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    七年级英语上册Unit 2教案 一. 本单元教学内容: 中心话题:Talk about things in the classroom. 让学生学会表述物品所属者的方法。 学习指示代词this和that的陈述句、一般疑问句以及其简单回答。 学习what,how引导特殊疑问句。 进一步学习物主代词your、my、her、his的用法。 二. 本单元教学目标: 知识目标: 让学生掌握与学习、学校生活贴近的物品名称。 让学生掌握句型:Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. Its my pencil. No/it isnt. Its her/his pencil. Whats this/that in English? Its a/an How do you spell it ? P-E-N. 能力目标: 培养学生良好的听说读写的能力。 通过情景操练,培养学生发散思维能力; 学会写寻物启示和失物招领。 情感目标: 培养学生拾金不昧,助人为乐的品德;培养学生协作精神。 三. 教学重点与难点: 询问物品属性及辨认物品所有者; 正确使用指示代词this与that; 注意区别its 与it is 的书写形式; 进一步学习物主代词your、my、her、his。 四. 教学策略: 采用直观教学法、情景教学,“任务型”教学方法。 采用游戏、唱歌、竞赛、合作等多种活动方式再现、运用。 突出交际性、趣味性,注重启发式。 从学生的实际生活经验出发,在用中学、在做中学。 五. 课时分配: Period1: SectionA1a 1b 1c2a 2b 2c 4a 4b Period2: SectionA3 : SectionB1a 1b 2a 2b 2c Period3: SectionB3a 3b 3c Period4: SectionB4,自我检查, 单元总复习 六. 教学步骤: Period1:SectionA1a 1b 1c2a 2b 2c 4a 4b 教学目标:1.词汇:pen pencil book eraser ruler pencil case backpack pencil sharpener dictionary 2.句型:Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. Its my pencil. No/it isnt. Its her/his pencil. 3. 学会辨认物品所有者。 4.学会使用thank you 和excuse me ,让学生学会礼貌待人。 5. 进一步学习物主代词your、my、her、his 课前准备:准备一个大盒子,收集学生的一些学习用品。 Step1. Warming up Sing a song “ Is this your ruler?” Step2. Presentation 1. Tell Ss that you have many school things here today. Show pictures on CAI and teach the new words(pen pencil book eraser ruler pencil case backpack pencil sharpener dictionary)(同时还可以教学生学习用品方面的其它词汇). 2.Group task :Which school things are the most important?/used most?(让学生四人小组讨论哪些学习用品用的最多,巩固所学单词) 3.Tell Ss that there are many things in the box. Ask them whose they are. T: Excuse me ,Sa, Is this your pencil? Sa: Yes , it is. Its my pencil. T: Here you are. Sa: Thank you. Teach the other sentences: Is that your ruler? No, it isnt. Its her /his ruler. Step3.Pairwork Practice the conversations above in pairs. Then make their own conversations . Act it out. Step4. Guessing game Ask Ss to take something out of the box. Get other Ss guess whose it is.(让更多学生参与语言练习,运用句型Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. Its my pencil. No/it isnt. Its her/his pencil.) Step5.Do listening 1. Listen and check the things that you hear. 2. Listen and complete the conversations. Step6.Find the owner Step7.Homework Collect the names of school things .Write them on the exercise books. The more, the better. Make a conversation like 2b. Period2: SectionA3 : SectionB1a 1b 2a 2b 2c 教学目标: 1.学习有关学校生活方面用品的单词,(baseball ,computer game,key, ring ,watch, ID card ,notebook ) 2.学习句型:Whats this/that in English? Its a/an How do you spell it ? P-E-N. 3. 让学生学会表述物品所属者的方法。 4. 通过小组活动,提高学生的合作能力和竞争能力。 Step1.Make up the word Give each group the same letters. Let them arrange the letters into words they learned (开展小组比赛,看哪组学生重新组成的单词最多,速度最快,给予奖励。) Step2. Presentation 1. Show and learn school life things. Ask: Whats this/that in English? Its a/an How do you spell it ? P-E-N. Is this/that your. Yes, it is. Its my . No/it isnt. Its her/his 3. Pairwork Step3.Memory challenge Show the pictures on CAI quickly. See who say out the most words in ten seconds. Who is the winner?(评出表现最佳的学生,给予表扬) Step4.Find friends things Collect some friends things, let Ss identify the things. Use the sentences: Whats this/that in English? Its a/an How do you spell it ? My friend is . This is her/his Step5.Do listening Finish SectionB2a 2b(同时可以设计几个符合学生实际的情景听力,让学生学以致用) Step6.Pencil case show Group work. Introduce Whats in their pencil case? Maybe they will say: Look! Whats this ? Its my pencil case. This is my . I bring it to school every day. Its my good friend.(让学生评出最实用的铅笔盒或笔带,展示给大家看) Step7.Homework Write something about your backpack. Period3: SectionB3a 3b 3c 教学目标: 1.让学生掌握句型:Call Allan at 495-3539. 2.让学生能够确认物主关系。 3.模仿并熟练运用目标语言写出寻物启示和失物招领。 4.培养学生拾金不昧的品德。 课前准备:教室里的失物招领箱内放几件物品。 Step1.Guessing game Guess whats in the lost and found case in our classroom.(复习前两节课学过的句型) Step2.Presentation T:I lost my keys this morning. Have you seen them anywhere? I should write a Lost notice. Tell Ss how to write a Lost & Found notice. Step3.Find the information Read the bulletin board notices and find the information. Lost School ID card Found Notebook name Tony name Mary phone 685-6034 phone 235-0285 Step4.Pieces game First finish 3b, then give more pieces to make a Lost & Found notice.(看哪组拼得速度快,表现棒) Step5.Writing T: In your daily life, you must have lost something or found something that doesnt belong to you. Have you got it back or found the owner? Ask them to try to write a Lost & Found notice.(课后把每组代表的a Lost & Found notice 展示在英语园地,让大家评一评谁的别具一格)。 Step6.Homework Write a Lost & Found notice Period4: SectionB4,自我检查, 单元总复习 教学目标: 1.复习本单元的词汇与句型,以多种任务激发学生说的欲望,培养学生的言语交际能力。 2.运用所学语言根据情景编短剧并表演。 3.培养学生乐于助人,与人分享快乐。 4.通过小组合作活动,培养学生相互帮助,集体合作的团队精神。 Step1.Guessing game Ask Ss to draw a picture on the board. Let the other Ss guess what it is . (复习句型Whats this/that in English? Is this/that a/an) Step2.Words competition Ask Ss to list as many word as they can. Have a match among four groups. First choose six to eight students from each group, S1says: pen (P-E-N) S2 should say :pen,eraser(E-R-A-S-E-R), 1、熟练计算20以内的退位减法。2、加强家校联系,共同教育。S3should say: pen, eraser ,ruler(R-U-L-E-R), 53.264.1生活中的数3 P24-293.确定二次函数的表达式:(待定系数法)the group which can add the most words is the winner. (一)情感与态度:第二章 二次函数Step3.Make a play 7.三角形的外接圆、三角形的外心。对圆的定义的理解:圆是一条封闭曲线,不是圆面;Give Ss real scenes ,let them make a play. Act it out in class 点在圆外 <=> d>r.(eg.李明丢了一只黑色手表,来到学校Lost & Found office询问,王芳刚好拣到,上交了Lost & Found office.,由大家评出最佳表演奖,最佳默契奖,最佳创意奖,最佳创作奖) Step4.Homework 4.二次函数的应用: 几何方面Prepare for a test of unit2. (通过本单元复习,让学生明确自己的学习状况,不断调整自己的学习策略,并对自己作出评价,可以在课前预习,上课发言,小组合作,书面作业等方面对自己作出评价。)


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