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    Innovative language teaching in primary school teaching strategies.doc

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    Innovative language teaching in primary school teaching strategies.doc

    Innovative language teaching in primary school teaching strategiesOver the years, mostly teaching in China, “class as the center, book-centered, teacher-centered in a single model, the main features of classroom teaching is to teach, impart knowledge, teachers say students are appealing the overall situation. In order to change this situation , classroom teaching must break through the traditional relationships, and create a pleasant classroom atmosphere, so that the language of the texts into a form easily understood by students and enrich the appearance of the minds of students, training students thinking skills. This can not only improve the classroom teaching efficiency, and eliminate mental alert students, students are often bored, and thinking, active, creative, this is language learning in primary schools with special needs, but also develop students awareness of innovation lies. as in teaching <<winter>> time in large hazy fog early in the morning to lead students out to observe, after the beauty of the fog, so that students of the text in the statement “as the yarn across the floor, “vaguely see clearly, “light to shoot the sun and so on With a deep impression, full of strong interest, but also natural, perceptual integration into the ideological content of this course the students deeper insights, make the article centers are sublimated to understand and recite the text on the breeze. “Injection of the teaching method is discarded, and the teaching process to actively create the conditions necessary for teachers to guide students to actively participate in learning, rather than passive recipients of knowledge imparted by teachers, efforts to encourage students to take the initiative to acquire knowledge, learn identify problems, ask questions, and learn to solve problems creatively. If in the teaching <<wolf and the lamb>> when the content of the text in the basis of students, teachers prepared students to take a good hair, on the texts The dialogue wolf and the lamb show, through the performance, students feel more ferocious wolf, outrageous and docile lamb. so that the students practice the above operation to verify the phrase: “to hear is easy to forget only did it yourself can really understand. “the process under the guidance of the teacher, the students constantly on the minds of any original appearance of the process, have all kinds of association and imagination, creative thinking and enhance the training capacity. The ancients said: “Learning from the Si, from the source in doubt. Zhiyiwennan is an important method of learning is an important way to acquire knowledge. Scientific inventions often start from the question, from eliminating start, so classroom teachers should be challenged and eliminating as an important part of the teaching process. how to encourage students to challenge and guide eliminating need to pay attention to strategy. in the teaching process, teachers should be designed to fit difficult and full of thought issues, to enable students to “Jump, picking child . Teaching doubts or difficulties encountered and the more subtle or latent content, the discussion should inspire students to think, in the thinking process of gradually eliminating the discussion, the discussion has been discovered in the exploration and innovation. Such as teaching fable <<sit back and wait>> a class, cultivate divergent thinking in revealing the meaning, it can be pointed at the screen: “If you are a farms neighbors, when you see the young people guarding the stumps and other rabbit farming , you will do what he said? “then asked students to come up when a young farm people, so his neighbors “come to educate him. As a result, have persuaded people to form a common education of young farm man “scenario, which formed a teacher-student interaction, encouraging mutual cooperation scene. through questions to stimulate students interest in knowledge so that they acquire knowledge active and use their knowledge to address the issues raised teacher. in the context environment interact to achieve the ideal fusion of human environment, to stimulate creative thinking of students. Classroom teaching to encourage a debate among students, for students to speak out, express their views, to start full discussion, statements in the debate during the conflict and cultivate critical thinking. If Im In “<Sparrow>> lesson for the summary said: read this text, selfless rescue from the old sparrow sparrows recollections, we feel great maternal love. “Carter, one of the boys raised their hands, said: Teacher, I do not agree that is the maternal love, as the text from scratch to end, never wrote the old sparrow is male or female! “I hear a smile: You read it very carefully, it seems that the teachers summary is not accurate. So how exactly did it say? “the students thinking and once activated, and after debate, the final sum up: This text represents a “Family of Love. In teaching practice, I feel the situation in the United States as a breakthrough that teaching to the situation as a link to thinking as the core, childrens activities as a means, and other distinctive characteristics, thus students sense of innovation, creativity and innovative personality with unique role. creative thinking is an open dynamic thought process, its ability to massive, wide variety of information to absorb the outside world in a variety of information exchange with the outside world and feedback, and continue to absorb new things, to establish their own thinking model, integrating results of their thinking. In teaching, I focus on the situation open to students leave enough room for innovation. as in teaching <<Huangshan stones>> a class, students learn about the “peach stone, “ View of the sea monkeys “and other stones, and the text looks like after the introduction of methods that allow students to write according to the text in the abbreviated name of the other stones, expand imagination as a small guide to tell you about their shape. to help students of innovation awareness, teaching to encourage students to propose new ideas, and ideas of their own ideas and explained the reasons, to verify. In short, in language teaching in primary schools to implement innovative teaching strategies, helping to train and develop their language skills, logical reasoning, problem solving and decision-making ability and innovative spirit and practical ability. I believe that by implementing innovative teaching strategies, change their teaching behavior, changing the way students learn, it will certainly promote the development of student body and will also usher in language teaching and a sunny day. in the implementation of quality education in practice, the students must attach importance to innovation and the cultivation of the spirit of innovation give full play to the role of the main channel of the classroom that encourage students to learn of the initiative and enthusiasm to guide students to be bold, dare to explore, improve their overall quality of training more for the new century, the outstanding literary talent. Links to free Download Center :/eng. paper


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