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    (水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV(第1课时)New words and phrases课件 (新版)人教新目标版[共31页].ppt

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    (水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV(第1课时)New words and phrases课件 (新版)人教新目标版[共31页].ppt

    Unit 6 Im watching TV?,New words and phrases,1.能争取学会使用下列词汇造句子newspaper, use, soup, wash, movie, just, house, drink,tea, tomorrow, pool, shop, supermarket, man, race,study, state, the United States, American, dragon, any,other, young, child, children, miss,wish, delicious,still2.能争取学会使用下列常用短语造句子 read a newspaper ,make soup, go to the movies, drink tea ,Dragon Boat Festival, living room ,eat out 3.能认读下列词汇host, Steve, Laura 4.理解、翻译并复述运用本节课的词汇所编写的故事。,Learning aims,Learn to read,First, read the words by yourselves and underline the difficult words.(2 minutes)Then, work in groups and try to read the difficult words.(2 minutes),看图片学单词,看图片说单词,看谁说得快。,newspaper,He is reading a newspaper.,read a newspaper,soup,make soup,My mum is making soup,tea,drink tea.,She is drinking tea.,movie,go to the movies,I often go to the movies on weekends,pool,The man is swimming in the pool,man,child,the United States,The child is from the United States.,dragon,Dragon Boat Festival,May 5th is Dragon Boat Festival in China.,They are having a race,race,This is a living room,living room,The house is beautiful.,house,This is a supermarket,supermarket,Remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms.,1. uniform-cute-usually-use ju: 2.cut-luck-bus-funny-just 3.many-scary- any e 4.big-quilt-live-miss-wish-delicious-still i ,二.Remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms.,6. America 美国 American adj.美国的 n.美国人,三. Remember the words by conversion(转换) 、complex words (合成)and derivative(派生),1. news (新闻)+ paper(纸),newspaper,2. super(超级的) + market(市场),supermarket,3. drink v.喝 n.饮料,4,4 .shop v.购物 n.商店,5.child 儿童 children (pl.),1. other taste good2.tomorrow else 3.delicious not old4.young the next day,四.Remember the words by matching their similar meaning.,比比谁记得快,brainstorm,D,Do you know these words?,Do you know these phrases?,First , read the story and underline the new words.Then, translate the story into Chinese in groups读故事,划出新单词;小组合作译一译。,读故事,译一译,Zhu Hui,Read the story and try to translate it.,Im studying in the United States. My host family is nice.Today is the Dragon Boat Festival,so I miss my family very much.What are other people doing in my family? I use the computer to chat with them.My father is still in the living room, hes reading an American newspaper.My mother is making delicious soup.My sister is washing the glass,she wants to drink tea. My brother just wants to go to the movies,so he eats out.Whos that young man? Hes my uncle,hes watching the boat races on TV.Wheres the little child?Oh,hes in the pool outside the house. Wheres my aunt?Shes shopping in the supermarket. I wish I can come back to my home tomorrow!,Read the story and try to translate it.,Im studying in 美 国. My 主人family is nice.Today is the 端 午节,so I 想 念 my family very much.What are 其它的 people doing in my family? I 使 用the computer to chat with them.My father is stillin the 客厅, hes reading an American 报纸.My mother is making 美味的汤.My sister is washing the glass,she wants to 喝茶. My brother just wants to 去电影院,so he 出去吃.Whos that 年轻人? Hes my uncle,hes watching the boat 比赛s on TV.Wheres the little 小孩?Oh,hes in the 游泳池 outside the 房子. Wheres my aunt?Shes shopping in the 超市. I 希望 I can come back to my home 明天!,Try to retell the story.,I .the UnitedStates,Whatare my familydoing?,living roomread an American newspaper,make delicious soap,wash;drink tea,go to the movies,eat out,pool,house,shop ,supermarket,wish,tomorrow,当堂检测,翻译词组1. 看报纸 _2. 做汤 _3. 看电影 _4. 出去吃饭 _ 5.喝茶 _6 .美国 _7.端午节 _8.客厅 _9.洗衣服 _10.两个小孩 _,1. 看报纸 read a newspaper2. 做汤 make soup3. 看电影 go to the movies4. 出去吃饭 eat out5.喝茶 drink tea6 .美国 the United States7.端午节 Dragon Boat Festival8.客厅 living room9.洗衣服 wash the clothes10.两个小孩 two young children,当堂检测,三根据汉意补全句子。1.See you _(明天)evening.2.My father goes shopping in the _(超市).3.The boy is from _(美国),he is _(美国人).4.The soup is _(美味的,可口的).5.My aunt has two_(孩子).,当堂检测,二 用所给词的适当形式补全句子。1.Mary_(read)her newspaper every day.2.His mother is good at _(make)soup.3.Look! She _(exercise) on the playground?4.Does your father like _(drink) tea?5.My mother _(wash) the clothes now.,Homework,1. ( ) Remember the new words and have a dictation(听写) in pairs.2. ( ) Use the new words and phrases in Unit7 to make up your own story.,Thank you for your hard work!,Goodbye!,


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