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    六年级英语第二学期第四单元练习(无答案) 人教版PEP六年级英语第二学期第四单元练习 姓名 班级 分数 听力部分 (共40分) 一、看图,听音,编号。(6分) 二、听录音,排序。(8分) A(parents( ) prepare( ) cousin( ) season( ) B(fast( ) last( ) first( ) east ( ) C(elephant( ) eleven( ) seven( ) eraser( ) D(cm( ) m ( ) km( ) mill( ) 三、听问句,判断下列答句是否正确,正确的写T,否则写F。(10分) 1(I go to the nature park( ) 2(I took pictures( ) 3(By plane( ) 4(Im tired( ) 5(The sun shines and the water becomes vapour( ) 1 四、下列句子与你听到的是否一致,一致的打“?”,否则打“X”。(10分) 1(I left Beijing on Feb.1st ( ) 2(I took a trip with my new friends( ) (Let's make a snowman together( ) 34(Did you help your mom clean her room?( ) 5(1 went to the moon by a spaceship.( ) 五、写出你听到的单词的过去式。(6分) 笔试部分(共60分) 一、从表格中圈出5个学过的单词,把它的小写形式及中文意思写在横线上。(10分) 2 二、把下列单词按查词典的顺序排列,并写在横线上。(6分) welcome between Chinese lobster beautiful kilogram 三、英汉互译。(11分) 买礼物 看见老虎 照相 吃苹果 get to the bookstore play the piano traffic lights四、选词填空。(5分) how where what when who whose 1. is your birthday? On Jan(1st 2. tall are you? I'm 168cm( 3. did you buy last evening? A picture book( 4( did your father work last year? In a hospital( 5( is the matter,Amy? My leg hurts( 3 五、单项选择。(10分) ( )1.I am ,because I . (excited(failed my Chinese test AB(excited(.got a new stamp C(tired(bought a new skirt ( )2( your father plays ports yesterday morning? No,he a maganine ( A(Do read B(Didreaded C(Did.read ( )3(We together last winter( A. go ice-skating B(are going ice-skating C(went ice-skating ( )4(Mike last year(Now he can speak Chinese( A(1earn Chinese B(1earned English C(1earned Chinese ( )5(Who is now? A(dance B(dancing C(danced ( )6(John and Mike . A(are going to play football this afternoon B(played the football that afternoon C(are playing football this afternoon ( )7(I'm 50kg.ChenJie is 48kg.I'm than ChenJie( A(heavier B(1ighter C(shorter ( )8(I got to Tiajin May 5th( A(On B(in C(Of ( )9. did you see the goats? At the farm( A(How B(Where C(What ( )10(想知道怎样才能到达Canada,你问: A(How ca you get to Canada? B(How did you get to Canada? C(How can l get to Canada? 4 六、按要求写句子。(8分) 1( I climbed the mountain last year(改为一般疑问句) 2. 1 went to the Great Wall by train(就划线部分提问) 3. My brother teaches English(改为一般疑问句) 4. ?(根据答句写问句) 1 went to the USA on my holiday( 七、阅读短文,把后面表格补充完整。(10分) To:Liu Yunpenpal.com From:Alicepenpal.com Dear Liu Yun: I am happy to have a penpal(I am in Australia now(Everyday,I had fun with my friends(On Monday we went to a restaurant(We ate good food( On Monday we went to a park(We flew kites(On Wednesday we went fishing. On Thursday we rowed a boat(On Friday we went to the Zoo and pandas( Ill visit China next month( Your new penpal,A1ice( 5 time place Alice went to things Alice did Ate good food Tuesday 不填 不填 the zoo 听力材料及参考答案 一、看图,听音,编号。 A(skiing learn Chinese see elephants B(skating make a snowman play pingpong 二、听录音,排序。 A. prepare parents season cousin B(first east last fast C(eleven seven elephant eraser D(mm m km cm 三、听问句,判断下列答句是否正确,正确的写T,否则写F。 1(How did you go to the nature park? 2(What did you do there? 3(Where did you go last weekend? 4(How do you feel? 5(How does the water become vapour? 四、下句子与你听到的是否一致,一致的打“?”,否则打“X”。 1(I left Beijing on Feb(1st( 2(I took a trip with my Cousins( 3(Let's make a snowman together( 4(Did you help your mom clean her room? 5(1went to the moon by a ship( 6 五、写出你听到的单词的过去式。 sing eat take have has get 参考答案 听力部分 115.75.13加与减(二)2 P61-63 数学好玩2 P64-67一、A(3 2 1 B(2 1 3 (3)若条件交代了某点是切点时,连结圆心和切点是最常用的辅助线.(切点圆心要相连)二、A(2 1 4 3 B(4 3 1 2 C(3 1 2 4 D(4 2 3 1 圆心;垂直于弦;平分弦;平分弦所对的优弧;平分弦所对的劣弧。三、1(F 2(T 3(F 4(T 5(T 四、 ? X ? ? X 五、sang ate took had had got (1)三边之间的关系:a2+b2=c2;笔试部分 一、and和, 又, 而 boat小船 foot脚 or或者 ,还是so因此, 所以 WC厕所 二、beautiful between Chinese kilogram lobster welcome 三、buy presents, see tiger, take pictures, eat apples, 去书店, 弹钢琴, 交通灯 四、1(When 2(How 3(What 4(Where 5(What 五、1(B 2(C 3(C 4(C 5(B 6(A 7(A 8(A 9(B 10(C (6)直角三角形的外接圆半径六、1(Did you climb the mountain last year? 2(How did you go to the Great Wall? tanA的值越大,梯子越陡,A越大;A越大,梯子越陡,tanA的值越大。3(Does your brother teach English'? 4.When did you go to the USA? 七、 Time place Alice went to Things Alice did Monday restaurant ate good food Tuesday Park flew kites Wednesday 不填 went fishing 3、第五单元“加与减(二)”,第六单元“加与减(三)” 在“加与减”的学习中,结合生活情境,学生将经历从具体情境中抽象出加减法算式的过程,进一步体会加减法的意义;探索并掌握100以内加减法(包括不进位、不退位与进位、退位)和连加、连减、加减混合的计算方法,并能正确计算;能根据具体问题,估计运算的结果;初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系。Thursday 不填 rowed a boat 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的对边与斜边的比叫做A的正弦,记作sinA,即;Friday The zoo saw pandas (2)抛物线的描述:开口方向、对称性、y随x的变化情况、抛物线的最高(或最低)点、抛物线与x轴的交点。7 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的对边与斜边的比叫做A的正弦,记作sinA,即;8


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