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    Unit 3 第2课时.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。1_the end of the first half there's no score.AInBAtCOn DTo答案:B此题题意:上半场结束时,双方均未得分。at the end of表示“在末端;在尽头。2The televission station apologized for the interference, which was_bad weather conditions.Aexcept for Bdue toCapart from Dinstead of答案:B此题题意:电视台为出现的干扰表示歉意,那是由于恶劣的天气状况造成的。due to表示“由于,因为。3To my personal knowledge, Dr. Tounsend is under the influence of drugs,_he is addicted.Ain which Bto whichCby which Dwith which答案:B此题题意:据我所知,汤森特医生嗜药成瘾,目前正处于药物作用之下。be addicted to表示“上瘾,成瘾;有瘾。4We gradually became_to the various appliances in our new house.Aaddicted BaccustomedCdevoted Dburied答案:B此题题意:我们渐渐习惯了新家里的各种设置。be accustomed to表示“习惯于。5One friend of mine has decided to_his highly­paid but demanding position in his company recently.Aquit BresignCwithdraw Ddepart答案:A此题题意:最近,我有一个朋友辞去了他公司里的那份工资高但要求也高的工作。quit表示“离开(工作职位、等)。6By and by Tom's reading and dreaming about princely life worked such a strong effect_him that he began to act the prince, unconsciously.Ain BuponCat Dwith答案:B此题题意:后来汤姆所读的关于王子生活的书和他在这方的梦想竟对他发生了那么强烈的影响,以致使他不知不觉地扮演起王子来了。effect作为名词,表示“效应;影响;结果,通常和介词on/upon搭配。7Yi Jianlian, a promising new star, said goodbye to CBA for NBA and is ready to_in a new world of basketball.Atake off Bget offCturn off Dcome off答案:A此题题意:易建联,一颗希望之星,辞别了CBA前往 NBA, 准备在一个崭新的篮球世界中迅速腾飞。take off表示“(观念、产品等)突然大受欢送;迅速流行。8Oh, what a fool she was to waste her life, to_her chance of happiness.Athrow up Bthrow aboutCthrow away Dthrow at答案:C此题题意:啊,她这样浪费生命,抛开幸福的机运,是多么愚蠢。throw away表示“失去;浪费。9(25) By the time he realizes he_into a trap, it'll be too late for him to do anything about it.Awalks Bwalked Chas walked Dhad walked答案:C此题题意:当他意识到落入陷阱时将已为时已晚,来不及采取任何措施了。现在完成时可以表示对目前状况仍有影响的,刚刚完成的动作。例如:I have read the instructions but I don't understand them. 我已经看了说明,但没看懂。注意:by the time表示“到的时,引导时间状语从句。10Being kept _for 3 hours, he lost his temper and left furiously.Ato wait Bwaiting Cwaited Dhaving been waiting 答案:B此题题意:等待了3个小时,他失去了信心,愤怒地离开了。此题考查 keep sb doing sth句式,其中现在分词采用了被动形式,表示被动含义。.课文填空根据对课文的理解,完成下面的短文,每空只填一个单词。Dear James,Smoking can produce many harmful _1_ and has no benefits. First, nicotine in cigarettes is a kind of _2_. Long­term smoking can make you become _3_ to having nicotine in your body. When the drug leaves your body, you will feel bad­tempered and sometimes even in _4_. Secondly, smoking repeatedly can make you get into a habit of smoking _5_. Lastly, you can become mentally _6_ because you may think having a cigarette can make you happier and more relaxed.Smoking can do terrible _7_ to your heart and lungs, and it will be more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. When I smoked, my girlfriend thought I _8_ terrible. I also noticed that I became _9_ quickly. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to _10_ smoking.Love fromGrandad10_.完成句子根据汉语提示,完成以下句子。每空仅限一个单词。1晚上好,您要先来杯鸡尾酒吗?Good evening. Would you like to _ _with a cocktail?2拉尔夫在上大学,戴西再过两周也15岁了。Well, Ralph's_ _and Daisy is turning fifteen_ _ _ _.3要一下子学好一件事是困难的,所以决不要因为进步不快就放弃学习。It is difficult to learn a thing well in a short while, so never_ _learning if your progress is not rapid.4在美国,我几乎不吃冰淇淋,但在对中国的一次短暂访问中却迷上了中国品种的冰淇淋。I hardly ever eat ice cream _ _, but _ _ _the Chinese variety during a brief visit in .5婴孩碰到热水时,痛得尖叫起来。When the baby touched the hot water, he_ _ _ _.6医生屡次告诫他戒烟,可他就是听不进去。The doctor has warned him_ _ _ _to stop smoking,but he doesn't_ _ _.7这场大病损伤了他的健康。This severe bout of illness has done serious_ _his health.8我找不到彼得,我也不知道他到哪里去了。I couldn't find Peter, _ _ _ _ _he had gone.9现在该为蒙受不公正对待的人们大声疾呼了。_ _ _ _ _ _ those who are suffering injustice.10那项工作会使你忙碌很长时间。That job will keep you_ _ _ _ _.答案:1start off2at college/university; in two weeks' time3give up4at home/in America; became addicted to5cried out in pain6over and over again; take any advice7damage to8nor did I know where9It's time to speak up for10busy for a long time.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。(卷)I used to live selfishly,I should admit.But one moment changed me.I was on my lunch break and had_1_the office to get something to eat.On the way,I_2_a busker(街头艺人),with a hat in front of him.I had some _3_in my pocket,but I would not give them to him,thinking to myself he would_4_use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol.He _56_what was I going to spend the money on?Only to feed my addiction to Coca­Cola or chocolate!I then_7_I had no right to place myself above_8_just because he was busking.I _9_and dropped all the coins into his_10_,and he smiled at me.I watched for a while.As _11_as it sounds,I expected something more to come from that momenta feeling of_1213_,I walked off.“It proved to be a waste of_14_,I thought.On my way home at the end of the_15_,I saw the busker again and he was _16_.I watched him pick up the hat and walk_17_a cafe counter.There he poured the_18_contents into a tin collecting_19_an earthquake fund­raising(募捐)event.He was busking for charity(慈善)!Now I donate any_20_I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.短文解析:“我曾经是个很自私的人,但是一次特殊的经历教育了“我一天午饭时间,“我出了办公楼去买午饭时,“我看到门口站着一个衣衫褴褛的年轻艺人在表演,他面前放着帽子,在向路人乞讨,“我虽然兜里有一些硬币,但“我想用它们买我喜欢的可乐或巧克力,“我就想:也许他会拿乞讨来的钱去买毒品或去酗酒。“我犹豫再三,最后依依不舍地将兜里的零钱放进他的帽子里。“我站在那里等了一会儿,但没有体验到“我想要的满足感。“我想:这钱是浪费了。而当“我下午下班回家时,“我看到那位乞丐走进一家小餐馆,他把自己帽子里乞讨来的所有钱都倒进了设在那里的地震灾区捐款箱内。原来,他在为慈善事业乞讨,从那以后,“我每次都将“我所有的零钱投进捐款箱里,也从此体验到了付出的快乐。1A.left BcleanedCprepared Dsearched答案:A由本句中的to get something to eat可以推断出此处选A项。2A.led BchoseCsaw Dfooled答案:C句意是:在路上,我看到一个街头艺人,面前放着一顶帽子。3A.chocolates BcoinsCtins Ddrugs答案:B根据空后的in my pocket可以推断出此处选B项。4A.almost BonlyCrather Dstill答案:B句意是:我考虑他仅仅是用这些钱去满足自己的毒瘾或酒瘾。5A.acted BlookedCsounded Dsmelt答案:B根据本句中的young and ragged可以推断出所填词和like构成搭配,意思是“看起来像,选B项。6A.Though BForCTherefore DBut答案:D此处与前一句是转折关系,故用转折连词but,选D项。7A.declared BrealizedCexpected Dguessed答案:B句意是:后来我意识到我不能把自己置于他之上,因为他在街头卖艺。8A.it BallChim Dthem答案:C所填词做介词above的宾语,指代那位街头艺人,应选C项。9A.waited BfollowedCstopped Darrived答案:C由后文的dropped和walked off可以推断出此处所填词意思是“停下来,选C项。10A.rag BhatCpocket Dcounter答案:B由前文的with a hat in front of him可知此处选B项。11A.selfish BawkwardCinnocent Dspecial答案:A根据文章首句可知此处选A项。12A.happiness BsadnessClove Dhate答案:A所填词与satisfaction并列,意思应该相近,由此可以推断出选A项。13A.Disappointedly BUnfortunatelyCCoincidentally DComfortably答案:A根据前一句But nothing happened可知此处选A项,意思是“失望地。14A.words BeffortCspace Dmoney答案:D由前文的coins可知此处选D项。15A.moment BdayCbreak Devent答案:B根据本句中的on my way home可知所填词意思是“当天,一天,选B项。16A.walking around Bpassing byCpacking up Drunning off答案:C句意是:我看到他在收拾行李。walk around“徘徊,来回走;pass by“从.旁边经过;pack up“收拾行李;pick up“捡起,拾起;接送;接收。17A.around BinCbehind Dto答案:D所填介词与walk构成搭配,意思是“朝.走去,表对象,介词用to,选D项。18A.chief BbasicCactual Dtotal答案:D根据谓语动词poured可以推断出此处选D项。19A.by BforCon Dwith答案:B此处所填介词表目的,意思是“为了,用for,选B项。20A.work BtimeCenergy Dchange答案:D根据动词donate和have可以推断出此处选D项。


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