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    山东省东营市河口区实验学校七年级英语下册任务型阅读练习(无答案) 人教新目标版山东省东营市河口区实验学校七年级英语下册任务型阅读练习 人教新目标版 (一) Having a good breakfast is important for you.(1)You can easily understand it. By breakfast food for morning activities. time you have not eaten anything about twelve hours. Your body needs (2)One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. In a cold morning a cup of hot drinks is necessary(必需的).(3)A good breakfast helps you to smile more easily.(4)It helps you to be friendlier and also to work better and play more happily. Your whole day will be more fun after you have enjoyed a good breakfast. Words: About 97 Suggested reading time:205” 1. 将(1)句换一种说法,使其意思不变。 Its . 2. 以(2)处划线部分进行提问。 . 3. 找出(3)处划线部分的错误并改正。 . 4. 写出(4)处词组的中文意思。 . 5. What is a good breakfast? . (二) My name is Daisy. I live with my mother and father in a flat. The flat is on the five floor of a tall building.(1)There are 14 floors and a parking garage (车库)in the basement(地下室).My father parks his car there.(2) Our flat is not in the centre of the city. It is 2 miles from the centre. My father works in the city, so he goes to work by train every day .He doesnt开汽车.(3)He uses his car only on weekends. Then he takes us into the country or to the beach. Our flat has three bedrooms. My mother and father live in one bedroom,(4)one for me and one for my brother. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. We do not have a garden, but there is a small balcony. There are some plants on the balcony. In summer we often sit out on 1 the balcony because it gets very hot inside the flat. Our flat is small, but we are very happy in it. Words: About 182 Suggested reading time:425” 1 .找出(1)句中的错误并改正。 2 .将(2)处划线句子译成中文。 3 .将(3)处划线词组译成英语。 4 .将(4)处换一种说法,使其意思不变。 My mother and father 5 .How far is Daisys home from the centre of the city? (三) Dear Mum, I watched a video about Sunshine Tom. It is a new town in Beijing. It is only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground. (1)There is little air pollution there than in other araeas of Beijing. (2) Most of Class 1, Grade 7 students live in flats because they love to be close to (3) each other. There are some shopping malls in Sunshine Tom. You can find 各种各样的纪念品 (4) there. If you want to eat Chinese food, you can go to Star Shopping Mall, and there are some Western restaurants too. If you like Beijing Opera, you can go to the local theatre. How do you like Sunshine Town, Mum? I really enjoy my stay here. Tom Words: About 121 Suggested reading time: 245” 1 .将(1)句翻译成中文。 2 .找出(2)处划线部分的错误并改正。 3 .将(3)处划线的词组译成中文。 4 .将(4)处划线的词组译成英语。 2 5 .Where can people watch Beijing Opera? (四) A woman drives to work every day. She usually parks her car in the street outside her office. One day after work, she got into her car and started driving home. S ,(1) she found a yellow car following her. The driver was a big man. When she turned left, the yellow car turned left. When she turned left, the yellow car turned left. When she turned right, the yellow car turned right. When she stopped 在红绿灯处,(2)the yellow car stopped behind. She was so afraid that she drove very quickly to the police station.(3)She was very surprised to see that the yellow car also stopped behind her car. She jumped out of the car quickly and ran to a policeman with police uniform .(4)She asked for help and told everything to the policeman The policeman quickly ran to the yellow car. Jnst then the driver in the yellow car came out and said to the policeman“I want to give back this purse to her. I think she dropped it The woman The woman s face turned red. She thanked the big man and the policeman. on the street .”Words: About 181 Suggested reading time:505” 1 .根据(1)处所给首字母,填上适合的单S . 2 .将(2)处划词组译成英语。 3 .将(3)处划线的句子译成中文。 4 .找出(4)处划线部分的错误并改正。 5 .What did the driver in the yellow car want to do? (五) Dogs like living with people. They are very friendly. They can do many things for people. Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find the lost children. (1)And some of the dogs can help the blind. There is a kind of dog. His name is Seeing Eye dog. (2)Now we can see this kind of dog all over the world. They are working for the blind. The Seeing Eye dog is strong and easy to train. 3 He helps the blind to walk from place to place. Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, he must go to a training school for about three months. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainers call. In his next lesson the dog learns to take his trainer across busy streets. (3) The dog has many things to learn. 在的尽头 (4) the training school he must take tests. When he passes the test, the Seeing Eye dog will do things by himself. Now he can help the blind people. The new master may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month learning to work and live together. (5) Words: About 219 Suggested reading time:505” 1 .将(1)处划线词线译成中文。 2 .In Chinese, “Seeing Eye dog”means 3 .对(3)处划线部分提问。 )处划线词组译成英语。 4 .将(45 .找出(5)句中的错误并改正。 (六) One day Tom and Bill went out for a walk. On the road they saw a lot of people and went up and had a look. Oh dear! There was a cow in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get past. Then a policeman came. “Whose cow is this?” he asked.“Its mine,” said a farmer,“but I cant move it.”The policeman and the farmer 尽力 (1) to move the cow ,but it would not move. Tom and Bill laughed, but the drivers of cars and buses were very worry. (2)“We cant move the cow,”the farmer and the policeman said.“What shall we do?” “Give him a cabbage!” Tom said. “Thats a good idea.”(3) said the farmer. Soon he found a cabbage and showed it to the cow. When the cow saw the cabbage, it walked after the farmer at once. All the cars and buses could get past at last. Words: About 148 Suggested reading time:345” 1 .将(1)处划线词组译成英语。 4 2 .找(2)句中的错误并改正。 3 .将(3)处划线句子译成中文。 4 .选择正确答案。 ( )The cow wouldnt move itself because . A .it was hungry B .it wanted to get on one of the trucks C .it was too late D .so many people were watching it 5.判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合写T,不符合写F。 ( ) Finally, the traffic would move. Keys:(一)1.Its important for you to have a good breakfast. 2.What does your body need for morning activities? In a cold morning a cup of hot drinks is necessary. 3.4.笑得更容易 5.Rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. fifth floor of a tall buiding. (二)1.The flat is on the 2.我爸将车停在那儿。 3.drive his/a car 4.share a bedroom 5.It is 2 miles from the centre. (三)1.它离北京市中心乘地铁只需40分钟。 2.There is less air pollution 3.靠近 4.all kinds of souvenirs 垂直于切线; 过切点; 过圆心.5.At the local theatre 84.164.22有趣的图形1 整理复习2(四)1.Suddenly 2. 俯角:当从高处观测低处的目标时,视线与水平线所成的锐角称为俯角2.at the traffic lights 3.她很害怕,开车飞快地向警察局驶去。 (1)圆周角::顶点在圆上,并且两边都与圆相交的角,叫做圆周角.4.a policeman in police uniform 5.He wanted to give back the purse to the woman. >0 <=> 抛物线与x轴有2个交点;(五)1.帮助他们找到失踪的孩子 圆心;垂直于弦;平分弦;平分弦所对的优弧;平分弦所对的劣弧。2.导盲犬 3.What does a dog learn to do in his next lesson? 5 集合性定义:圆是平面内到定点距离等于定长的点的集合。其中定点叫做圆心,定长叫做圆的半径,圆心定圆的位置,半径定圆的大小,圆心和半径确定的圆叫做定圆。4.At the end of 5.二次函数与一元二次方程5.It takes the dog and his blind master about a month to learn to work and live together. (3)二次函数的图象:是一条顶点在y轴上且与y轴对称的抛物线,二次函数的图象中,a的符号决定抛物线的开口方向,|a|决定抛物线的开口程度大小,c决定抛物线的顶点位置,即抛物线位置的高低。(六)1.tried their best 2.but the drivers of cars and buses were very worried 3.那是个好注意。 一年级数学下册教材共六个单元和一个总复习,分别从数与代数、空间图形、实践活动等方面对学生进行教育。4.A 5.T 6


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