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    【 2019 最新】精选八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导2(无答案)牛津版一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Sandyis_(go)tovisitthenew park.Let sgotogether.2.Go and _(get)your coat.Its so cold outside.3.They got so_(excite)when they saw Andy Lau.4.He_(visit)there before.5.She is ready_(help)you with your English at anytime.6.I hope I can visit some places of_(interesting)around the world.7.The first time I_(meet)him was five years ago.8.Wang Qiang _(work)here since he was 20 years old.9.We had a good time_(visit)the theme park.10.She_(write) an email to me recently.11.He_(lose)his homework.Hecant hand itin on time.12.He was so happy that he couldnt stop _(sing)and_(dance).13.Did you enjoy_(you) last weekend,boys and girls.欢迎下载。14.Iwouldliketoenjoythe_(nature)beautyonholiday.16.Daniel went _(travel) in China last year.17.They re going totake a direct_(fly)t o Japan.18.I dont know what _(happen) to him.19.Thisweekend,weregoingtoenjoythe_(beautiful)of countryside.20.It took us two hours_(get)there by train.21.On the _(four)day,my parents went shopping.22.-How long _you_(work)here?-Since 2011.23.We _(write) down our names on paper just now.24.The _(fly)willtakefour hours.Youcan sleepfora while.25.This book is _(main)about Art.26.Wheresyourfath er?-He_(go)toBeijing.He_(return)in two days.27.I _(work)heresinceI_(move)herein2008.二、用 have been to/have gone to/have been in/went to填空。1._you ever_Disneyland?2.How many times_you_Disneyland?【2019最新】精选江苏省八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版3.I_Nanjing since two years ago.5.-How long_you_Disneyland?-For three days.I_the theme park last Sunday.6.My father_Hong Kong two weeks ago.7.My father_Hong Kong in 2009.8.My father_Hong Kong since 2009.9.My father_there twice.11.Where is your father?-He isnt here.He_Beijingfor two days.三、用 since, for , ago填空1.I have ever been in Hainan _ a few years.2.It s three months _ I began teaching.3.Has he learned English _ about two years?4.She hasn t seen her mother _ last Sunday.5.They visited the museum the days _.6.He has been away from this city since ten years _.四、用词的适当形式完成句子1.The train _(just arrive).2.The old man _(make)three model planes already.3.He _(die) for three years.4.Three years _(pass) since he left his hometown.3/113/115.They _(be)here since five days ago.6.I _(hear) from my father two weeks ago.7.So far, _ you _(learn) over 1000 words.8.She _(teach) Maths as long as 20 years.9.I _ never _(be) to America before.10.I won t go with you because my sister _(lose) myticket.五、同义句转换1. Tom bought the coat two days ago.Tom _ _ the coat _ _ _.2.They left China a week ago._ _ a week _ they left China.They_ _ _ _China_a week_.3.His father fell ill three days ago.His father _ _ ill _ three days.4.I joined the club since 2006.I _ _ _ the club _ _ _. 5.She borrowed the books last month.She _ _ the books _ last month. 6.The plane arrived at the airport half an hour ago.The plane _ _ at the airport _ half anhour.【2019最新】精选江苏省八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版7.They got married last year.They _ _ married _ last year.8.The old man died two months ago.The old man _ _ _ for two months.9.The class began twenty minutes ago.The class _ _ _ for twenty minutes.10.The heavy rain stopped four hours ago.The heavy rain _ _ _ for four hours.六、单项选择。1.Whilewe wererunningontheplayground,Jacksuddenlystopped_andlayontheground,sowestopped_what was wrong with him.A.to run,to see B.running,seeing C.running ,to see 2.-Are you gong to the bank,Lauda?-No,I_to the bank already.A.have been B.have gone C.am going D.went3.The factory_since the February of 2005.A.has been open B.has opened C.was open D.opened4.Mary and Rose_friends since they met in London in2000.5.The news is _and we are all_at it.A.exciting,excitingB.exciting,excitedC.excited,exciting5/115/11D.excited,excited6.WhenweseeMariaoffat theairport,wecanthelp_.A.cry B.to cry C.crying D.cries7.- Whats your hobby,Andy?-Well,Ihave many hobbies_travelling,singingandart.A.for example B.such as C.instead of8.Hes never been to Italy,_?A.has he B.hasn t he C.is heD.isnt he9.All the people went home _Mr Wang,for he had tofinish his work.A.with B.except C.byD.besides10.I found a job inNanjingin1998.And _then ,I havebeen in love with this city.A.for B.afterC.since D.before七、翻译下列句子。1. 这儿有一些来自全世界名胜古迹的照片。Here are some picturesof _ _ _fromallover the world.2. 我认为它对我来说将不是个假期。I_thinkit llbe _ _ _me.【2019最新】精选江苏省八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版3. 听到那个悲伤的消息,他忍不住哭了。He couldn t _ _when he heard the sad news.4. 我爸爸到重庆出差已经五天了。Myfatherhas_Chongqing_for five days.5. 我叔叔已经离开家三年了。My uncle_ _ _ _homesince threeyears ago.6. 春天是放风筝的最佳时间。Spring is _ _ _ _fly kites.7. 我们将乘直达航班去纽约。We will _ _ _ _ to New York.8. 他们一大早动身去南京了。They_ _Nanjing in the _ _.9. 次日,他们离开了。_ _ _,they left Shanghai.10. 我叔叔去英国一个星期了。My uncle_ _ _the UK for a week.八、完形填空 1-5 DCBCD6-10 ADBCAHenry was a boy of nine. He was born in a1family. Hisfat her was often ill worked in a factory.and couldn t goto work. OnlyhismotherShe worked hard and hoped to give her four7/117/11children and husband2food and clothes. But she failed.Her familywas sometimes hungry.Of course,she couldn tsendHenry to school.She was 3itbutshe didn t know what todo. The boy was very clever and taught himself to read,writeand 4at home in the evening. And in the daytime he waspolishing (擦) shoes in the street, so he could make some5for his family.One af ternoon the boy saw a young mans shoes were6 , sohe said to him,“ Let me polish your shoes.”“No, thank you, ” the young man said and walked away.“You may pay me only one dollar, sir,” the boy shouted7him. But the young man said no again. Then the boy thought fora whileand toldhim thathe would polishhisshoes fornothing.The young man8to this, and soon one of his shoes wasshiningbrightly.The man showed9 shoeto the boy, but theboy saidno topolish itifhe wasntpaidtwo dollarsforhiswork. The young manrefused (拒绝) to10anythingon itandwent away.But his shoes were so different that he had to stop. He turnedback and gave theboy two dollars.In a veryshort timetheshoewas as bright as the other one.1. A. happyB. luckyC. rich【2019最新】精选江苏省八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版D. poor2.A. muchB. littleC. enoughD. many3.A. afraid ofB. sorry forC. useful toD. friendly to4.A. playB. swimC. countD.sleep5.A. booksB. clothesC. shoesD. money6.A. dirtyB. cleanC. oldD. new7.A. underB. aboveC. in front ofD. behind8.A. likedB. agreedC. worriedD. surprised9.A. otherB. othersC.theotherD. the others10. A. spendB. costC.payD. take九、根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。每空一词。Julie was born in China 17 years ago. In 2007, she went to the USA with her family. As a high school student, she has found9/119/11many differences between Chinese and Americans:About moneyAmericans like to spend more than they have, so many of themare always in debt ( 欠债 ). But Chinese usually spend less than they have, so many of them always have money left in the bank.The American children themselves make their own money. Most Chinese kids always ask their parents for money. About education ( 教育 )Many American students have less homework to do while many Chinese students have much.Many American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups while many Chinese girls take part in study groups.ManyAmerican parentsthinkthereisno need tosend theirchildren to an expensive school. It s different in China. Chinese parents would do anything to send their children toManyexpensiveschoolsthough(尽 管)theirfamilyisntrichenough.About friendsMost American parents let their sons or daughters makefriends by themselves. They never ask them about their friends while Chinese parents usually enjoy knowing more about their【2019最新】精选江苏省八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版childrens friends in many ways, and usually stop them fromstaying out too late with friends.1 between Chinese and AmericansChineseAmericansChin ese usually have some moneyMany Americans usually 3moneyleftinthebankbecausetheyfrom the banks because they spendMoneyspend2moneythantheymore than they have.have.Chinese children get money fromChildren usually make money bytheir4 .5 .Parents usually do their 6Manyparentsthinkitisn tto send theirchildrentostudynecessary to send their children toEducationin expensive schools.an 7school.Chinesegirlsjoinin8Many girls exercise, dance and singgroups.together.Parents are usually 10 inMost parents never pay attention to9knowingmoreabouttheirwhat their childrens friends arechildrens friends.like.1. _2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5._6. _7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10._1. Differences 2. less3. borrow4. parents5.themselves6. best7. expensive8. study9. Friends10.interested11/1111/11


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