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    Unit 4,Section A 2d-3c,短语:Why dont you do? study too much get enough sleep too much homework free time to do things I like allow sb. To do hang out with sb. too many after-school classes got into a fight with,短语:你为什么不做某事呢?用功学习得到足够的睡眠太多的作业 做某事的自由时间我喜欢的事允许某人做某事和某人闲逛太多的课外活动课打架,短语: Whats wrong with? until midnight go to sleep earlier this eveningWrite him a letter write to sb. so that wait that long surprise sb. be good at doing on the phone,短语:怎么了?直到半夜睡早一点今晚给他写信写信给某人以便 于等那么久使某人惊讶擅长做某事在电话中,Some new words:,look through:快速查看;浏览 v. +prep.+sth.Look around 四处张望;look up 向上看,查找。Look after照看,照顾;look like看上去像;look for寻找;look at 看;look the same 看上去一样;I found my sister looking through my things yesterday.,guess: 猜测,估计 v. I guess you could tell her to say sorry.,deal n. 协议;交易; big deal重要的事。 为习语,用于口语。Its no bid deal.没什么大不了的。 How do you deal with sth.?你是怎么处理。的?Although shes wrong, its not a big deal.,Work out:成功 发展,解决 Hope things work out.,2d: 1. Dave and Kim are talking about Kims trouble. Dave is giving some advice. Read the conversation , and answer the questions:,Who has a problem? Whats wrong with him or her?,Kim has a problem. He found her sister looking through his things and took some of his new magazines and CDs.,Who is giving advice? Whats his /her advice?,Dave is giving advice. Kim could tell her to say sorry and forget about it so that they can be friends again.,2. Read again. And answer these questions:,How does Kim feel about her sister after her sister gave back the things?,He is still angry with her.,Does Dave think it is all right for Kims sister to take away Kims things? How do you know?,Dave said it was not very nice. So Dave thinks its not all right.,Does Dave think the two sisters have a serious problem? How do you know?,No. Because Dave said although she was wrong, itwas not a big deal.,What does Dave mean by saying “Hope things work out”?,Dave hopes that the two sisters can be friends again.,3. Listen to the tape and read along.,4. Practice in pairs.,排序,_ Hmmthats not very nice. Did she give them back to you?,_ You look sad, Kim. Whats wrong?,_ Youre right. Thanks for your advice.,_ Well, I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. She took some of my new magazines and CDs.,_ Yes, but Im still angry with her. What should I do?,_ Well, I guess you could tell her to say sorry. But why dont you forget about it so that you can be friends again? Although shes wrong, its not a big deal.,_ No problem. Hope things work out.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Dave: You look sad, Kim. Whats wrong?Kim: Well, I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. She took some of my new magazines and CDs.Dave: Hmmthats not very nice. Did she give them back to you?Kim: Yes, but Im still angry with her, What should I do?,1. Look sad:系动词+adj.; look, smell, sound, taste, feel, be, become, get , turn,2.询问他人怎么了?有什么问题吗?Whats wrong with ?=whats the matter with? =Whats the trouble with?,3. Look through 快速查看,浏览,4. Some of my new magazines: of结构做主语+三单谓语;of结构后的名词为复数,前须加限定词。,5. Be angry with=be mad at对。生气,戴夫:金,你看上去很难过的样子。 怎么啦?金: 唉,昨天我发现我妹妹翻我的东西,还把我的几本新要卖和光盘拿走了。戴夫: 噢。这可不太好。她还给你了吗?金:还了,但我还是生她的气,怎么办?,Dave: Well, I guess you could tell her to say sorry. But why dont you forget about it so that you can be friends again? Although shes wrong, its not a big deal. Kim: Youre right. Thanks for your advice.Dave: No problem. Hope things work out.,1. Tell sb. (not)to do sth. Tell sb. Sth.=tell sth. To sb. ;Tell stories. Say+所说的内容say sorry to sb. /say goodbye,2.Why dont you do ?= Why not do ?表建议;What /How about doing? Let sb. Do; Would you like to do ?,3. forget about sth. /forget to do /forget doing,4. So that以便 于 So that(not)如此。以致于(不),5. A big deal 一件重要的事,戴夫:哦,我觉得你可以要求她道歉。不过你不如忘了这件事算了。 这样你们又还是朋友。虽说她有错,但也没什么大不了的。戴夫: 也是啊!谢谢你的建议。金:不用谢,希望 一切都好。,6. Work out解决;成功的发展,look sad Whats wrong? find sb. doing/do look through some of my CDs be angry with tell sb. (not) to do sth. say sorry to sb. why dont you do? forget about it so that a big deal work out,看起来伤心怎么了?发现某人(正在)做某事浏览我的一些CD对。生气告诉某人(不)要做某事对某人说抱歉为什么不做某事呢?忘记某事以便 于一件重要的事解决, 成功地发展,Some new words:,1. get on well with 和睦相处;关系良好=get along (well) with,相处得不好: get on badly with.Be good with与相处融洽,My problem is that I cant get on well with my family.She cant get on with her sister.,2. relation n. 关系;联系;交往,Relations between my parents have become difficult.,3. Communication n. 交流,沟通,They fight a lot, and I really dont like it. Its the only communication they have.Communicate with sb.与某人交流,4. argue v. 争吵;争论,argue with sb. About sth.为某事与某人争吵,5. Cloud cn. 云;云朵 cloudy多云的,When they argue, its like a big, black cloud hanging over our home.,6. elder adj.年纪较长的 ;表长幼关系;只能做定语。old-elder-eldest; old-older-oldest年龄较大的,较老的,较旧的,Also, my elder brother is not very nice to me.而且我哥哥对我也不是很好。,7. instead adv. 代替;反而;却,修饰整个句子,做状语。位于句首或句末。Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night.相反,晚上无论 他想看什么就看到很晚。Jack was ill, so I went instead。杰克病了,因此换了我去。,8. whatever pron.任何;每一,作代词,“任何事物,无论什么”+名词性从句You can eat whatever you like.你愿意吃什么就吃什么。作连接代词:“无论什么”+让步状语从句:Dont change your plans, whatever happens.无论发生何事,都不要改变你的计划。,9. nervous adj. 焦虑的;担忧的,Be/get nervous紧张/变得紧张;be nervous about 担心某事 I always feel nervous.,10. Offer v.主动提出;自愿给予,Offer to do sth.;offer sb. Sth.;offer sth. To sb.She offered to teach me English.They will offer me several tickets.They will offer several tickets to me.,11. Proper adj.正确的;恰当的,Maybe you could do more jobs around the horse so that hey have more time for proper communication. 或许你可以在家里做更多的事情 以便他们有更多的时间进行适当的交流。,12. Secondly adj. 第二;其次,Secondly adv“第二”second:n.“秒”; adj.“另一个”; 顺序:“第二”Secondly, why dont you sit down and communicate with your brother? 其次,你为什么不坐下来与你的哥哥认真沟通 下呢?,13. explain v. 解释;说明,You should explain that you dont mind him watching TV all the time.Could you explain the meaning of the word?Can you explain to me how to do this math problem?,14. Clear adj. 清楚易懂的;晴朗的,explain= make sth. clean,活动3a-3c,re-reading: 看3a的活动指令语,信件的抬头和署名,然后合上书回答以下问题:,Where do you usually find these letters?Who do you think has a problem?Who is giving advice?,A magazine.Sad and Thirteen.Robert Hunt.,2. 看配图,回答以下问题:,What kind of problems do you think “Sad and Thirteen” might have?,I guess his parents often get into fights.,So his parents often argue with each other. They dont get on with each other. How do you think he might feel when his parents are arguing?,I think he will be worried.,I think he will be nervous. But what should he do ?,I think he should /could talk with his parents.,Its important to have proper communication.,3. 默读第一封信, 找出Sad and Thirteen所存在的主要问题(main problem)以及相关的细节(details).,两人一组进行讨论,合作填写下表。,He cant get on well with his family.,His parents fight a lot and he doesnt know what to do .,His elder brother is not nice to him and refuses to let him watch his favorite TV show.,He feels lonely and nervous.,4. 合上课本,根据第一封信所提供的信息提出自己的建议或预测Robert Hunt可能在回信中提出的建议。I think he could/should,5. 翻开书本,阅读第二封信。找出Robert Hunt 的建议。 同样以两人合作的方式完成下表信息 填写。,To talk about thee feelings with his family.,He should offer to help parents . He could do more jobs around the house.,He could sit down and communicate with his brother.He should explain that he doesnt mind his brother watching TV all the time, but he should let him watch his favorite show.,Dear Mr. Hunt, My problem is that I cant get on well with my family. Relations between my parents have become difficult. They fight a lot, and I really dont like it. Its the only communication they have. I dont know if I should say anything to them about this. When they argue, its like a big , black cloud hanging over our home.,1. get on well with 和睦相处;关系良好; 相处得不好: get on badly with. Be good with与相处融洽,2. between A and B:在A和B之间;between classes 在两节课之间;,3. Have become:已经变得have+过去分词:现在完成时态,4. Fight a lot:经常吵架,know a lot知道得多;learn a lot学到很多。,5. I dont know if I shouldif引导宾语从句,是否,从句用陈述句:即不能借助动,be/can不能提到主语前。If ,如果,条状。,6. Hanging over:悬在。上方; over:在。上方,不接触,我的困扰是我无法与家人(融洽地)相处。 我父母之间的关系已经很不好了。他们经常吵架,我真的很 不喜欢他们这样。吵架是他们唯一的交流。我不知道我是不是应该 对他们说点什么。他们一争吵我就感觉有一团乌云悬浮在我们家庭上空。,Also, my elder brother is not very nice to me. He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night. I dont think this is fair. At home I always feel lonely and nervous. Is that normal? What can I do? Sad and Thirteen,1. Refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事,2. Whatever he wants他想的任何东西,3. I dont think否定转移,4. Feel lonely and nervous: lonely and alone. Be nervous about,还有,我的哥哥对我也不是很好。 他总是不让我看我最喜欢的电视节目。而他却可以看他喜欢的任何节目,一直看到很晚。我觉得这不公平 。在家里我总是感到孤独和紧张。这正常吗?我能怎么办?伤心13,Dear Sad and Thirteen,Its not easy being your age, and its normal to have these feelings . Why dont you talk about these feelings with your family? If your parents are having problems, you should offer to help. Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper communication.,1. Why dont you do?为什么不。?提建议:why not do .?,2. If .are having,you shoud条状:主句+将来时/情态动词, If条状用一般现在时。,3. Offer to do sth.主动做某事,4. Do more jobs around the house:在家里做更多的工作,5. Time for/to do 做某事的时间。,亲爱的伤心13,在你的这个年龄是不容易呀,有这样的情绪很正常。 你为什么不把这些感受和家人谈谈呢? 如果是你父母有问题,你可以给他们一些帮助。 也许你应该 在家里多做点家务,这样他们就有更多的时间做些适当的交流。,Secondly, why dont you sit down and communicate with your brother? You should explain that you dont mind him watching TV all the time. However, he should let you watch your favorite show. I hope things will be better for you soon.Robert Hunt,1. firstly, secondly, thirdly.adv.用于列举,2.Communicate with sb.与某人交流沟通,3. Mind doing sth.介意做某事;mind sb. Doing介意某人做某事Would you mind doing?你介意做某事吗?,4. all the time一直,5. Hope to do sth. , hope +句子,其次,你为什么不能坐下来和你哥哥好好沟通尼?你可以(向他)解释你并不介意他整天看电视,不过他应该 让你看你最喜欢的节目。希望你的一切都会很快好起来。罗伯特.亨特,5. Things will be better soon:事情尽快好起来。Better, soon.,get on well with relations between fight a lot say sth. to sb. about sth. argue with sth. about sth. hanging over elder brother refuse to feel lonely and nervous,与某人相处得好。之间的关系经常争吵 与某人说点关于某事 与某人争吵某事悬浮在上方哥哥拒绝做茜事 感觉孤单和紧张,why dont you do? offer to help do more jobs around the house have more time for communicate with mind doing all the time agree /disagree with make sth. Clear get along with,为什么你不做某事呢?主动做某事 在家里做更多的家务事有更多的时间做某事与某人交流沟通介意做某事一直不/同意做某事使某事清楚明白与某人相处,8. 3b. Do you agree or disagree with Mr. Hunts advice? Why?,What do you think about Mr. Hunts advice? Do you agree with him ?Yes, I do. I agree with his advice because/Im afraid I dont. I disagree with his advice because,9. 将列出的单词与所给出的单词相匹配。并从书中找出相关句子并翻译。,例:Make sth. clear - explain You should explain that you dont mind him watching TV all the time.,Communicate get on with refuse nervous,talk - _ _.not allow - _ _.worried - _ _get along with - _ _,communicate,Why dont you sit down and communicate with your brother.,refuse,He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show.,nervous,I always feel lonely and nervous.,Get on with,My problem is that I cant get on with my family.,10. 用以下单词造句。,communicate get on with refuse nervous explain,Parents often find it difficult to communicate with their children.,The new teacher is getting on with his students.,He refused to take my advice.,She felt a bit nervous when she spoke.,Can you explain to me how to do this math problem?,


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