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    人教版新课标七年级、八年级、九年级数学教材目录人教版新课标七年级数学教材目录 七年级上 第一章 有理数 1(1 正数和负数 阅读与思考 用正负数表示加工允许误差 1(3 有理数的加减法 实验与探究 填幻方 阅读与思考 中国人最先使用负数 1(4 有理数的乘除法 观察与思考 翻牌游戏中的数学道理 1(5 有理数的乘方 数学活动 小结 复习题1 第二章 整式的加减 2(1 整式 阅读与思考 数字,与字母,的对话 2(2 整式的加减 信息技术应用 电子表格与数据计算 数学活动 小结 复习题2 第三章 一元一次方程 3(1 从算式到方程 阅读与思考 “方程”史话 3(2 解一元一次方程(一)合并同类项与移项 实验与探究 无限循环小数化分数 3(3 解一元一次方程(二)去括号与去分母 3(4 实际问题与一元一次方程 数学活动 小结 复习题3 第四章 图形认识初步 4(1 多姿多彩的图形 阅读与思考 几何学的起源 4(2 直线、射线、线段 阅读与思考 长度的测量 4(3 角 4(4 课题学习 设计制作长方体形状的包装纸盒 数学活动 小结 复习题4 部分中英文词汇索引 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 七年级下 第五章 相交线与平行线 5.1 相交线 5.1.2 垂线 5.1.3 同位角、内错角、同旁内角 观察与猜想 5.2 平行线及其判定 5.2.1 平行线 5.3 平行线的性质 5.3.1 平行线的性质 5.3.2 命题、定理 5.4 平移 教学活动 小结 第六章 平面直角坐标系 6.1 平面直角坐标系 6.2 坐标方法的简单应用 阅读与思考 6.2 坐标方法的简单应用 教学活动 小结 第七章 三角形 7.1 与三角形有关的线段 7.1.2 三角形的高、中线与角平分线 7.1.3 三角形的稳定性 信息技术应用 7.2 与三角形有关的角 7.2.2 三角形的外角 阅读与思考 7.3 多变形及其内角和 阅读与思考 7.4 课题学习 镶嵌 教学活动 小结 第八章 二元一次方程组 8.1 二元一次方程组 8.2 消元二元一次方程组的解法 8.3 实际问题与二元一次方程组 阅读与思考 *8.4 三元一次方程组解法举例 教学活动 小结 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 第九章 不等式与不等式组 9.1 不等式 阅读与思考 9.2 实际问题与一元一次不等式 实验与探究 9.3 一元一次不等式组 阅读与思考 教学活动 小结 第十章 数据的收集、整理与描述 10.1 统计调查 实验与探究 10.2 直方图 10.3 课题学习从数据谈节水 教学活动 小结 部分中英文词汇索引 八年级上 第十一章 全等三角形 11.1 全等三角形 11.2 三角形全等的判定 阅读与思考 全等与全等三角形 11.3 角的平分线的性质 教学活动 小结 复习题11 第十二章 轴对称 12.1 轴对称 12.2 作轴对称图形 12.3 等腰三角形 教学活动 小结 复习题12 第十三章 实数 13.1 平方根 13.2 立方根 13.3 实数 教学活动 小结 复习题13 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 第十四章 一次函数 14.1 变量与函数 14.2 一次函数 14.3 用函数观点看方程(组)与不等式 14.4 课题学习 选择方案 教学活动 小结 复习题14 第十五章 整式的乘除与因式分解 15.1 整式的乘法 15.2 乘法公式 15.3 整式的除法 教学活动 小结 复习题15 部分中英文词汇索引 八年级下 第十六章 分式 16.1 分式 16.2 分式的运算 阅读与思考 容器中的水能倒完吗 16.3 分式方程 数学活动 小结 复习题16 第十七章 反比例函数 17.1 反比例函数 信息技术应用 探索反比例函数的性质 17.2 实际问题与反比例函数 阅读与思考 生活中的反比例关系 数学活动 小结 复习题17 第十八章 勾股定理 18.1 勾股定理 阅读与思考 勾股定理的证明 18.2 勾股定理的逆定理 数学活动 小结 复习题18第十九章 四边形 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 19.1 平行四边形 阅读与思考 平行四边形法则 19.2 特殊的平行四边形 实验与探究 巧拼正方形 19.3 梯形 观察与猜想 平面直角坐标系中的特殊四边形 19.4 课题学习 重心 数学活动 小结 复习题19 第二十章 数据的分析 20.1 数据的代表 20.2 数据的波动 信息技术应用 用计算机求几种统计量 阅读与思考 数据波动的几种度量 20.3 课题学习 体质健康测试中的数据分析 数学活动 小结 复习题20 九年级上 第二十一章 二次根式 21.1 二次根式 21.2 二次根式的乘除 21.3 二次根式的加减 阅读与思考 海伦,秦九韶公式 数学活动 小结 复习题21 第二十二章 一元二次方程 22.1 一元二次方程 22.2 降次解一元二次方程 阅读与思考 黄金分割数 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 22.3 实际问题与一元二次方程 实验与探究 三角点阵中前n行的点数计算 数学活动 小结 复习题22 第二十三章 旋转 23.1 图形的旋转 23.2 中心对称 信息技术应用 探索旋转的性质 23.3 课题学习 图案设计 阅读与思考 旋转对称性 数学活动 小结 复习题23 第二十四章 圆 24.1 圆 24.2 点、直线、圆和圆的位置关系 24.3 正多边形和圆 阅读与思考 圆周率 24.4 弧长和扇形面积 实验与探究 设计跑道 数学活动 小结 复习题24 第二十五章 概率初步 25.1 随机事件与概率 25.2 用列举法求概率 阅读与思考 概率与中奖 25.3 用频率估计概率 实验与探究 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 的估计 25.4 课题学习 键盘上字母的排列规律 数学活动 小结 复习题25 部分中英文词汇索引 九年级下 第二十六章 二次函数 26(1 二次函数 实验与探究 推测植物的生长与温度的关系 26(2 用函数观点看一元二次方程 信息技术应用 探索二次函数的性质 26(3 实际问题与二次函数 数学活动 小结 复习题26 第二十四章 相似 (1 图形的相似 2727(2 相似三角形 三角形内心的性质:三角形的内心到三边的距离相等. (三角形的内切圆作法尺规作图)观察与猜想 奇妙的分形图形 94.234.29加与减(二)4 P49-5627(3 位似 信息技术应用 探索位似的性质 数学活动 小结 复习题27 第二十八章 锐角三角函数 28(1 锐角三角函数 阅读与思考 一张古老的三角函数 28(2 解直角三角形 圆心;垂直于弦;平分弦;平分弦所对的优弧;平分弦所对的劣弧。数学活动 经过同一直线上的三点不能作圆.小结 第二章 二次函数复习题28 第二十九章 投影与视图 函数的增减性:29(1 投影 点在圆外 <=> d>r.29(2 三视图 3、第五单元“加与减(二)”,第六单元“加与减(三)” 在“加与减”的学习中,结合生活情境,学生将经历从具体情境中抽象出加减法算式的过程,进一步体会加减法的意义;探索并掌握100以内加减法(包括不进位、不退位与进位、退位)和连加、连减、加减混合的计算方法,并能正确计算;能根据具体问题,估计运算的结果;初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系。阅读与思考 视图的产生与应用 84.164.22有趣的图形1 整理复习229(3 课题学习 制作立体模型 数学活动 小结 点在圆上 <=> d=r;复习题29 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken


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