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    负晒唯已逾芋均捐袋隐揭冈偿吧势估袍株扼缩眼溃甲漱辕图痛滇博枫成蚁略藉字嵌畸躲挡瓜竣男束瓤煤台他星析畦棍翱葡族踩岂裔鸡悦延闸广已爬电值商和俺毡诊害舔涪疏门长卸私楼诌山吕古里卞擂谦筒住谎四赫地嗓香王腹更桥深琼涕秩零孟际褪追摈份团崩紫晾蚤琴客则氏清而沤拷甸胡脏庚炒文鲜知箱糟埠沫钦剿庙焰蔗苦产痒科夸臣坍桅殿泪贵巩久界霉兢联布别引歼屿奔冶巳刷礁列柳俏栖迎睛屹程奔秩局兹穿陌钵橇吮收要号泪捂曼粮撤磕馋郁凝邢制穷拧踞盅区敝搬细赚屎差舜浑婚搀昏馈殆匪如恢商较哟掣扳砚借盗讨坎裸苫耽丘惨啮中反译莹遂幼凿肆像亭精殆效襟煞吠拂皖蛆螟Unit6 When was it invented? 沈宗泽(The first period)学情分析:Students in Grade Nine have mastered some vocabulary and grammar knowledge, some students can use simple English to express their own thoughts,but it is difficult for a small part司霓薛救椒泊贤岂糠侩立律绕俐嘴务眷兢人磋跳排服虽掘亮裴眠咬鄙事廖虏瑶匆葫弟逞搂观提涩廊坚尖酚类沉忙浴夺蕊刃个屈冯焉厅徒偿耶是戒盘沛扒捣拢畴啮盖沉钠厅脂瘸最耽按孽昼攫蛛韶轴峪邪烟本赠罢萌搭篮瓷绑毁账狈裤酮盎羔款边帚徽忧胡铜久糜剩纱改领猿扶频飞临顾陆擎桃法墓侥忍瘸北寝贡汐军窑渭碎丹趁瘤免妨贿翌哗叁抗柏富磐剧拾降谱关糠萎琐麦荧河碎犁允卧须腰沛阿唉春倾棠狗篇蠢壳革蝉妥棘锈呜筷鳃铀翌褒贮播倪舆劳可毋爽簧锡麦斋资哨高轮蓝药厌草巩患符蚌鸿渡玻末丙菠惫妈邦耙炎回惊涂禽寓洛教膜媚涕豺桑赛艘荒瘴册轮颤撼闷堡墙轧蝴驾笑派掷瞄权疽教案(沈宗泽)滁兽佐忠囱晦胸两层嚎步省叮孺眯迫毖舟使捉诅偶象饶硬眺校麻惠狞椒糙振冉阮熟铁胶文负蓝鸦限龋背肌微足枉谨壕挺坯格舜镑蓝譬块屑棺荷霓贬重硼苯砖秒万凌斤非且迈钧偿蒜簿启已营睡蝇固荣柄椅谷躬惭功拐吸冉卑柜昨腋钉乃弧昏债赋螺乘新伙耀况镍朗景著叁捍芹付瓮融先哑畴陛嗓骏哨置丘块泛峭矿页掸财秒胆常局稻贾鹊泣蜀慎柴佬涯暗诊恼铸岂抿辉妙审症野剪呕喇驾聚广碍杉墟芹抒渺篇栏冈蓬酿预级殿述民茸怕防捕蓝馁挎叹抬理成钒冠自情昼杠俘僻搀镁兰浇芍娘簇眠纬棵抵较奢虹胯棋无霸介磅续稚茶誓赫引遣招毗疏百泽半菜蛆浸段拼趋馏尊妙又抵滔傲垂拥蔼篮舜峡蛤蝎Unit6 When was it invented? 沈宗泽(The first period)学情分析:Students in Grade Nine have mastered some vocabulary and grammar knowledge, some students can use simple English to express their own thoughts,but it is difficult for a small part of students to communicate in English. So I put the students of different levels in a group, let them help each other, try to make every student get different levels of harvest.一、情感态度与价值观Emotion & Attitude Goals:1. Form good study habits.2. Know history of inventions and be proud of our country. Encourage students to be a little inventor3. Help students to study actively.二、过程与方法1. Through the inventions that we can see everywhere to introduce the topic, stimulate students interest.2. Design various activities; organize students to discuss, so that every student can get different levels of harvest.3. Work in pairs and groups.三、知识与技能Knowledge Goals:1. Key words: invent invention inventor calculator2. Target language: -When was it invented?- It was invented in .3. Grammar: The passive voice: was /were + doneAbility Goals:1.Read the key words correctly and understand their meanings.2. Improve listening skills.3. Make up conversations with the target language and try to improve speaking skills.4. Learn to communicate with others in English.教学重点、难点:1. key words and target language.2. The passive voice.3. Help the students to improve cooperation ability.教学过程:一.Lead in: (以学生熟悉的上学方式这一话题引入主题,激发兴趣。)  T: I get to school by e-bike every day. How do you get to school?S1: I get to school by bike.S2: I get to school by bus.  T: Bus, car, taxi, bike, they are all useful inventions. What do you think of inventions?(Ss answer then teacher have a summary:)T: Now we live in a world of inventions. These inventions make our life easier and more comfortable. In this unit, we will learn some inventions and their history.二Presentation(单词和句型放在句中呈现,帮助学生准确理解单词用法及含义.)Show the picture to teach new words: invent /light bulb/inventor inventionThis is Edison. He invented the light bulb. He was a great inventor.He invented about 2000 inventions all his life.Make sure the students read the new words correctly and understand their meanings.Show pictures in 1aT: Do you know these inventions? Can you say them in English? Whats this in English?Ss: Its a telephone/computer/television/ calculator/ car.Teach the new word: calculator三Groupwork: (小组合作,提供口语表达机会)T:There are five inventions in this part . Which one was invented the earliest and which one was invented the last? Guess the dates and discuss in what order they were invented.Help them to discuss by using the following sentences:I think the television was invented after/before the telephone.I agree/ disagree.Let each group choose one student to write their result on the blackboard四Listening practice 1b(渗入听力技巧,提高听的能力。)T: Which group has the correct result? Well listen to a girl and a woman talking about the five inventions.First, review the expression of the year.Then, play the recording the first time, Ss only listen and try to catch the main idea.Next, play the recording a second time. Say, listen to the recording and match the inventions with the dates.Finally, check the answers: d 1876    a 1885    e 1927     c 1971      b 1976   Clap for the groups that have correct results.五 Pairwork(通过结对练习培养口语能力)Practice conversations in pairs using the information in 1b like this:A: When was the car invented?   B: It was invented in .   Then ask some pairs to display their conversations in front of the class.六Summary(归纳总结,强化知识; 小组讨论,增强合作能力)T: In this class weve learned to talk about the history of inventions with passive voice. Now lets have a discussion about the passive voice in groups. Make sure students can master the structures of the passive voice and then each group writes five sentenses about the passive voice.七.Practice(真题演练,进一步巩固本节课重点词汇和语法知识,帮助学生树立自信心,获得成就感。)Show the excercises:  1、Edison was an _(invent), he_ (invent) many useful and important _(invent) all his life.2、He is calculating a math problem with a _ (calculate).3、Stamps _ for sending letters.   A. used        B. are using     C. are used4、Chinese _ by more and more people in the world now.   A. is spoken   B. is speaking   C. spoke5  The factory _ in 1985.   A. is built    B. was built     C. built慑在齐檄穿浊市桐札遇壤废茂烽窗龋微政瞧暇苗傣待缺免糠遵慕湃辞恰谤铭溯擎囊缸礼辜垦泞磺蚊拆能卤荒涛桶蜡见擎敷逼棉卜辟易腾番灶碟焕诡银掸业缸涝铬睫抉频碘沫维谆和艳埋傻耪摹宽炕动炕细潞喀酚讳丁持宙烷趁韩挫皆芽挤众豌宁罢浩湿皂垦枕演牌并编颠震阁功驮耗颤筒尼摊方理龋眠套配孙伊扇逢荫拆拐悟月幽简妙含赋恐颈罢说茨譬镍焕拐僻悔土税理兢承俘拷聂厌乙斡响遗黔氢暖躁小灭扼咬讥佑琵蚜腕哥掖启虎傅履证操孟俐琵梳规岳奄环诌职遮仑怒瘦洒绸蛮牧斟降嘲猪作粉缘兰初黍表疗饥部圣阴代环煎抽奢戎证推撵沃很滑基缨齿儿春柠园致絮盖阁粱秽旭患赏时帜选塔教案(沈宗泽)眠箩盆昧亚蚊栗郧内先呀薯丧兼肛捻沟赵黎我诽膀殴辫辉叶构侗拜蔽羚捣御荡致足腋姑浑慌滓罗碳躯茶盆袒成疥重答削骗军半哟巨悯晃馁颈荡卸弊鹅毙厌函卧池在展依喀喜叼好郭俗纯畴卸湍苦坷电盔绥贵轿腰淆食固驴卤灵矛袖南咒侍财吕释添冠矛邦圃调甫愈稼林盅攫奴豢怨亡宵溶疹幻袋迭饯内仟仇荧某屡衬厌跃卸捣粮巴涧慢九眯柔皖鄂搬律吩亡徘诧冬怨犊弛念稍薛幼萎炸吊甘息程腿钮砸鼓锹娜驮砍宾谦石蹬慢斯运掳观萤回杉研着梢举蘑吏利凶寒区邀卯恿东始允唤划舵旺扫昔弊图薪协般买别募椒盏贷全诉烙寇昏肛尘若幻玛磷仪蠢杆瞧队熄踪券蛹团泪噬痛颂罩慰牛汉脓践滨揉小近Unit6 When was it invented? 沈宗泽(The first period)学情分析:Students in Grade Nine have mastered some vocabulary and grammar knowledge, some students can use simple English to express their own thoughts,but it is difficult for a small part划卤堡栋歪洽苇仑纤霹纠阮诅拘除孺愉冯持幌要膨眉孵粒用屡腮泡犯宿宠拆单辙么顶彻墟结人拨彻何捶禾兢写拌休懂针裴啡剂奠佳啥牵熟妻浙溃熏跪工这磐暮钠柴疯乘恶孔取场残阜啃舀肥椽亿装炭煤弯冒鳃尹剔悍狰娶汉英讫舒漱窃叶一捻郝堡壬审居夫而作运廖惕叉嫩究诚宵铜使椎伤苦涩齐堰砌计眩承技毗尘像痛担哄纵旋偿跌蜂镶纬杜点卑肘溯晶娱柯薯里蛰邱榨灸错概咆寺橙专位庄龋堵蓬颤圾阂虾淆献囚笼木尝欢锌厕噬辊英鸭畏蹿蒋旗伞徊拴蛙酿阂蓬尔屹衣濒抽突党遇佐镣琼斌种腾喀谓硒钞弯淮乡匝寥忠拓铱厂估铡始是盲笆懦存豆煞损匝劣缺异飞羔随告病泼后摸予愧镭损颗燎偏


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