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    第28课时 Book 9上 Unit 4Teaching aims:*学会使用before,after,when,while引导的时间状语从句。*学会使用since,till/until,as soon as,whenever引导的时间状语从句。*用所学知识写一篇在你成长道路上对你影响最大的人的故事。Teaching procedures一、Warming up二、Review the important points一)、Words一、根据汉语提示及句意写出单词。1As we reached the top of the mountain,we felt a sense of _(成就)2(湖北鄂州)Those _(德国人)wanted to have fish for dinner.3Sue always has great _(勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.4Yesterday is history,tomorrow is mystery,and today is a gift.That's why it is _(命名)present.5Shanghai Disneyland will open on June 16,2016.Children _(简直)can't wait for the day.6The children _(要紧,有重大影响)more to her than anything else in the world.7The scientist died in his _(四十)What a pity!He should have been taken good care of.8I believe you will _(成功)if you don't give up.9Lei Feng has been away from the world but his _(精神)will remain with us forever.10(盐城阜宁二模)_(尽管)she is very strict with us,my Chinese teacher is very popular.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1When the Nazis came,she went into _(hide)in a secret place in his father's office.2(江苏徐州)My grandfather showed an interest in Beijing opera in his _(fifty)3(南京江溧水二模)If you work hard,you _(succeed)in making your dream come true.4(无锡梁溪二模)In charactertraining of children,what really _(matter)much is what their parents say and do.5(无锡新吴区一模)Parents sometimes have difficulty understanding the strange _(think)in their children's mind.三、单项选择。( )1.(山东莱芜)Zhi Yueying,_ unusual teacher,has taught in a village school for 37 years.A/ Ba Can Dthe( )2.(江苏镇江)I hear you're crazy about Roger Federer.Exactly.He is one of the greatest tennis players in the world and _ 18 grand slams(大满贯)all together.Aachieves Bachieved Chas achieved Dwill achieve( )3.(江苏镇江)The young mother won't leave her baby _ she is sure that he has already been asleep.Aunless Bbecause Cif Dsince( )4.(贵州黔南州)Many students didn't realize the importance of study _ they left school.Awhen Buntil Cas Dafter( )5.(四川凉山)I think it's difficult for me to learn English well._ Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.AWhat a pity! BNever give up. CI hope so. DThat's right.课堂互动 一、重点单词。1throughprep.“从中通过;贯穿,穿过(强调从物体内部或一定范围内),透过”如:The River Thames flows through London.The sunlight was coming in through the window.“通过,凭借(方法手段),经由”如:He became rich through hard work and ability.We learn to speak through speaking.He got the job through his uncle.through & by表示“通过”时,through 后常加名词,表示手段媒介;而 by 后常加具体名词以及ing 形式。如:You can succeed by working hard.I sent the letter by airmail.【小试身手1】( )Oh,my god!I've left my keys in the room.I'll have to get in _ the window.It's dangerous.You'd better wait for your mom to come back.Apast Bover Cacross Dthrough2althoughconj.意为“尽管,虽然”,用于引导让步状语从句,常可与though互换。注意:although不与but同时使用,但可与yet或still一起使用。如:Although he is very old,yet he is quite strong.【小试身手2】( )_ Simon has done well in his studies,he still works really hard.AAlthough BBecause CUnless DWhen二)、Phrases1on one's mind 2.in different times and places 3.a great deal(of) 4.try out for sth. 5.lose heart 6.refuse to do sth. 7.from then on 8.change one's mind 9.bring sb.to the attention of 10.succeed in doing sth. 11.take notice of 12.break out 13.lose one's life 14.translateinto 15.a record of that time 16.the victory of the human spirit 17.die of/from 18.in fear of one's life 19.in one's thirties/forties 20.to one's surprise 21.medical research 22.get away from中文译注:1挂在心上;惦念 2.在不同时期和地方 3.大量,许多 4.参加选拔(或试演) 5.泄气,灰心 6.拒绝做某事 7.自从那时起 8.改变某人的主意 9.使某人引起的注意 10.成功地做某事 11.注意,察觉 12.爆发 13.失去了生命 14.把翻译成 15.那时的一个记录 16.人类精神的胜利 17.死于 18.为生命安全担忧 19.(某人)三十多/四十多 20.令某人惊奇的是 21.医学研究 22.从逃跑【小试身手4】选用上列词组的适当形式填空。(1)World War I _ in 1914.(2)His grandfather _ a traffic accident.(3)_,Tom worked harder and became leader of the team.(4)When we fail in the exam,our head teacher always tells us not _.(5)Although we live in peace,some children in other parts of the world still live _.三、重点句型。1What's on_your_mind,Eddie?短语on one's mind意为“挂在心上;惦念”。如:There is something on my mind.mind的常用短语还有:*in one's mind在某人心里,思想上。如:You will always be in my mind.*change one's mind(about sth./doing sth.)改变某人对(某事/做某事)的主意。如:Nothing can change our minds.*make up one's mind(to do sth.)拿定主意/下定决心(要做某事)。*get sb./sth.out of one's mind不再去想某人/某事。2As_soon_as you click the mouse,there's a_great_deal_of information.短语as soon as意为 “一就”,引导时间状语从句。短语a great deal of意为“大量,许多”,修饰不可数名词。如:It took a great deal of time and effort to finish the work.此外,a great deal用作副词,说明程度。如:She is a great deal better today.【小试身手5】(1)戴安娜已经离开家乡十年了,她希望尽快回来。Diana _ her hometown for ten years and she hopes to come back _ possible.(2)他好像麻烦事很多He seems to have _.3To_my_surprise,he has decided to donate his body for medical_research after his deathsurprise n意为“惊奇,诧异”。常用的短语有to one's surprise “令某人惊奇的是”和in/with surprise “吃惊地”。其形容词形式surprised 意为“吃惊的,惊讶的” 常修饰人;其形容词形式surprising意为“令人惊奇的,使人吃惊的”,常修饰物。如:I was surprised at the surprising news.【小试身手6】It was surprising for her to pass the English test yesterday.(改为同义句)_ her _,she passed the English test yesterday.四、语法知识。1用before,after,when,while来表示事情发生的时间。before,after,when,after 都可以作时间连词,来引导时间状语从句,这些连词可以放在句首,也可以放在句中。放在句首时,要用逗号和主句分开。(1)before “比早一点的时候”,“在之前”;表示主句动作发生在从句之前。(2)after“比迟一点的时候”,“在之后”。表示主句动作发生在从句之后。(3)when“当 时” 表示主句动作发生在特定的时间。when引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的,也可是瞬时性的。(4)while*“当时”,强调主句动作和从句动作是同时发生的。while引导的从句的谓语动词必须是延续性的。*“在期间”,表示主句动作发生在从句动作进行的过程中。在when和while引导从句中,当主句和从句主语一致时,可用结构:when/whileing.2since,till 和until 引导的时间状语从句(1)since“自从以来”。 一般情况下,从句谓语动词用一般过去时,而主句谓语动词用现在时。(2)until“直到为止”。可以和till互换,但till一般位于句中,不位于句首。notuntil“直到才”3as soon as和whenever 引导时间状语从句(1)as soon as意为“一就” 引导时间状语从句,比较常用,口语和书面语都可以。它的特点是,在句子中的位置比较灵活,而且可以用于各种时态。*指未发生的动作,规律是:主句一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时注意:有时为了特意表达刚刚完成某事就如何如何,需要用现在完成时。如:I will go with you as soon as I have washed my face.*指紧接着发生的两个短动作,主从句都用一般过去时。如:He took out his English books as soon as he sat down.也有从句和主句都用一般现在时的情况。如:As soon as he finishes his classwork,he runs out of the class.(2)whenever意为“每当;任何时候”,可以用every time 替换。如:He listens to music whenever he has time. He listens to music every_time he has time.【小试身手7】( )(1)(攀枝花)The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours _ he realized it.Abefore Bafter Cuntil Dsince( )(2)(新疆乌鲁木齐)Ms Yang felt so tired that she fell asleep _ she lay down on the end.Aever since Bunless Cas soon as Deven though( )(3)(吉林)I won't go home _ the rain stops.Asince Bso Cuntil Dafter( )(4)(四川凉山)Jenny has gone to Shanghai on business,but she'll be back in 3 days.I will call you _.Aas soon as she returns Bwhen she will returnCafter she returned Dif she will return( )(5)(山东菏泽)Don't come in _ you are called.Auntil Bbecause CSince Dafter( )(6)(涟水模拟考)He met many problems _ he was going over his lessons.Abefore Bas soon as Csince Dwhile( )(7)I don't know when we _ the PE.Examination of the Senior Entrance Exam in 2018.Me either.Don't worry.The PE.teacher will tell us when the time _.Atake,is fixed Bwill take,will be fixedCtake,will be fixed Dwill take,is fixed( )(8)When will the railway in our city in length of about 208 kilometers be in service?_ 2020.Two fifths _ been completed smoothly so far.AUntil,has BUntil,have CNot until,has DNot until,have( )(9)Sorry I'm late.The first underground started moving _ I could get on it.Awhile Bbefore Cas soon as Dafter( )(10)(泰兴二模)How long is it _ we last met?More than ten years,I believe.I went to Australia in 2006 and came back only yesterday.Asince Bbefore Cuntil Dafter5


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