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    模块七第一单元单元复习By lsl知识点复习:1. Altogether, three men could be responsible. ( L7) 总而言之,有三个人奉献最大。 altogether adv. 1总而言之;总起来说 2完全;全部3总共;一共 =_i_ Eg. (1) Altogether, our achievements are very great._. (2)Thats _another question. 那完全是另外一回事。 (3)_这里总共有10 个人。2. Some consider digital TV to be superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before. (L19) 有些人认为数字电视优于卫星电视,因为数字电视传播的电视节目图像比以前更加清晰。 superior作形容词时,表“高级的;傲慢的;优越的;上级的,短语be superior to意为“比好、“比强、“不屈服于。(1)_在我看来,手工制作的裤子要比机器加工的裤子好。(2)The boy was superior to hardships. _(3)另外,superior还可作名词,意为“上级、“长者、“地位/智力较高的人等。 We will need a letter of recommendation from one of your superiors._3. They bought the patent and applied the technology to create the transistor radio.(L40) 他们买下了专利,将该技术用于生产晶体管收音机。 apply vt.& vi. 运用,应用,申请; application n. 运用,申请; applicant n. 申请人,句中动词apply意为“应用,短语applyto意为“把应用于。1The results of this research _这项研究成果将应用于肺癌的治疗。2apply还可表“申请、“请求apply for sth申请某物 ; apply to sb. for sth.“向某人申请某物。我将去那家公司申请那份工作。_3apply vt.“使(自己)专心于/使聚精会神的意思apply oneself to“致力于apply ones mind to “专心于他专注于解决这一难题。_4. Then, in 1979, the Walkman, a portable pocket-sized cassette tape player, was introduced and became so popular that Walkman was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 1986. L41然后在1979年,一种便携式只有口袋尺寸大小的盒带播放器,即随身听Walkman被引进,并且变得如此受欢送,以致于“Walkman一词在1986年 被收入牛津英语词典。 辨析:add to 增加 addto 把加到上 add up 加在一起 add up to 总计;加起来是1The bad weather add to our difficulties。_(2) _?请您给这篇文章加几条注释好吗?(3) _. 这些帐单加起来正好一百元。(4)There have been several new events to the program for the Beijing Olympic Games.A. addB. to add C. addingD. added5. and in 1988, for the first time ever, people were demanding more CDs than LPs. L49及至1988年,人们对CD的需求有史以来第一次超过了LP唱片。 demand vt. 要求,需要;vi. 要求,查问 n. 要求,需要,需求量 (1) demand sth 要求/需要某物,_众所周知,钓鱼是一项需要耐心的工作。(2) demand to do sth 要求干某事demand后接动词不定式时,主语通常是人而不是物;动词不定式可根据需要用主动或被动形式。例如: _她要求知道这件事情的整个经过。 (3) demand sth from/ of sb向某人要求某物, 例如: The foreign customer demanded an apology from the saleswoman in the supermarket._4 demand +that从句 要求 demand后接宾语从句时,从句谓语一般要用虚拟语气,即"should + 动词原形"其被动语态为 "should + be +动词过去分词",其中should可以省略。例如: _ 我要求约翰立即到那里去。 (5)demand用作名词时既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。常见用法有: 表示"要求;要求的事物"。例如: The workers demands for higher pay and better working condition were turned down._ 6. But its up to you to choose good programmes! (Page 5) 1up to 直到 数目/程度/时间 _,he has collected 1000 stamps 至今, 他已经收集1000张邮票。 2be up to sb to do sth 应有某人做某事 _. 应由我来帮助你. (3) be up to sth 从事于、忙于某种不好的事; 密谋干坏事 I (4) be up to 胜任,适于 _ 他不胜任他的工作。一短语翻译1.惊人的技术开展 2. 在过去几十年里3.电子设备 4.无线电视传输 5. 面市 6. 对科学开展作奉献9.到如此的程度 10. 占领市场11.由手来上发条 12.可以接近 13.涌现,突然出现 14.可携带的音响器械 19. 优于 20. 录制 二单项选择21. Shortly after the storm stopped, a large number of birds _ over the sea. A. set up B. took up C. went up D. sprung up22. The old clock needs _ every day, otherwise it will stop workingA. to turn up B. to wind up C. winding up D. wind down23. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always _ the same thing. A. saying B. said C. to say D. having said 24. Good workers are always _ in the factory.A. in demand B. on need C. by request D. for requirement25. The situation is hard to _, because he isnt a man easy to _.A. be dealt, communicate B. be dealt with, be communicated C. deal with, communicate with D. deal , be communicated with26. The food was good and we loved the atmosphere and the people. _ it was a good evening.A. All altogether B. In all C. Altogether D. After all 27. They are superior _ us _numbers.A. to, in B. over, to C. to, by D. over, by28. Its high time you _ .A. apply yourself to study B. apply yourself to studying C. applied yourself studying D. applied yourself to studying 29.The flowers_ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt 30. Come and see me whenever _.A. you are convenient B. you will be convenientC. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you 31. Im not _ convinced by this argument. Which of the following is wrong?A. altogether B. all together C. completely D. fully 32. I agree with you _.A. with a degree B. to a degree C. by a degree D. with the degree 33. Dont lose heart! You should have _ in your ability. A. measure B. ownership C. selection D. faith34.With live game ticket prices rising, TV_ over as the typical way of watching a game for the young and the old.A. has taken B. had taken C. was taken D. is taken 35. They _ invited if there had been room.A. would have been all B. would have all been C. all would have been D. would all have been36. To _ degree does the boy like to play computer games?A. how B. what C. which D. where37. More and more fast-food restaurants have _ all over the town in the last few years.A. come up B. taken up C. sprung up D. put up38. That company produced a variety of electric toys which _ the kids a lot.A. delighted B. annoyed C. confused D. recorded39.My elder brother wants to buy a _ computer, so that he can carry it around when he travels.A. removable B. portable C. possible D. readable40. Who is it up _ decide what to do next?A. to B. to to C. for to D. to for


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