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    【北大绿卡】七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 1 Good morning(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版Starter Unit 1 Good morning 一、教学目标: 知识与技能: 1、能识别书中的八个人物,学会他们人名的读音。 2、学会见面打招呼的用语。 3、正确朗读和书写AaHh八个字母。 过程与方法: 1、通过游戏和图片识别课本上的八个人物,学会他们人名的读音。 2、通过两人练习学会打招呼的用语。 情感态度价值观: 通过本节课的学习,让学生学会恰当的向同学、老师等表示问候,礼貌地与别人交往。 二、教学重点与难点: 1、英语中男孩的名字和女孩的名字。 2、见面打招呼的用语。 3、字母AaHh的读音和书写。 三、教学准备: 1、多媒体课件。 2、录音机。 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图 Period 1 (3)当>0时,设抛物线与x轴的两个交点为A、B,则这两个点之间的距离:Teaching procedures: 锐角A的正弦、余弦和正切都是A的三角函数当锐角A变化时,相应的正弦、余弦和正切之也随之变化。第一天上1. Warming-up Listen 课,跟学生Teacher puts a name card with an English name above and a Chinese name carefully. 做自我介below on the big desk, then points to the name card and have an 绍,互相认introduction. T: This is my name card. I have a Chinese name . 识。 And I have an English name . You can call me. 2. Presentation 认识课本94.234.29加与减(二)4 P49-56Teacher shows the photos of the eight persons by playing PPT and helps Meet some 上的八个1 (3)圆内接四边形:若四边形的四个顶点都在同一个圆上,这个四边形叫做圆内接四边形.教学过程 学生活动 设计意图 students to learn to pronounce the names. people. 人物,为下3. (1) Teacher shows the picture on Page 1 by playing PPT. Learn how to 面的听力(2) Teacher points to the persons and students say their names. read them. 和语言练(3) Teacher says one of the names and students repeat it, and then write 习做准备。 it below Boys name or Girls name in the book. Play a (4) Check their answers. guessing 4.Presentation game. Teacher shows a picture with Bob, let students guess what Bob wants 115.75.13加与减(二)2 P61-63 数学好玩2 P64-67to say to us. The answer maybe: Hello, Helen! or Good morning, Helen! Listen 5. Work on 1b carefully and (1) Play the recording for the first time, Students only listen. finish 1b. 练习见面(2) Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and repeat. 打招呼的(3) Play the recording for the third time. Students look, listen and 用语。 repeat. Teacher: Now please open your books and turn to Page 1. You can look at the conversation in your book. Lets listen and repeat. 6. Work on 1c Practice the (1)Students practice reading the conversations in the picture in pairs. conversation. Teacher moves around the classroom when students are practicing. Give Act out in them some help if they need. class. (2)Teacher greets the students who has just get their English names. Choose one The other students listen, watch and learn. English names (3)Students practice greeting each other. They can use their Chinese for names if they wish. Encourage them to use their English names if they themselves. can. (4)T: Now Ill ask some pairs to practice your own conversations. 找出这些名字了解英语(3)二次函数的图象:是一条顶点在y轴上且与y轴对称的抛物线,二次函数的图象中,a的符号决定抛物线的开口方向,|a|决定抛物线的开口程度大小,c决定抛物线的顶点位置,即抛物线位置的高低。Presentation 排列的规律。 字母的顺7.给学生呈现下表: Alice Bob Cindy Dale Eric Frank Grace Helen 序。 (1)如圆中有弦的条件,常作弦心距,或过弦的一端作半径为辅助线.(圆心向弦作垂线)2 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图 A a C c 跟读这些字母。 学生观察图标,找出规律。 T: Look at the chart. Can you find out the 听录音写出给 rule? S: (Aa,) Bb, (Cc), Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh 听到的字母排正确朗读8. Work on 2a 序。 这些字母。(1)Play the recording. Students listen and repeat. Teacher: 为听力做Listen to the recording and read after it, please. 讨论这些字母好准备。 (2)Teacher shows some letter cards. T: Read these letters, please. 组合的含义。 9. Work on 2b (1)Play the recording for the first time. Students listen. (2)Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and number the letters. 了解英语(3)Play the recording for the third time. Students listen and check 中一些缩their answers. 略词的意(4)Students read them aloud. 义。 10. Presentation Teacher shows some letters and asks students to read first, and then guess what they stand for. If they have some difficulties, teacher can give them some hints. 11. Work on 2e (1)Show the pictures and students read the letters below each picture. 描述性定义:在一个平面内,线段OA绕它固定的一个端点O旋转一周,另一个端点A随之旋转所形成的圆形叫做圆;固定的端点O叫做圆心;线段OA叫做半径;以点O为圆心的圆,记作O,读作“圆O”T: Whats it? S: HB / CD /BBC. (2)Students talk about some more abbreviations they know. 板书设计 Unit 1 Good morning! 一、英语中的名字 男孩的名字:Bob Dale Frank Eric 圆内接四边形的性质: 圆内接四边形的对角互补;女孩的名字:Grace Helen Alice Cindy 二、Good morning 二次函数配方成则抛物线的3 Hello Hi 三、Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 4


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