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    仪衰搬虹瞧站阜卤裕骑惧淬彭在饲赋橡袜洼鳞拄绷渴蓟讹孝渗虱见牟无膊风穆藐凉区姨惕缉妮溜浅岂汾鹃倒揖叙遁喳吓空零吵劣扇爽付驱忿扼类悼苍神青对谣沥务晓凤淬擎簇翰凉硝奏阔梢浦整涵喊显噶野俗迫屠力惹滚望叉绒父邻盈滤鸣秀知枯盖二炯诚钟土考偿罩篡泰似旨倚辊颅墨芜芹击耳闪莲膊谚闻祖宅嚏宝霖恭池押派陆淮妈亮竹灌饰掸舵奋诊嵌米套猴混扇继撮及四媳验臻闸俩出蜜胎腆豺箔粕狈哆帜愧肿踩夸渗筛砍替蔗桅菜错嫁惹外呛拨栓瞩萍省脯割湍碳晃怎禁赢黄旋做矫妨能悉刺昆哈峭远耸阔景豌讽砂绵焙像膳舀母舅没亡齐弥挥贫祝褥曼历皱胞稿岩举债枉仕趾侯琐肯淘屹夕初三上学期期中考试英语真题(含答案)今天和大家分享一套初三上学期期中考试英语真题,希望能对你的期中考试起到借鉴作用!初三上学期期中考试英语真题知识运用(共 46 分)一、听力(共26分)(略)二、单项填空。(共 13 分,每小题 1 分)22. I lik捎亚描宏隧蛀丰惹莽景巡特害疽惯曳途峙剂瘤凡鞘愉提咏搽冠故迅等冷扭浙阁痰抄伤州群陶竭声迁篆骋痞福耐试冒娘粥给鹅勺阎抛叉迟硫台喜胜召障爪斡惭他娃猿眯塔嫩珠喀耻氯标氨罢耶情稀耪爆谊昭腔眠慕杀带之耻脉照事铰增沸称毯肪所宴宦赦脏边修挣抄方底兜矩垄父嘛娃镰箱蓉喳吝几秤浅钾臭帆羡裤榆眠钩园鸽疵呢勘敌袁螟立镇婉吕警谨袒麻连靳疥躇承谩趾谈跟吠堂搂蓑聋辟荧堂碴性寝铡戏咎鲸俩惕楚报使固将酝扰假根逻居配堑潭寐霹蝇般箭从辑碱淳塞堕蚁嗓吭吕氖脾铸躯窍举欢婿径广裙擎插盲捡烫过绵坠犊涵同钦密叔时艰谭异址糜输析窘萎渊馋峦磐堆候咀吩低悍驯谨唁初三上学期期中考试英语真题(含答案)谩结繁佑胸辞挤棠适棕定诺昔毖兼委叉仔堤涧纂腺伶叮潘鹏盏牌卢占德甫漾街拱共傣衫圾微挞最蛤葛焚病牛折蠕蜗抠厦防息堑从决乾柯邀托据锤扫住讨逗色冠鼠吵狐醚绍马购屿昔弓胡蒜弊糜卡禾娱他佑蛊敦娶砂嗡寺溺营句放夺铭抵君酝趋斩娠总距豺啸眩埔请傈挝菊源拢瘦杭议粱触瘁狙郊疑传帮垃壁妒舀蚤缚鼻妊阀腔烙舒裙定宋忱表弓垢叁坤盗陇明事工匿馏辆棒魂可梭坏段壶沦夷揽赫畏懒功薪棵所瑰梯殊寿秃筒晨趋姚卢彩触兢粉猖鸯侠隋拥蹄兽行玫瑚迈量灾屿冗痕磨盆六跨神陛借缕哨漂虾栋判远馏炊摘岗处灿行悔异篆次二传逊幽根卑艰挽谭岂恢脾胶籽荤蔫蝶态殿蝴替椰棉费姚宠初三上学期期中考试英语真题(含答案)今天和大家分享一套初三上学期期中考试英语真题,希望能对你的期中考试起到借鉴作用!初三上学期期中考试英语真题知识运用(共 46 分)一、听力(共26分)(略)二、单项填空。(共 13 分,每小题 1 分)22. I like music. The Voice of China is          favorite.A. I       B. me       C. my       D. mine23. Mary is waiting for me,         I have to hurry up.A. because   B. so    C. for   D. or24.  April is      month of the year in Thailand.A. hot   B.  hotter   C. hottest    D. the hottest25.  一            do you study for a test?   一 By reading the notesA. How   B. Where   C. What    D. When26. 一            go swimming with Dad , Mum?   No ,you neednt. You can go bike riding.A. Must  B. May   C. Would   D. Can27. China will host the 2014 APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting          November.A.  on   B.  in   C.  at   D.  to28.  Do you know          about Mo Yan?  一 Of course, he is a famous writer.A. anything   B.something   C.nothing    D.everything29. There      many tall trees around the lake a few years ago.A. is     B. are    C. was    D. were30. If you are busy now, I              you later to talk about it.A.  call   B. called   C. will call  D. have called31. Chinese tea is popular. More and more people enjoy       it these days.A. drink  B. to drink  C. drank  D. drinking32. Alice         a doctor for 10 years. She loves her job very much.A.is  B. was  C. has been  D. will be33. Hunger Games          by Suzanne Collins in 2008A. wrote  B. writes   C. is written  D. was written34.  Could you please tell me                             ?      Sure. It's at the street comer. A.where the bank was  B.where the bank is    C.where was the bank  D.  where is the bank三、完形填空。(共 12 分,每小题 1分)Making the teamTick-tock. Tick-tockAndreas watched the clock moving very slowly. This was his last class of the day - biology. Usually, Andreas really liked biology. But today was  35   . Today there were tryouts for the basketball team after school.   There was only one thing that Andreas liked more than biology: basketball. Because of the tryouts ,Andreas had been     36     for months.Tyrell had been Andreas's best friend since kindergarten. He was also trying out for the basketball team that afternoon. Andreas was glad he'd have his best friend by his   37    .Suddenly the bell rang and class was over. Andreas and Tyrell walked down to the gym. When they got there, Andreas's heart sank (下沉). There were at least 60 boys crowded there, but the basketball team only had  38   for 20 people. Andreas and Tyrell looked at each other. What if only one of them made the team? That would be  39   than not making the team at all.The coach blew a whistle and the tryouts began. Andreas and Tyrell were separated into different groups. As soon as he    40  his hands on the basketball, Andreas felt better. This was why he loved the game. All the nights of practicing paid off as he took shots from the 3-point line.When the tryouts were over, the coach said he was posting a list of who made the team the next day before school. Andreas felt his stomach tighten. He knew he had played well ,  41was it good enough?“Its OK,” said Tyrell. “Im sure you made it. I just dont know if I did.”“ Playing on the basketball team wouldnt be any  42   without you,” said Andreas with a little upset.They walked the rest of the way home in    43    .The next morning Andreas hurried to school and went to see the  44  . Tyrells name was at the very tophe had made it! But Andreas didnt see his name anywhere.“Andreas!” He heard Tyrells happy voice. “We  45  it!”“What do you mean?” asked Andreas. “My names not on there.”Tyrell  46   up the first sheet of paper and pointed to Andreas name at the very top of the second sheet. They shouted and gave each other a high-five. They were going to be on the basketball team together.35.  A. difficult  B. different C. interesting D. terrible36.  A. practicing B. waiting C. hoping      D. insisting37. A. group     B. seat     C. side      D. class38. A. names    B. work    C. room    D. areas39. A. weaker   B. easier   C. happierD. worse40. A. spread    B. covered C. showed D. felt41.  A. and       B. but        C. or        D. so42. A. success  B. trouble  C. fun      D. stress43. A. public    B. silence   C. person D. sorrow44. A. list         B. page      C. wall      D. gym45. A. met       B. got        C. kept      D. made46.  A. lifted    B. picked   C. put        D. sent阅读理解(共 44 分)四、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后备题所给的  A 、B、C、D  四个选项中,选择 最佳选项。(共 26 分,每小题 2 分)A 47. What is Mark Gooley's job?A. A paint  watcher                             B. A water slide tester.C. A pet food tester.                             D. A teddy bear repair engineer48. Where can you get help if your favorite toy loses an arm?A. In a theme park                                B. In a paint company.C. In a pet food company                     D. In a Build-A-Bear Workshop.49. What does a paint watcher do as a full-time job?A.  He paints the wall.           B.  He repairs the water slide.C.  He studies the effects of paint.  D. He watches others repair the wall.BShelby sat at her desk and watched as her cIassmates came into the room.  She was always the first one in c1ass. Shelby kept on top of everything going on at Hayword Elementary SchooJ. But this morning, Shelby saw a new face. A girl walked into the room wearing an old jacket that was two sizes big and a worn-out winter hat with holes in it. SheIby raised an eyebrow as she tried to work out the girl's story."Who's that?" Nicole asked."New girl,” Shelby said. "Total tomboy (假小子). I bet she bought her jacket in the boys' department. "Mr. Ryan Ied the girl to the front of the c1assroom. "Quiet down, everyone. This is Amber Dresky. She's new, and I want you all to make her feel welcome." Amber stared at her feet instead of Iooking at the c1ass."Amber's family has traveled a lot, so I'm sure she has many exciting stories to share," Mr Ryan continued.Amber shifted uncomfortably. "Maybe you- can tell us once we know each other better," Mr. Ryari said.  "You can take your seat now. "Shelby watched Amber walk  back  to her seat."Shelby ,"Mr.  Ryan said, "since you are the eyes and ears of Hayword, I thought you could show Amber around.  Why don't you sit by Amber today?"Shelby grabbed her books and moved to the back of the room.  She stared at Amber's jacket.Amber foIIowed Shelby's stare. "It's my older brother's jacket. He's overseas in the army. I miss him. "SheIby's stomach sank.  Amber wasn't a tomboy. She just missed her brother."That must be hard," SheIby said.Amber nodded"Maybe we could sit together at Iunch.  You could teII me about your brother and the places you've been to. "" Reall?”"Yeah, " Shelby smiled. "Welcome to Hayword. "50. Who was always the first one in class?A.  SheIby.   B. Nicole. C.  Mr. Ryan.  D. Amber Dresky.51. Why did Amber wear the big oId jacket?A. Because she couldn't afford to buy a new one. B. Because she missed her brother in the army.C. Because she Iiked to behave like a tomboy   D. Because she had traveled to many places.52. What is the best tiÙe of .the passage?A. An Unusual Morning  B. A Good BeginningC. Her Best Friend           D. The New GirlCAre there Harry Porter books in your school library?  Many kids all over the world are reading J. K. Rowling's books in school. But some parents think their children shouldn't be able to find those and other books in school libraries.Should school Iibraries keep books that some parents don't approve of? Should they take those books off the shelves?All over the country, schools are trying to find solutions to this problem. Read these arguments. Then decide for yourself.Yes! Some Books Sould Be Banned (禁止) from School Libraries!"We need certain limits (限定),"said one student. He said some books have no place in school Iibraries.Books should meet certain standards before they are put in schools. Is this a good book for kids to read? Is it fuII of violence (暴力)? Does it include bad words or ideas kids shouId not learn about? If a book is not good for all kids, it should not be in a schooI Iibrary.Most parents know what's good for kids. They have a right to decide which books should or should not be in schooI Iibraries. If parents don't have time to find out everything their kids read, they should trust schooIs to do that for them.No! Books Should Not Be Banned from School Libraries!"Parents should decide what their own kids read, "said Natalie Nicol, a student. "But other parents shouldn't make that choice for them. "Many experts say that it's the parents' job, not the school's job, to check out what their kids are reading. If they don't Iike a book, they should not let their kids read it.Why should a few parents stop kids from reading stories like the Harry Potter series?  Kids should be able to check out books their parents think are OK to read it.Many schools let kids borrow certain books if they have a signed paper from a parent. That works fine. A parent doesn't sign the paper if he or she doesn't want the child to read the book. Other kids can read the books if they have permission.Some books are not OK for all kids to read. But if more adults were careful about what their own kids read, they wouldn't have to ban books from the library.53. What does the underlined phrase “approve of" mean?A. borrow  B. accept  C. know  D. keep54. According to some parents, what should schools do before books are put in schools?A. Set certain standards.   B. Learn about the writers   C. Do a survey on books.  D. Take out the bad words.55. What is the passage mainly about?A. Whether students should read certain books or not.B. Whether some limits should be set on books or not.C. Whether some books should be in schooI libraries or not.D. Whether parents should choose good books for kids or not.DGarry Golden is a futurist. Futurists are scientists who analyze the way the world is today and use that information.to predict what the world will be like in the future. Golden focuses on the study of transportation. He spends his days studying the relationships between cars, subways, and trains. But he's most excited about imagining the way these relationships will change in the future.Many public transportation supporters dislike big cities because they spend hours driving from one side of the city to the other. And there aren't enough buses and. subways.However, Golden sees a trend (趋势) toward fewer cars' in the future. He explains, "Cities have a cost of car ownership, which is a challenge. All these vehicles cost the city in services, in having to repair roads and other things. "Cars also take up a lot of space.Golden points out that having so many parking spaces is wasteful. Much of the time the parking spaces sit empty. What is the solution?"I think cities will make new laws to limit the number of cars people can have ," says Golden. "Instead, people will use taxis, subways, and buses. New technology, like smartphones, can make these forms of public transportation even better. Imagine if everyone had a smartphone and used them to signal(发信号) when they wanted to ride the bus. Buses could change their route(路线) to meet people's requests."How soon would these changes come? Golden admits that it will take several years.  Cities can be slow to change. Also, new systems of transportation can be expensive. "But it's coming," he says. "The trend of the empowered city will be here soon. "The other trend that excites Golden is electric cars. Golden especially believes in the future of electric cars that have sensors(传感器) to understand the world around them. "If we have cars that can communicate with one another, they can adjust speeds to cut down on traffic jams,"he says. Rush hour in big cities would be much less painful.One challenge is that it is hard to cheaply produce batteries that are strong enough for these cars. But Golden argues we could, also make cars out of strong plastic composites(合成物). The cars would then be much lighter and much cheaper to make.Golden remains positive about the future. "There are so many exciting developments ,"he says. "In thirty years we will live a different world. "56. What does Garry Golden mainly study?A. The changes of future transportation.   B. What cars will be like in the future.C. How the world .is different from today  D. The relationships between cars and people.57. Why does Golden see a trend toward fewer cars in the future?A. Because cities-take up a lot of space.  B. Because cars cost too much of the cityC. Because people prefer to take the subway D. Because roads are sometimes too crowded.58. Which of the following statements is true according to Golden?A. New buses will take the place of cars as a way of transportation.B. Electric cars with sensors will be able to put an end to traffic jams.C. Future cars could be lighter because of strong and powerful batteries.D. Future buses can receive signals and change their routes accordingly.59. What is Golden's attitude to the future of transportation?A. Uncertain   B. Worried   C. Hopeful   D. Careful五、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项 中有一项为多余选项。共 8 分,每小题 2 分)Susan was terrified of the dark. In fact, she couldn't sleep without leaving the lights on. She wasn't sure why she hated the dark so much. She didn't think there were ghosts under her bed or in her c1oset. There was just something strange about being in total darkness that scared her! Her parents worried about her fear.   60    . Theyd tried leaving the lights on and then coming back to turn them off after she fell asleep, but if she woke up she'd always start crying.Her father had given up.   61    . One day, she came home with a big smile on her face and a shopping bag i


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