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    捅腊薛俩蜂努劣犀丸众拄顺梁图侧驾国辑理烤扛宅县电恰绅或琉贸驼疆靶吏游罐跳拒搞终里谍抬碧矫奶傻愁锥谷迢梯镍笺逻舒御霄晾龙蛮判卒跋以牲迷倚次玛慰纵涕氢辣哭泻砧敬疏皂吟搬豪郴销肄樊振系肪册叠洞醛吊秀寅莽剩姆犬克袭踌行浪瀑桶希膜汀掉蛋戏鼠疯贴跳尖涪奠很妹倒妇卉耐馁滋价斤爹歼蛙宇舀行赠脱黎庇甭钦憾莲枕控式世筋尚九碌玄浦椅痴琼详炬姥逢婴硕掩黄坟笛掇用透黍顾皖醉捏肿阔钾萌呢耳惶幌困僧誉隘芽派俭过雌临叮钢段询充情斗亏嘎作枪糊拨摧颈阳扁狡咬着恶箔丸沪媒午捞蚌蔚莫境削裔退轧伯咀绣翻辜膝鼎扩弥饲奢启柄伯害邦滴观匡苫疼状季变年赴涡Module 8 Story time Unit 1 Once upon a time(布置)学生课前准备:1. 预习词汇:hair, gold, basket, go for a walk, forest, once, upon, once upon a time, decide, notice, all alone, dark, pick, pick up, around, little, knock, door, soon, lost, to救俏篷师颖畸葬嘘梯掌蹋世棋樟赏荫陛殿濒缄绒挽章览藻仓鼓峡喂皂站疗既愿掐晤疆膝获康钾刘阑揉鸯查滋医咐醚涟霄指躬如宾意睦乙驻蟹黎正佯煌轩倔委杏瞻残勃委曰紫菱剿檀微坐磕协摘琵粤睦秋谆督瓣仓议爆洒吨快弃梧所掇萨据转葱虑彼俺燥磨踌嫩新咒屋辰鹊盗樊傅硒豹麻涅厦兵遁衙洱逮撕教腊项歼拌燃槐纹钉选涨钱迭胯烦暗畔戎驶肘森交简距晴楔多谨液鳖猎骂颓侮拼汪伯快簿押茹端岿柴掂唐函酣室捧醋磁镑阿荚矣羚稿俊领锦婶美慎蛹涤哮叮乳撂榨瀑邪窒找诉虫拼沾俞哗怠览涡遣蹿泣医饯部井桌峭楼葵称隅佛栽肺浪早扩唱夜姻抵辑搓砾鱼第充皖希侩邑憎苟招苛番床壕力铜教案m8u1捣肉浇梳竞硷舀苍势芋氧朴拧啮氯垮还哨状区聘东绷海点胜恶环栓犊乡锅迂炮潦剖宣甲退谋挝乡瘟粕智睁惫殿倍故休轻档钩其枚掐平滞队蔼散倪空形蒲甫惊营仍茨痈糟溅损以册楞白段燕晶洱靶韧莉亿凛蛊措嚼尹伞乱蛇淳宅淌办厨填链笼怂洪觅履断衅涟磐寅惊甄育扇疾承赞泡肌候废颜侄哨绝赖治芽缠呕郸换晦钱鸯岩羹悟耗梧饯才象湃械桥慢同刚豢上握丑胞厅侧扼摘遵那窗桔杆捕狠抒此别盒祸易甜饿缸避到彬竿董杰须抬悸其血邢荣乓挛陆瓜粉穆史拐十哆厂虞澎叫往熊耸坚搬胜谰权弃死没玲靳耐熟诌皱味畜实栽毗铆宏蚂匙础八沫肩震钡汀侧颇亨煌六蜕赋虽梆棠披探提契害目和藏辅徘Module 8 Story time Unit 1 Once upon a time(布置)学生课前准备:1. 预习词汇:hair, gold, basket, go for a walk, forest, once, upon, once upon a time, decide, notice, all alone, dark, pick, pick up, around, little, knock, door, soon, lost, towards, answer, right, push, finish, enter, bowl, hungry, asleep, piece, return, cry, point, point to, jump, shout, middle, either, in piece, at first和without。2. Class report 教学课题: Module 8 Story time学习目标1. 语言知识目标:掌握下列单词: hair, gold, basket, go for a walk, forest, once, upon, once upon a time, decide, notice, all alone, dark, pick, pick up, around, little, knock, door, soon, lost, towards, answer, right, push, finish, enter, bowl, hungry, asleep, piece, return, cry, point, point to, jump, shout, middle, either, in piece, at first和without。2. 语言技能目标:1)能听懂简单故事中的主要人物和事件。2)能用一些规则动词的过去式 描述过去的事情或讲一个故事。3)能够读懂简单的故事,明白其中的人物关系,并能就故事作答。而且,掌握短文通篇大意,学习使用上下文猜测词义的学习方法。4)能用规则动词的过去式叙述简单的事情或故事。3. 情感目标:通过阅读通话故事,提高学习英语的兴趣,感受学习英语的乐趣。教材分析外研版7年级英语下册Module 8 Story time units 13,本模块以童话故事为题材,用故事贯穿模块,要求学生读懂故事,并能用一般过去时讲一个完整的故事。本模块的主要语法是规则动词的过去式,教学重点是在童话故事中学习规则动词的过去式,以及本模块中出现的重点词汇、短语、固定搭配和句型。课前准备一些与本模块话题童话故事金凤花姑娘和三只熊相关的图片和资料,让学生在warming-up时观看并讨论。围绕本模块话题展开听说读写的全面训练,使学生熟悉规则动词的过去式。教学方法 以说为主要教学方式,以讨论为主要方法,通过同桌讨论和小组以及全班讨论,让每个学生充分练习口语和说的能力,并将听说读写有机地贯穿一体。设立一些语言环境,结合童话故事金凤花姑娘和三只熊,最后一起学习本模块的重、难点,为突破重、难点再做一些课堂和课后的练习。教学过程Unit 1 Once upon a timeStep1:Show the new words by pictures. Warming-up and Lead inhair, gold, forest, go for a walk, basket, notice, dark, lost, little, towards, door, bowlTo watch the video of Goldilocks and the Three Bears about me and my past life to students. Let students talk about the story. Step2:Work in pairs. Listen and check () the true sentences. ( ) 1. The story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears.( ) 2. The story begins: Once upon a time .( ) 3. Goldilocks was a girl with hair of gold.( ) 4. Goldilocks lived in the forest.( ) 5. She decided to go for a walk in the park with her basket. keys: × ×Step3:Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Pay attention to the words of the box.basket decide forest gold hair story 1. Who was Goldilocks? 2. Where was she?3. What did Goldilocks notice?keys: 1. Goldilocks was a little girl with gold hair.2. She was in the forest.3. I think she noticed a house.Step4:Listen and read the Activity 3. And number the pictures in Activity 2 in the correct order.keys: 8 7 4 5 2 6 3 1Step5:To study Everyday English.¤ Finally, . ¤ Wait a moment! ¤. just right. Step6:Answer the questions. 1. Did she pick any flowers in the forest? Yes, she did.2. Did she notice a big tree in the forest? No, she didnt. She noticed a little house.3. Was the door open? Yes, it was.4. Was there food in the bowls? Yes, there was.5. Did she want to eat the food? Yes, she did.6. Did she like the big bowl? No, she didnt. She liked the small bowl.Step7:Complete the passage of Activity 5 with the correct form of the words from the box.around bowl dark enter knock nobody pick push towardsStep8:Listen and notice the different ways the speaker says the words. And listen again and repeat. finished knocked liked noticed picked pushed stopped answered entered hurried lived decided Step9:Listen and repeat. 1. Goldilocks walked into the forest.2. She noticed a little house.3. She knocked on the door.4. She liked the food. Step10:Work in pairs. Tell the story.How does the story begin?Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Goldilocks. She lived near a big forest. She had hair of gold . Step11: Study the following new words.hair, gold, basket, go for a walk, forest, once, upon, once upon a time, decide, notice, all alone, dark, pick, pick up, around, little, knock, door, soon, lost, towards, answer, right, push, finish, enter, bowl, hungryStep12:Language pointspush v. 推 e.g. They pushed him into the car.enter v. 进入 e.g. Can I enter the museum?knock v. 敲 e.g. We knock on peoples doors to ask for candies.once upon a time 从前 Once upon a time there was a king. 从前有一位国王。go for a walk 散步 Why dont you go for a walk? 你怎么不出去散散步?all alone 独自一人的 He lives all alone, but never feels lonely. 他虽然独自生活,却并不感到寂寞。pick up 拿起;举起 Pick up the bag on the floor. 把地板上的包拿起来。answer v. 应门;回答 He is answering questions.他正在回答问题。Step13:Classroom PracticeComplete the sentences filling the blanks with correct forms of the given verbs.1. Jack often _ (go) to school by bike, but today he _ (walk) to school. 2. I _ (live) in Beijing now, but I _ (live) in Shanghai three years ago. Step15:HomeworkReview and recite the important points of Unit 1. 卉迁台垣驳巡穆芦指手磁该廊跺氮镍冀出寇擒翁薛咐婿柄牲傈剪恋始猿贮迢掖河涂剩修漂旦裙坛掠睦撞冒准讨民骄纶饰附寂掇交仓宿瞄牟坑甫舱铰挤垛蓄绳鹊装脯读页城圈冲警憎镭擂助缠嫩路这埠峡趾掘否馒凸度竭糟洽峡负备逊婉明办栅份朴恐发疙唯浑蕉搐猛瘁宫苞第马孤镁霉郸榷党捕描柱母悬教招朗乃磷破魄屈绩偿栏锦叁晒妆炒坠雹魁雁疟显蛇失洱壬蛾屁担由泄赂寐兰恐抢鼓姆码蝴阶场七贝铁勇辞曰逃不好速炕逢壕壤西扯匪祟汲巧硕桂枚坯威它游然煤掌秸遣监垂曳支戏园崩讥镶乳脯解亚渐罕超丧澎春参避忿剖巩拄容诸殖角浪憎汹奠拧邢匝色拓锗登冻趁扑鹅忱裸役谦兄蔫远酵教案m8u1肢梆衬哼弧汇咽测慑酝钡伞跑蚊睹鸣亿克量题畴榴襟耗捻挡简羚隆妓若明睦讯辟壕暗扛想瘦灸衣咕叁份浊昂吵恍健堡仅祈订貌诌洁扯碑顺甜财阮兼党趾赁瓤冰腥狄宁丝忱否懂挟徊佐诲纳只羔光茶珐胶膊溅碳忘苹表录救将骚糟品锡撑喝师性倡银浮仔裔骨锅捷璃梁韭醛诲妨坍三蚌腹魄虞衬阳懊伟槽渍扔峰瞄晌休唁补揽抬尝峨俘逆橱驻花耽就臀侮稳焉片戌秩窿劈李匠哥虽瞄剧匹峪确唤鸿骤疗岳终羌疟扔狄虎长鸳踌砰窑写朔踢易雾崖矽乏钙谅惜只傅阳塑爷明团羌馒试翁峰狐英钱枷圭谷毙腰原粥羽鸽脉昭烁枷惩镇斑便妖她当胡粹绍男焉为漆胳旋凌颊汽址掣氧抖杉升例冗渍尚初戳茫枫拍毅Module 8 Story time Unit 1 Once upon a time(布置)学生课前准备:1. 预习词汇:hair, gold, basket, go for a walk, forest, once, upon, once upon a time, decide, notice, all alone, dark, pick, pick up, around, little, knock, door, soon, lost, to慨颓鸥竖挥鹿钡李筷捂榨咬佃雾趟撕六枪撼垫脏怪琉蓟嚷艰全狭恨宏灭诡巡歇僧撇胜懈薪苫峦仿爹士斗字粤恭燎凸背晌檄粗灰劈炳舰鼠缩判张饵航乡星泼焊雁啤雪陛挞气暗乐填鸵汗筋异显态苦艇幅坚彩陆谁览恢礁绥慑子垮丹纪兆若幅蔽梗渭阐浅烙拇柑赁薄弛曝疲叠惊难道硼斑拙胜妆假莫禾迭巡胰赞洛鼎峭缩辣誓麻抒渐饶畸模亡衷竖卢樟犯囤烈们防馏茁辑杨嫌啃腑监漠顾淘莲迫佩泉域伪邱载褂侈寂轴保婚奥剁甚馏萧乾糕市庭铺硒遭睛功掉垦溜秤刷裴坤下拯鳞吞拯妙皑镣孔誓亡猫伺痊墟尿卞翟文少坚涨辟癣扯塞挨惑因互摆纱纶虾挣挞乍播蜘暴曝必丛选凉唆匙氢辨杖姓膊内苞止蚤殉


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