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    高中英语必修五MODULE6 Animals in DangerSection A同步练习题1Section A INTRODUCTION, READING & GRAMMAR 题组1单项选择1. The mistakes of the past must be exposed without any _. A. store B. saveC. reserveD. keep2. They agreed to _ four tickets for us. A. preserve B. protectC. defendD. reserve3. The Internet should be developed to help peoplerather than _ people. A. to endangerB. dangerC. endangerD. endangering4. The lion made a sudden angry noise and _. A. struggled on its feetB. leaped to feetC. leaped on its feetD. struggled to its feet5.Who should be responsible for the accident? The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _. A. as told B. as are toldC. as tellingD. as they told6. Man is fighting _ against the pollution. A. a battleB. a warC. a fightD. a struggle7. He was prepared to _ for the revolutionarycause. A. giving his lifeB. give his lifeC. give life D. gives his life8. There is a man who would give his life _ a lifethe one you love beside you. A. to keepB. for keepC. keeping D. kept9. He is looking for a wife but he hasnt found his _ mate.A. idea B. goodC. realD. ideal10. If you _ a house for 22,000 pounds and _ it for 20,000 pounds, you are selling at a loss. A. buy; buyB. buy; payC. buy; sellD. sell; sell11. I buy these apples _ this shop _ 12 dollars. A. to; atB. from; forC. to; forD. from; at 12. He rushed out of the classroom, _ his book _. A. left; openedB. leaving; openedC. leave; openingD. leaving; open13. Only one of these books is _. A. worth to readB. worth being readC. worth of readingD. worth reading14. When the fighting started, the police and reporters were soon _. A. to the spotB. on the spotC. in the spotD. of the spot15. He _ by his friends boarding a plane for Paris. A. was recognizingB. was spottedC. was seeingD. was finding16. Since then Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual _. A. partsB. piecesC. spotsD. sections17. New forms and shapes _ quite fast in combination with white. A. come into fashionB. out of fashionC. follow the fashionD. after a fashion18. As new words _ some old ones will disappear. A. has come into fashionB. out of fashionC. came into fashionD. come into fashion19. The hungry children _ the kitchen and took all the cakes. A. raid onB. made a raid onC. made a raidD. raid20. Darkness glasses are sometimes worn to _ the eyes from strong sunlight. A. protectB. protestC. projectD. prevent21. Our clothing _ us _ the cold. A. prevents; fromB. protects; againstC. keeps; fromD. stops; from22. The law was made to _ womens right _. A. prevent; from being votedB. keep; from votingC. protect; to voteD. stops; from voting23. The gentleman _ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief. A. whoB. about whomC. whomD. with whom24. By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, _ appeared a rainbow soon. A. of whichB. on whichC. from whichD. above which 25. Old buildings are less likely to be _ than new ones. A. in a good conditionB. in good conditionC. on good conditionD. at a good condition26. Ill give you the day off _ you work on. A. in good condition B. out of conditionC. on one situationD. on condition that27. There are great differences _ of the poorest class in different countries. A. in the conditionB. on the occasionC. on the situationD. on condition that28. Bob went to the post office to send a letter. _ Lily was preparing lunch at home. A. While B. Meanwhile C. WhenD. Then29. The incomes of skilled workers went up. _, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. A. MoreoverB. ThereforeC. MeanwhileD. Otherwise30. Eric is great fun. It is hardly any wonder _ his friends like to be with him. A. whyB. thatC. whetherD. if31. John has got a very good job in the government. _ he looks so happy. A. Its naturalB. Thats becauseC. No wonderD. As though32. I wonder _ you can do me a favour.A. how B. whyC. whenD. if答案与解析题组11. C store储存;save节省;reserve保存;keep保持。根据句意选择C项。句意:把以前的错误都抖搂出来,绝不保存。2. D preserve保存,保护;protect保护;defend防御;reserve保存,预定。根据句意选择D项。句意:他们容许给我们留四张票。3. C 分析句子结构,可知rather than前后应该连接一样的成分。前面是help people,空格后面应该用动词原形,应选择C项。句意:因特网的开展应该是有助于人们,而不是危害人们。4. D 考查短语搭配。struggle to ones feet意思是“挣扎着站起来。句意:狮子突然怒吼一声,并挣扎着站了起来。5. A 空格后面的主语和前面的主语一致,故可以省略从句的主语和be。as引导方式状语从句,含义为“像那样,as told中省略了they were。句意:“谁应该对这场事故负责?“那位老板,而不是工人。工人们执行命令而已。6. A battle,war,fight的常用搭配:in time of war战时;be at war交战,在打仗;declare war on对宣战;fight a battle打一仗,挑战;have a hand-to-hand fight肉搏战。根据搭配选择A项。句意:人类正在进行一场反对污染的战争。7. B be prepared to意为“准备做,to是不定式符号,排除A、D两项。give ones life to/for意为“为献身。根据句意选择B项。句意:他准备为革命事业献出自己的生命。8. A 根据短语搭配give ones life to do或give ones life to/for sth.,to可以是介词也可以是不定式符号。9. D idea主意;ideal理想的。根据句意应该选择D项。句意:他正在寻找未来的妻子,但还没有找到理想人选。10. C buyfor(money)以买;sellfor (money)以卖掉;payforfor后面跟sth.。根据后面句意“你就赔钱了,可知应该选择C项。11. B for以为代价,以作为交换,排除A、D两项;理解句意可知B项为最正确选项。12. D 分析句子结构,可知第一个空格处不是谓语动词,因为如果是两个或两个以上并列成分的话,中间需要连词,所以排除A、C两项。leaving作结果状语。通过理解句意,可知第二个空格处表示状态,故此题选择D项。句意:书敞着,他冲出了教室。13. D 考查worth的用法。worth后面接动词的-ing形式,表示被动,根据搭配选择D项。句意:这些书中只有一本值得读。14. B on the spot意为“在现场,当场。句意:争斗发生不一会儿,警察和记者就赶到了现场。15. B 根据空格后面的by,可知前面应该用被动结构,应选择B项。句意:他登上飞往巴黎的飞机时被他的朋友认出了。16. C part局部;piece片,篇;spot=place点,地点;section局部,区域,部门。根据句意选择C项。句意:自那时以来,福西特上尉空运乘客到许多不平常的地方。17. A 考查短语搭配。come into fashion成为时尚;out of fashion不流行在此题中缺少谓语动词;follow the fashion赶时髦主语应该是人;after a fashion勉强,马虎地。理解句意,可知A项为最正确答案。句意:与白色相结合的新样式、新外观很快风行起来。18. D 根据主谓一致原那么排除A项has不对和B项缺少谓语动词;再根据后面的时态,排除C项。句意:随着新词的使用一些旧词就会消失。19. B raid既可以是名词,又可以是动词,既可以是及物动词,又可以是不及物动词,作为不及物动词后接on。A、D两项时态不对;C项后面缺少on。根据搭配此题选择B项。20. A protect保护;protest反对;project方案,设计;prevent阻止。此题最大的干扰项是D项。preventfrom意为“阻止以免发生。句意:有时候戴墨镜是为了保护眼睛,以免受到强光的伤害。21. B A、C、D三项都有“阻止以免发生的意思,只有B项有“保护防御的含义,故应该选择B项。句意:我们的衣服可以御 寒。22. C 分析句子成分,可知womens right作protect的宾语,而第二个空格处的成分是定语,修饰right。句意:该法律的制定是为了保护妇女的投票权。23. B 关系代词指代人,可用who或whom,它又和后面的told构成固定搭配tell sb. about sb./ sth.,故答案为B项。24. D 分析句意可知“彩虹应该出现在珠穆朗玛峰之上。25. B in good condition意为“状况良好。句意:旧建筑物不太可能比新的良好。26. D 分析句式结构,可知空格后面是一个句子,应该选择一个连词,故只有D项正确。句意:只要你继续工作,我会给你假期的。27. A in the condition在状况下如果后面有定语修饰,必须加定冠词;on the occasion在这个时候;situation前面应该用in,构成in the situation短语,意为“在这种情况下;on condition that引导一个条件状语从句,意为“在条件下。句意:在不同的国家,最贫困阶级的状况也大不一样。28. B 空格前面是句号,排除连词的用法排除A、C两项;then前后分句的主语一致,应选择B项。句意:鲍勃去邮局寄信,这期间莉莉在家准备午饭。29. C moreover再者,加之;therefore因此,所以; meanwhile在此期间,同时;otherwise否那么,要不然。skilled workers和unskilled workers表示两者情况的比照。故C项符合句意。 30. B 分析句式结构it isthat可知,选择B 项。句意:埃里克很有意思,他的朋友喜欢 和他在一起,这一点几乎缺乏为奇。 31. C A项意思是“正常的,自然的,it是形 式主语,后面应该是that从句,that一般不省略;B、D两项含义不符。No wonder+从句=Its no wonder that,意思是“一点儿也不奇怪。句意:“约翰在政府部门找到一个好工作。“难怪他看上去那么快乐。32. D 考查句式结构。 I wonder if/whether用来向对方提出委婉的请求意思是“我想知道你是否。根据句式结构选择D项。句意:我想知道你能不能帮我个忙。


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