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    Unit 1 How often do you exercise?,skateboarding,surf the Internet,have pizza,do chores,exercise,Listen again and write the activities you hear on the lines below: always(100%)_ usually _ often_ sometimes_ hardly ever_ never(0%)_,go shopping,go skateboarding,exercise,watch TV,watch TV,go shopping,- What do you usually do on weekends?-I usually go skateboarding on weekends.-Do you watch TV on weekends?-Yes, sometimes./ No, I never do that.,watch TVplay sports=exercise read booksgo shoppinggo to the moviesplay with computerplay computer gamesdo homeworksleep,go skateboarding,surf the Internet,Pairwork,Homework,Practice Section A-1bKeep a weekend diary showing what you do on weekend. You can write down what they do from the time you get up until you go to bed.,Weekend activities,do homework,exercise,Work in pairs : What do they usually do on weekends?,go to the movies,play football,read,watch TV,shopping,swimming,Number the activities first ,then match the activities of Cheng,Activities,How often,go to the movies,every day,watch TV,once a week,shop,twice a week,exercise,three times a week,read,once a month,twice a month,3 1 5 4 2,Oral practice,How often do you do these activities? Make conversations with your partner.,do homework,every day,A: How often do you do your homework?B: Every day.,exercise,Three/Four times a week,A: How often do you exercise?B: Three times a week.,eat junk food,once a month,A: How often do you eat junk food?B: Once a month.,surf the Internet,twice a week,A: How often do you surf the Internet?B: Once a week.,Practice,Fill in the blanks with the information in the “Activity Survey” and “Vocabulary Key” .,Vocabulary KeyAll students= 100% Most students= 51%-99%Some students=1%-50% No students=0%,What Do Students Do at Green High School? Here are the results of the student activity at Green High School. _ students exercise three or four times a week. Some students exercise once or twice a week. _ students exercise every day. As for homework, _ students do homework every day. _students do homework three or four times a week. _ students do homework once or twice a week. The results for “watch TV” are interesting. _ students watch TV once or twice a week, some students watch TV _ _ _ a week, but most students watch _ .,Most,Some,most,Some,No,Some,three or four times,every day,Discussion,Discuss with your partners your daily activities. How often do you do them? Why do you like them? Or why not?eg. A: What do you usually do at weekends? B: I like going shopping. A: How often do you go shopping? B: Twice a month. A: Why do you like it? B: Its exciting.,Improve English Study,Interview:,How often do you?read English bookssing English songswatch English programslisten to English tapesjoin the English cornerchat with foreigner,Report: The good habit for English study,Read English every day.Join the English corner once or twice a week. ,Homework,Write about how often your family members do things. For example, My mother cooks dinner every day. We eat in a restaurant once a week. My father goes to Shanghai twice a year. ,Is the food in the following pictures healthy or unhealthy ?,Look and talk:,tomatoes,Green peppers,onions,eggplant,cheese,pepperoni,mushroom,What are they?,persimmon,Chinese gooseberry,What drinks would you like?,junk food,Match the words with the pictures1._ junk food 3. _ fruit 5._sleep2. _ milk 4. _vegetables,b,a,d,e,c,A: What drink do you usually have?B: Milk.A: How often do you drink milk?B: I drink milk everyday .A: Do you like it ? B: No. But my mother wants me to drink it. She says its good for my health.,Pair work:,WHAT IS HEALTHY EATING?,DISCUSSION,exerciseeat vegetableseat fruitsleep drink milkeat junk food,Activities,every day,hardly ever,10 or 11 times a week,twice,every day,never,nine hours,nine hours,every day,never,2 or 3times a week,3 or 4 times a week,Listen,write and speak,“unhealthy” . Lisa sleeps eight hours every night. She eats a good breakfast and she exercises every day. She never eats junk food. healthy/unhealthy Pam likes to watch TV. On weekends, she never exercises and she doesnt like fruits or vegetables.She eats junk food. And Pam never goes to the doctor. healthy/unhealthy Paco is tall and thin. He plays tennis three times a week and he runs five miles every Saturday. He never watches TV.He eats fruits and vegetables every day and sleeps nine hours every night. healthy/unhealthy,Read about each person. Then circle “healthy” or,Look and imagine what his or her lifestyle is like. Try to use some of the words below: often every day usually once a week sometimes always never three times a week hardly ever,Discussion,A Healthy Lifestyle,A Healthy Diet,How often do you eat fruit?I eat fruit every day.Do you like it?Yes. I like it very much. And its good for my health.,Exercise:,MalesFootballBasketball Weight trainingJoggingBicyclingSwimming,FemalesSwimmingBasketballBicyclingAerobicsJoggingRegular fitness program,How to keep healthy?,A healthy dietExerciseSleep well,Homework,Interview your favorite teacher about lifestyle, then write an article: My favorite teacher,Read and draw lines between the activities and the time statements.,Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.,Homework,How healthy are you? Write about your own habits.,


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