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    1. -I honestly dont want to continue the gardening tomorrow. -_. But we must finish it this weekend.A. Me neither B. Same to you C. Help yourself D. You cant be serious2. -You fixed up all these bookshelves. You must have been tired out. -_! I got Doris to do some of them.A. You said it B. I dont think so C. Nothing much D. It wasnt too bad3. -Hey, dont forget to return the book to the library. -Oh, Ive almost forgotten, but _.A. no problem B. no doubt C. not really D. never mind 4. -Did you enjoy the science fiction movie last night? -_. It was everything I had expected.A. You bet! B. You never know! C. Not really. D. Not in the least.5. -Simon said he was on a business trip and wouldnt come back until next week. -_ I saw him in the pub downstairs yesterday.A. Yes? B. Come on! C. Its really neat! D. Tell me about it. 6. -Ive been waiting for you for two hours. Where on earth have you been? -Im terribly sorry Im late. I just couldnt help _. A. it B. them C. you D. myself 7. -Do you mind if I look at your notes? -Of course not. _.A. Be my guest B. I cant complain C. Serve you right D. Behave yourself 81. Yuanshen Tennis Center, located in the downtown of this city, is easily _ and it always attracts lots of players.A. available B. acceptable C. affordable D. accessible 2. -I just received an e-mail from Tony. I was surprised. I hadnt heard from him for ages. -Well, Ive been out of touch with most of my old friends. Only one or two _ me a line once in a while.A. drop B. dropped C. have dropped D. will drop 3. Chinas economically developed areas are generally located in its southeast, while its energy resources are mainly _ across the northwest.A. Allocated B.preserved C. distributed D. explored 4. -Im not sure. _ I remember is that the flight number is 733.A. Nothing B. Anything C. All D. That 5. Trust is an important _ in any relationship-without it, you have nothing.A. component B. approach C. commitment D. procedure 6. -Im fed up with the noise here. I think we should rent a house with a better environment, but we dont have enough money. -If only we _ the car!A. wont buy B. didnt buy C. hadnt bought D. wouldnt have bought 7. Since I won the big prize, my phone hasnt stopped ringing. People _ to ask how I am going to spend the money.A. phoned B. were phoning C. are phoning D. have phoned8. _ your goals, its quite likely that somebody has already achieved what is now the point of your focus.A. However B. Whatever C. Whenever D. Wherever 9. During World War I, he quit college hoping to serve in the army but was _ due to an eye injury.A. dismissed B. removed C. rejected D. abandoned 10. China is one of the worlds largest wine consumers, and it is _ of the Chinese people to serve wine on formal occasions and at traditional festivals.A. valid B. average C. typical D. acceptable 11. Of all the feelings, bodily pain is the most difficult _.A. explained B. to explain C. being explained D. to be explained12. We have _ our own brand in the market, and the demand for our products has been beyond supply.A. wound up B. taken up C. built up D. picked up 13. To avoid unnecessary accidents or injuries, its vital that you _ warm-up activities before practising.A. do B. will do C. must do D. have done14.-Its _ but easy to sell Alex the idea of giving up smoking. -You know, old habits die hard.A. something B.anything C. nothing D. everything 15. Advertisements are a good way to persuade people to buy a product or a service. To be _, they must be exciting, impressive and pleasant.A. beneficial B. fair C. original D. effective 16. Chinese parents see the education of their children as their first duty, sparing no expense for after-school courses that eat up what _ the spare time of their young.A. could be B. ought to be C. should have been D. must have been 17. Being a salesperson is not always easy, and being the salesperson of customers with special needs often carries with _ extra stress. A. one B. them C. that D. it 18. Located on the top floor of Douglas Hall, the Wellness Center is often used for _ such as concert, games or movies.A. arrangement B. equipment C. management D. entertainment 19. -I cant beat the air pollution in this city anymore. Its getting worse and worse. -I agree with you. I think its time that man _ to live in harmony with the earth.A. learn B. learned C. will learn D. have learned 20. Some adults cant _ children, and this may explain why constant conflicts break out between parents and their kids.A. relate to B. appeal to C. respond to D. subscribe to 21. Not all bodies of water are so evidently alive as the Atlantic Ocean, an S-shape body of water _ 33 million square miles.A. covers B. covering C. has covered D. is covering 22. Humans are socially related _. Having relationships with other people is an important part of being human.A. in public B. on principle C. by nature D. at length 23. In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained _ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.A. sticking B. stuck C. to be stuck D. to stick 24. _ to playing with cellphones resulted in the young man being sent to hospital for sudden sight failure.A. Addicting B. Addicted C. Being addicted D. Having addicted25. Throughout its history, jazz has expanded to a point where its styles are so _ that one may sound completely unrelated to another.A. abundant B. diverse C. unique D. typical 26. _ there is no doubt that school is very important, a series of recent studies reminds us that parents are even more so.A. As B. When C. Since D. While 27. Green can stand for hope and a new life. Such _ dont change much from country to country.A. assumptions B. impressions C. combinations D. associations 28. _ as the movie capital of the world, Los Angeles is home to many film companies, such as 20th Century Fox, Warner Brothers and Columbia Pictures. A. Recognizing B. Recognized C. Being recognized D. Having recognized 29. I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be _, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.A. fair B. sure C. honest D. specific 30. Advanced lights, motors, and building designs have helped save a lot of energy and _ reduced environmental damage.A. yet B. even C. besides D. therefore 31. Great efforts have been made by the government to solve the food safety problem, but it takes time to restore peoples _ in Chinese food industry.A. competence B. intelligence C. innocence D. confidence32. With the help of increasing online shops abroad, we can now _ goods made in any place all over the world.A. pick up B. lay up C. use up D. bring up 33. The majority of big companies now favor those with _ work experience rather than graduating students.A. valid B. explicit C. relevant D. potential 34. -How long have you been running this company? -For twenty years. I _ it from a small operation to what it is today. A. bring B. brought C. am bringing D. had brought 35. Despite much concern about the safety of GM foods, _ doesnt appear to be a scientific reason to ban GM foods from our cupboards.A. it B. that C. here D. there 36. -What a beautiful river and breathtaking mountains! -Yeah. It looks as if we _ on an alien planet.A. will arrive B. arrived C. were arriving D. would arrive 37. _ being an extremely valuable hard stone, the diamond is in a class by itself.A. In favor of B. In spite of C. In addition to D. In reference to 38. Those villagers, _ the earthquake, were left with lasting wounds to their bodies, hearts and minds.A. survived B. surviving C. to survive D. having survived 39. Education is a broad term that can have many meanings. It generally refers to the process of learning and acquiring information, _.A. either B. too C. yet D. though 40. So far, critics have complained about the presidents silence on the event _ they expected to hear his voice.A. that B. which C. whom D. where 41. -I thought you were going to call me last night about the plans for the conference. -Sorry, I should have, but Tom and Jane _ and stayed until midnight.A. dropped in B. dropped off C. dropped out D. dropped away 42. We human beings should respect mature and cant _ the laws of mature, otherwise we will suffer from the disasters it bring about.A. adjust B.violate C. observe D. abandon 43. -You can keep these books for only half a month. -May I renew them if I _ reading them?A. wont finish B. am not to finish C. havent finished D. am not finishing 44. With the teachers help, I found many errors that would _ have been ignored.A. otherwise B. meanwhile C. also D. nevertheless 45. Smoking is one of the biggest _ to death and illness in China, with more than one million people dying of illnesses linked to smoking each year.A. accesses B. approaches C. invitations D. applications 46. _ my parents, I had to give up my dream of becoming a pilot.A. Not persuading B. Having not persuaded C. Not persuaded D. Not having persuaded47. If you are _ about learning a language and can get direct pleasure from what you have learned, you need to go to where the language is spoken. A. skeptical B. specific C. sensitive D. serious 48. -Excuse me, may I have the bill please? -Of course. It _ $100.A. adds to B. comes to C. touches on D. figures on 49. A new series of English textbooks, _ to improve childrens English speaking, will come out next year.A. intending B. intended C. to intend D. to be intended 50. At a construction site the workers uncovered an ancient wall that _ have functioned to keep the enemy out of the city, but it requires further evidence. A. might B. would C. must D. should 51. _ we experience the world is heavily influenced by our beliefs and past experiences. A. That B. How C. When D. Whether 52. Many _ their happiness on things like appearance, bank balance, possessions and the opinions of others. However, true happiness comes from within.A. attach B. focus C. blame D. pin53. As Chinas elderly population grows, greater numbers of care centers focusing on seniors have been _. A. putting up B. coming up C. swelling up D. springing up 54. -I wish I _ the sharp words to Adam. He must hate me very much. -He doesnt mind. As a matter of fact, he is very pleased. A. wouldnt say B. havent said C. hadnt said D. wouldnt have said 55. -Im surprised to hear Cindy failed in the competition. -_. She was confident and got well prepared.A. So I am B. So am I C. So did she D. So she was 56. It was the culture, rather than the language, _ made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.A. that B. which C. what D. why 57. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the three most important traditional Chinese festivals, the other two _ the Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival.A. are B. to be C. being D. been 58. As the effect of the drug _, the patient began to feel the pain. A. took off B. wore off C. paid off D. put off 59. Its true that people with better education are usually able to get better paying jobs. _, they have more chances to choose a good job. A. In other words B. In the long run C. As a consequence D. After all 60. The president demanded all-out rescue efforts _ to put out the deadly fire that occurred at a chemical factory on Monday.A. should make B. were made C. would be made D. be made 61. A report says the concentration of high quality medical resources in Beijing attracts thousands of patients from across the country to _ better medical care every day.A. seek B. attempt C. promote D. advocate 62. Saying that you want something different _ thinking and acting differently ensures that you continue to have your pipe dream.A. against B. beyond C. without D. from 63. -Nothing serious with my daughter, _? -Dont worry. Shes just got the flu.A. is it B. is she C. has she D. is there64. It cost him too much to have broken the law. I wonder why it was that he stole things _ he could easily afford them.A. when B. unless C. so that D. as though 65. Angela was considering having a nose job to make her look better, but her parents urged her _.A. not B. not to C. not to do D. not so 66. Get up as early as six oclock only _ at every crossroad and still late for work. What a life!A. jamming B. jammed C. to jam D. to be jammed 67. _ your course, set your goals, move into action, and your dream will come true one day.A. Cast B. Chart C. Abandon D. Attempt 68. -How was your self-drive tour yesterday, Adam? -Dont mention it. The car _ break down when I was about to start.A. must B. could C. would D. might 69. -Hello, Mr. Black, I am calling to say goodbye. -Youre leaving so soon? Id rather you _ next Monday.A. left B. would leave C. had left D. would have left 70. Business has been _ fast since Tim was appointed as manager of the Marketing Department. Clearly, he is fully qualified for the position.A. declining B. circulating C. expanding D. fading 71. Since the snowstorm has blocked the highway, we have no choice but to postpone our visit to the exhibition _ until next week.A. held B. being held C. to be held D. having been held72. A learning process occurs early in the life of a social animal _ a special behavior pattern is established through association with parents or other role models.A. whether B. that C. which D. where


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