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    【 2019 最新】精选高二上学期英语必修五导学案:Unit 3Life in the Future3Word 版无答案年级科目章节课型课时主备人审核高二英语Unit 3Using2 课时李鸣language【学习目标】培养运用快速阅读获取信息的能力【重点难点】1. 重点字词的学习掌握。2. 倒装句的理解及运用【学习方法】自主学习 合作探究【学习过程】一、预习自测熟记单词_ adj. 巨大的,庞大的_n. 按钮;纽扣_n. 丝带,带状物_ n.垃圾箱_n. 生态,生态学_vt.吞咽,咽下_n. 原料,材料_ vt.成批制造_n.货物_adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的欢迎下载。词形变化1._vt. 模仿;制造 _n.模仿,制造品2._adj.可 以 动 的 , 活 动 的 _v. 移 动 _ n.运动3._n. 公民,居民,市民 _n.城市4._n.打字员 _n. 打字机 _v.打字5._n. 邮资 _n. 邮政编码_n. 邮件;邮政 vt.邮寄6._n. 瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的 _adv. 立即;马上7._n. 接收器;接受者;电话听筒收,收到 _n.接待;接待处_vt.接8._n. 效率;功效 _adj. 效率高的;有能力的9._vt. 布置;安排 _n.清除;处理10._vt. 回收利用;再利用_n. 循环;周期; vi. 骑自行车 _n. 骑自行车的人11._n.代表;典型人物adj.典型的;有代表性的_vt.代表12._n. 定居;解决 _vt. 定居;解决13._n.动机 _vt. 激励【2019最新】精选河北省高二上学期英语必修五导学案:Unit3Life in the Future3Word 版无答案必会短语在太空中 _带我们参观 _因为使用者的过失而责备工具_处理废弃物 _ 贪钱 _二、合作探究I. 阅读课文,选择最佳答案1.Why does the space station spin slowly in space?A. To look more beautiful.B.To look for something worth researching.C.To imitate the pull of the earth's gravityD.To get away from the pull of the earth's gravity. 2.How do the space citizens send their message?A.By using a typewriter.B.By using lettersC.By using postcards.D.By using a "thoughtpad"3.Which of the following shows the right order to use a "thoughtpad"?a.clear your mindb.the message is sentc.you place the metal band over your head.3 / 93 / 9d.press the sending buttone.think your message.A.a,c,b,e,dB.c,a,d,e,bC.c,a,e,d,bD.a,b,c,d,e4.It can be inferred from the passage that_in the 31stcentury.A.no rubbish will be produced.C.there will be no desert.D.people can use plastic bags without limits.5.Who will take the place of the workers in the 31st century ?A.The robots.B.The mangersC.The spacemenD.The spaceships.II. Read the passage and do True or false.1). Messages can be sent using a thoughtpad.2).The space citizenscould send message clearlyat any time.3).We can blame the tools for the faults of the user.4). The rubbish used to be sent to be buried or burned.5). The rubbish is turned into the same grades of material.6). Nothing is wasted and everything is recycled.三、解难答疑I. 重点词汇学习 . 1、effect & affect【2019最新】精选河北省高二上学期英语必修五导学案:Unit3Life in the Future3Word 版无答案effectn.c uadj. effectivetake measures结果;效力;作用;影响有效的;生效的采取有效措施 cause and effect因果phrases:have/take an effect on /uponput /bring sth. into effect对 产生影响;对 起作用使 生效,实施1. 那次经历给他留下了深刻印象This last experiencedeepon him.新法律下月会实施。New laws willnext month.New laws will be _ next month.Theaspirinssoontakeeffect.(翻译)_affect. Vt. 影响;感动;打动在公园里吸烟并不影响别人Smoking in the park doesntother people.2、写出每个句子中 represent 的含义This painting represents a storm. He represents himself as a friend of the president.This dress represent the worlds latest fashions.In the western countries ,” V” often represents victory.-adj.典型的;有代表性的n.C典型;代表Every countrywillsend representativesto Expo(世博会)tobeheld in Shanghai._3、settlementn c定居;协议解决 the of a difficult problem与 达成协议Theyd liketo see her daughter,getmarriedand havekids.A. settle downB settle forC. settle inD. settleup5 / 95 / 9II. 句子分析。1.Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date inventionsof the 31st century.太空站里展示了 31世纪一些最前沿的发明。【注释】这是一个完全倒装句。为了保持句子平衡,或为了强调表语或状语,或使上下文紧密衔接时,可以使用倒装句式。【例句】 In the middle of the room was a table.Here is a seat for you.Out rushed the boys when the bell rang.【归纳】(2)上下文要求紧密联系或为了使句子结构平衡时,常将做状语或表语的词,如away,down,in,off,out,here,there等及介词短语置于句首,构成全部倒装。【练习】 In front of the farmhouse_.A.lay a peasant boyB.laid a peasant boyC.lied a peasant boyD.did a peasant boy lie2. ···and the next instant it's sent.【识记】 instant n. 瞬间;片刻 adj. 立即的;立刻的【例句】 I can't promise an instant solution. I shall be back in an instant.【拓展】 in an instant_【2019最新】精选河北省高二上学期英语必修五导学案:Unit3Life in the Future3Word 版无答案for an instant_theinstant_; _;_;一······就_;_;_ 这三个副词也可当连词用,意思是一·······就【练习】(1)他失望的是,他一到车站,火车就离去了。To his disappointment,_he got the station,thetrain left.(2)_I saw him, I knew he was the man the policewerelooking for.A. BeforeB. WhileC. The momentD.immediate3.When we wanted the hovering carriage to speed up ,we pressed down hard on the driving pedal and bent over in the direction we wanted to go.当我们想让气垫车加速时, 我们就用力踏驱动踏板, 并且向想去的地方俯身。【识记】speed up加速【例句】The train soon speeded up.火车不久就加快了速度。He moves with great speed.他动作很迅速。【拓展】_great speed快;迅速7 / 97 / 9_a speed of···以······的速度【练习】Youare drivingso slowly.Do _a bitor we'llbe not ableto get home before dark.A.look upB.speed upC.pick upD.turn up四、反馈拓展选词组填空Show.around.Work onblame.forbe greedy fortake placeturn intostare at move onspeed uptake up1.She _ her friends_the new flat, which wasfine decorated.2.Mary said she _Chinese history when she studied in3.He was considered _power and wealth in historians.4.The2012 NobelPrizeceremony _inStockholminmid-October with the prize winners and media attending theparty.5.Defeated many times, he was still brave enough to_and face the challenge.6. “ We are arriving at a petrol station.”With that said,Ton_7.The boy sat by the riverbank_a tree branch floating【2019最新】精选河北省高二上学期英语必修五导学案:Unit3Life in the Future3Word 版无答案on the water.8.ItwasamazingthatGina_thepressure_motivation.9.They have been_the elephantscharacters for atleast 38 years .10.The majority_him_his policy that had madethe economy worse.五、学习反思1、 我预习的效果:2、 我课上的表现:3、 我本节课的收获:4、 我的疑问:六、作业:9 / 99 / 9


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