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    奇瑞 s18 电动汽车营销策划书Chery S18 electric vehicle marketing plan book 阴差阳错组The group - a strange combination of circumstances、策划概要One, planning overview 自成立之初,奇瑞就以“更安全、更节能、更环保”为理念,研发生产环保汽 车产品。从 2001 年开始,公司就以芜湖为基地,在全球范围内开始了新能源汽 车的研发工作。 2006 年以来,公司就在混合动力、燃料电池、灵活燃料以及传 统汽油机的节能环保技术等方面获得 30 多项技术突破,形成了新能源领域的全 方位技术研发体系。 2009年 1月,中国首款 BSG混合动力车, A5 BSG在奇瑞 公司首发,拉开了中国新能源技术民用化的大幕; 2 月,公司首台自主研发的 纯电动轿车 S18产品下线,最高车速可以达到 120Km/h,一次充电续驶里程可 以达到 120Km-150Km,真正实现零排放、零污染。Since its inception, Chery to "safer, more energy-saving, more environmental protection" as the concept of environmental protection, R & D and production of automotive products. From the beginning of 2001, the company is based in Wuhu, began a new energy automobile research and development work in the global scope. Since 2006, the company won the 30 many technological breakthroughs in the hybrid, fuel cell, fuel flexible and traditional gasoline engine energy saving and environmental protection technology, the formation of a full range of technical research and development system in the field of new energy. In 2009 January, China first BSG hybrid car, starting A5 BSG in Chery company, opened a new energy technology China civilian of the big screen; pure electric cars in February, the company first self-developed S18 products off the assembly line, the maximum speed can reach 120Km/h, a charging mileage can reach 120Km-150Km, truly realize the zero emission, zero pollution.奇瑞 S18电动汽车是在 S18整车平台上开发的一款高速纯电动轿车,整车搭载 了 336V 40Kw大功率电驱动系统,配备了 40Ah 高性能磷酸铁锂电池。充电对 消费者来说也非常的快捷和方便,利用 220V 民用充电即可,充电时间一般在 4-6 小时;也还可以进行快速充电,半个小时即可充到电池电量的80%。Chery S18 electric vehicle is developed in S18 vehicle platforms on a high-speed pure electric cars, the vehicle equipped with 336V 40Kw high power electric drive system, equipped with 40Ah high performance lithium iron phosphate battery. Charging for consumers is very fast and convenient, the use of 220V civil can be charged, the charging time is generally in 4-6 hours; can also make a rapid charging, half an hour to charge to the battery 80%.作为自主品牌汽车的领军者,早在 2001 年奇瑞就开始了电动汽车研究,在电动 汽车关键零部件和核心技术方面,已经形成一整套关键零部件研发能力,在电 机、电机驱动系统、 DC/DC、先进动力电池、电池管理系统、整车控制器等方 面都初步形成了批量生产能力,掌握了电动汽车开发的核心技术、标定技术和 试验验证技术。同时,有丰富的产品线作为搭建节能环保汽车的平台,使奇瑞 节能环保汽车更易于走向市场,走向家庭,这是奇瑞汽车的另一个优势。As the independent brand automobile leader, as early as in 2001, Chery began research in electric vehicles, electric vehicle key parts and the core technology, has formed a complete set of key parts and components research and development ability, in the motor, motor drive system, DC/DC, advanced power battery, battery management system, vehicle controller and other aspects of the initial formation of the the ability to mass production, mastered the core technology, calibration of the development of electric vehicle technology and test technology. At the same time, has the rich product line as the building energy saving and environmental protection car platform, make Chery energy-saving environment-friendly vehicle easier to move toward the market, to the family, this is another advantage of Chery automobile. 但是面对激烈的市场竞争要想让奇瑞 s18 走进千家万户,还是要有一份完善的 营销策划来推动,以下就是我们为奇瑞 s18 所做的营销策划。But in the face of the fierce market competition to let Chery S18 into thousands of households, or to have a perfect marketing plan to promote, the following is our Chery S18 do marketing planning.二、环境分析Two, environmental analysis(一) 行业分析(a) the industry analysis 能源危机和日益严重的环境污染使汽车技术正经历着燃料多元化、动力电气化 等重大技术变革。具有高效节能、低排放或零排放优势的电动汽车受到世界各 国的广泛重视。The energy crisis and the increasingly serious environmental pollution makes the automobile technology is going through a major technological change fuel diversification, dynamic electrification etc. Electric vehicle with high efficiency and energy saving, low emission or zero emission advantage received extensive attention all over the world. AP在我国,大都市都普遍存在着十分严重的交通问题和汽车尾气排放污染问题。 而且 2001 年,新能源动力汽车研究项目被列入国家“十五”期间的“ 863”重 大科技课题。作为一种小型、中速和短途的日常交通工具,电动汽车是十分理 想的,其在我国有着得天独厚的发展条件和广阔的应用前景。In our country, the metropolis is a widespread problem of traffic and exhaust emission pollution is a serious problem in the car. But in 2001, the new energy vehicle research project has been included in the national "fifteen" during the "863" major science and technology project. As the daily traffic tool of a kind of small, medium and short distance, the electric car is very ideal, the conditions be richly endowed by nature in the development and wide application prospect in our country.(二) 市场需求分析(two) the market demand analysis 上海作为国内最具代表性的区域汽车市场之一,借世博的契机,打造低碳城 市。那么电动汽车将受到追捧,未来五年内销量可望达到新车总销量的5。在世博园区有兆瓦太阳能发电机组容量,是全国目前最大、最集中的装机容量 所在地。Shanghai regional domestic auto market as one of the most representative, through the Expo opportunity, creating a low carbon city. Electric cars will be sought after, the next five years sales is expected to reach 5% of the total sales of new cars. There are megawatt solar power unit capacity in the Expo Park, is the largest and most concentrated installed capacity is located.(三) 消费者分析(three) consumer analysis目前油价一涨再涨 ,普通老百姓根本养不起轿车 .The current oil price rises again, ordinary people simply can't afford to keep a car. 年收入在五万以上十万元以内的家庭在中国占了大部分 ,电动轿车正适合这部分 人群 ,每年养车的开支才两三千 ,基本上大部分的人群都能接受这个开支 .。In the fifty thousand annual income of more than one hundred thousand yuan less than the family accounts for most in China, electric cars are suitable for this part of the crowd, every car expenses was two thousand or three thousand, basically most of the crowd can accept this spending.电池续航里程是其中最大的问题, 69的用户表明续航里程不足是他们不想购 买电动汽车的主要原因。另外两项顾虑是充电便利性和电池的维修更换。Battery range is one of the biggest problems, 69% of the users that the mileage of deficiency is the main reason they don't want to buy electric cars. The other two concern is the convenience and battery charging maintenance and replacement.(四)自身与竞争对手性能分析(four) the analysis of their own and competitor performance车型 电池 最高车速(单位: Km/h) 充电时间(单位:小时) 续航(单 位: km 售价(单位Vehicle battery maximum speed (unit: Km/h) charging time (hours) endurance (unit: km price (unit:万)Million):奇瑞 S18 40Ah 高性能磷酸铁锂Chery S18 40Ah high performance lithium iron phosphate120 4-6 120-1507120 4-6 120-150 7吉利 EK-1 铅酸蓄605 60 <10Geely EK-1 lead-acid storage 60560 < 10比亚迪 E6 “ ET-POWER”铁动力160 400 >20The BYD E6 "ET-POWER" iron power 160400 > 20众泰 2008EV 聚合物锂离子动力 110 8 200Zotye 2008EV polymer lithium ion power(五)竞争对手分析(five) the competitor analysis1 比亚迪1 BYD比亚迪作为中国新能源汽车开发的代表,以新能源车“三剑客”F3DM、F6DM、e6 领军,比亚迪的在整车制造、模具开发、车型研发等方面都达到了 国际领先水平,产业格局日渐完善。其电动车最大的特点是采用铁电池,续航 能力强。该电池循环充电次数可达 2000以上,电池的持续里程寿命大于 60 万 公里,设计成熟,性能良好。但是价格比较高。BYD as the representative of Chinese new energy vehicle development, new energy car "the Three Musketeers" F3DM, F6DM, E6 leader, BYD in the vehicle manufacturing, mold development, R & D and so on have reached the international advanced level, gradually improve the industrial pattern. The electric vehicle maximum is characterized by the use of iron battery, endurance ability. The battery charge cycles can reach more than 2000, the battery life continued mileage is more than 600000 kilometers, the design is mature, good performance. But the price is relatively high.2 吉利Geely 2吉利熊猫版及 EK-1等,设计富有特点,吸收熊猫的设计元素,动力系统结构极 大的简化,重量也有效降低。保养低价等,但续航能力不高,最大时速也低。Geely panda version and EK-1, design rich features, design elements absorption panda, simplify the great power system structure, the weight is reduced effectively. Maintenance of low-cost, but life is not high, the maximum speed is low.3 众泰3 Thai people 众泰电动车价格合理,续航能力较强,配置了车载充电机,可选择家用电源充 电模式或快速充电模式进行充电。但体积笨重,电池组成部分也大而重,充电 时间也需长时间,Zhongtai electric vehicle reasonable price range capability, configuration of the onboard charger, can choose home power charging mode or fast charge mode for charging. But the bulky battery components are big and heavy, it may take a long time for charging time,(六) SWOT分析(six) SWOT analysis1 优势The 1 advantage 作为自主品牌汽车的领军者,在电动汽车关键零部件和核心技术方面,已经形 成一整套关键零部件研发能力,在电机、电机驱动系统、 DC/DC、先进动力电 池、电池管理系统、整车控制器等方面都初步形成了批量生产能力,掌握了电 动汽车开发的核心技术、标定技术和试验验证技术,并且还有丰富的产品线作 为搭建节能环保汽车的平台。本身品牌形象也好, S18续航能力较强,充电时 间短,价格低,而且还有政府补贴的有利条件。As the independent brand automobile leader, in the electric vehicle key parts and the core technology, has formed a complete set of key parts and components research and development ability, in the motor, motor drive system, DC/DC, advanced power battery, battery management system, vehicle controller and other aspects of the initial formation of the ability of mass production, mastered the core technology, electric calibration vehicle development technology and test techniques, and a rich product line as the building energy saving and environmental protection car platform. Own brand or image, S18 range capability, short charging time, low price, but also the favorable conditions of government subsidies.2 劣势The 2 disadvantage 是新产品尚未开发市场,不为广大消费者熟悉,而且是国内比较早的纯电力电 动汽车,在顾客心中尚不能赢得太高的忠诚度和信任度。且政府补贴范围局 限,在某些方面不利于他的进一步发展。Is not yet developed market new products, for the vast number of consumers are not familiar with, but also is the earlier of the pure electric vehicle power, to win the loyalty and trust too high in the minds of consumers is not. The scope of government subsidies and limitations, in some respects to his further development.3 机会3 chance 新型能源的汽车正开始兴起,上海也致力打造低碳城市,我国首届世博会于五 一在上海开幕,其主题为城市让生活更美好,也推进了我们 S18的推广了,市 场潜力很大,政府的新能源补贴政策也将鼓动,购买电动汽车的风潮。New energy vehicles are beginning to rise, Shanghai is committed to building a low carbon city, in China the first World Expo in five one opened in Shanghai, the theme of better city better life, also promote the extension of our S18, great market potential, the government's new energy subsidies will also be encouraged to buy electric cars, the agitation.4 威胁The 4 threat整个市场容量是有限的,各汽车公司都在开发电动汽车,涌向电动汽车,竞争 激烈,纯动力电动汽车,技术方面并不是处于领先地位,稍显不足,而且在竞 争如此激烈的时代,很容易被更新换代,淘汰出市场。The entire market capacity is limited, every automobile company in the development of the electric car, to electric cars, competition is intense, pure electric vehicle driving force, technology is not in a leading position, slightly less, but in the competitive era, it is easy to be updated, out of the market.三、营销战略Three, marketing strategy(一) 市场细分(a) market segmentation( 1)国内电动车市场:“环保”、“节能“ 、很多的电动汽车型号没能突出 整个电动汽车行业,没体现自己与它人的差异性,且缺乏纯电动车,价格昂 贵。(1) domestic car market: "green", "energy saving", a lot of electric car model can not highlight the entire electric vehicle industry, did not reflect the difference of itself with its people, and lack of pure electric vehicles, the price is expensive.( 2)新一代的消费群体: 在以低廉的价格来争取消费者时,同样采用世界先 进的技术。面对城市消费群体,主要针对城市中低收入家庭,当今人们的环保 意识逐渐被唤起,未来环保节能型的汽车市场潜力巨大。(2) a new generation of consumer groups: at a low price to win consumers, also adopts the world advanced technology. The face of urban consumer groups, mainly for urban low-income families, the people's awareness of environmental protection is gradually arousing, the future of environmental protection and energy saving of automobile market has great potential.(二) 目标市场(two) the target market城市环保爱好者,倡导低碳生活的,中低收入家庭。Urban environmental enthusiast, advocate low carbon life, low income family.(三) 市场定位(three) market positioning 购买价格、更经济、更环保、节能,且电池高能量,长寿命,技术较为成熟。The purchase price, the more economic, environmental protection, energy saving, and the battery with high energy, long life, mature technology.四、营销组合策略Four, marketing combination strategy(一) 产品策略(a) product strategy1、产品立足点:多年长期的品牌,信誉资产的积累,为其推广新产品,提供后 盾,并且借组世博,低碳概念的推广,作为助力。1, product standpoint: long term brand, the credibility of the accumulation of assets, to provide backing for the promotion of new products, and by the World Expo, promote low carbon concept, as power.2、名称设计:策略推出“弯道超车”和“低价新能源”概念2, name design: strategy launched "corner overtaking" and "low-cost new energy" concept.3、产品卖点:强调体现其零排放、零污染、产品购买价格低、且电池使用和汽车充电行驶方面的高性能,还可通过家庭可充电标准电源充电。3, product selling point: emphasizing its zero emission, zero pollution, low purchase price, and the battery and the vehicle charging high performance driving aspects, also can charge the rechargeable power supply through the family standard.(二) 价格策略(two) the price strategy 奇瑞售价是七万元,比其他同类产品价格较低,并且国家可能还会有所补贴, 所以消费者实际付款将低于七万,在价格上具有很大的优势。主要是针对中低 收入的城市家庭,实行低价市场大范围渗透策略。Chery price is seventy thousand yuan, than other similar products the price is low, and the country may be subsidies, so consumers actual payment will be lower than seventy thousand, has great advantages in terms of price. Is mainly targeted at the low-income urban families, the implementation of low-cost market on a large scale penetration strategy.(三) 渠道策略(three) the channel strategy以“自建店 +商超店中店 +加盟店”方式,低成本迅速扩张,并沿用 2005 年年 初的分网销售模式,将旗下不同品牌或车型的汽车,授权给不同经销商进行独 立销售。继续加大其 4S 店集群的建设,其功能在原本功能完备的 4S 店外,继 续向外延伸,为用户提供更多,如充电基站,电池维护等多方面的服务。"Self built store + super shop + franchise" mode, low cost rapid expansion, and continue to use net sales mode at the beginning of 2005, the car of different brands or models under different distributors, authorized to carry out independent sales. Continue to increase the construction of its 4S store cluster and its function in the original function of complete 4S shop, to continue to extend outward, to provide more for the user, such as charging station, battery maintenance and other aspects of the service.(四) 促销策略(four) the promotion strategy1、广告促销1, advertising sales promotion在央视、还有上海比较亲近大众人群的地方电视台投放广告,亮出“低碳新 生活,环保新主张的,我的奇瑞 S18”的广告语;同时在网络上进行宣传,进 行病毒式的广告视频传播,扩大其知名度。In the CCTV and Shanghai close to the crowd in the local television advertising, feature the "new low carbon life, new environmental protection advocates, my Chery S18" advertising language; at the same time carries on the propaganda on the Internet, video advertising spreading viral, expand its visibility.2、多种促销方式并用2, a variety of promotional methods and use两万份设计、印刷得体的 DM 宣传单,迅速渗入社区,车载广告、电视广告、 网络视频嵌入式广告等多种促销方式并举。Twenty thousand parts design, printing the appropriate DM leaflets, quickly penetrate into the community, and mobile advertising, television advertising, network video embedded advertising and other promotional methods.3、公关活动引爆市场3, public relations activities off the market 针对即将举行的“世博会”活动,开展多样化的公关服务,加入世博会专用车 的行列,并与此同时,倡导节能,节水In view of the upcoming "Expo" activities, carrying out a variety of public relations services, join the Expo special car ranks, and at the same time, promote energy conservation, water saving4、营业推广4, sales promotion现场演示:在现场演示产品的特点,向消费者介绍产品的特点和其他各方面的 信息。并且让消费者亲自体验其产品特点。A live demonstration: in a live demonstration of product characteristics, introduced the characteristics of the products and other aspects of information to consumers. And let the consumer to personally experience the product characteristics.联合推广:通过与零售商的合作共同对产品进行促销。边展边销。Joint promotion: through the cooper


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