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    Module 3 Unit 11、 be going to do 一般将来时谓语动词 表示“自己打算或计划做某事”。 be动词需用(am, is, are)进行替换 I am going to do my homework this Saturday. 否定句:I am not going to do my homework this Saturday. 疑问句:Are you going to do your homework this Saturday? 肯定回答:Yes, I am. 否定回答:No, I am not.2、 at the weekend/ at weekends 在周末 on the weekend of May 1st, 1987 在1987年5月1日的周末3、 辨析介词on, in, at 介词on (1)表示在具体的某一天,如日期、星期几、生日或节日 on Monday, on March 17th, on my birthday, on May Day (2)表示某一天的上午、下午或晚上 on Saturday morning / on Monday afternoon / on Friday evening / on Wednesday night . on the morning of May 1st On a cold morning, I opened the window and was glad to find that it was snowing outside. 在一个寒冷的早晨,我打开窗开心的发现外面在下雪。 on a dark night / on a rainy afternoon / on a windy spring day 介词in (1)表示在较长的时间里,如:月份,季节,年份,世纪 in January, in autumn, in 2005, in the 21st century, in a week (2)表示在上午、下午或晚上 in the morning / afternoon / the evening (3)in the daytime 在白天 固定搭配,指从日出到日落这一段时间 (4)in + 一段时间 表示“多久以后”,常与将来时态连用,表“以后”如: in half an hour; in ten minutes; in a few days. 介词at (1)表示在某一具体时刻,即几点几分。如: at 5 pm; at 12:30 am (2)表示在某一短暂的时间,如: at noon, at midday, at night, at midnight, at the moment4、 check my email 查收邮件 check 为“核对,查看(保证没有遗漏或错误)”之意。 check the paper / check ones homework5、 help with the housework 帮忙做家务 help with sth. 帮忙做 help sb. with sth. 在帮助某人6、 see a movie 看电影7、 Who else is going to be there? 还有谁要去那儿。 Nobody. (1)else adv. 其他,另外 主要放置的两个位置: 1)放在疑问词之后:who else, what else, when else, where else等 2)放在不定代词或不定副词之后:something else, nobody else等 而同义词 other 放在可数名词复数之前:other animals, other people等 (2)nobody pron. 没有人 nobody = no one 表否定意义,为单数 可与 not . anybody替换 There is nobody/no one in the classroom. = There isnt anybody in the classroom.8、 have a piano lesson/class 上一节钢琴课 have an English lesson/class 上一节英语课9、 have a picnic 野餐 go for a picnic 去野餐10、 Would you like to join us? 你愿意加入我们吗? Yes, Id love to. / Id like to. Id love to, but.11、 meet vi. 见面 vt. 遇见 Are we going to meet here? I happened to meet Tom, ,my old friend, in the street yesterday.12、 plan n. 计划 make a plan 制定计划 the plan for . 的计划 What are your plans for the weekend? v. 计划 plan to do sth.13、 nothing pron. 什么都没有14、 Stay at home alone 独自一人待在家里 alone adj. 单独的 adv. 单独地 He was alone in the house. (adj.) do sth alone = do sth by oneself = do sth on ones own 独自坐 辨析:alone和lonely lonely adj. 孤独的 She feels lonely because she lives alone. a loney island 一座孤岛 注:形容词 alone 不可放于名词前作定语,只能放在be动词之后做表语。15、 Dont be silly. 别傻了!16、 a fantastic weekend 一个精彩的周末Module 3 Unit 21、 look forward to sth./doing sth. 期待/做某事2、 fan 迷;支持者;扇子 fans football fans 足球迷 song fans 歌迷 movie fans 影迷3、 make friends with sb. 与交朋友4、 cheer sb. 给加油 cheer sb. up 使某人振作起来5、 I hope + 宾从 我希望 hope + that 宾从 希望 hope to do 希望做 hopeful adj. 有希望的 hopeless adj. 无望的 hope n. 希望6、 win v. 赢得;获胜 win + 比赛/奖项 win the match 赢得比赛 win the first prize 赢得一等奖 beat + 对手 “打败对手” lose + 比赛 lose to + 对手 winner n. 赢家 loser n. 失败者7、 enjoy oneself = have fun = have a good time 玩的开心8、 on the morning of . 在的早晨9、 get up late 晚点起床 late adv. 迟地,晚地 adj. 迟的 be late for school 上学迟到 early adv. / adj. 早地,早的 An early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟有虫吃。 stay up late 熬夜到很晚10、 go out with sb. 和一起外出11、 take a walk 散步 go for a walk 去散步 walk a dog 遛狗 walkman 随身听12、 in the country 在乡村13、 collect litter 捡垃圾 collect stamps 集邮14、 busy but good fun 忙碌而有趣 fun n. 娱乐,乐趣 不可数 have fun (in) doing sth. 做某事很开心 fun adj. 有趣的 = interesting a fun day 有趣的一天 funny adj. 滑稽的15、 spend + 时间 “度” spend the holiday 度假 spend the weekend 度周末 spend three days in the country 在乡村呆三天16、 summer holiday 暑假 winter holiday 寒假17、 different adj. 不同的 difference n. 不同之处 be different from 与不同 be the same as 与相同18、 go on a summer camp 参加夏令营 a summer camp 夏令营 go camping 去露营19、 stay with sb. 和待在一起 stay vi. 短暂的逗留 live vi. 长久的居住20、 go sightseeing 去观光 do some sightseeing 观光21、 on the beach 在海边6


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