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    2017-2018学年六年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can I get there检测试题 人教PEP.doc

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    2017-2018学年六年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can I get there检测试题 人教PEP.doc

    Unit 1 How can I get there? (40分钟100分) 开始计时: _Part 1 Speaking说(25%)一、跟读下列单词。(10分)1. bookstore2. cinema3. hospital4. crossing5. left6. straight7. right8. interesting9. restaurant10. street二、跟读下列句子或对话。(5分)1. I want to buy a postcard. 2. What a great museum!3. We are in front of the cinema. 4. Where is the science museum? It is next to the park. 三、跟读下面的对话。(10分)A: Excuse me, sir. Is there a hospital in the city?B: Yes, there is. A: Where is it?B: It's near the bookstore. It is not far. A: How can I get to the hospital?B: Turn right at the zoo and go straight. Then turn left at the crossing and you can see the hospital. A: Thank you. B: You're welcome. Part 2 Listening听(25%)一、听录音,给图片标号。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听问句,选择恰当的答语。(5分)() 1. A. It's near the hospital. B. I want to go to the museum shop. C. The museum shop is far. () 2. A. We are in front of the cinema. B. There is a restaurant. C. Go straight and turn left at the bookstore. () 3. A. Yes, it is. B. It's next to the park. C. Let's go. () 4. A. It can find the way. B. It can find the food. C. It can find the stars. () 5. A. Sure. B. No, I can. C. Excuse me. 三、听录音,找出下列人物要去的地方,在相应的栏中打“”。(10分)libraryrestaurantcinemabookstorepost office四、听录音,根据你所听到的内容完成句子。(5分)() 1. Let's go _ and turn left at the crossing. () 2. How can we get to the_?() 3. The park is _ the bookstore. () 4. Where is the science _?() 5. Go along and turn_. Part 3 Vocabulary and Grammar词汇与语法(30%)一、火眼金睛选不同。(5分)() 1. A. leftB. compassC. GPS() 2. A. museumB. post officeC. music () 3. A. planeB. cinemaC. bike() 4. A. turn rightB. behindC. turn left () 5. A. pizzaB. hamburgerC. restaurant二、写出画线部分的对应词(组)或反义词(组)。(5分)1. The park isn't near my school. It's _. 2. It isn't on the_. It's on the left. 3. The restaurant is behind the library. And the zoo is _ my school. 4. I have a small piece of pizza, but my brother has two _pieces of pizza. 5. How can he get there from _?三、单项选择。(10分)() 1. _is the library? It's over there. A. WhenB. WhatC. Where() 2. _, where is the zoo?A. SorryB. Excuse meC. OK () 3. How can I _ the cinema?Go straight and then turn left. A. get toB. get onC. get off() 4. What _interesting film it is!A. aB. anC. the() 5. Let's _ some Italian food. A. haveB. hasC. to have() 6. Turn left _ the cinema. A. onB. ofC. at () 7. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the_. A. hospitalB. libraryC. cinema() 8. Can you help _ find the way? A. heB. hisC. him () 9. Is there a post office near here?Yes, _. A. there isB. there isn'tC. it is() 10. _has GPS? Robin. A. WhoB. HowC. Where四、情景交际。从方框中选出正确的答语。(10分)() 1. What are you doing?() 2. Where is the museum? () 3. How can I get there? () 4. Is there a cinema? () 5. Where is the dog?A. Turn left at the bookstore. Then go straight. B. It's next to the hospital. C. It's under the desk. D. No, there isn't. E. I'm reading a book. Part 4 Reading and Writing读和写(20%)一、阅读短文,写一写图中15分别是什么地方。(10分)(建议用时:6分钟)Today, I want to go to the museum. From my school I go straight. The hospital is on the right. The post office is on the left. I turn left at the post office. I can see the bookstore there. From there I turn left and go straight ahead. Then, at the cinema I turn right. Finally, I'm at the museum. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _二、书面表达。(10分)同学们,Linda想去你的学校参观,但她不知道去你学校的具体路线。请以“How can you get to my school?”为题写一篇小短文,不少于5句话。How can you get to my school?Hi, Linda! Welcome to my school. _ 结束时间:_Unit 1综合能力测评Part 2Listening听力材料:一、1. turn right2. bookstore3. science museum 4. go straight5. hospital二、1. Where is the museum shop?2. How can I get there?3. Is it far from here?4. What can GPS do?5. Can you help me?三、1. Hello, I'm Chen Jie. I want to read books in the library. 2. Hello, I'm Miss Fang. I want to buy some books in the bookstore. 3. Excuse me. I'm Mike. Is there a cinema near here?4. Excuse me. I'm Peter. How can I get to the post office?5. Hello, I'm Wu Yifan. I want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. 四、1. Let's go straight and turn left at the crossing. 2. How can we get to the hospital?3. The park is near the bookstore. 4. Where is the science museum?5. Go along and turn right. 答案:一、32451二、1. A2. C3. A4. A5. A三、四、1. straight 2. hospital3. near4. museum5. rightPart 3Vocabulary and Grammar一、1. A2. C3. B4. B5. C二、1. far2. right3. in front of 4. big 5. here三、1. C2. B3. A4. B点拨:interesting是以元音音素开头的单词,用冠词an。5. A点拨:let's后接动词原形。6. C7. A8. C点拨:help是动词,其后跟人称代词的宾格形式。9. A10. A四、1. E2. B3. A4. D5. CPart 4Reading and Writing一、1. hospital 2. school 3. post office 4. bookstore 5. cinema二、范文:How can you get to my school?Hi, Linda!Welcome to my school. My school is near the hospital. It's not very far. Now let me tell you how to get to my school. Go straight from your home. Turn left at the bookstore. Then go straight and turn right at the hospital. You can see my school on your right.


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