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    2018 2018 学年度第一学期期中质量检测七年级英语试卷说明: 1. 本试卷共八页,满分120 分。2. 选择题答案写在第六页答题处。听力部分一、选出你听到的选项,听力内容读一遍。 (10 分)1.A. J jB. K kC. Gg2.A. numberB. motherC. father3.A. KelseyB. AlanC. Dave4.A. English booksB. Chinese booksC. Notebook5.A. catB. birdC. bike6.A. six busesB. three busesC. seven buses7.A. banana treesB. apple treesC. pear trees8.A. four booksB. four boatsC. five boats9.A. at homeB. in classC. at school10. A. Nice to meet youB. This is my pictureC. These are my brothers.二、听对话,选出正确的图片,对话读两遍。 (共 5 小题,共 5 分)11. What sthis ?A.B.C.12. Whats Marys telephone number?A.B.C.13. Where is the watch?A.B.C.14.What doesTomhave?A.B.C.15. Who is in the room ?A.B.C.JimLindaCindy三、听对话,回答问题,对话读两遍(共5 小题,共 5 分)听下面一小段对话 ,回答 16-17 两个小题。16.What is not mentioned (提及 ) in the dialogue?A. A table.B. An Englishbook.C. A pencil case.17. Where is the English book?A. It s in the backpack. B. It s on the table.C. It s next totablethe.听下面一小段对话 ,回答 18-20 三个小题。18. Where are the two speakers?A. In a park.B. At home.C. In the Lost and Found office.19. What is found?A. A teacher.B. A notebook.C. An English book.20. Whose notebook is it?A. The girl s. B. Mr Green s.C. Kate Green s.四、听短文,选择最佳答案,短文读两遍。(5 分)21.What s Mary s father s name?A. DaveB. PaulC. Barry22.Who s Mary s aunt?A.EmmaB. KateC.Jane23.Who is Tu Tu?A. Mary s dogB. Mary s cousinC. Mary s friend24.What s Mary s phone number?A.396-3218B.395-6028C.368-302825.Who is NOT in the photo?A. Mary s cousinB. Mary s grandmaC. Mary s uncle五、单项选择( 20 分)26. 晚上八点,遇见熟人说 “ _,”对方回答 “ _。”A.Good morning; Good morning. B. Good afternoon ;Good afternoon.C. Good evening ;Good evening.D. Good afternoon; Good evening.27.当你的同学 Frank 向你说 “ Hello, Bob! ”时,你应回答: _A. Fine, thank you.B. Hello, Frank.C. Good morning.D. Good afternoon.28. 表示铅笔笔芯 “硬黑 ”的字母是 “ _。”A. HB. BHC. IBD. HB29. What s this _ English?A. onB. inC. toD. for30. My name _ Tom.A. amB. isC. areD. be31. _ are you, Helen? I m OK, thanks.A. HowB. WhereC. WhatD. That32. What color is it? It s _.A. HB. yellowC. niceD. jacket33. I m Alice. _ A-L-I-C-E.A. How are you?B. Spell it, please.C. Good morning.D. Yes.34. Whatshis name?_.A. I m BobB. He name is BobC. Her name is BobD. His name is Bob35. Hello, Gina! Nice to meet you. _.A. Nice to meet you, tooB. How are youC. I m fine, thanksD. Thanks36. This is _ ID card.A. anB. aC. theD. /37. Is this _ dictionary? Yes, it s _ English dictionary.38. _. Is that your notebook?Yes, it is.A. SorryB. Excuse myC. thanksD. Excuse me39. Please call Alan _ 4953539.A. inB. toC. atD. of40. Linda is my aunt. Her daughter is my _.A. grandmotherB. sisterC. cousinD. mother41. Are _ your friends?Yes, they are.A. thisB. itC. sheD. these42. This is a photo _ my family.A. atB. ofC. inD. on43. Is my book on the dresser?_. I can see it.A. No, it isn tB. Yes, it sC. Yes, it isD. No, it is.44. Where _ my pens? Sorry, I _ know.A. is; don t B. are; notC. are; don tD. are; doesn45. Please take these things _ your mother.A. tooB. atC. toD. int六、( 10 分) A 从 A、 B、 C、 D、 E 中选句子补全对话。A: Hi, Susan!B: 46B: No, it isn t. It s on the bookcase.A: Oh, OK.47Are they on the bookcase, too?B: 48 They re on the chair.A: Oh. So, where is my pencil case?B: 49A: And where s my backpack?B: It s under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.A: Oh, OK. And where are Mom s keys?B: 50A. Hi!B. The keys? They re on the table.C. No, they aren t.D. How about my books?E. It s under the sofa.B 从栏中选出适合栏的答语。51.How are you?A. Thanks! You, too.52.Whats that?B. Im OK.53.Are you Helen?C. No, it s Annas.54.Have a good day!D. It sZ.55.Is that yours?E. Yes, I am.七、完形填空(每小题1 分,共 10 分)This is a56 of Jim s family. This man57Mr Green.58 is Jim sfather.59woman is Mrs Green. 60 is Jim s mother. Who61 this boyand62girl? The63is Jim. Mr Green s sone. 64This Kate, MrGreen s daughter. Kate is 65 sister. Jim and Kate are brother and sister.56.A. bookB. photoC. mapD. room57.A. isB. amC. areD. be58.A. SheB. HerC. HeD. His59.A. AB. AnC. TheseD. This60.A. SheB. HerC. HeD. His61.A. isB. amC. loveD. are62.A. aB. theseC. thisD. an63.A. girlB. boyC. boysD. girls64.A. girlB. boyC. boysD. girls65.A. JimB. JimsC. Jim sD. Jims 八、读短文,完成文后的选择题。 ( 10 分)ALost: My new bike. It s red. My Found: Is this your ring? Please callname is Jimmy. Please call 678-2190Betty. Phone: 820-2411Lost: My baseball. My name isFound: Is this your watch? PleaseBruce. Please call 705-2091call David. Phone: 555-0874.66. Who losta bike?A. JimmyB. BettyC. BruceD. David67. The ring is.A. BrucesB. Betty sC. DavidsD. The passage(段落)donttell (告诉)us.68. What color is the bike?A. RedB. GreenC. YellowD. White69. Who can you call to return(归还 ) the baseball?A JimmyB. DavidC.BettyD. Bruce70. What s David s phonember?nuA. 678-2190B. 820-2411C. 555-0874D.705-2091BDear Jenny,Please take these things to your brother: his math book, baseball, notebook, CDs, and video tape. The math book is on the dresser. The baseball is under the bed. The notebook is on the bed. The CDs are in the drawer(抽屉) . The video tape is on the table. Thanks!Mom71.Where is the math book?A. It s on the dresser.B. It sunder the bed.C. It son the bed.D. Its in the drawer.72. Whats under the bed?A. The math book.B. The baseball.C. The notebook.D. The CDs.73. The math book is.A. JennysB. Mom sC. JennysbrothersD. Toms74. Theare in the drawer.A. rulersB. booksC. CDs75. The video tape is.A. on the tableB. under the table C. under the bedD. pensD. on the bed选择题答题处听力部分12345678910111213141516171819202122232425笔试部分五、 2627282930313233343536373839404142434445六、 46474849505152535455七、 56575859606162636465八、 66676869707172737475九、按字母表顺序把所缺字母规范地写出来,大小写与前面字母一致。(10 分)A CDFGJKLN PQSU WXZa b d e gjkmnpq s t vy z十、把下列单词重新排序组成正确句子,句子第 1 个字母改为大写,末尾标点已给出。 (10 分)1. are thosebooksAnnas?2. lost I my ID card school.3. not Gina is tidy.4. hers white plane model is the?5. heretwo nice are of my photos family.6. Kate sister is this my.7.number phone my 2324672 is.8. last whats name his?9.colour is what key your?10. that in whats English?十一、选择下面的词语填空,有两个多余词。(5 分)areunderismysomeandherHello! This is1room. In my room there is a bed, a desk2a chair. Mybed3next to the desk. My shoes and soccer ball are 4the bed. There are5 pictures on the wall. They re very nice. Oh, there is a clock and a map on the wall, too.12345十二(10 分) A选择单词的适当形式填空。in keyshealwaysmust1.The books and tapes arethe bookcase.2.Heasks questions.3.The map is onbed.4.Someare under the desk.5.I lost my school ID card. Ifind it.B 根据英文句子及汉语提示写单词。6.Im tidy,my sister is not.(但是)7.That book is?(我的)8.Lin Hai is in our school.(图书馆 )9.We are in.(中国)10.He haspens.(四)十三、用英文表达下面汉语意思(10 分)1、地图在哪里?2、这些是你的书吗?3、他们是谁?4、谢谢你帮助我。5、上午好。2018-2019 第一学期期中七年级英语参考答案及评分标准听力原材料一 :选出你听到的选项 ,听力内容读一遍。 (共 10 分) 1. J j 2. father 3. Alan 4. English books 5. cat 6. seven buses 7. apple trees 8. four books 9. in class 10. These are my brothers.二 :听对话 ,选出正确的图片 ,对话读两遍。 (共 5 小题 ,共 5 分 ) 11. M: Cindy, whats this? 12. M: Hi, Mary. What s your phone number?W: My phone number is six seven one one four five six. 13. M: Where s my watch?W: Let me see. It s under the chair. 14.W: Tom, is this your ruler ?M: Yes, it is . 15. M: Jim ,Where is Linda,?W: Oh, she is in her room.三、听对话 ,回答问题 ,对话读两遍。听下面一段小对话 ,回答 16-17 小题。M: Where s my English book?W:Is itin your backpack?M:No, it isn t.W: Wait a minute. Is it on the table?M: Yes , it is . Thank you.听下面一段小对话 ,回答 18-20 小题。W: Excuse me.M: Yes?M: All right. How do you know?W: She is looking for it this morning.W: Kate Green.M: Here you are. Please give it to your teacher.W: Thank you. Goodbye.听短文 ,选择最佳答案 ,短文读两遍。 Hello, my name is Mary. This is my family photo. These are my grandparents, Barry and Lisa. Those are my parents, Emma and Paul. This is me. I m in purple jacket. The boy next to me is my cousin Dave. Thats Daves mother Jane. She is an English teacher. This is my sister, Kate. I also have a dog. Its name is Tu Tu. Do youwant to be my friend? My phone number is three nine five six zero two eight .听力部分( 25 分)1-10 ACBAACBABC11-20 CBACB CBCBC 21-25 BCABC笔试部分五、( 20 分)2635CBDBBABBDA3645AADCCDBCCC六、( 10分) 46-55 ADCEBBDEAC七、( 10分) 56-65 BACDADCBAC八、( 10分) 66-75ADADCABCCA九、( 10分)略十、(每小题 1 分,字母大小写错误减0.5 分,共 10 分)1.Are those books AnnasAre those Annas books?2. I lost my school ID card.3. Gina is not tidy.4. Is the white model plane hers?5. Here are two nice photos of my family?6. This is my sister Kate.7.My phone number is 2324672.8. Whats his last name?9. What colour is your key?10. Whats that in English?十一、(5 分) 1. my2. and3.is4. under5.some十二、(10 分) 1.in 2.always 3.her 4.keys 5must 6.but 7.mine 8.library 9.China 10.four十三、(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)1. Wheres the map?2. Are these your books?3. Who are they?4. Thank you for your help.5. Good morning


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