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    主谓一致复习专练1. The turtle's backbone and breastbone_ on the outside ofA. be B. have been C. are D. is2. Everyone who takes the examination will receive_ score report in six weeks.A. their B. its C. his D. hers3. When a person needs to take his medicine, _ the directions first.A. each will have to read B. one must readC. you have to read D. he has to read4. Neither you nor he_ in good health at that time. A. is B. was C. are D. were5. Either the teacher or the students_ your books. A. has B. have C. needs D. wants6. He is one of the students who _ hard in the class.A. studies B. is studying C. study D. has studied7. Every possible means_ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. A. is used B. are used C. has been used D. have been used8. Shall we meet at his brothers which_ on the other side of the street?A. stand B. is C. are D. are located9. Ellen is the only one of those who have graduates who_ out of work.A. are B. have been C. is D. were10. The most experienced_ elected to the leading post. A. are B. has been C. were D. have been11. The farmer is not going to sell his cattle which_ still lean. A. are B. has been C. is D. has remained12. New machinery_ introduced in the factory to enhance production.A. is B. are C. are being D. have been13. Red deer_ for about 12 to 20 years. A. lives B. is able to live C. are living D. live14. Electronics_ the basis of all telecommunications systems. A. have been B. is C. are D. make15._ of every size_ upon others which are smaller.A. Fishes. prey B. Fish. preyC. Fish. preys D. Fishes. preys主谓一致试题选例: (7) Every possible means_ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky in still not clear. A. is used B. are used C. has been used D. have been used 答案C。根据Everymeans(每一手段),判断主语为单数,故动词用单数;但需强调经验和结果,选C而排除A。 知识要点:1. 跟and不一样,as well as,together with,along with (和一起).,rather than(而不是),including等,加上名词或代词出现在主语后时,不影响主语的单复数,如Peter as well as Tom dislikes studying不同于Peter and Tom dislike studyingBob,rather than his elder brothers,was able to solve the problem 2. 当主语由并列成分构成时,动词的单复数与最靠近的主语成分取得一致,如There is a pen and some books on the deskThere are some books and a pen on the deskEither you or he is to blameEither he or you are to blame 3. 表示时间、距离、重量、金额等的主语为复数时,动词(一般为be)用单数,如Ninety minutes is the time limit for the examination但Ninety minutes have passed now . 4. 由and连接的表示职业(职务)名称的词作主语时,若指同一个人(合用冠词)为单数若分别指两个人(分用冠词)则为复数,动词的单复数据此决定,如The singer and dancer is quite popularThe singer and the dancer are quite popular. 5. 由everyand every,eachand each,noand no构成的并列主语,动词一般用单数,如:Every man and every woman enjoys free medical care in this country. No teacher and no student is allowed to leave before school is over 6. 由many a修饰单数可数名词作主语,意义为复数,形式属单数,动词用单数,如Many a man wishes for such a chance等于Many men wish for such a chance. 7. 包含成对意思的名称,呈现复数形式,如trouserspants(裤子)由两条裤腿组成,动词用复数。为了表明件数,可借助数量单位pair。这时动词的单复数视pair的单复数而定。如The trousers were bought last weekThis pair of trousers was bought last weekTwo pairs of trousers were bought last week 8. 表示配对(使用)的物品(事物),视为总称,如bread and butter(面包和牛油),needle and thread (针线),cause and effect (因果),a knife and fork (刀叉)等,它们作主语时,动词用单数,如A knife and fork is on the table9. 由表示“几分之几”、“百分之几”、“单复数决定动词的单复数。如One-third (Two-thirds) of her time is spent in writing. /One percent(Twenty percent)of the professors are from abroad. The rest of the money is in the bank. (The rest of the books are unsold)10. 在英语中,population (人口,全体人)一般为总称,作主语时为单数概念,动词也需用单数,如What is the population of Europe? (欧洲人口多少?)The population pf the earth is increasing fast但如果用 “几分之几”等加以修饰时,population具有复数概念(相当于people),作主语时,动词用复数,如One-fifth of the population here support the new policy. 动词非supports 11. 由more than one(不止一个)或one and a half(一个半)修饰的名词作主语时,按照惯用法,动词为单数,如 More than one man has told me so. /One and a half apples is left on the table.


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