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    (水滴系列)七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(第1课时)New words and phrases教案 人教新目标版Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? New words and phrases第一课时 Teaching and learning Goals: 一、语言知识和语言功能: 1、能正确使用下列词汇(Curriculum words): camp、beach、sheep、tired、stay、mouse、shout、 lake、natural、visitor、away、baby、language、fly、kite、high 、India、 ago、moon、 surprise、snake、move、start、jump、wake、into、forest、ear. 2、能正确使用下列常用表达(Useful expressions): play badminton 、stay up late、 run away、 shout at、 fly a kite、 go camping、 put up a tent、 make a fire、 so.that.、 get a surprise、 shout to 、wakeup、 stay at home、 up and down. 3、能认读下列词汇(1):(Non-curriculum): badminton 、butterfly、woof、tent、scared、 (2):能正确读出常见不规则动词。 二、学习策略: 1、Understand and remember the words and phrases with the help of the pictures. 2、Understand and remember the words and phrases in the context. 3、Understand and remember the words and phrases according to the phonetic rules, the structures of the words and phrases. 三、情感目标:培养学生合理安排自己周末的学习、运动、娱乐等活动形式,过一个有意义的周末。保持愉快的心情,以积极的心态,精神饱满地面对学习和生活。 【设计意图】 让学生明确本堂课将要完成的学习任务,为学生的学习指明方向。为后面的学习奠定了基础。 Teaching and learning steps Step 1 Learn to read the words on P129-130 1. Let Ss try to read the words according to the phonetics and underline the words difficult to read by themselves. 2. Encourage the Ss to read the difficult words in a group. (The teacher walks around to see whether they have any questions.) 3. Ask the Ss to read after the tape, imitate their pronunciations. 4. Get the students to read after the teacher . 5. Ask the students to read the words together and then read aloud to memorize them . 【设计意图】 培养学生自主学习、合作学习与探究学习。在此环节中教师应给与个别有困难的学生适当的帮助与鼓励,以提高学生学习的信心和动力。 Step 2 : Learn to remember the words on P129-130 一. Remember the words or phrases by looking at the pictures. Let Ss use “What did you/she/they do last weekend?” to make sentences. 1 lake(n.湖;湖泊) camp(v.扎营;搭帐篷) We camped by the lake last weekend. bbeach (n.海滩;沙滩) go to the beach 去海滩 We went to the beach last weekend. badminton(n.羽毛球运动) play badminton 打羽毛球 We played badminton last weekend. stay(v.停留;待) stay up late(深夜不睡;熬夜)十to do something tired(adj.疲倦的;疲劳的) She stayed up late to work last night, so she was very tired. 2 put up(搭起;举起) tent(n .帐篷) They put up the tent and made a fire to keep warm last weekend. visit(v.访问)- visitor(n.游客;访问者) snake(n .蛇 ) away(adv.离开;远离) run away跑开 A visitor saw a snake, then he ran away quickly. butter(n.黄油)+fly(n.苍蝇 v.飞)=butterfly(n.蝴蝶) (pl .butterflies) forest (n.森林) She caught many butterflies in the forest last weekend. fly flew(v.飞) kite(n.风筝) fly a kite(放风筝) high(adj./adv.)高的(地) He flew a kite,and the kite flew high. 3 mouse(老鼠;耗子)(pl .mice) ear(n.耳朵) What does the Mickey Mouse look like ? It has two big ears. ababy(adj.幼小的,n .婴儿) wake woke(v.弄醒;醒) wake sb up(把某人弄醒,代词放中间) The parents woke the baby up. sheep (n.羊;绵羊) (pl .sheep) They fed some sheep last year. shout to.(对.大声喊叫) (目的是让别人听见.) He shouted to his children. Shout at.(冲大声叫嚷) (带有生气或愤怒) 4 woof(interj.汪汪)(狗叫声) The mouse shouted at the cat,“ woof, woof” the moon scared natural language(n.月亮) (adj.惊慌的;吓坏了的) (adj.自然的) (n.语言) 【设计意图】 利用时尚生活图片教授新词,直观形象,让英语课堂新鲜生动,能激发学生学习英语的兴趣。同时利用语境记忆法把词汇融入到例句当中并讲解其用法,让学生既学会了新词又学会了运用。通过句型记忆单词既能降低学习的难度和加强记忆效果,又有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。真正做到词不离句,句不离篇。 二. Remember the difficulties and the most useful words and phrases by matching themselves with their meanings. 1.work as a teacher 冲男孩大声叫嚷 2.jump up and down 把他弄醒 3.go to India 作为教师工作 4.high school 对小儿子喊叫 5.get a terrible surprise 搭帐篷 6.put up tents 熬夜看电视 7.go into the forest 开始移动 8.start to move 去野营 9.shout to the baby son 上下跳跃 10.shout at the boy 一个可怕的意外 11.stay up late to watch TV 中学 12.wake him up 去印度 13.go camping 放风筝 14.camped by the lake 去海滩 15.go to the beach 湖边扎营 16.fly a kite 走进森林 5 【设计意图】:本课动词短语丰富,教师提醒学生按语块来整个存储动词短语。另外,根据语言的搭配规律,预见某个词之前和之后的词,学生了解了词的搭配规律,可以大大减轻自己的记忆负担。 三. Remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms. 1.baby snake stay lake wake run away ei(小蛇待在湖边醒后跑开了。) 2.kite high tired get a surprise ai(风筝飞的很高累的使人吃惊。) amp badminton as natural æ(扎营打羽毛球作为一项自然的运动) 3.c4.mouse shout au(老鼠大声叫。) 5. moon move into u: clouds(月亮移进了云层里。) 6. stay start / st/ pronounced / sd/(清音浊化) scared / sk/ pronounced /sg/(清音浊化) 设计意图:通过总结本单元相同字母的发音规则,让学生学会利用读音规则来记忆单词,既解决了记单词难的问题又提高了记忆效率。括号内有趣的翻译是帮助限时记忆的,通过授课学生争先抢答,记忆效果很好。 四(Remember the words by conversion(转换) 、derivative(派生)and complex words (合成) 1. 动词-形容词 tire (v.厌倦,厌烦)-tiring(adj. 令人厌倦的)-tired(adj.疲劳的,累的) surprise(v.使吃惊n.惊奇,惊讶)-surprising(adj.令人惊奇的,主语是物/事)-surprised(惊奇的,主语是人) 名词 2.动词-camp(v.扎营;搭帐篷 e.g. camped by the lake, go camping) -camp(n.野营 e.g. summer camp) visit(v.参观;拜访)-visitor(n.游客;访问者) jump(v.跳,跃)-jumper(n.跳跃者) 3.名词-形容词 nature(n.自然)-natural(adj.自然的) 4.合成词 butter(n.黄油)+fly(n.苍蝇 v.飞)=butterfly(n.蝴蝶) in (prep.在里面)+to(prep.表方向)-into(prep.到里面;进入 5.近义词 scary(adj.吓人的,恐怖的)-scared(adj.惊慌的,吓坏了的) high(adj.高的,一般指物)-tall(adj.高的,一般指人身高) start (v. 开始)-begin(v.开始) ago(adv.以前)-before(adv.以前;prep.在之前) 【 设计意图】:通过对单词各种词形的灵活转换,使学生进一步了解单词之间的关系,扩大学生的词汇量。形式采取多样化,使学生很容易能从多个角度来理解掌握单词。) Step 3 Consolidation of words 1. Give the students a few minutes to read and try to memorize the words and phrases by themselves first 2. Then get students to spell each other. 3. Get the students to have a dictation about the words and phrases. If they cant , dictate after class in groups. 【设计意图】:再次巩固单词。由自读-互拼-听写来强化记忆。这一环节中可能有一部分6 学生听写不出来,那么需要在课下再次加强记忆。对于初一的学生来说,教师要帮助他们树立信心,尽量能让所有学生顺利过关。 Step 4 Read a passage and translate. Then try to remember the new words. Next morning let each group tell this passage to the class. A happy and unforgettable trip the Greens went to India for a trip. In the morning , when they Last weekend, came to the foot of a mountain, they saw many sheep .It seemed that they were communicating in a special language. There was a lake near there, and some butterflies were flying up and down over the lake. How beautiful the natural scenery ! So they started to put up tent near the lake to camp. After lunch they went to a park, there were many visitors in the park, some were playing badminton, some were flying kites, and the kites flew high. Just when they wanted to see the mouse with big ears, they heard surprising voice .Mary shouted to her mother in a scared mood. What happened?oh, she saw a big snake moving. Chinese are afraid of snakes, but Indians regard the snake as the incarnation of “God”. In the afternoon, on their way back to the tent, they walked through a forest. Suddenly, a dog came out, the father shouted at it, so it ran away with the voice of “woof”. In the evening, they sat under the moon and stayed up late to talk about they saw in the day. After a while, Mary was so tired that she fell asleep soon. The mother didnt want to wake her up and took her to the camp. What a happy and unforgettable trip! 上周末,格林一家去印度旅游了。早晨,他们来到一座山脚下,看到了许多好像在用特殊语言交流的绵羊。在哪儿附近还有一个湖泊,湖泊上空一些蝴蝶正在上下飞翔。多么美丽的自然美景啊于是他们便在湖边开始搭起了帐篷扎营。 午饭后,他们去了公园,公园里有许多游客,一些在打羽毛球,一些在放风筝,并且风筝飞的很高。就在他们想去看大耳朵的老鼠时,突然听到一声令人吃惊的尖叫,玛丽面带被吓坏了的表情叫喊着妈妈,怎么了,哦,她看到了一条正在移动的大蛇。中国人7 害怕蛇,但是印度则视蛇为“神”的化身。 下午,在他们返回帐篷的路上,穿过了一片森林,突然,一条狗过来了,父亲对他大声叫嚷着,于是它便“汪汪”着跑开了。 在晚上,他们坐在月亮下待到很晚谈论着白天所见。一会儿,玛丽便疲劳的睡着了。妈妈不忍心叫醒她,便把她抱回了帐篷里。 多么愉快和难忘的旅游啊 【设计意图】:以周末活动为主线,按照时间顺序,教师把本单元的生词编成了一段故事性强的短文,让学生在语境中了解词汇的意义和词汇的使用方法,让他们感受到英语与我们同在,为学生学习、实践和运用英语创造了条件。让学生在真实的语境中练习英语。 Step 5 Retell the passage according to the pictures. T: I think you have understood the passage well. Now lets try to retell it according to the pictures. In the morning went to India many sheep were communicating There was a lake near here Some butterflies were flying up and down After lunch 8 some were playing badminton some were flying kites the mouse with two big ears Mary shouted to his mother in a scared mood she saw a big snake moving regard the snake as the incarnation of “God”. In the afternoon and in the evening walked through a forest ran away with the voice of “woof”. sat under the moon and stayed up late wake her up and took her to the camp. 【设计意图】: 本段文章是以旅游为话题,巧妙地把本单元的词汇融入其中,再按时间段分别用图片的形9 式呈现出来既直观又美观实用。同时又能利用图片激发学生学习英语的积极性。这样既巩固了新词又锻炼了学生在语境中理解和运用词汇的能力,同时也训练了学生英语口语表达能力。也体现了寓词与句,寓句与篇的教学理念。 Step 6 The emotion sublimation(情感升华) clean the streethelp the olddo housework【设计意图】: 用几幅图片展示上周末“The rose's in her hand, the flavor in mine.”学生所进行的活动,让他们了解哪些活动对他赠人玫瑰,手有余香们的生活和健康有益,引导他们利用周末可以多做一些对自己对社会有意义的事,远离不健康的活动。以此对他们进行情感教育。 Step 7 当堂检测 一.词形转换 3.规律:利用特殊角的三角函数值表,可以看出,(1)当角度在0°90°间变化时,正弦值、正切值随着角度的增大(或减小)而增大(或减小);余弦值随着角度的增大(或减小)而减小(或增大)。(2)0sin1,0cos1。1.visit(名词)_ 2.wake(过去式)_ 3.fly(过去式)_ 4.butterfly(复数)_ 5.sheep(复数)_ 6.run(过去式)_ 7.stay(过去式) _ 8,mouse(复数)_ 9.baby(复数)_ 10.surprise(形容词)_ 11.natur(形容词)_ 二 (用所给单词的适当形式填空。 11.利用三角函数测高1. I fed some_(sheep) on the farm last Sunday. 2. More and more_(visit) come to Taierzhuang. 3._(mouse) are afraid of cats. 4. Its_(nature) that hard-working students study well. 5. He stayed up late _(do) his homework last night. 6. I was very _(surprise) to hear the news. 7.It started_(rain)on my way to school. 8. The mother waked_(he) up just now. 三(汉译英: 1.许多绵羊 _. 2.去海滩_. 3.吃惊_. 4.在一所中学学习_. 5.作为工人工作_. 6.去印度旅游_. 7.一些蝴蝶在上下飞翔_. 8.他们开始搭帐篷扎营_. 9.他们熬夜看电视_. 10.妈妈不想把他弄醒_. 说明:根据垂径定理与推论可知对于一个圆和一条直线来说,如果具备:10 2、第三单元“生活中的数”。通过数铅笔等活动,经历从具体情境中抽象出数的模型的过程,会数,会读,会写100以内的数,在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系,能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。11.爸爸大声叫喊着儿子_. 设计意图: 让学生对本课的重点内容进行的自我练习与评测,然后对掌握情况进行反馈。练习是由易到难进行设计的,通过习题的检测,考查学生对哪些词汇掌握不好或不会使用 , 这样能提43.193.25观察物体2 生活中的数1 P22-23前将难点突破,让所有学生都能过词汇关。 4、在教师的具体指导和组织下,能够实事求事地批评自己、评价他人。Step 8 Homework:谁的周末最精彩 学生采访自己的同学,询问他们的周末活动制作一个表格,每个学生从所采访的同学中选出一位过得最精彩的周末活动介绍给大家。 Name Activities you guessed Activities he/she did 9.直角三角形变焦关系:当堂检测答案: 一 .词形转换。 84.164.22有趣的图形1 整理复习21. visitor 2.woke/waked 3.flew 4.butterflies 5.sheep 6.ran 7. stayed 8.mice 9.babies 10.surprising 11.natural 二(用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. sheep 2.visitored 3.mice 4.natural 5.to do 6. surprised 7.to rain 8.him 三(汉译英 1. many sheep 2.go to the beach 3.get a surprise 4.study in a high school 2.正弦:5. work as a worker 6.go to India for a trip 7. Some butterflies are flying up and down over the lake. 8. They started to put up tent to camp. 9. They stayed up late to watch TV. 集合性定义:圆是平面内到定点距离等于定长的点的集合。其中定点叫做圆心,定长叫做圆的半径,圆心定圆的位置,半径定圆的大小,圆心和半径确定的圆叫做定圆。10. The mother didnt want to wake him up. 11. The father shouted to his son. 11


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