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    开心学英语 五年级选择题专项训练 姓名: ( )1.Please go with . A.I B.my C.me ( )2.Let me you now. A. to help B.help C.helping ( )3. does he do? He's a doctor. A.What B.Where C.How ( )4.Look! He . A.comes B.coming C.is coming ( )5.Is there island in the country? A.a B./ C.an ( )6.He's my brother. A.father B.father's C.fathers' ( )7.Does your math teacher have pictures? A.any B.some C.a D.an ( )8.I have glue. Here it is. A.one B.any C.a D.some ( )9. do you have? I have some scissors. A.Who B.What C.Whose D.Which ( )10.Does he have any paper clips? No, he . A.does B.isn't C.ain't D.doesn't ( )11.I like English . A.a lot B.lot C.very D.a lots ( )12. do they need? They need some books. A.How B.What C.When D.Where ( )13.Let's TV now. A.watching B.to watch C.watch D.watches ( )14. can we buy rice? A.Where B.What C.How D.What ( )15.Do you have any salt? Yes, I have . A.any B.some C.come D.an ( )16.My father some juice. A.have B.has C.is D.am ( )17. are you doing? I'm washing clothes. A.What B.Who C.When D.How ( )18.He the bed now. D.making C.is making B.is makeing A.making ( )19.I want a book. A.buy B.buying C.to buy D.to buying ( )20.Do you have tape? Yes, I have some. A.some B.any C.two D.an ( )21.What do you do? A.What do you do? B.Fine C.Ten years old. D.A doctor. ( )22.He doesn't need apples, he only needs oranges. A.somesome B.anyany C.anysome D.someany ( )23.My sister her teeth every day. A.brush B.is brushing C.brushs D.brushes ( )24. do you have? I have a stamp. A.How B.What C.Where D.When ( )25.Look! He . A.come B.coming C.is coming D.to come ( )26.Is your brother cleaning the window? No, he . A.doesn't. B.aren't C.isn't D.don't ( )27.What does she want to ? She wants to go home. A.say B.do C.go D.visit ( )28.I have uncle. A.a B.an C./ D.the ( )29.My teacher has some . They are nice. A.tape B.book C.books D.glue ( )30.How many can you see? A.leaf B.leafs C.leaves ( )31. is the weather like here? A.What B.How C.Which ( )32.Please look the blackboard and listen to me. A.for B.at C.after ( )33.It's often warm in spring A.a B.an C./ ( )34.You must get some water. It's very today. C.windy B.hot A.cold ( )35.These are my . A.teeth B.tooth C.tooths ( )36.He is hungry, so he is going to the . A.park B.school C.restaurant ( )37.A:I am ill, Mr Li. B:So you have to go to . A.school B.hospital C.the zoo ( )38.Does he have stamps? A.one B.any C.some ( )39.I need envelope to post the letter. A.an B.a C.two ( )40.Spring comes summer. A.in B.before C.after ( )41.Where do you go winter holiday? A.at B.on C.in ( )42. is Lily's birthday? Next week. A.When B.How C.Where ( )43. do you go? To the park. C.How B.Where A.When ( )44.Do you go to places every summer holiday? A.much B.a C.many ( )45.Listen! He a song. A.sings B.is singing C.singing ( )46.Let's go to play football. A.a B.the C./ ( )47.I go to school at 7:30. A.a B./ C.the ( )48.I don't have books in my room. A.much B.some C.any ( )49.It's warm winter in our hometown. A.in B.at C.on st . October 21 )50.They come back ( A.in B.on C.at ( )51.He goes to Beijing July. A.in B.on C.at ( )52.Please read your books eight o'clock. C.at B.on A.in ( )53. will you go? Now. A.How B.Where C.When ( )54.Let's to the station now. A.walk B.walking C.walked ( )55.I am now. I can't play basketball with you. A.busy B.happy C.well ( )56.Do you like listening the music? A.in B.to C.at ( )57.Do you have salt? No, I don't have . A.some.some B.anyany C.anysome ( )58.What's the weather like in spring? A.a B.the C./ ( )59. What's the date today? nd. s October 2C. It'B. It's your daily. A. It's OK. st. )60. My _birthday is April 1( A.mother B. mothers C. mother's


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