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    2017-2018学年尤溪七中高三第二次“周学习清单”反馈测试英语试题时间:60分钟 总分:100分一、根据汉语意思写出单词:(共15小题,每小题1分)1.命令;指令;掌握 .本国的;本土 _.官方的;正式的 .请求;要求 _.词语;表示;表达 .辨认出;承认 _.直接;挺直 . 实际上;事实上 _ . 实际上;事实上 10. 航行;航海_ 11闪电 12. 使用;用法;词语惯用法_ 13流利的;流畅的 14. 口音;腔调;重音 _ 15. 本身;本体;身份_二. 根据汉语提示,完成句子 (共30分,每空1分)16. 当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是.It _ more _ German than the English we speak _ _ .17. 我们应该充分利用我们的时间去学习。We should_ _ _ _ our time to study.18. 因为天气不好, 运动会将不得不推迟到下周。The sports meeting had to be put off till next week _ _ the bad weather.19. 昨天会上提出了一项新计划。A new plan _ _at the meeting yesterday.20.电脑在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色(起着重要的作用) Computers _important _ _ our daily life.21. 我喜欢运动,例如游泳、打篮球、跑步。I like sports _ _ swimming, playing basketball and jogging.22. 随着时间推移,我注意到其中许多问题是重复的._ , I have noticed that many of the questions are repeated.23. 除英语外,他也精通俄语.Apart from English, he _ _ _ _ _ Russian.24.在早期,人们生活中没有电._ _ _ _ , people live without electricity.三.翻译下列句子(共15分,每句5分)25.如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多,他们有的把英语作为第一语言来说,有的把它作为第二语言或外语 ._26. 信不信由你, (世界上)没有什么标准英语._27. 以英语为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同, 也可以相互交流._四. 完形填空:(共30分,每小题1.5分)As we all know, eyes are considered as the window of the souls. Through one' s eyes, we can 28 sorrow, happiness or encouragement and many other 29 . Eyes are always one of the fastest and most direct organs to 30 our thoughts.     I still remember an 31 experience, which happened when I took part in a singing contest at the age of nine. It was the 32 of my mother's eyes that encouraged me to go for it. I had showed great 33 in singing before that. But I was too shy to sing in 34 . So one day my mother took me to 35 up for the singing contest. With my mother's 36 and encouragement, I was determined to meet that 37 . Standing on the stage, I suddenly found I became the 38 of all the eyes. I got so nervous that I couldn't even 39 my eyes open. When it was my turn to be introduced to the audience and sing, I became even more 40 . I felt my legs were shaking and my memory seemed 41 _, as I couldn't remember anything. Searching for help, I 42 my mother's eyes which were sparkling with encouragement and strong power. It seemed that they were 43 to me, "Come on, Baby! Take it easy. I'll 44 be with you!" I read the message through her eyes and at that moment I 45 my confidence and began to sing my song. When I came down from the stage, she came up to me and gave me a hug, saying, "Great! I'm 46 you!" At that time, I found her eyes filled with tears of 47 . Sometimes, you see, just the encouraging eyes themselves can make a shy person brave.28.A.feelB.findC.readD.cause29.A.sensesB.feelingsC.expressionsD.impressions30.A.improveB.sharpenC.repeatD.show31.A.unforgettableB.annoyingC.avoidableD.interesting32.A.viewB.glanceC.powerD.sight33.A.prideB.interestC.surpriseD.delight34.A.airB.schoolC.personD.public35.A.signB.hangC.joinD.stay36.A.cooperationB.respondC.companyD.control37.A.occasionB.difficultyC.changeD.challenge38.A.centerB.focusC.directionD.angle39.A.keepB.makeC.leaveD.have40.A.curiousB.seriousC.nervousD.anxious41.A.unlockedB.goneC.checkedD.recalled42.A.turnedB.openedC.missedD.met43.A.tellingB.passingC.speakingD.whistling44.A.usuallyB.evenC.almostD.always45.A.lostB.regainedC.revisedD.returned46.A.grateful toB.worried aboutC.strict withD.proud of47.A.joyB.sorrowC.mercyD.regret五.课文填空(共10分,每空1分) English is a language 48 (speak) all over the world. But at first the English spoken in England between about AD450 49 1150 was very 50 from the English spoken today. It was based more 51 German 52 the English we speak now, later English became less like German because new 53 (settle) enriched the English language and 54 ( it) vocabulary. So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a 55 (wide) vocabulary than ever before. Finally by 56 19th century the language was settled because dictionaries were 57 (write). 高三第二次“周学习清单”反馈测试英语试题参考答案一、根据汉语意思写出单词:(共15小题,每小题1分)1. command 2.native 3. official 4.resquest 5.expression6.recognize 7.straight 8.actually 9.gradual 10.voyage11.lightening 12.usuage 13. fluent 14.accent 15.identity二. 根据汉语提示,完成句子 (共30分,每空1分)16. was based on; at present 17. make full/good use of 18. because of19.came up 20.play an ; part in 21.such as 22.Over time23. has a good command of 24.In the early days三.翻译下列句子 (共15分,每句5分)25.Today, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before.26. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.27. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.四. 完形填空:(共30分,每小题1.5分)28.C    29.B    30.D     31.A     32.C    33.B    34.D    35.A    36.C    37.D    38.B     39.A    40.C     41.B     42.D    43.C    44.D    45.B    46.D    47.A  五.课文填空(共10分,每空1分)48.spoken 49.and 50.different 51.on 52. than 53.settlers 54.its 55.wider 56.the 57.written- 6 -


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