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    初中足球课教案 (1)足球课教案 授课班级: 人数: 日期:1 教学 支撑脚站位 教学重点:脚弓、脚背正面、外脚背传球 内容 教学难点:发力方法 1、学习脚弓、脚背正面、外脚背传球的基本知识和技术,学习支撑脚站位、如何用力和触球部位。 教学 2、发展下肢力量和身体协调性。 目标 3、培养学生自主学习、探究学习的能力和团结协作、勇敢果断、勇于展示自我等优良品质。 内容 运动负荷 教学内容 教法与学法 教学组织与要求 次数 时间 结构 1、集合整队 1、体委组织学生集1 1-2 集合队形: 2、报告人数,师合 , 生问好 2、教师宣布本课任, 3、教师宣布本课务 , 任务及要求 ?足球踢球 , 4、检查服装 ?素质练习 , 5、安排见习生 1、3、见习生随班上要求: 1、集合快静齐。 6、安全教育 课,参 2、学练结合多思考。 2、与适量运动 3、 3、顽强拼搏,认真积极参与课堂 4、 练习。 始 5、 部 一、脚弓推球 6、教师讲解演示支分 撑脚站位。 7、教师演示并解说 脚弓推球动作。 8、学生测量距离并模仿脚弓推球动作。 分组练习、纠正指导。 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 6-8 一 1、 , 1、教师演示讲解脚 触球的位置、发力方 , 法。 2、密集队形讲解演示,学生实际二、脚内侧踢球 2、分组练习巡视指测量支撑脚位置。 导。 3、先近后远距离练习脚弓推球。 3、引导学生如何发力踢出弧旋球。 6-8 二、 , , , , , , , 1、方法同上。 2、注意支撑脚距离 和踢球脚触球位置力 , , , , , , , 1、学生2人一组相对练习。 三、正脚面踢球 量的变化。 2、练习、体会、演示、讨论。 3、观察足球运动路线的变化。 3、遵守秩序、练习认真。 6-8 三、队形及组织练习方法同上。 1、方法同上。 准 2、注意支撑脚距离 备 和踢球脚触球位置力 部 四、外脚背踢球 量的变化。 分 3、观察足球运动路 线的变化。 1、讲解游戏方法和 6-8 四、队形及组织练习方法同上。 规则。 2、强调安全 五、素质练习 3、组织或参与。 “穿梭接力” 分为2组手持接力 棒,S型绕杆去和 回,经过起点将接五、 2 6-8 力棒交给下一名同, 学,依次类推。排 尾最先经过终点为, 胜。 1、遵守规则、注意安全。 2、体会身体过杆感觉,提高灵活性。 3、团结一心、互相鼓励。 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 1 2-3 组织队形: 一、集合整队 1、教师对学生课上二、放松小结 表现多鼓励,多表扬 , 三、师生再见 2、提问、答疑、行, , 四、收还器材 礼、解散 , , 要求: 1、积极放松 2、认真听讲评,做好自评和互评 足球18只、标志杆12根、接力棒2根 基 本 部 分 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wateri3 ng, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity体育与健康课教案 授课班级: 人数: 日期:2 教学 教学重点:触球位置 颠球 内容 教学难点:发力方法 1、学习足球颠球方法,熟悉球性,提高踢球的稳定性。 教学 2、 发展学生的灵活性、协调性等身体素质。 目标 3、培养学生自主学习,团结互助,刻苦锻炼的优良品质。 内容 运动负荷 教学内容 教法与学法 教学组织与要求 次数 时间 结构 1、集合整队 1、体委组织学生集1 1-2 集合队形: 2、报告人数,师合 , 开 生问好 2、教师宣布本课任, 始 3、教师宣布本课务 , 部 任务及要求 ?足球颠球 , 分 4、检查服装 ?素质练习 , 5、安排见习生 3、见习生随班上要求: 1、集合快静齐。 6、安全教育 课,参与适量运动 2、学练结合多思考。 3、顽强拼搏,认真积极参与课堂练习。 1、热身跑400米 1、教师讲解练习方5 6-8 练习队形: 法与要求 1、两路纵队 准 2、教师组织学生参 备 与练习 2、绕操场慢跑2圈 部 3、学生根据教师口 要求: 分 令迅速按要求做动作 1、速度均匀、队形整齐 2、体会呼吸与节奏 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 2、徒手操 教学步骤: 组织队形:体操队形 (1)头部运动 1、教师强调节重点4×8 (2)扩胸运动 活动开膝、踝关节 要求: (3)体转运动 2、体委带领全班同 1、体委带领完成 (4)腹背运动 学完成 2、重视,认真对待准备活动 (5)压腿 3、教师个别辅导 3、动作有力到位,充分活动开各(6)全蹲起 4、教师做必要补充 2×8 个关节及韧带,避免受伤 (7)高抬腿 20×2 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wateri5 ng, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity25-一、组织 一、足球颠球 1、教师演示颠球技30 , , , , , 术动作,重点强调脚的触球位置和发力方 , , , , , , 法。 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2、讲解单脚、双脚1、密集队形听教师讲解、看演示 颠球方法。 动作。 2、两人一组自由练习单脚颠球动 3、组织、指导学生作。 练习。 3、两人互助练习单脚颠球动作, 4、组织学生演示、 并及时进行讨论和指正。 讨论,进行个别辅导 4、根据教师指挥集中听讲解和练习。 和纠正错误动作。 5、练习一段时间后分成6组,每 5、单人和双人练习 组推荐一人演示,全部熟练的组给 相结合,穿插讲解、 与表扬。 纠正、讨论和演示。 6、注意激发兴趣和 基 鼓励。 本 二、素质练习 1、教师进行分组,30x2 3 二、组织队形 部 仰卧起坐 提出练习方法和要 求。 分 2、监督练习并提示 动作标准。 , , , , 3、安排见习生 , , , , 1、两人一组 2、轮换练习 3、遵守动作标准 4、安排见习生 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity 1 2-3 组织队形: 一、集合整队 1、教师对学生课上, 二、放松小结 表现多鼓励,多表扬 , 三、师生再见 2、提问、答疑、行, 四、收还器材 礼、解散 结 , 束 , 部 要求: 分 1、积极放松 2、认真听讲评,做好自评和互评 练习密度预场地器材 足球18只,小垫子18块 41 % 计 课后小结 运动负荷预计 脉搏,次/分, 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 0 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely wateri7 ng, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of fruit trees, branches, especially for more expensive but difficult branches of seedlings, have obvious effects in Garden tree species can also be used. Second, measures to reduce costs and shorten, reduce labor intensity体育与健康课教案 授课班级: 人数: 日期:3 教学 脚的不同部位控球 教学重点: 盘带 内容 教学难点:控球能力 1、基本掌握 脚的不同部位控球跑,绕过静止障碍提高运球能力。 教学 2、提高学生的速度、力量、灵敏、协调等身体素质。 目标 3、培养学生严肃认真、沉着冷静、互帮互助等优良品质。 内容 运动负荷 教学内容 教法与学法 教学组织与要求 次数 时间 结构 1、集合整队 1、体委组织学生集1 1-2 集合队形: 2、报告人数,师合 , 开 生问好 2、教师宣布本课任, 始 3、教师宣布本课务 , 部 任务及要求 ?足球盘带 , 分 4、检查服装 ?素质练习 , 5、安排见习生 3、见习生随班上要求: 6、安全教育 课,参与适量运动 1、集合快静齐。 2、学练结合多思考。 3、顽强拼搏,认真积极参与课堂练习。 1、热身跑400米 1、教师讲解练习方5 6-8 练习队形: 法与要求 1、两路纵队 2、教师组织学生参 2、绕操场慢跑2圈 与练习 3、学生根据教师口 要求: 令迅速按要求做动作 1、速度均匀、队形整齐 准 2、体会呼吸与节奏 备 部 教学步骤: 2、徒手操 组织队形:体操队形 分 1、教师强调节重点4×8 (1)头部运动 活动开膝、踝关节 要求: (2)扩胸运动 2、体委带领全班同 1、体委带领完成 (3)体转运动 学完成 2、重视,认真对待准备活动 (4)腹背运动 3、教师个别辅导 3、动作有力到位,充分活动开各(5)压腿 4、教师做必要补充 2×8 个关节及韧带,避免受伤 (6)全蹲起 20×2 (7)高抬腿 of chicken manure bacteria, eggs can be killed, make chicken manure safe organic fertilizer with high efficiency. Timely watering, make sure seedlings to moisture requirements. (4) the application of new type high efficient inhibitor fertilizer can effectively prevent damage caused by the effect of quick-acting organic fertilizer on seedling, and prevent soil compaction, promote healthy growth. 2, the use of some of the new technical measures, improve the survival rate (1) increased tree holes. Use of excavators and combine artificial dig tree holes, improve efficiency, increase the water storage capacity of tree holes, enhance seedling drought resistance. (2) covered. Seedlings planted in the winter and early spring season, and after filling flooded twice, points, and plastic film mulching tree holes, roots of both the temperature and reduce the moisture to evaporate, reducing plant death due to physiological drought, improve the survival rate of seedlings. (3) tree protection. After to the trunk with a rope winding, outside on the covered a layer of mulch, moisturizing, thermal insulation, can improve the survival rate of seedlings. (4) the use of branch Po. Bao is the latest technology of cultivation of frui


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