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    九年级英语英语:外研版九年级下Module1 Unit2 Youre sitting in my seat(教案)Module 1 Travel Unit 2 Youre sitting in my seat. Language goals 语言目标 1. Key vocabulary重点词汇 nod tear towards cigarette though 2. Key phrases 重点短语 set off pushaway look out of get off 3. Key sentences重点句子 Dont forget where you come from. Write to us as soon as you get there. Im getting off before you. Even if its only 10 minutes, you should move. Language skill 能力目标 Read and grasp the main idea of the articles. Enable the students to talk about their trips they have made. Write something that happened during a trip you have made. Teaching methods 教学方法 Reading and writing, pair work, group work Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点 Learn to talk about and write something that happened during a trip you have made. Teaching aids教具准备 A tape recorder, a computer and a projector. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Revision Encourage students to act out the dialogue in Unit 1. T: First, Ill check your homework. Which group can act out the conversation in Unit 1? Ss: (acting out the conversation in groups of three) T: Well done! Now lets compare which group is the best? Ss: group 3 T: Yeah, the winner is Group 3. Congratulations! Hooray! Ss: Step 3 Warming up and leading in Show the following pictures and talk about trips by train with students. Have you ever taken the train? T: Ss: Of course. T: Look at the pictures. Have you ever met such a situation? How do you feel about taking the train? How about the environment on the train? Are there so many people? S1: At usual times, I feel comfortable because there are not so many people and the environment on the train is good. But sometimes. S2: Especially during the Spring Festival, so many people go back home for the traditional holiday, so its very crowded at the train station and on the train. Its very dirty and noisy, so I feel uncomfortable. T: Really its a problem. What happened during your trip? Can you think of some things and share with us? S3: I met a strange man S4: There were many foreigners around me T: Good stories. Now, look at the phrases and sentences from the passage. What do you think the passage will be about? What happened during the trip? Step 4 Listening and reading Listening T: Today we are going to learn a story. Do you know what it will be about? Lets listen to the tape and answer my questions. OK? Q1. What does the story happen? Q2. Where is Lin going? Q3. Does Lin have the right ticket? Ss: Check the answers with the whole class. T: OK! Lets read the story quickly and number the phrases in the order they happen. Ss:(reading the passage) T: Are you ready? Lets check the answers. Ss: (showing the answers) Sample answers: 1. .his first long trip by train. 2.leaving his village and his home. 3. with tears in his eyes. 4. .sitting in Lins seat. 4. This young man has the right ticket. 5. Slowly the young man stood up. Play the recording to check the answers. T: Listen for the second time to fill in the following blanks. Show the following on the screen. 1. Lin often dreamed about the _, and about going to the _. 2. Lin _, _ to speak. 3. Lin looked at the other _ for help. 4. I am _ _ before you. 5. Its _ hours away from her e. Sample answers: 1. train; capital 2. nodded; unable 3. passengers 4. getting off 5. seven Reading T: He/ She is right. Now read the passage quietly and carefully again and find out the answers in activity 2. Ss: (reading again) T: Are you ready? Lets check the answers together. Ss: (showing their answers) Sample answers to Activity 2: 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. d 7. a T: You all did very well. Now listen and repeat after the tape. (listening and repeating) Ss: Step 5 Pairwork Work in pairs to talk about the answers to the following questions. Q1: How does Lin feel about this trip? Why? Do you think you will ever have the same feelings about a trip? Q2: Was Lin right to ask the young man to move? Q3: What do you think of the young mans behaviour? Q4: What do you usually do if you see someone standing on a bus or a train? Q5: Can you think of ways to make travel by bus, train or plane better? Make some suggestions about: the season, the time of day, the number of seats, booking tickets The sample answers: S1: How does Lin feel about his trip? Why? Do you think you will ever have the same feelings about a trip? S2: He feels unhappy and sad. He is angry with the person who takes his seat. If I meet such a man in my trip, I will also be very angry. S1: Was Lin right to ask the young man to move? S2: I think he was right to do so because the young mans ticket was in another car and he was tall and strong and besides he was impolite. S1: What do you think of the young mans behavior? S2: Bad and impolite. S1: What do you usually do if you see someone standing on a bus or a train? S2: If someone standing on a bus or a train is old, ill or pregnant, I will let them take my seat. S1: It s nice of you! Step 6 Language notes 1. Now it was in front of him, to set off soon. 火车现在就在他前面,马上就要开了。 这里的set off表示“出发,起程,动身”。例如: They wanted to set off early in order to get there on time. 他们想早点出发,以便准时能到达那里。 2(Lin nodded, unable to speak. 林点点头,说不出话来。 unable to speak是一个形容词短语,说明点头时的状态。 unable表示“不能的,不会的”。be unable to do表示“不能做某事”。 例如:Many passengers were unable to reach the lifeboats. 许多乘客无法够到救生艇。 3. Ive got a long way to go. 我要坐很长时间的火车。 long way to go通常表示“(为达到某个目标)仍有许多事要做”。 have a 例如:Li Lin has still got a long way to go before she becomes a successful teacher. 要成为一名成功的教师,李林仍有许多路要走。 Step 7 Writing Ask the students to write about something that happened during a trip you have made. 1. Say when and where you were going. 2. Say how you were travelling. 3. Say what happened before you left. 4. Say who was travelling with you. 5. Say what happened. 6. Say how the story finished. Sample dialogue: A: Where have you been? 5.圆周角和圆心角的关系:B: I have been to Jilin. 当a0时,抛物线开口向上,并且向上方无限伸展。当a0时,抛物线开口向下,并且向下方无限伸展。A: When did you go there? 圆心;垂直于弦;平分弦;平分弦所对的优弧;平分弦所对的劣弧。B: I went there last summer vocation. A: What happened before you left? B: I lost my ticket and bag. A: Who was traveling with you? B: I was traveling with my parents. (2)圆是轴对称图形,直径所在的直线是它的对称轴,圆有无数条对称轴。圆是中心对称图形,对称中心为圆心。A: What happened on the train? B: The guard told me to leave the train. A: What happened in the end? 3、观察身边的简单物体,初步体会从不同角度观察物体所看到的形状可能是不同的,学生将经历从立体图形到平面图形的过程,认识长方形、正方形、三角形、圆等平面图形,初步体会面在体上,进一步发展空间观念。B: My father showed the guard their tickets and explained what happened. 应用题Sample passage: 扇形的面积S扇形=LR2Last summer I was coming back from my holidays in Jilin and I was traveling by train with my parents. But unfortunately I lost my ticket and bag before I left. When the guard checked the tickets, he told me to leave the train. I was very sorry about it. Then my father showed the guard their tickets and explained what happened. Luckily, the guard gave me a chance to take the train. I thanked him very much and promised to be careful in the future. Homework (4)二次函数的图象:是以直线为对称轴,顶点坐标为(,)的抛物线。(开口方向和大小由a来决定)1. Learn the new words by heart. 最值:若a>0,则当x=时,;若a<0,则当x=时,2. Retell the story in your own words. 176.186.24期末总复习3. Finish off the workbook exercises 11-13.


    本文(最新[九年级英语]英语:外研版九年级下Module1+Unit2+You’re+sitting+in+my+seat(教案)名师优秀教案.doc)为本站会员(小红帽)主动上传,三一文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知三一文库(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


