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    (水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(第1课时)New words and phrases课件 (新版)人教新目标版[共32页].ppt

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    (水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(第1课时)New words and phrases课件 (新版)人教新目标版[共32页].ppt

    Unit 10 Id like some noodles . Period 1: New words and phrases,Teaching and Learning Goals 一、语言知识和语言技能,1. 能争取使用下列词汇(Curriculum words)noodle beef potato special would large size bowl meat dumpling fish pancake world answer different cake candle age blow will candy lucky popular idea,2. 能争取使用下列常用短语(Useful expressions) would like what size take ones order a bowl of around the world make a wish blow out get popular bring good luck to,3. 能认读下列词汇non-curriculum words mutton cabbage tofu porridge onion,二、学习策略1.依据图片理解和记忆词汇 2.在语境中理解和记忆词汇 3.依据读音规则、构词规律理解和记忆词汇。,三、情感态度学习中国的特色美食,进而了解不同国家美食。培养学生热爱生活、互相包容的性格。,Teaching and learning steps Step 1:Learn to read the new words in Unit 10 on P128-1291. Encourage students to read the new words by themselves with the help of phonetics .Underline the words they cant read out .,2. Take out their difficulties and work them out in groups .If they still have some difficulties , solve them together in class . At this time ,teacher can give the students help when necessary .3.Ask some students to read the new words in class .Others pay attention to his / her pronunciations . If necessary , ask students to give him / her the right sounds .,4 Listen to the tape . Play the tape . Get the students to listen and follow the tape twice . Let them try to get the correct Pronunciations.5. Consolidations and Checking the learning results .Give Students some minutes to read all the word quickly . Pay attention to their pronunciations .,Step 2 : Remember the words,mutton (羊肉),Sheep can give us wool (羊毛)and mutton . 。,ork (猪肉),Pork is the most popular meat in our life。,beef (牛肉),I would like to cook beef and tomatoes together .,chicken (鸡肉),Id like a gongbao chicken .Its very delicious.,fish (鱼肉),My brother likes eating fish very much . He can eat a whole fish (鱼).,a large bowl,a medium bowl,small bowls,A: Johnny , what size bowl of noodles would you like ?B: I d like a large bowl of noodles , pleaseA: What about you , Lucy ? Do you like a large bowl , too .C: No , Id like a medium bowl or a small bowl . I am not very hungry .,noodles,Beef noodles is my favorite food.,rice,A: What would you like for lunch ?B: Id like rice .,dumplings,There is a dumpling house in our neighbor .,pancakes,Pancakes are my favorite food for dinner .,tomatoes,My sister likes soup with tomatoes and eggs very much,potatoes,Young people love potato chips quite a lot .,onions,Onions are good for our health.,cabbages,The cabbage is a kind of vegetables .,2. Remember the words by their relationships . will would would like can could shall shouldsame different different differentlyDifferent people describe the same thing differently .不同的人描述一样的事情都会不同。luck lucky luckily名词 形容词 副词 We always call people with good luck lucky dogs .我们总是把有好运的人叫做幸运儿。Luckily, he could have beef noodles.幸运的是他能吃到牛肉面。,3.Remember the words by conversion .There are three specials in our restaurant today . (n. 特色菜) My parents gave me a special gift on my twelfth birthday . (adj. 特殊的、特别的) (2)May I take your order ? (n. 点的/订购的(菜等)) I would like to order one gongbao chicken for lunch . (v. 订购) (3)Who can answer my questions ? (v. 回答) This is the answer to the question . (n. 答案) (4)I wish you have a good trip . (v. 祝愿) Please make a wish before blowing out the candles . (n. 愿望),4. Remember the words by comparison(对比),soup porridge Id like soup for breakfast .But I like porridge for dinner .,candy sweet ( 英美用法的区别)When we say candy in the USA , we say sweet in England .candle birthday candles blow out birthday candles If the birthday person can blow out birthday candles in a go , his/her dream will come true .,Remember the words by using their meanings world 世界 one world one dream 同一个世界 同一个梦想 around the world 世界各地all over the world 全世界age 年龄 Whats your age ? = How old are you ?popular 流行的,受欢迎的 Ice cream is very popular in summer .,Step 3: Consolidate the words and phrases .1. Ask the students to memorize the words with the above ways .(10-15minutes) 2.Check the learning results . Write down the words with the help of Chinese.,1.面条_ 2. 羊肉_ 3.牛肉_ 4.卷心菜_ 5.土豆_6特色菜_7.愿意_8.仍然 _9.大号的_10.点菜_11.尺码 _12.碗_13.豆腐_14.肉_15.饺子_16. 粥_ 17.洋葱_18.鱼肉_19. 薄饼_20.世界_21.答案_22.不同的 _23.蛋糕_24.蜡烛 _25.年龄_26.吹_27.如果_28.将要_29.糖果 _30.幸运的 _31.受欢迎的_32.切碎_ 33.想法_34.给 带来好运_,Step 4 Read the story and translate into Chinese .,There is a restaurant in our neighborhood .They offer us many kinds of delicious food . For noodles , they have mutton and cabbage noodles , beef and tomato noodles and chicken noodles with onions. For dumplings ,they have beef and carrot dumplings and pork dumplings with different kinds of vegetables . You can choose large bowls , medium bowls or small bowls according to your age? They also offer us mapo tofu , gongbao chicken , soup , porridge and pancakes . There are also some specials every day . They are very popular . If you would like to order food in the restaurant , please call them or email them . You can also give them your ideas about their food . If you do so , they will get a lucky gift like a small cake、a candle or a fish.,Step 5. Mind map . 思维树,Step 6 The end-of class test按要求写出下列单词1.would like(同义词) 2.same(反义词) 3.noodle(复数) 4. Id like(完整形式) 5. potato (复数形式) 6.luck (形容词),want,different,noodles,I would like,potatoes,lucky.,二、 翻译下列短语 1.生日蛋糕 2.许愿 3.世界各地 4.受欢迎 5.给. . 带来好运6.切碎,birthday cake,make a wish / make wishes,around the world,get popular,bring . . good luck to,cut up,三根据汉意或首字母写单词.1.Welcome to our _(面条) house.2.What_(愿意) you like to eat?3.If you b_(吹灭) out the candies in one go, your dream will come true.4.If you eat the candy, you will be _(幸运的)。5.Its getting _(受欢迎的) to eat birthday cake with candies.,noodle,would,low,lucky,popular,Step 6 Homework1.Memorize the words and expressions in Unit 10 and have a dictation in pairs .2.Preview Unit 10 Section A 1a-2d with the help of zhuxue .,


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