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    Module 10 Unit 11、 Are you joking? 你在开玩笑吗? 用来表示数偶啊人对对方所说的话感到惊讶或不信。 joke v. 说笑话,开玩笑 Dont get mad. I was only joking? joke n. 玩笑,笑话 tell jokes 讲笑话 she told us some funny jokes. 她给我们讲了些非常滑稽的笑话。2、 between prep. 在之间 between and 在和之间 注:between 多指两者之间,还可以用来指三者或三者以上的人或物中的每两者之间。 She is sitting between Lucy and Lily. We eat fruit between three meals every day. 我们每天在三餐之间吃水果。3、 minus eight degrees 负8度 = eight degrees below zero4、 although conj. 尽管,虽然 或though (不能和but连用) Although he was tired, he went on working.5、 snow quite a lot 雪下得相当多6、 Me neither. 我也不喜欢。 I dont like showers and windy weather. 我不喜欢阵雨或刮风的天气。 Me neither. / Neither do I. 我也不喜欢 I like sunny weather. Me too. / So do I. 我也喜欢。 neither pron. 两者都不,双方均不 He answered neither of the letters. 两封信他都没回。 neither conj. 短语 neither nor 既不也不 Neither he nor I am well educated. 他和我都没有受过良好教育。7、 I wish I were in Australia now. 我希望我现在在澳大利亚。 I were in Australia 是虚拟语气 指与客观事实不相符或不能够实现的事情。 与现在情况向反的虚拟语气中,从句的谓语动词用过去式,常用were。 If I were you, I would try my best to grasp the chance. 如果我是你,我会尽最大努力抓住这次机会。 wish v. 与hope 同义 1)wish to do = hope to do 2)wish that 从句 表示难以实现的愿望,用虚拟语气 hope that 从句 表示有信心或有把握实现的愿望 3)可用wish sb. to do 不可用hope sb. to do wish n. 希望,愿望,祝愿 Thank you for your kind wish. 感谢你的美好祝愿。8、 probably adv. 可能,或许,大概 同义词:maybe perhaps 常放于句首或句中。在句中时,常放在实义动词之前,be动词,助动词,情态动词之后 You are probably right. 你很可能是对的。9、 Come on, better get going. 快点,走吧 better get going = Wed better get going.10、 表天气的词 wind n. 风 windy adj. 多风的,有风的 cloud n. 云 cloudy adj. 多云的,阴天的 rain n. 雨 rainy adj. 多雨的,下雨的 snow n. 雪 snowy adj. 多雪的,下雪的 sun n. 太阳 sunny adj. 晴朗的,阳光明媚的 shower n. 阵雨 storm n. 暴风雨Module 10 Unit 21、 表方向的词 southeast southwest northeast northwest2、 a lot 1) 副词短语,表示“很,非常” It rains a lot at this time of a year. Thanks a lot. 2) 名词短语 Sometimes we have very little snow, but sometimes theres a lot.3、 had better do 最好做 d better had better not do You had better do your homework first. Youd better not watch TV every day.4、 compared to/with 与相比 (常作状语) The prices are low compared to/with those in other shops. 与其他商店比起来,这里的价格算是低的。 compare with = compare to 比较与 compare to 把比作 He compared his camera with/to mine. Books can be compared to friends.5、 from time to time 时常,不时,间或 That student looked out of the window from time to time.6、 Any time you like. 你喜欢的任何时候都行。 1)any adj. 任何的,任一的,表示 三个或三个以上人或事物中的一个,其后可接单数可数名词。 Take any book you want. 2)any pron. 任何人、任何一个 Richard is taller than any of us. 3)any pron. 一些,用于疑问句或否定句中,修饰可数或不可数名词复数 There arent any books on the desk. Do you have any apple juice here?Module 10 Unit 31、 join v. 交汇2、 have to do 不得不 not have to do = neednt do 没必要做Grammar:may和might1. 表示可能发生某事或某人可能做某事时 用may/might do;might的可能性更小。 They may come tomorrow. There might be some rain tomorrow morning. 2. possible adj. 可能的 It is possible to do sth. It is possible that Is it possible to finish the work today? It is possible that itll be snowy tomorrow. 3. probably 和 possibly adv. 表示可能性 主语 + will + probably / possibly + do Itll probably be sunny and hot. Mr. Wang will possibly agree.4


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