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    人教版高一英语必修1 Unit2 English around the world 全单元教案Unit 2 English Around the WorldPart One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(THE ROAD TO MODERN ENGLISH)AimsTo talk about varieties of EnglishTo read about the history of English languageProceduresI. Warming up1. Warming up by answering a questionnaire1). Tell the students they are going to answer a questionnaire about why they are learning English.2). Write the words: Reasons for learning a foreign language on the center of the board:3). Ask the students to suggest as many reasons as they can think of, for example, for work, as a hobby, to learn about other people, to travel, to read literature in the original, to read research papers, to meet foreigners, to surf the Internet, to pass exams, etc. Write their suggestions on the board as they make them.4). Divide the class into pairs.5). Give out each student one questionnaire paper.6). Explain the task. The students must question each other about their language learning needs (or motivations). Tell them that you are going to take in the questionnaires at the end, and that youd like them to make clear notes. It works better if the two partners swap tasks (questions and answers) after each section of the questionnaire. If they wait till the end to swap, one student may use up all the time available.7). When the task is finished, ask a couple of students to summarize their partners answers. (This may develop into a class discussion about language needs).8). The students write five sentences on their feeling about learning English.9). Collect the questionnaires. 2. Further applyingTo get the students thinking about the topic of the reading passage.1). Have a student list on the board all the English-speaking countries in the world that they can think of.2). Give the students hints about the places they havent mentioned.3). Provide the students with an opportunity to think about the reasons for the spread of English around the world. English is one of the official languages of the Olympic Games and the United Nations. English dominates international websites and provides nearly all of the new computer terminology. Tourism and trade from Western Europe and North America has contributed to the spread of English. Satellite TV, radio programs like Joy FM, CDs and, of course, Hollywood films all broadcast English into China. Also, a number of Chinese films include English subtitles.II. Reading1. SkimmingRead quickly to get the main idea of the text.Let the students find out key sentence of each paragraph or ask them to summarize the main point for each paragraph in their own words. Paragraph 1: The spread of the English language in the worldParagraph 2: Native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything.Paragraph 3: All languages change when cultures communicate with one another.Paragraph 4: English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in Africa and Asia. 2. ScanningRead to locate particular information and complete the comprehending Exercise One.3. Following upWork in groups. Discuss the two questions and then ask two groups to report their answers to the class.1). Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn? Why? Possible answer:I dont think so. Here are the reasons: Native speakers from different parts of the world have no difficulty in understanding each other despite the fact that they speak a bit differently. It is necessary for us to learn the narrow difference between different kinds of English if we hope to communicate fluently with native speakers of English from all over the world. Different kinds of English have the same language core. If you have got a good command of one kind, you will almost have no difficulty understanding another kind of English.(Any persuasive and supporting reason the students give can be accepted.) 1)      Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English? Possible answer:The reasons why people all over the world want to learn English: With economy globalization, English has become the best bridge to serve the purpose of people all over the world communicating with one another. However, like all major languages in the world, English is always changing. In order to adjust to native speakers from different parts of the world, it is a must for people all over the world to learn English, whether in English speaking countries or in non-English speaking countries. Also, people from different parts of the world speak English with various accent and dialects, and people have to learn about the difference between different kinds of English in order to avoid misunderstanding while communicating.(All persuasive reasons can be accepted.) 4. Language focus:1)      even if=even though: in spite of the fact; no matter whether: He likes to help us even if he is very busy.2)      communicate with: exchange information or conversation with other people: He learnt to use body language to communicate with deaf customers.3)      actually=in fact: used when you are adding new information to what you have just said: Weve known for years. Actually, since we were babies.4)      be based on:5)      make use of: use sth. available6)      Only time will tell: to say that something can only be known in the future: Will Chinas national football team enter for the next finals of the World Cup? Only time will tell. Language Chunks from Unit 2 English around the worldbe different from, pay a role(part) in, because of, either or, in/on a team, the number of/a number of, than ever before, even if, comp up to, over time, communicate with, be based on, make use of, have ones own identity, such as, Only time can tell, native speaker, as well as, solve a problem, believe it or not, no such a, all over the world, at the top(bottom) of, pen friends, to this day, sum up, Pardon?, beg your pardon, go abroad, be used for, more of a , encourage sb. to do sth., work on, feel like sth.,  from time to time, English-speaking countries, from oneto another, do business, on the air, would like sb. to do, make notes, fight against, keepa secret, even though, save time(money), a form of  Period 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language(Indirect Speech (II) requests & commands)AimsTo discover useful words and expression_r_rsTo discover useful structures ProceduresI. Direct and Indirect Speech   Direct SpeechIndirect Speechsimple presentHe said, “I go to school every day.”simple pastHe said (that) he went to school every day.simple pastHe said, “I went to school every day.”past perfectHe said (that) he had gone to school every day.present perfectHe said, “I have gone to school every day.”past perfectHe said (that) he had gone to school every day.present progressiveHe said, “I am going to school every day.”past progressiveHe said (that) he was going to school every day.past progressiveHe said, “I was going to school every day.”perfect progressiveHe said (that) he had been going to school every day,future (will)He said, “I will go to school every day.”would + verb nameHe said (that) he would go to school every day.future (going to)He said, “I am going to school every day.”present progressiveHe said (that) he is going to school every day.past progressiveHe said (that) he was going to school every dayDirect SpeechIndirect Speechauxiliary + verb nameHe said, “Do you go to school every day?”He said, “Where do you go to school?”simple pastHe asked me if I went to school every day.*He asked me where I went to school.imperativeHe said, “Go to school every day.”infinitiveHe said to go to school every day.     Direct SpeechIndirect Speechsimple present + simple presentHe says, “I go to school every day.”simple present + simple presentHe says (that) he goes to school every day.present perfect + simple presentHe has said, “I go to school every day.”present perfect + simple presentHe has said (that) he goes to school every day.past progressive + simple pastHe was saying, “I went to school every day.”past progressive + simple pastHe was saying (that) he went to school every day.past progressive + past perfectHe was saying (that) he had gone to school every day.  Direct SpeechIndirect SpeechcanHe said, “I can go to school every day.”couldHe said (that) he could go to school every day.mayHe said, “I may go to school every day.”mightHe said (that) he might go to school every day.mightHe said, “I might go to school every day.” mustHe said, “I must go to school every day.”had toHe said (that) he had to go to school every day.have toHe said, “I have to go to school every day.” shouldHe said, “I should go to school every day.”shouldHe said (that) he should go to school every day.ought toHe said, “I ought to go to school every day.”ought toHe said (that) he ought to go to school every day. II. Discovering useful words and expression_r_rs1.       Work in pairs. Do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4. Then check the answer youre your classmates. The teacher helps the students discover the difference in prepositions.2.       Play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to mark the sentence stress and intonation. Then practice reading in pairs.(The teacher brings the students attention to the British and American words that are different but have the same meaning.)III. Discovering useful structures(Making commands and requests using indirect speech)1. In groups of four, think of at least three commands your teachers and parents usually give.You may follow these steps.1)       Choose one who is to give the first command.2)       Ask another person in your group to tell somebody what you said.3)       The third person will change the request or command from direct into indirect speech.4)       Change role so that each person gets the chance to give commands and turn them into indirect speech. Example: T: Please dont talk in class.S1: What did our teacher tell us? / What did our teacher say? S2: He told/asked us not to talk in class. / She said not to talk in class. 2. Get the students thinking about the difference between the request and command.Then read the replies and decide whether they are in answer to a request or a command. Write the sentence down. A: _B: Ill go and collect some wood right now, master. A: _B: Of course Ill be happy to collect your shopping for you. A:_B: Yes. Ill shut the door at once, Mr. Zhang. A:_B: No, I wont get your coat if you talk to me like that. A:_B: Sorry. Ill get that book for you right now.Period 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language(STANDARD ENGLISH AND DIALECTS)AimsTo read out and talk about STANDARD ENGLISH AND DIALECTSTo write about learning English by brainstormingProceduresI. Warming up 1. Introduction: In China therere so many dialects that the government encourages the whole nation to speak Putonghua, which is regarded as standard Chinese.2. Role-play: Get students to work in pairs. Let one student be a Chinese and the other a foreigner. Role-play a conversation about the Chinese language to have them discuss why Putonghua has to be used in China.II. Reading1. Get the students thinking about the topic of the text to predict what it says.2. Skimming:Read quickly to find the topic sentence for each paragraph. Para. 1: There is no such a thing as Standard English.Para. 2: American English has many dialects whose words and expression_r_rs are different from “standard English”.Para. 3: Geography plays a part in making dialects. 3. Scanning: Work in pairs. Read the text to locate particular information.1). Do you know what Standard English is from the text?2). What is a dialect? Why does American English have so many dialects?4. Language focus:1)      believe it or not: used when you are going to say something that is true but surprising: Believe it or not, John cheated in the exam.2). there is no such a as: used to say that a particular person or thing does not exist: These days there is no such a thing as a job for life.3). standard English: the form of English that most people in Britain use, and that is not limited to one area or group of people4). dialect: a variety of a language spoken only in one area, in which words, or grammar are slightly different from other forms of the same language5). play a part/role in: be one of the causes that make something happen: Besides dieting, exercising plays an important part in losing weight.III. ListeningTo introduce the students to a dialect and a form of standard “English”.You may follow these steps:1). Set the context for the students by describing the situation;2). Tell the class: you are going to listen to a boy named Buford. He speaks a Southern dialect of AmE with an East, Texas accent. Remember: pronunciation is determined by accent. On the other hand, Bufords teacher, Jane, speaks standard BrE. (i.e. what is heard on the BBC.)3). Play the tape for the students to listen.4). Encourage the students to give the standard equivalents for the dialectic words from Bufords story, using the context.Dialectic wordsfrom Bufords storyStandard Englishequivalentsheyyallaintyeryapupswimminjumpin186.257.1期末总复习及考试feelinbout点在圆外 <=> d>r.nough(2)两锐角的关系:AB=90°;shoulda seen上述五个条件中的任何两个条件都可推出其他三个结论。got outtahelloeveryone(1)二次函数yax2的图象:是一条顶点在原点且关于y轴对称的抛物线。是二次函数的特例,此时常数b=c=0.arentyouryouchildswimming(二)教学难点jumpingfeelingabout3.余弦:enough4、根据学生的知识缺漏,有目的、有计划地进行补缺补漏。should have seen7、每学完一个单元的内容,做到及时复习,及时考核,这样可以及时了解学生对知识的掌握情况,以便及时补差补漏。got out of6). Play the tape again and let the students answer the questions in pairs after listening.186.257.1期末总复习及考试7). Check the answers. (Variant: you may also ask the students to retell Bufords story in Standard English in pairs.)IV. Speaking1. Make sure the students know that the word used for directions often vary depending on what kind of English the speaker uses. Present the list to the students: Amy (American)           Lady (British)subway                   undergroundleft                       left-hand sidekeep going straight          go straight ontwo blocks                 two streetsright                      right-hand side 2. Prepare their role-play in pairs: Be sure that one plays a speaker of


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