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    七年级英语下册 Unit9教案 人教新目标版Unit 9 How was your weekend? 单元目标:1.学习一些新词汇 2.能听懂、会说一些关于过去发生的事情的语句及短文 3.通过学习,会写关于过去发生的事情的文章 4.一般过去时态 课时安排: Period1: Section A 1a -2c Period2: Section A Grammar Focus -4 Period3: Section B 1a -2c,4 Period4: Section B 3a -3c Period5: Self-check Period6: Have a test Period7: 试卷评讲 Period One Teaching aims: 1.Learm some new words 2.Talk about what you did last weekend? Teaching procedures: Task one: Lead in ?通过提问What do you often do on Sundays? , What did you do last Sunday?来导入新课 ?胶片展示 A:What do you often do on Sundays? B: A:What did you do last Sunday? B: 让学生互相对话 Task Two: New words was v. is/am的过去式 ? did v. do/does的过去式 ? went v.go的过去式 ? visit v.拜访,访问 visitor n.参观者,旅游者 ? test n.考试,测验 pass/fail the English test ? what about?=how about? 后接名词/动名词/代词 ? stay v 停留,留下 stay at home ? have v.做,进行,从事 ? do some reading 阅读 do some cleaning/cooking/washing/shopping ? practice v.练习,实践 practice/finish/enjoy doing sth doing sth I enjoy traveling a lot. enjoy oneself I enjoyed myself at the party last night. sth I really enjoyed my last Sunday. ?regular adj.正常的,规则的,有规律的 反义词:irregular ?verb n.动词 ?present adj.现在时态的,现在的,目前的 at present 目前,现在 1 用心 爱心 专心 n.礼物 ?past adj.过去时态的,以前的,过去的 ?mountain n.山,山脉 Exx: 1.Every year many _ come to China for visiting. 2.P_ speaking English as much as possible. 3.I v_ my teacher last Sunday afternoon. 4.Nancy did some _ after school yesterday. 5 What about _(sing) an English song? 6 We often practice _(speak) French in the morning. 7.They are visiting Japan at p_. Task Three:1a-1c 听录音 Time What did Lucy do On Saturday morning On Saturday afternoon On Saturday evening On Sunday morning On Sunday afternoon On Sunday evening 让学生相互对话 A:What did Lucy do on Saturday morning? B:She Task Four:2a-2b 听录音 person What did he/she do 完成右表 Emma Studied for the math test Carol 根据表格内容,让学生进行对话 A:How was Emmas/ weekend? B:It was great/ok/pretty good/terrible/not bad Task Five:2c 学生完成2c,然后相互对话,或让几组同学进行口头表演 Task Six 总结,归纳 重点句型及短语 1.A:How was your/Lucys weekend? B: It was great/ok/pretty good/terrible/not bad 2.on Sunday morning on Saturday evening Last Sunday morning this Saturday evening 3.have a good weekend on weekends at the weekend/over the weekend 4.have fun doing sth 5.do ones homework 6.play tennis/soccer 7.go to the beach 2 用心 爱心 专心 8.go to the movies 9.clean my room 10.have a good weekend 11.visit my grandmother 12 study for the math test 13.go to the mountains 14.practice doing sth/sth 15 have a party Exx 一.词汇 1.打羽毛球 2.做家庭作业 3.去海滨 4.去看电影 5.打扫房间 6.在星期六早晨 7.读书 8.举办晚会 9.呆在家里 10.买东西 11.访谈节目 12.怎么样, 13.少数,一些 14.想到,考虑 二.单选 1.The students _to the beach _ September 1st, 2008. A went, at B go, on C went, on D went, in 2.Listen! Your sister is practicing _ English in her room. A speaking B to speak C speaks D spoke 3.I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me _in bed. A staying B to stay C stayed D stays 4.I asked my friends _ last night. A what he does B what did he do C what he did D what does he do 5.Einstein, the famous scientist, was born _ March,1879. A in B on C at 6.Your Mp4 is quite cheap. Where did you buy _? I want to buy _. A one, one B it ,it C it, one D one,it 7.What did you do the weekend? A.in B.over C.for 8上个周六我去山里了。 9安妮,你周末过得怎么样, 很棒。 10.昨晚你做什么了, 11上个周末我呆在家看电视。 完成步步为营相应练习 Period Two 学习目标:一般过去时态 Teaching procedures: Task One: Lead in,3a 提问: How was your last weekend?与学生进行口头训练,然后完成3a,并让学生相互操练对话 Task Two.学习一般过去时态 学生先自学,看课本P100及第39期步步为营B2版过去时态讲解,然后进行总结,归纳 1.定义:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示过去经常或反复发生的动作 ?be的过去式 was或were 2.构成: ?动词过去式,如cleaned, studied等 3 用心 爱心 专心 3.标志词:?yesterday(morning,evening,afternoon),the day before yesterday等 ?two days ago,a moment ago,three years ago等 ?in+表示过去的时间点,如in 2005, in 2008等 4.各种句式: 9.直角三角形变焦关系:肯定句:I watched TV last night. They were at home yesterday. 否定句:I didnt watch TV last night. They werent at home yesterday. 3.余弦:一般疑问句:Did you watch TV last night? Were they at home yesterday? 5动词过去式的构成及读音,见课本P102 展示胶片33-09-03,让学生完成过去式,并说出正确的读音 4.坡度:如图2,坡面与水平面的夹角叫做坡角坡角的正切称为坡度 (或坡比)。用字母i表示,即Exx: 1.He didnt go out last night. He _(stay) at home and _(watch) TV. 2.I _(find) him talking in class yesterday. 3.Lucy practiced _(speak) Chinese last weekend. 4.There _(be) some interesting news in yesterdays newspaper. 5.Look! the students are _(enjoy) playing basketball over there. (一)数与代数6.We often _(go) shopping on Sundays last month. 7.My parents _(not be) at home yesterday. 8.He _(study) for the English test last Sunday. 9.Nancy with her mother _(go) to the movies every Saturday evening. 2、第四单元“有趣的图形”。学生将经历从上学期立体图形到现在平面图形的过程,认识长方形,正方形,三角形,圆等平面图形,通过动手做的活动,进一步认识平面图形,七巧板是孩子喜欢的拼图,用它可以拼出很多的图形,让孩子们自己动手拼,积累数学活动经验,发展空间观念能设计有趣的图案。10.He _(clean) his room once a week. 11. When it (rain),I stayed at home and watched TV. 12.Everyone in our class their holidays. A.enjoy B.enjoying C.enjoys 13.Did he to sleep late last night? A.went B.go C.goes (三)实践活动句型转换. (15×1分) 104.305.6加与减(二)2 P57-601. Tom listened to CDs yesterday. (变否定句) Tom to CDs yesterday. 1.概念:一般地,若两个变量x,y之间对应关系可以表示成(、b、c是常数,0)的形式,则称y是x的二次函数。自变量x的取值范围是全体实数。在写二次函数的关系式时,一定要寻找两个变量之间的等量关系,列出相应的函数关系式,并确定自变量的取值范围。2. Father read a book all day last Monday. (改一般疑问句) father a book all day last Monday? 3. I was very busy last week. (改否定句和一般疑问句) I very busy last week. you very busy last week? 4. She took the wallet away from the table. (对划线部分提问) she the wallet away from? 5. Last weekend, she got up very early. (对划线部分提问) she up very early? 6. Jimmy read a book about history.(对划线部分提问) 经过不在同一直线上的三点,能且仅能作一个圆.Jimmy ? 33.123.18加与减(一)3 P13-174 用心 爱心 专心


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