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    Cloudy with a Chance of MeatballsWarm-up Activities Questions Whatdoyouusuallyeatfordinner?What is your favourite food? Whenyouwereasmallkid,didyouhavesomeweirdideasofmakingsomethingnew? Whatdoyouthinkisthegreatestinventioninthehumansocietysofar?Pleasegivereasons. 空白页请填写上页问题的答案Activity2 :Chinese and Western FoodStep1:Brainstorm the names of popular Chinese and Western dishes/food:lPeking Roast DucklEnglish Chips and FishlStep2: In small groups, compare the Chinese and Western food.Tips: Comparison can be centered on:nIngredients_nCooking Procedures _nNutrition Facts _nTastes/Flavors _nAppearance _nLayout/Serving _nFlint Lockwood has been an inventor ever since he was a kid, but most of his inventions have been failures.He has made a walking television set, a lotion that can give you hair, and rat birds, which I claim to be rats and birds combined together.It then hits him.The whole town has been forced to eat nothing but sardines.Of course, nobody in the town of Swallow Falls enjoy sardines.Theres also a heading in the newspaper that says sardines are gross.What if Flint can fix all of that? What if he can invent a machine that converts water into food? Well, he tries it and it actually works. 电影介绍Introduction电影根据畅销儿童读物改编。主人公弗林特劳克伍德从小就热爱发明,但他捣鼓出的稀奇古怪的玩意除了能制造混乱,没有一次成功。长大成人之后,弗林特依然孜孜不倦,为了解决全球日益严重的食物短缺问题,他要找到一种让美食从天而降的方法!这一次,他终于成功了。彩色的云朵载着无数美食飞来汉堡、意大利面、冰激凌等等等等。但是有一天,机器过度制造美食,导致食物巨大化,整个地球都受到了灾难,主人公弗林特便想飞进美食风暴里解除灾难。 电影介绍Introduction经典对白(1)nMother:Honey, I think your shoes are wonderful.nFlint:Everyone just thinks Im a weirdo.nMother:People probably thought that these guys were weirdoes too.But that never stopped them.nMother:I was saving this for your birthday, but here. 经典对白(1)nFlint:A professional-grade lab coat.Just like the real guys wear.It fits perfect.nMother:The world needs your originality, Flint.You just have to grow into it.And I know that youre gonna do big things someday. 经典对白(1)nFlint:From that moment on.I was determined to invent something great.nRemote Control Television.nAnd, the pitch is in.nEventually.Hair Un-Balder.Flying Car.Monkey Thought Translator.nNo, Steve. No, no, no, no, no!No, please! Leave itnRatbirds.Hey, whats going on, little guy?经典对白(1)nFlint:My dream was to help my hometown.a tiny island hidden under the A in Atlantic.called Swallow Falls.nWe were famous for sardines.until the day the Baby Brent Sardine Cannery closed for good.Right after everyone in the world realized that sardines.are super gross.经典对白(1)nFlint:Soon, all of us were stuck eating the sardines that no one else wanted.nPoached, fried, boiled, dried,ncandied and juiced.Life became gray and flavorless.But when all seemed lost,I stared at defeat.and found hope.妙语佳句,活学活用n1.weirdo:a very unusual or weird person. Sometimes weirdos can be unsafe to meet;怪人,怪物。nMy neighbor is a real weirdo. He always wears strange clothes and talks to himself!我的邻居是一个真正的怪人,他总穿着奇怪的衣服,还和自己说话! nHes a weirdo. Theres no place in this town for weirdos.他是个怪人,我们镇上不允许怪人住着。 妙语佳句,活学活用n2. for good: 永久地;永远nHis long fight against hard luck and prejudice was ended; he was a made man for good. 他与厄运和偏见进行的艰苦奋斗已经结束,他从此永远功成名就了。nIve come home for good, you know; and this is my friend, Miss Sharp, whom you have heard me mention. 你知道吗,我回家就不走了。这位就是你听见我说起的朋友,夏普小姐。 请将下列句子翻译成英文。n1.那怪胎从不洗澡或换衣服。 n2.当他的钥匙从船上掉下去,他知道它们永远找不回来了。 考考你1. That weirdo never bathes or changes his clothes. 2. When he dropped his keys from the boat, he knew they were gone for good. 翻译练习-答案Useful exepressions经典对白(2)nFlint:Sam.nSam:Flint.nFlint:Sam.nDad:Flint.nFlint:Dad.Steve.nDad:Flint.nDad:Look, when you.When you cast your line.nif its not straight.nSam:Oh, for crying out loud.经典对白(2)nDad:Im proud of you, Flint.Im amazed that someone as ordinary as me.could be the father of someone as extraordinary as you.nDad:Youre talented,youre a total original.nAnd your lab is breathtaking. nYour mom, she always knew you were going to be special.经典对白(2)nAnd if she were alive today,shed tell us both:I told you so.nNow, look,when I take this thing off.n. and you hear me make a fishing metaphor.n. just know that fishing metaphor means:nI love my son.nFlint:I love you too, Dad.nFlint:where were we? 经典对白(2)nSam:You were about to kiss me.nFlint:Were you gonna kiss me back?nSam:Why dont you find out?nFlint:Because I dont want to go for it and then get shut down again.nSam:Just kiss me.nFlint: You know.n.Yeah. Im a chicken.nThis was not well thought out.妙语佳句,活学活用n1.cast :投(射);丢;脱落 nFee cast her no more than a passing glance before leaving. 菲在离开时仅给了她匆匆一瞥。nThe current developments cast a shadow over the future of the talk. n目前的形势给谈判的前途投下了阴影。n2.breathtaking:令人赞叹的, 壮观的, 惊险的, 吃惊的n It had been a four-hour journey, in part through the breathtaking beauty of Plumas National Forest.n这是一次四小时的旅行,路上经过了风景秀丽令人叹为观止的帕拉马国家森林。 妙语佳句,活学活用n3.metaphor:an expression which describes a person or object in a literary way by referring to something that is considered to possess similar characteristics to the person or object you are trying to describe: nAfter the user depends on the metaphor for recognition, he expects consistency of behavior with the real-world object to which the metaphor refers. n用户依靠隐喻来认知之后,他希望隐喻所指的事物与真实世界对象的行为一致。 n请将下列句子翻译成英文。n1.别丢掉这些旧报纸;它们也许会有用处。 n2.我们都知道,那儿的古代建筑令人惊叹不已。n3.我好象在一大堆比喻里挣扎。 考考你n1.Don t cast away these old papers ; they might come in useful. n2.And as we all know, the ancient architecture there is breathtaking. n3.I seem to be floundering in a sea of metaphor. 考考你-答案After-viewing QuestionsnWhat do you think of the father-son&mother-son relationship in this moive?nDo you think it will be possible to produce food from pure chemicals in the future ?nWhen Flint senses somethings wrong with the machine, why does the the mayor persuade him to ignore it ?


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