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    Project NameDMAIC Workbook,Initial situation / Background Information,Problem:,Goal :,Project Scope/ Project Focus,Project Charter (1/2),Fill in: Why is this project relevant for Essex?,Fill in: SMART description of As-Is-Situation (no causes)(SMART: specific, measurable, accepted / attractive, realistic, time bound),Fill in: SMART description of To-Be-Situation(solutions free)(SMART: specific, measurable, accepted / attractive, realistic, time bound),Qualitative benefit,Quantitative benefit,Existing projects/ activities with existing interfaces which among to each other:,Project Charter (2/2),hrs per week / per monthOrpercentage,Fill in: measurable benefits (monetary or others),Fill in: non measurable benefits,Fill in: consider also global roll out,Fill in:Realistic milestones plan,Project Timeline Is the project on time?,Teammeeting,Teammeeting mit Sponsor,On Track,Delayed,Critical,Unreachable,Display of Milestones is mandatory. Use the best tool (MSExcel, Msproject, etc) to plan and track milestones. A copy in enhanced metafile format recomendable.,START,STOP,SIPOC: Process Name Do we have a common understanding how the process works today?,SIPOC or an other high level project description with ca. 5 process steps, main suppliers, inputs, for the project relevant output and customers,CTQ/CTB Table (Tool 1) How make the customer feel satisfied?,CTQs: Each output fulfill“etc. (customers perspective)CTBs: may also be identical with goals, also service levels,Assumptions:.,Net Benefit Estimate How big is the monetary value of the project?,Explanations.Documents Attached: .,To be checked with financial controlling !,An Excel-screenshot (enhanced metafile) is acceptable. If necessary for understanding please fill in the assumptions for estimation.,DEFINE Phase Gate Review Do we agree that the DEFINE phase is completed?,Project Name:,Sponsor:,Black Belt:,Name,Name,Following documentation has been presented and agreed:,Project Charter,SIPOC,VOC / VOB / CTQ / CTB,Net Benefit Estimate,Clearance for DEFINE Phase Closure:,Authorized,Not Authorized, Reason:,Fill In,Signature Master Black Belt, Date,Signature Sponsor, Date,Correlation Intensity: 9 strong, 3 medium, 1 weak, 0 none,Output Variable,Output Variable,Output Variable,Output Variable,Output Variable,Use CTQs and CTBs from Define Phase CTQ/CTB Table,Output Variable Matrix Which output variables measure CTQs and CTBs in the best way?,Operational Definition of FILL IN “what and how exactly have to be measured?,Only relevant for attributes,Relevant for all measurements,Relevant for all measurements,Relevant for all measurements,Duplicate this template for all measurements,Measurement System Analysis for FILL IN “How to ensure that Measurement System variation does not affect results?”,Measurement System Analysis Method:(How have the measurement system be checked?),Results:(Is the measurement system trustable?),Improvements:(How can the measurement system be improved?),Duplicate this template for all measurements,Use selected output variables from Output Variable Matrix as well as available input and process information variables,Data Collection Plan How do we obtain performance data of the as-is process?,Graphical Display,Text,Operational Definition,Result / Interpretation / Learning,Interpretation (in words) how good are CTQ / CTB requirements fulfilled using actual process and reliable data?,MEASURE Results: Summary for FILL IN How well are customer requirements met today?,General Conditions,Sample method, size and dates, Results MSA,Name of Measurement,Short summary of operational definition,Any graph to best describe the degree of fulfilment of CTQ / CTB,Duplicate this template for every measurements,Process Sigma Calculation,As-is Process Results,Current Process Yield & Sigma Value How can as-is process performance be quantified?,Measure Phase Gate Review Do we agree that the MEASURE phase is completed?,Project Name:,Sponsor:,Black Belt:,Name,Name,Following documentation has been presented and agreed:,Output Variable Matrix,Data Collection Plan,Summary of MEASURE Results,Process Performance KPI,Clearance for MEASURE Phase Closure:,Authorized,Not Authorized, Reason:,Fill In,Signature Master Black Belt, Date,Signature Sponsor, Date,Measurement System Analysis,Cause and Effect Diagram Which might be causes of low process performance?,Useful alternative to the fishbone is process mapping,cause 1,cause 2,cause 3,cause 4,cause 5,cause 6,cause 7,cause 8,cause 9,Output Variables (y),Input and process Variables (x),Correlation Intensity: 9 strong, 3 medium, 1 weak, 0 none,y = f (x1, x2, xn),Potential causes,Use causes from Cause and Effect Diagram and output variables from Output Variable Matrix (Measure),Input and Process Variable Matrix Which variables (x) do we assume to be root causes of the problem (low value of y)?,Output Variables (y),Analyze Road Map Matrix “How can the possible causes be verified?,Graphical Display,Text,Hypothesis,Results and Conclusions,General Conditions,Method of verification, if applicable: sample method, size and collection time / duration, Results MSA,Cause Analysis Results How are possible causes verified?,What is the possible cause to be verified?,Any visualization of cause (flow chart, photo, draft, layout, etc),Interpretation of results and conclusions: Is this a proven main core cause? Explanation of evidence,Dupplicate this slide and fill in for at least one relevant Input-/ Process Measurement (X) per Output Measurement (Y),Overview of Analysis Steps Executed Which potential causes are proven root causes?,recommended as an overview for gate review,Root Cause Summary Which are the vital few causes of the process performance deficit?,Important as an overview for gate review and Improve phase,ANALYZE Phase Gate Review Do we agree that the ANALYZE phase is completed?,Project Name:,Sponsor:,Black Belt:,Name,Name,Following documentation has been presented and agreed:,Cause and Effect Diagram,Input and Process Variable Matrix,Data Analysis Results,Clearance for ANALYZE Phase Closure:,Authorized,Not Authorized, Reason:,Fill In,Signature Master Black Belt, Date,Signature Sponsor, Date,Root Cause Summary,Potential Solutions Which solutions might solve the vital few root causes?,Use root causes from Root Cause Summary (Analyze),Comparison of Alternatives with Benchmark option: +1 Better, o Equal, -1 Worse,Pugh Selection Matrix Which is the best solution?,Cost Benefit Analysis Which of the solution alternatives creates optimum benefit?,Selected Solutions What are we going to implement to achieve the project goal?,Results of Pilot Implementation Which learnings from the pilot can we transfer to Roll-out?,Roll-Out Action Plan Who does what until when for on-time solution implementation?,Use appropriate software (MSExcel, MSProject or similar),Solutions Overview “Status Solution Implementation,Root Cause,Text,Graphical Display,Status Implementation,Text,Solution,Short description of root cause,Summary of solution and expected effect on CTQ / CTB fulfilment,Visualization of solution (draft, picture, photo, process map, etc),Actual status. Should be regularly actualized,Roll-out Communication Plan Does everybody involved know what is changing and why?,IMPROVE Phase Gate Review Do we agree that the IMPROVE phase is completed?,Project Name:,Sponsor:,Black Belt:,Name,Name,Following documentation has been presented and agreed:,List of Selected Solutions,Clearance for IMPROVE Phase Closure:,Authorized,Not Authorized, Reason:,Fill In,Signature Master Black Belt, Date,Signature Sponsor, Date,Pilot Results,Roll-out Action Plan,Roll-out Communication Plan,Process Monitoring & Reaction Plan How can we make sure that improvements are sustainable?,Target,Project Handover Protocol How can we make sure that improvements are sustainable?,Benefit Approval SheetDo we agree on the projects net benefit value?,Sustain Audit Protocol How can we ensure that the process keeps running smoothly?,Include Picture heree.g. process performancePrior/ After project,Project Success Storyboard “Which success we would like to coomunicate?,Added value for companies and customersPlace holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3,Background and initial situationPlace holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3Verified root causesPlace holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3Implemented solutionsPlace holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3,Development of capital costs in 2008,Example,One Pager Success Story: Manadatory,Project NameRelevant Topics,BackgroundPlace holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3Initial situation 2007 and objectives to be attained by the end of 2008Place holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3Results of as is measurementPlace holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3,Graphic visualization of as is measurement,Example,Example,Three Pager Success Story: Manadatory,Project NameRelevant Topics,Procedure of cause analysisPlace holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3Results of cause analysis +positive assessment- negative assessment,Verified root causesPlace holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3,Example,Stock: As Is Situation,Project NameRelevant Topics,Three Pager Success Story: Manadatory,Added value for companies and customersPlace holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3,Implemented solutionsPlace holder point 1Place holder point 2Place holder point 3,Development of capital costs in 2008Please insert screenshot,Example,Project NameRelevant Topics,Three Pager Success Story: Manadatory,Lessons LearnedWhat went well, what can we do better next time?,Where things went very well:,Where we found room for Improvement:,CONTROL Phase Gate ReviewDo we agree that the CONTROL phase is completed?,Project Name:,Sponsor:,Black Belt:,Name,Name,Following documentation has been presented and agreed:,Monitoring & Reaction Plan,Project Handover Protocol,Benefit Approval Sheet,Authorized,Not Authorized, Reason:,Fill In,Signature Master Black Belt, Date,Signature Sponsor, Date,Project Workbook Complete,Sustain Audits Scheduled,Project Summary (on one page),Lessons Learned (on one page),The project team is releaved of its responsibility for the project as of (date). The Team has been disbanded. Sponsor will care for appropriate project success celebration (email, dinner, event) The Black Belt and project team have achieved the objectives defined in the project.,


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