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    高中英语必修五Unit2 The United KingdomWarming up & Reading同步练习题3题组单项选择1. Kate is well-known _ a poet, but not _ speeches.A. for; asB. as; forC. to; withD. with; for2. The organization _ the eight richest countries in the world.A. is consisted ofB. is made up C. consists ofD. consists in3. Canada is a country _ many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants _ the majority of its population.A. making up of; occupied withB. consisting of; making upC. made up of; consisting ofD. consisted of; making up4. Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have _ one- year-old twins at the head.A. isolatedB. separated C. dividedD. removed5. They used to make _ to meet and have a party at the end of a month.A. a ruleB. it a rule C. it ruleD. them a rule6. He didnt understand the _ question, so there was a _ expression on his face.A. puzzling; puzzledB. puzzling; puzzling C. puzzled; puzzledD. puzzled; puzzling7. Chinese government _ on the matters to Taiwan.A. clarify it standB. clarifies its stand C. clarify its standD. clarifies it stand8. Plastics and other similar rubbish that does not _ may not be thrown into the sea anywhere.A. break downB. break away C. break offD. break through9. Its wrong of him to _ all his friends, I think. A. break offB. break into C. break downD. break away from10. The professor _ at the meeting will give us a lecture next week.A. referredB. referred to C. referringD. referring to11. Come and see me whenever _.A. you are convenientB. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you12. With a lot of difficult problems _, the newly- elected president is having a hard time. A. settleB. settling C. to settleD. being settled13. Many great men have risen from poverty _ Lincoln and Edison.A. insteadB. for example C. and so onD. a great many14. Many of us are from the south, _ , Li Lei is from Guangdong.A. such asB. such like C. for exampleD. thats to say15.Whats wrong with you, Jane?Oh, dear. I have _ my keys in the office.A. forgottenB. been forgotten C. lostD. left16. In copying this paper, be careful not to _ any words.A. leave behindB. leave aside C. leave offD. leave out17. Meeting the famous football player was _ for the children.A. very thrillB. very thrilled C. great thrillD. a great thrill18. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen.A. smokeB. smoking C. to smokeD. smoked19. There is reason to believe that most writers have difficulty in _ the opening paragraphs of their papers.A. constitutingB. constructing C. comprisingD. founding20. She has great influence _ the manager and could no doubt help you.A. onB. atC. withD. in21. My teacher _ my decision _ study science.A. influenced; toB. influenced; on C. has influenced; withD. influences; on22. In my opinion, all Mr White _ good to his students in his class at present. He is very strict in their study.A. does does doesB. does did do C. does does doD. did do does23. Mike, as far as I know, _ like to play music.A. seemsB. appearsC. feelsD. does24. You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill. Not exactly. It was his courage _ his skill that really struck me most.A. but alsoB. not asC. as well asD. rather25. John plays football _ , if not better than, David.A. as wellB. as well as C. so wellD. so well as26. Do you think it _ to argue with them? The question is not worthy _.A. worth; discussing B. worthwhile; to be discussed C. worthy; to discussD. worth; to be discussed27. What do you think of the book? Oh, excellent. Its worth _ a second time.A. to readB. to be read C. readingD. being read28. Things like food, clothing, electric appliance家电_can be bought in this store.A. for exampleB. for instanceC. such asD. and so on29. When and where will it _ for our next meeting?A. suit you for convenienceB. suit your convenience C. suit you convenientD. be your convenience30. Dont leave her _ outside in the rain; she will catch a cold.A. waitedB. waitC. waitingD. to wait31. He found himself _ in the wrong direction of his home.A. walkedB. to walk C. walkingD. walk32. What the man said at the meeting could _ the situation at that time.A. expressB. clarify C. understandD. suggest33. We were _ to hear the news of Shenzhou launched successfully.A. thrillingB. delighting C. thrilledD. exciting34. When you begin to write an essay, you should _ carefully its opening paragraph.A. writeB. construct C. buildD. think35. The opening province which _ thirteen countries and three coastal cities will quicken its pace of economic development.A. consists ofB. makes up C. is includedD. is contained36. The governor wanted to _ the state with a firm hand.A. ruleB. own C. haveD. cover37. Generally speaking, fans_ their certain stars, but they dont really _ them.A. know; knowB. know of; know about C. know about; knowD. know; know about38. As is known to us, happiness consists _ appreciating _ you have.A. of; whatB. in; what C. of; thatD. in; that39. If you think hard, you wont have the puzzle _ you.A. puzzleB. puzzles C. puzzledD. to puzzle40. When she heard the sad news of her family, the lady _.A. broke downB. broke out C. broke upD. broke into41. This is Bob. Hes the person I _ my last letter.A. told inB. referred to C. referred to inD. was mentioned in42. I regret to say that I _ the important point.A. left outB. stood out C. worked outD. tried out43. We _ the job _ five parts, and each man did one part.A. divided; intoB. separated; intoC. divided; fromD. separated; from44. She speaks _ her friend, and her writing is also very excellent.A. as well asB. as often as C. so well asD. as good as答案与解析1. B be known as 表示“作为而知名;be known for 表示“因为而知名。结合前半句句意“凯特作为诗人很知名可知前一空应填as;后半句句意为“但不因演说而知名,故后一空应填for。2. C 考查动词短语辨析。consist of 意为“由构成/组成,不能用于被动语态,故A项可排除;B项假设表达为is made up of 也正确;D项consist in意为“在于;存在于,与句意 “这个组织是由世界上最富有的8个国家组成的不符,故C项正确。3. B 由于consist of 没有被动语态,它与country 之间为主动关系,故用现在分词;与consist of 相反,make up的主语是成分,宾语是整体。4. B 此题考查词义辨析。句意为“当医生们完成了二十个小时的一对一岁大的双胞胎头部连体儿的别离手术后,全医院的人都欢呼起来。separate意为“把原来连在一起或靠近的局部别离开来,符合题意。A项意为“隔离;C项意为“分成假设干局部;D项意为“移开/移动,均不符合题意。5. B 此题既考查了rule的名词用法,又考查了make 后接复合宾语的用法。分析句子结构可以看出,空格后的不定式短语应该为make的真正宾语,因此空格中应有it 作形式宾语在英语中只有it能充当形式宾语,而且还应有宾语补足语,显然此处的宾补由名词rule来充当,根据句意可知应用rule的可数名词的词义,即“规那么,才能使句意通顺。句意为“他们过去形成一个规那么,每月底在一起聚会一次。6. A the puzzling question 意为“令人费解的问题,a puzzled expression 意为“困惑的表情。句意为“他没有理解那个令人费解的问题,因此他脸上有一副困惑的表情。7. B 句意:中国政府针对台湾问题说明了自己的立场。clarify ones stand意为“说明某人的立场。主语Chinese government为第三人称单数,故谓语动词用单数形式。8. A plastics是不易分化解的物质。break down意为“分化,分解,符合题意。9. D break away from在此处表示“与断绝关系。10. B the professor与refer to之间是被动关系,因此应该用refer to的过去分词形式作后置定语。11. C convenient 意为“方便的,作表语时,其主语是表示事物的名词,故A、B两项应排除;在whenever 引导的时间状语从句中,应用一般现在时表示将来。12. C 根据“the newly-elected president is having a hard time可知,这些问题是新任总统将要解决的问题。“with+宾语+to do结构中,不定式作宾语补足语,表示“还未做某事,即该动作将要发生。13. B 句中人物林肯和爱迪生是用来举例说明前面的论点的,因此用for example。14. C 这里只举李磊一例,并非列举,因此用for example。15. D “leave sth.+地点状语表示“把某物遗忘/落在某地。16. D 此处表示“不要遗漏任何词。leave out意为“遗漏,符合题意。17. D 句意为“见著名的足球运发动对孩子们来说是一件兴奋不已的大事。thrill作名词时,意为“引起冲动的经历,是可数名词,故D项正确。18. B find后接现在分词作宾语补足语,表示动作正在发生;find表示“发现时,其后一般不用不定式作宾补,假设用不定式作宾补时,其含义常为“认为,觉得。依据句意,此处表示“假设厨师当场被发现在厨房里吸烟会被立即开除,故用现在分词。19. B 此题句意:有理由相信大多数作家在写文章的开头段落时有困难。construct 意为“建造,构造;constitute意为“组成;comprise意为“由组成;found意为“成立,创立。只有construct符合句意。20. C 此题考查固定短语。句意为“她对经理很有影响力,无疑能帮你忙。influence为不可数名词,表示“权力;势力;权势,要与介词with搭配。21. A 第二个空后面是一个动词study,故其前用to。influence sb. to do sth.影响某人做某事。22. C all后面的定语从句中缺少谓语动词do,这是第一个do,主语是Mr White,且时态应用一般现在时,应用does。短语do good to sb.中的do是第三个do。第二个do 那么是强调句式的助动词,其主语是all,代替事物,所以要用单数does。23. D as far as I know 为插入语,去掉插入语后,再结合like 后面的不定式可以知道like为动词而不是介词,故排除A、B、C三项。“do/does+动词原形表示强调,意思为“确实,确实。24. C as well as在此题中表示“除之外,相当于besides,in addition to。本句是一个强调句型,强调主语。25. B 句中as well as 表示“和一样好;if not better than 是if he does not play football better than 的省略形式。26. B worthwhile后可跟to do sth.形式,worth 和worthy无此用法;worthy后可跟动词不定式的被动形式,表被动。27. C be worth 后接doing,且其主动形式表示被动含义。Its worth reading a second time. 意为“它值得再读一遍。28. D A、B两项用来举例说明;C项用来列举事例;D项表示“等等。29. B suit ones convenience意为“对某人来说方便。30. C leave sb. doing意为“使某人处于某种状态或一直做某事。31. C find表示“不经意地发现时,其宾语补足语常用现在分词,而不是不定式。32. B 从句意来看,空格内的动词应表示“解释清楚,澄清。33. C 只有C项才表示人产生了冲动、兴奋的情感,其他选项都表示“令人。34. B 句意要求空格内的动词有“构思的含义。35. A 此处表示“由组成,B项应为 is made up of 才对。36. A 句意为“统治者想用强硬手段来统治这个国家。37. C know about/of意为“了解,含有间接的意思;know意为“认识,知道,含有直接的意思。38. B consist in 表示“在于;consist of 表示“由组成。39. A 此题中空格前的puzzle为名词,意为“难题;空格中的puzzle为动词,意为“使迷惑。40. A 这里的break down意为“感情失去控制,其他选项没有这个意思。41. C person后为定语从句,关系代词whom被省略,句意为“这是鲍勃,我在信中提到的那个人。42. A leave out表示“遗漏;stand out表示“突出;work out 表示“解决;顺利进行;try out表示“实验。43. A 表示“把一个整体分成假设干等份常用divide.into.结构。44. A as well as在此题中表示“和一样好;well为副词,修饰动词speak。


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