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    .动词词组1 He did not know how to fight, but he knocked the boxer_. (L 6)2 This flowerpot is broken, Who knocked it _?3 I knocked _ early yesterday and went to a football match.4 He usually knocks _at 6 o'clock, but today he's working late.5 Listen! Someone is knocking _ the window!6 Many athletes have entered _ the Olympic Games this year.(L8)7 Jansen set _ a new world record for the 400 metres. (L12)8 Captain Alison will set _ at eight o'clock.9 Tom and I set _ early in the morning.10 Will the person who took my ruler please give it _ to me?(L 18)11 When my children grew up, I gave all their toys_.12 I've given_ all my old furniture.13 When do we have to give_ our compositions?14 We were losing the battle but we did not give _.15 I gave _ smoking last year but I have just started again.16 Mrs. Bowers told her children to put their toys _and go to bed.(L 27)17 You can stay here tonight. We can put you _ in the spare room.18 I'm not ready yet. I haven't put my shoes_.19 'Open your exercise books and put _the following,' the teacher said.20 Father is putting _the fire he lit in the garden.21 When they have put _ that new building, it will spoil the view.22 I have put _my trip to Japan until next month.23 I am getting a divorce. I can't put _ him any longer.24 I called _ you five times yesterday. Were you out? (L34)25 It's too late to go to the pictures. Why don't we call the whole thing_?26 We called _ to him but he could not hear us.27 1 called _ the post office on my way to work.28 We shall be holding a party tomorrow. I am looking _it very much. (L37)29 Look _! You nearly knocked that jug over!30 They say he is very famous. I shall look him _ in 'Who's Who'.31 My friend Ingrid lives in Stockholm. Why don't you look her _when you're there?32 Examinations will be held next week. I'm not looking _ them.33 Have they put _that forest fire? (L48)34 Haven't you learnt how to look _ a word in the dictionary?35 I tried to call her _but her phone was out of order.36 Pick _ all those toys and put them _ .37 If you can't find a room at the hotel, I can put you_ .38 Look _! That bus nearly hit you!39 I'II pay _ the money I borrowed as soon as I can.40 I can't put_ those children any longer.41 He's so far ahead of you, you'll never catch_ him.42 We shall have to draw_ a new plan. (L64).43 When I recognized who he was I drew _in horror.44 The car drew_ outside the cinema.45 The teacher accepted the boy's apology and let him_. (L 65)46 He was going to lend me a policeman's uniform so that I could dress _ for the party, but he let me _.47 A big car drew _outside our house. (L72)48 You can't rely on him. He is sure to let you _.49 Don't let the children _ of the garden.50 We shall have to draw _ a new agreement.51 He was going to punish the boy, but he let him _.52 He has never got _his wife's death.(L74)53 How did the thief manage to get_ the house?54 Did you get _ your driving test?55 The lid is stuck. I can't get it _.56 He gets _ very well _all his new colleagues.57 Please stop talking and get _your work,' she said.58I think he kept_the meeting on purpose.(L78)59 Keep _the floor. I have just finished scrubbing it.60 He has just begun a diary. I wonder how long he will keep it _ .61 He kept _making the same mistake.62 We keep Tim _ of the room because Betty has measles.63 Most people spend their lives trying to keep _ _ their neighbours.64 Three children were kept_ after school for being noisy in class.65 Who will take_ when the present director leaves? (L79)66 As soon as he got into the lift he took his hat _.67 You shouldn't be taken _by stories like that.68 Last year he took _ Russian; now he's taking _ Chinese.69 None of my children takes _me.70 The new rocket will take _ from Cape Canaveral.71 'Please take _ this letter for me, Pamela,' the manager said.72 He takes people _so well he ought to go on the stage.73 What a lot of dirty plates! Who is going to wash _? (L82)74 Don't wear that hat. People will laugh _ you.75 The bridge was washed _ by the river.76 I ran _ an old friend of mine in a restaurant yesterday. (L88)77 While driving to work yesterday, I ran _petrol and had to walk to a garage.78 This car will have to be serviced as soon as it has been run_ .79 She's been taken to hospital. She was run _ by a car.80 I ran _ him, but I could not catch him.81 I lost my lecture notes and had to make _ a new set. (L91)82 l can't make _what you've written.83 When it got dark we made _home.84 My daughter often makes _ stories of her own.85 How can you make _all those lessons you missed?.答案:1-5outoveroff(下班) offat6-10forupoutoffback11-15awayawayininup16-20awayupondownout21-25upoffup with onoff26-30out,at,forward to, out, up31-35up, forward to, out , up,up36-40 up away, up, out ,back,up with41-45 up with, up, back, up off46-50 updown, up, down, out,up51-55off, over,into, through, off56-60 on with, on with,awayfrom, off, up61-65 on,out , up with,in, over66-70 off,in,upup,after,off71-75 down, off, up, at, away76-80 into, out of,in,over,after81-85 out, out,for,up, up for.固定搭配1 I withdrew a lot of money _the bank yesterday. (L 22)2 I refuse to comment_ his work.3 The waiter's tip is included _the bill.4 He congratulated me _having got engaged.5 This warm coat will protect you _the cold.6 Did anything emerge _your discussion?7 I dreamt _you last night.8 You can never rely_ him to be punctual.9 Nothing will prevent him _succeeding.10 Are you interested _music?11 I suppose I can count _ you for help _ this matter?12 Beware _the dog.13 He persisted _ asking questions.14 I insist_ your telling me the truth.15 It took me a long time to get rid _ him.16 Do you mean to say you have never heard _Beethoven?17 I separated them _each other because they were fighting.18 They can only cure him _ his illness if they operate _ him.19 You can depend _me.20 I haven't accused him _anything, but I suspect him _ having taken it.21 Whatever made you think _ such a thing?22 We expect a great deal _you, Smith.23 My hands smeIl _soap.24 They differ _each other so much.25 He invested a lot of money _ shipping.26 The film was based _ a novel by Dickens.27 Don't lean _ that shelf! You'll regret it.28 She often suffers _colds.29 We have embarked_ a new scheme.30 I believe _taking my time.31 Jones was dismissed _the firm.32 They began by experimenting _rats.33 Please concentrate _ what you are doing.34 She prides herself_ her clean house.35 The climber failed _his attempt to reach the summit.36 Many people escaped_ prisons during the last five years.37 We must economize _fuel.38 He's never done any work. He lives _his mother.39 He was employed _a factory before he joined the army.40 And what does this horrible drink consist _.41 I shall certainly act_ your advice.42 Don't write _the desk!43 You should not boast _our success.44 You must encourage him _his efforts.45 He should be instructed _his duties.46 Two or three people were involved _ the accident.47 Children should be prohibited_ smoking.48 l can assure you _ my support.49 Do you approve _ hunting?50 I despair_ ever teaching him anything!51 Has this play ever been performed _the stage?52 I warned him _the danger, but he wouldn't listen to me.53 How much have you borrowed _ me already?54 He delights_ annoying me.55 I don't agree _you. (L46)56 She preferred_ wait _him.57 We have been corresponding _ each other for years.58 How do you account _this?59 Do you object _my smoking?60 I'm surprised _ you!61 You must reply _his letter.62 He has some important business to attend_.63 Do you mean to say you exchanged that lovely car _this?64 Has it occurred _you that she must have arrived _ London Airport bynow?65 I was shocked _ his indifference!66 You must comply _the rules of the game.67 Poor Mary! She has so much to cope _.68Please don't mention it_ my husband, but I paid 50 _this hat.69 She was quite unprepared _the news.70 Don't blame me _the accident!71 I'm disgusted _ your behavior!72 You forgot to thank Aunt Jane _her present.73 lt is rude to stare_ people.74 I'm not satisfied _your work.75 His debt now amounts_$100!76 Mix the contents of this packet _alittle water.77 I knocked_ the door.78 Whom does this book belong_?79 I reasoned _him, but he would not listen _me.80 She's accustomed _ living in comfort. She'll never part_ her precious possessions.81 At what time will you call _me?82 The spy Surrendered himself _ the enemy and was condemned _death.83 I've looked _it everywhere, but l can't find it.84 I'll see_ the cooking tonight.85 I must apologize _ keeping you waiting.86 The class failed to respond _ the teacher's new methods.87 He turned _me for help, even after I had quarreled._ him.88 Like Micawber, I hope _ something better.89 Please apply _the secretary for information.90 There was a note attached_ the parcel.91 Just guess _the price of this carpet.92 How long have you been working _ this exercise?93 The concert began _a piece by an unknown composer.94 How much did they charge you _that?95 George is jealous _ his younger sister. (L70)96 She is well-qualified _languages and very efficient _her work.97 We are fortunate _ having sufficient supplies of fuel _the winter.98 Contrary _ my expectations, there wasre no need to be uneasy_the results of the match.99 I am not familiar _his novels and not very keen _reading them.100 I know he is slow _understanding, but you have to be patient _ him.101 It is obvious _everyone that he is not responsible_ this mistake.102 I think he's quite honest _his intentions.103 He is not only indifferent _other people; he is often extremely rude_them as well.104 I'm not very fond _ dancing.105 Children remain dependent _their parents for a long time.106 I should be grateful _any advice you can give.107 He is not different _anyone else.108 He may be quick _understanding, but he's not capable_remembering anything.109 He is intent _ passing the examination, but I'm doubtful _his chances.110 He says he's sorry _what he did, so don't get angry _him.111 I've never been good _arithmetic.112 That boy is far ahead_ everyone else in the class.113 Even though he was often cruel _ his dog, it remained faithful _him.114 Your conclusions are not consistent _the facts.115 This diary will prove useful _you.116 I'm not sure _the exact date, but I think he arrived here in 1993.117 He was found guilty _great many crimes.118 You should not be so sensitive _criticism.119 This passport is valid _all countries.120 Many people do not approve _blood sports. (L94)121 He was found guilty _murder and condemned _death.122 Has it ever occurred _ you that those twins are quite different_ each other in many ways?123 I consulted my lawyer _the matter and I shall act _his advice.124 It is impossible to prevent them _ quarrelling _ each other.125 He is responding _treatment and will soon be cured _ his illness.126 Even though he is thirty-five, he lives _ his mother and is completely dependent _her.127 I tried to reason _him, but he was very rude_ me.128 I am grateful _ you for being so patient _ him.129 He might be good _ his job, but you can't rely _him.130 I am thinking _ looking _ a new job.131 lf you interfere _other people's affairs, you will regret it.132 Do you believe _all that nonsense?133 It should be obvious _you that if you persist _bothering him, he will getangry _you.134 You demand too much _him; he is not really equal_ the task.135 Don't be so sure _ yourself!136 He has provided _every emergency.137 l was afraid _mentioning it _ him.138 Don't blame him _ this; I am responsible_ what has happened.139 He is so keen_ learning, you should encourage him _ his efforts.140 Beware _ people who appear to be enthusiastic _ your success.141 I appealed _ him for help.142 I am sorry _having asked him. I was shocked _his refusal.143 Are you interested -_ opera?144 Are you aware _ the difficulties that lie ahead _ you?145 He's entitled _a pension, but he won't dream _ retiring yet.146 Who is going to pay _ the damage?147 This car is inferior _the one I bought last year.148 I'm afraid I can't comment _your work just yet.149 She may pride herself _ her abilities, but she's not capable _ bringing u


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