你可能会发觉他有点紧张。 You may _ him _.(3). 他不介意坐在我旁边。 He doesnt _ next to _.(4). 请密切关注大熊猫。 Please _ the pandas.(5). 今天的报纸有很多最新的信息。 _ newspaper _ information


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