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    人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案Unit 5 Canada “The True North” I(教学内容分析 彭泽二中 张胜杰 本单元的中心话题是围绕着两位女孩李黛玉和刘倩的加拿大之旅展开的。通过她们旅途的见闻,让学生了解加拿大的位置、面积、地貌、主要城市、风土人情及多元文化。通过本单元的学习,学生还可以掌握方向和位置的表达和同位语从句的用法。 Warming Up部分是一个小测验,看看学生对加拿大这个国家了解多少。采用小测验活动,一是为了激起学生学习的兴趣,另一目的是让学生联系自己已有的知识,为整个单元的学习做准备。 Pre-reading部分是三个问题,涉及自身的旅行经历和对加拿大的了解,这些问题与文章主题紧密相关。然后引出阅读部分话题:加拿大之旅,从而激发学生想了解“加拿大之旅”的好奇心以及对加拿大的兴趣和求知欲。 Reading部分是旅游散文,记叙了李黛玉和刘倩的旅途见闻。本文以时间为线索,以地点转移为顺序描述了加拿大的自然美景、人口、植物、动物、主要城市、五大湖以及淡水资源。本文对加拿大的介绍涉及面广,但大部分没有详述,这给学生留下了足够的探索空间。 Comprehending部分由三个练习组成,旨在帮助学生理解课文。各个部分内容的深度、难度、对能力的要求逐层提高。第一个练习考查找文章具体信息的能力;第二个练习需要学生写出正确信息,培养学生理解和辨析的能力;第三个是开放型练习,学生不必拘泥文章而自由谈论自己的想法。 Learning about Language部分包括“词汇学习”和“语法学习”两部分内容。“词汇学习”部分首先介绍构词法,加前缀或后缀而组成派生词;然后通过各种有意义的练习形式,帮助学生更好地记住和运用单词。“语法学习”主要让学生了解同位语从句的用法。 Using Language部分包括了听、读、写三部分,综合训练听、说、写的能力,使学生进一步了解有关加拿大的知识居民和语言;阅读部分继续加拿大之行从Toronto到Montreal,充分展示了异域风情;写的部分要求学生写一篇报告,介绍旅途见闻,从而掌握旅游报告的写法。 Summing up部分要求学生对本单元所学知识进行复习、梳理,使知识系统1 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 化。 Learning Tip指导学生根据前缀、后缀猜测词义。 II(教学重点和难点 1. 教学重点 (1) 本单元的生词和短语; (2) 掌握运用同位语从句; (3) 方向与位置的确切表达。 2. 教学难点 (1) 学会写旅游报告; (2) 对加拿大的主要城市、生态环境、风土人情及该国多元文化的了解。 III(教学计划 本单元建议分为六课时: 第一课时: Learning about Language(1) & Warming up 第二、三课时: Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending 第四课时:Reading (Using language) & Reading task (Workbook) 第五课时:Listening and writing (Using language), Listening (Workbook) & Listening task (Workbook) 第六课时:Learning about Language (2) IV(教学步骤 Period 1 Learning about Language (1) & Warming up Teaching Goals: 1. To develop Ss ability of using words and expressions. 2. To develop Ss ability of speaking. 3. To arouse Ss interest in the knowledge of Canada. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. New words and expressions Purpose: To prepare Ss for the new lessons. 1. Ask Ss to listen to the tape of Reading and read after the tape. 2 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 2. Ask Ss to read new words aloud freely and try to learn by heart. 3. Ask Ss to make sentences with settle down, as far as, have a gift for, figure out, surround. Step 2. Learning about Language (1) Purpose: To develop Ss ability of using new words and expressions. To develop Ss ability of creating words. 1. Competition (1) Ask Ss to listen carefully, guess the meaning of some new words and then spell them. Ss should put up their hands as quickly as possible if they know the meaning or spelling of the new word. The student who does best will win the game. (2) Ask Ss to finish Ex2 on P36 as quickly as possible. After they finish it, ask them to discuss the answers in pairs and then check the answers with the class. (3) Ask Ss about the meaning of the following words. figure out, within, have a gift for, surround, border, harbor, settle down, extremely, as far as (4) Ask Ss to individually do Ex3 on P36 and then check answers with the class. 2. Learning tip (1) Ask Ss to observe the words and the explanations in Ex1 on P36. (2) Ask Ss to discuss the meaning of each word. (3) Summing up Tell Ss they can put the prefix multi in front of many words to give them the meaning of “many” and put the suffix ward(s) behind many words to give them the meaning of “in a direction”. Step 3. Warming Up Purpose: To find out what Ss have learnt about Canada and prepare Ss for learning new knowledge in the unit. 1. Ask Ss to recall their travel experiences by asking some questions. ? Do you like travel? What is the longest trip you have ever taken? ? Whats the best city in China for sightseeing in your opinion? 3 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 ? What country will you go for sightseeing if you have enough money and enough time? 2. Show Ss a map of Canada and some beautiful pictures of Canada. Canada beaver grizzly bear 3. Ask Ss to finish the quiz in Warming up by discussing in groups of four. And then check the answers. 4. Ask Ss to fill in the form by discussing. Country Canada Location In the continent of (1) , bordering the United States on the _(2) Total area/ size The (3) largest country 4 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 Capital city Ottawa Official languages (4) (5) Varies from area to area Natural resources Forests, fishing, fresh water, wildlife, coal, natural gas etc. National animals Beaver Suggested Answers: (1) North America (2) South (3) Second (4) English and French (5) climate Step 4. Talking Purpose: To develop Ss ability of speaking. 1. Activity Ask Ss some simple questions by revising the form finished above. T: Where is Canada? S: Its in the continent of North America, bordering the United States on the south. T: Is it far from China? S: Yes. T: How do you go to Canada if you want to have a travel to Canada? S: By air. T: Why? S: Its too far away from China. 2. Pair work (1) Ask Ss to make up a dialogue in pairs by imitating the above dialogue between the teacher and the Ss. (2) Ask two pairs of the Ss to act out the dialogue in front of the class. (3) Ask Ss to make up a dialogue according to the information given in the form above and the reference given below. Then ask a pair of the Ss to act it out. Reference: 5 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 Where is Canada? Whats the size of Canada? Where is its Capital? What natural resources are there in Canada? What are its official languages? Step 5. Homework 1. Ask Ss to revise new words and expressions in this unit and finish the exercises in Using Words And Expressions (Workbook). 2. Ask Ss to use the phrases in Talking (Workbook) to make a brief dialogue. Period 2 & 3 Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending Teaching Goals: 1. To get Ss to learn more information about Canada. 2. To develop Ss basic reading skills. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Homework-checking Purpose: To prepare Ss for the lesson by reviewing what was learnt in the last period. 1. Dictation (1) Read the following new words and expressions and ask Ss to write them. continent, surround, harbour, extremely, settle down, border, figure out, distance, downtown, as far as (2) Ask Ss to check the answers and read them again. 2. Acting Ask two pairs to act out the dialogue made up by themselves in front of the class. Step 2. Pre-reading Purpose: To arouse Ss interest in the new lesson. 1. Pictures showing 6 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 Show Ss some pictures of Vancouver, mountain goats, and the Five Great Lakes and ask some simple guiding questions. (1) Do you know this (pointing to the picture)? (2) Can you guess .?/ Can you name? (3) Is the picture beautiful?/ Do you like it? (4) Do you want to know more about? Vancouver mountain goat the Five Great Lakes Thunder Bay 2. Group work (1).Ask Ss to look at the title of reading and guess the main information given in the text. (2). Ask one or two Ss to express their opinions. Step 3. Reading and Comprehending 1. Listening Purpose: To make Ss know about the main information in the text. 7 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 Ask Ss to listen to the tape and then find the answers to the questions. (1) What is the main idea of the passage? (2) What does “The True North” refer to? Suggested Answers: (1) The passage is about a trip of two girls and it tells us some information about Canada. (2) It refers to a train named “the True North”. 2. Fast-reading Purpose: Ask Ss to find the main idea for each paragraph. Ask Ss to go through the text quickly and find the main idea for each paragraph and choose the correct letter for each paragraph. A. Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada. B. Setting down in their seats in the train. They enjoyed the wild scenery while crossing the Rocky Mountains to Calgary. C. Having arrived in Vancouver, they were to be taken to catch “the True North, the cross-Canada train. D. The train rushed through the night towards Toronto while they were sleeping. E. They learned information about the population, resources arriving Thunder Bay. Main idea for each paragraph: ( ) Paragraph 1 ( ) Paragraph 2 ( ) Paragraph 3 ( ) Paragraph 4 ( ) Paragraph 5 Suggested Answers: A C B E D 3. Intensive reading Purpose: To make Ss know more details in the text. (1) Individual work Ask Ss to read the first two paragraphs carefully and find out the answers to the 8 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 questions. ? Why are the cousins not flying direction to the Atlantic coast? ? Why were Li Daiyu and Liu Qian on a trip to Canada? ? What will they experience as they go eastward? ? Why do many people want to live in Vancouver? Suggested Answers: ? They were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast. ? They wanted to see Canada on the train. ? They will see mountains, and pass through thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers as well as cities. ? Because it is a beautiful place surrounded by mountains and ocean. People also can ski in the mountains and sail in the harbor. (2) Discussion Ask Ss to read the last three paragraphs and decide which of the following statements are True and which are False. And get Ss to correct the false ones. ? The girls looked out of the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys. ( ) ? The Calgary Stampede is a famous train stop. ( ) ? Cowboys can get thousands of dollars in prizes if they win the competition. ( ) ? Wheat is one of the important farm products in Canada. ( ) ? Thunder Bay is an important wheat-growing area. ( ) Suggested Answers: ? False. The girls saw mountain goats, a grizzly bear and wild scenery. ? False. The Calgary Stampede is a famous Western Festival. ? True. ? True. ? False. Thunder Bay is an important port. (3) Blank filling Purpose: Ask Ss to revise the whole text and get a summary about the text. Ask Ss to read the whole text and fill in the blanks. 9 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to ? their cousins on the Atlantic coast. Having ? in Vancouver, they were to be taken by Dannylin to ? “The True North”, the cross-Canada train. As the go eastward, the saw beautiful ? as well as ? .Vancouver is the most beautiful city in Canada ? by mountains on the north and east. When the cousins ? in the seats, they looked out of the window and saw mountain goats and grizzly bear while ? the Rocky Mountains to Calgary. They ? a wheat growing province and arrived in Thunder Bay. That night, the train ? the top of Lake Superior towards Toronto. Suggested Answers: ? visit ? arrived ? catch ? scenery ? cities ? surrounded ? settled down ? crossing ? went through ? rushed across (4) Key words revision Ask Ss to revise the main information in the text according to the following key words. be on a trip to, rather than, decide to take ., The True North, as they go eastward, be surrounded by, forest, settle down, look out of, mountain goats and grizzly bear, compete in, a wheat-growing province, after dinner, that night. Step 4. Language points Purpose: To make Ss master some important words, phrases and sentences. 1. surround vt 围绕,包围 (para.2, line8) The factory is surrounded by the trees. 工厂为树木所环绕。 Surrounded by the enemy, they chose to give in. 面对敌人的围困,他们选择了屈服。 ? 拓展 be surrounded with/ by 由包围着 surroundings n (pl) 环境;周围的事物 surrounding adj. 附近的,周围的 10 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 2. settle down (para.3, line1) (1) 舒服地坐或躺下来 He settled down in an armchair to read newspapers. 他坐在扶手椅上读书。 (2) 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 He is settling down well in his new job. 他很能适应这份新工作。 (3) 安静下来 Wait until the children settle down before you start the lesson. 等学生静下来再开始上课。 (4) 专心于某事 The noises outside stopped me settling (down) to my work. 外面的噪音使我无法专心工作。 3. have a gift for 对有天赋 (para.3, line6) He has a gift for music. 他有音乐天赋。 He has a gift for speaking well. 他天生能言善辩。 4. There is more fresh water in Canada than in any other country in the world. (para.4, the last sentence) 加拿大的淡水资源比世界上任何其他国家都要多(加拿大是世界上淡水资源最多的国家)。 比较级表达最高级的含义,如: China has larger population than any other country in the world. 中国拥有世界上最多的人口。 Mary does better in Chinese than any other student in his class. 玛莉的汉语是她们班最好的。 Step 5. Consolidation Purpose: To let Ss revise and master the language points. 1. Translation (1) 中国是世界上人口最多的国家。 (2) 他有艺术天赋。 11 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 (3) 争吵过后,双方都安静下来了。 (4) 他舒服地坐在沙发上看电视。 (5) 他住在附近地区。 (6) 汤姆比他班里的任何女孩都高。 Suggested Answers: (1) China has larger population than any other country in the world. (2) He has a gift for art. (3) They both settled down after a quarrel. (4) He settled down in a sofa to watch TV. (5) He lives in the surrounding area. (6) Tom is taller than any girl in his class. 2. Multiple choice (1) She seems to _ languages-whatever language she learns, she learns it well. A. take an interest in B. have a gift for C. take advantage of D. play a role in (2) I have been dreaming of living in a house _ my beautiful trees and flowers. A. surroundings B. surrounded C. surrounding D. being surrounded (3) Its terrible that I cant settle down _ anything today. A. to B. on C. with D. in (4) China has larger population than _ in Africa. A. any country B. any other country C. other countries D. any other countries Suggested Answers: (1) B (2) B (3) A (4) A Step 6. Homework 1. Get Ss to go over the text and revise all the language points. 2. Ask Ss to finish Ex4 on P36. 3. Ask Ss to write a passage according to the requirements below. 如今旅游已成为时尚。出外旅行作好准备是必要的。除了钱和衣服之外,下面的东西可能也是旅游必备的。请写一篇字数120,150的英语短文,选择四种旅游期间游客最需要带的物品,并说明原因。 12 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 mobile phone mp3 ID card map medicine camera umbrella compass One possible version: As we all know, its important to make good preparations before we make a trip. First, I think the ID card is a basic and necessary document, which is often used by tourists. Second, a camera is very useful because it can record what we have seen and what we have done during the trip and it can certainly bring us a lot of fun. And then a mobile phone, in my opinion, is also very important for a tourist. Whenever we miss our families and friends, we can get in touch with them. Whats more, taking some medicine with us while travelling is necessary in case we fall ill during the trip. In a word, when you are planning a trip, always remember to take your ID card, a mobile phone, a camera and some medicine besides money and clothes. Period 4 Reading (Using language) & Reading task (Workbook) Teaching Goals: 1. To let Ss know more about the trip. 2. To develop Ss speaking, reading, listening and writing abilities. Teaching Producers: Step 1. Revision 1. Homework-checking Ask two or three Ss to read their passages (homework in the last period) in front of the class. 2. Dictation 13 人教版高一英语下学期必修3unit5全教案 (1) Read the following sentences and ask Ss to find


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