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    (整理版高中英语)课时作业(十九) 必修4 Unit10 Money第1课时.doc

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    (整理版高中英语)课时作业(十九) 必修4 Unit10 Money第1课时.doc

    课时作业(十九) 必修4Unit 10Money第1课时.单项填空1If you just spend time_advantages and disadvantages,you may get nothing in the end.AmatchingBbalancingCobserving Dexamining2There are days when we feel especially you are_ such a difficult period,it often helps to talk to someone.Agoing through Bbreaking throughCseeing through Dlooking through3(·湖南长郡月考)If the food tastes nice,well buy some;if_,_.Ano;no Bnot;notCnot;no Dno;not4I am going to do all I can to_the unpleasant impression you have on me.Asolve BformCremove Dmove5The student became_the danger of smoking and decided to give it up.Aaware Baware ofCaware that Daware with6Did he say anything that_to you especially?Not I slept halfway through his speech.Aadapted BattachedCappealed Dreferred7Five hundred dollars for each,not any less.Four hundred and eighty dollars,OK?That is my last_.Acost BbargainCprice Doffer8She will definitely choose_of the necklaces that matches her dress.Awhat BwhicheverCwhatever Dwhich9_cell phone is waterproof,so you can use it even in_bath.AThe;a BA;theCThe;the DA;a10We were so lucky that when we eventually reached the hotel there was still a room_.Aavailable BconvenientCadequate Dabundant11Water has recently been found on Mars,previously_to be impossible.Athinking BthoughtCto think Dbeing thought12The advertisement was_online by the car producer yesterday,aiming to increase sales.Ainserted BsetCposted Doccupied13They were walking home_a tall man stopped them and demanded their purses.Awhen BwhileCthat Duntil14He had been expected to get the first prize in the composition competition,but_he failed to reach it.Aanyhow BanywayCsomewhat Dsomehow15The old man wants_more than a colour TV to kill time.Aanother BanythingCnothing Dnone.阅读理解(第二次教学检测)Neatness and personal cleanness have been around for ages and have become an important part of everyones daily might think that all modern societies would have the same neatness and personal cleanness all,everybody will take people do recognize the need for cleanness,which is the basis for practices include all the little things people do to make themselves look their best,such as combing their hair and putting on ,while most modern people agree that these things are important,people in different cultures take care of themselves in different ways.There used to be an old joke in America that people should take a bath once a week,whether they need or fact,though,Americans generally take a bath or more commonly,a shower every in contrast to some cultures,most Americans get their shower in the morning so that they can start the day fres are known for having very sensitive America,body smell is socially that reason,Americans consider it a must to use special lotion (护肤液) to prevent the often add a touch of may spray on aftershave cream or manly­smelling perfume.Some of the cultural varieties in neatness practices result from physical differences between many Asian men have little facial hair,Westerners have a a result,most American men spend some time each day shaving or tidying their facial hair to keep it women,on the other hand,generally prefer not to be hairy at all.Americans put great value on both neatness and personal some people,taking care of themselves has become almost a the old saying goes,“Cleanness is next to godliness. Whether or not being clean and neat­looking brings one closer to God,it certainly at least brings one closer to look down on people who dont take care of themselves,or who “let_themselves_go1We can infer from the first paragraph that_.Aeveryone takes baths daily to get a nice lookBpeople have the same neatness practices todayCneatness practices may be affected by culturesDneatness means combing hair and doing make­up2Americans have a bath in the morning to_.Abegin an energetic dayBrefresh their sensitive nosesCprevent their body smellDstyle their hair at home3According to the author,physical differences between races can cause differences in_.Apolitics BlocationsCreligions Dneatness practices4The underlined phrase in the last paragraph means “_Acare much about themselvesBgive loose to themselvesCstay away from other peopleDstay closer to other people.任务型读写 ( 度凤阳荣达第三次教学质量检测)The United States is facing a growing concern:rising obesity (肥胖) new report says adult obesity rates rose last year in 23 of the 50 ,the percentage of obese (过胖的) children was at or above 30% in 30 had the highest rate of adult obesity in the new study.32.5% of the states adults were also had the highest rate of obese and overweight children.44.4% of all children between the ages of ten and seventeen years were obese or overweight.The study used a system of measurement called the Body Mass Index (B­M­I) to define words like obese and find your B­M­I,divide your weight in kilograms by height in meters normal B­M­I is between and B­M­I of someone overweight is between 25 and ,an obese person has a B­M­I above 30.The new report says widespread obesity is increasing the rates of long­lasting diseases,such as heart is also responsible for an increasing part of health care costs in the United care costs have grown while many Americans are getting lack of physical exercise,watching TV too much and eating junk food contribute to the rising obesity report says the current economic recession (经济衰退) could worsen obesity rates by increasing food would make healthy foods cost report blames the recession for rising rates of depression,anxiety and stress,which are closely linked to obesity in many cases.The report offers some ideas for dealing with obesity within government health care include making sure that every adult and child has a right to preventive medical ,people should do more physical exercise,drive less and eat less junk food to fight obesity.Widespread obesity in the USRising obesity rates rates rose last year in 23 of the 50 states.Child obesity rate was at or above 30% in 30 states.Consequencesincreasing the rates of increasing health care exercisewatching TV too mucheating junk foodexperiencing recessionOffering preventive medical servicesPeopledoing more eating less junk food.书面表达 (·瑞安高三月考)某英语报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部,现向全球征募会员,要求申请者提交一篇题为“I Want to Smile的英语短文。请你以申请者的身份,根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文。 词数:120左右。内容要点:;2想对其微笑的人物(如:父母或朋友等)并给出理由;3对自己微笑的理由;4总结。课时作业(十九)答案.单项填空1解析:balance advantages and disadvantages意为“权衡利弊。答案:B2解析:句意为:有时候我们会感觉特别沮丧。当你经历这样的困难时期时,通常跟别人交谈会有所帮助。go through经历;通过,符合题意。break through突破,突围;see through帮助渡过(困难等);看穿;look through识破。答案:A3解析:考查省略。全句应为:If the food doesnt taste nice,we wont buy any。答案:B4解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:我会尽一切努力消除你对我的这些令人不快的印象。solve解决;form形成;move移动;remove去掉,应选C项。答案:C5解析:句意为:那个学生意识到了吸烟的危害性,决定戒烟。become aware of知道,意识到,符合句意。be/become aware that后接从句;aware通常不与with连用。答案:B6解析:adapt to适应;attach to粘上,附上;refer to指的是,谈及。根据答语“听演讲的半中间就睡着了可推知上句询问:他有没有讲一些吸引(appealed to)你的东西?应选C。答案:C7解析:考查名词辨析。offer出价,报价。句意为:“每个500美元,不能再低了。“480美元怎么样?这是我的最后出价。bargain廉价商品。答案:D8解析:考查代词。whichever任何一个;which哪个。句意为:她肯定会从这些项链中挑选出最适合她的长裙的那条。答案:B9解析:考查冠词。根据语境可知句中特指这个防水的 ,故第一空填the;in the bath在洗澡。答案:C10解析:考查形容词辨析。available可获得的。句意为:我们很幸运。当我们最终到达旅馆时,还有一个房间可住。convenient方便的;adequate足够的;abundant大量的。答案:A11解析:考查非谓语动词。think(认为)与“火星上有水是动宾关系,应选thought。答案:B12解析:考查动词辨析。post张贴,发布。句意为:这家汽车制造厂昨天在网上发布了广告,想要增加销量。insert插入;set设置;occupy占有。答案:C13解析:考查连词辨析。when在句中意为“这时(突然)。句意为:他们正走着回家,这时,一个高个子男子拦住他们要他们的钱包。答案:A14解析:考查副词辨析。anyway,anyhow无论如何;somewhat有点,稍微;somehow不知怎的。句意为:大家以为他会在写作比赛中获一等奖,但是不知怎的他失败了。答案:D15解析:考查不定代词。nothing more than只不过。句意为:这位老人只不过想要一台彩电来打发时间。答案:C.阅读理解语篇解读文章讲述了不同文化的人有不同的个人卫生习惯,尤其介绍了美国人的个人卫生习惯 1解析:推理判断题。由第一段最后一句话可以推知C项正确,即卫生习惯因为文化的不同而不同。答案:C2解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句话中的start the day fresh可知,A项符合题意。答案:A3解析:细节理解题。由第三段第一句话可知,不同种族不同的身体特征会造成不同文化生习惯的差异,故D项正确。答案:D4解析:词义猜想题。根据语境可知,画线局部应和前半句的dont take care of意义相近,表示不修边幅,意思与B项“放纵自己接近。答案:B.任务型读写1Problem5Causes.书面表达I Want to Smile There are many advantages of can not only make us happy,but also please we smile at life,life will smile on us in I want to smile at all whenever and wherever possible.First,I would like to smile at my parents because they have given me life and take all the trouble to bring me arrange almost everything for their help,I have made great would like to say “Thank you to them with a my smile should go to myself,for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better life.In a word,lets greet every day with a smile.


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