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    Module Two  My New TeachersPeriod OneTeaching content: Introduction; Speaking & Everyday EnglishTeaching important points:1.Encourage the students to talk about their favourite teachers;2.Train the students speaking abilities;3.Teach the students some new words: amusing, energetic, funny, intelligent, lively, nervous, organized, patient, popular, serious, shy, strict, stupid.Teaching difficult points:1.Lead the students to talk in class actively; 2.Help them to make sense of the new words describing characters.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Introduction1. Revision1) Brainstorming: Try to bring out as many adjectives used to describe a person as possible,and then get the meaning of the positive adjectives or negative adjectives.Read out these words aloud in class together.(Activity 1 on P11)2) Help the Ss to use the adjectives to describe the people they know.(Activity 2 on P11)2.Activity 3 on P11Read through the statements and tick; Read out the statements aloud in class together or individually.3.Activity 4 on P11Listen the first time to get the main idea.The students dont need to understand every word,just the general sense. Listen the second time and tick,then check with a partner or the teacher. If possible,listen the third time to check again and understand better.Step2  Speaking1.Pre-task: Ask the Ss to describe their favourite teachers, using the adjectives they have just learned and try to tell the reasons why. Then present in class.(Activity 1 in Speaking on P14)They can write down the description.If they dont want to mention the teachers name,they can write "This teacher" rather than the teachers actual name.2.Activity 21)Read through the example dialogue.Have the students repeat the questions after the teacher to practice the correct intonation.2)Encourage the students to think out more words expressing likes.Write the words on the blackboard so that they may use them for the next exercise.【enjoy  like  prefer  be into  be fond of  favor  in favor of  care for  admire  adore.】 3)Pair work: Make a dialogue after the example to discuss what parts of school life they enjoy and why, using the expressions of describing their likes:eg:  I like better than, because I .     I enjoy, because.    I prefer    I am not good at because.【*4.Exercises about the description of likes. 】( Id prefer, Id rather, you would prefer, would also prefer, would prefer)Jason: Hi, Mary. Do you have an English class this morning?Mary: Oh, yes, Jason. This is our first English lesson. I hope that my new teacher is a young girl. (1) _ to have a beautiful and lively English teacher.Jason: Oh really? (2) _ learn from an older teacher, because an older teacher is more intelligent I think.Mary: No, I dont think so. (3) _ to talk with an energetic and amusing young girl, because I will become nervous if the teacher is strict. (4) _ to have a relaxed class.Jason: Perhaps you are right. I know Miss Li is a very popular teacher on this campus. Many students (5) _ to learn from her. If she can teach us, (6) _ learn from her.Mary: But I think you (7) _ to follow an older teacher?Jason: Well, I guess that a popular teacher (8) _ to teach popular students like me.  Suggested answers: Students own answers.Step3: Everyday English 1.Read through the expressions as the class follow,and make sure that the students understand them all.The teacher may give some explanations and encourage the students to match the explanations with the expressions given.Have you got that?          children          take a look                you decide    kids                      have a look        thats settled                Its now decideda couple of things            several thingsits up to you              Have you been told about that?2.Ask them to complete the sentences, then check the answers.Step4: Summary and Homework1.Summary: Summarize what they have learned in this period.2.Homework: Activity 5 on P74 in workbook.Period TwoTeaching content: Reading and VocabularyTeaching important points:1.Encourage the students to speak actively in class;2.Train the students reading skills;3.Teach the students some difficult language points. Teaching difficult points:1.How to help the students improve their reading ability. 2.How to help the students to make sense of the passage.3.Teach the students to describe someones character.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Greetings and Revision1.Greet the students as usual.2.Ask some students to read out words in this module OR check the homework in last period.Step 2 Lead inLook at the pictures of the three teachers on P12 and try to guess their characters and personalities. Try to use the words you learned last class to talk about your first impressions on the teachers.eg:I guess she is a new teacher,but I dont think she is very shy.Step 3 Fast readingHelp the students to grasp the main idea of the text by doing the task.Read the text fast and check your prediction.Mrs. Li            shy, nervous, kind, patientMrs. Chen          strict, serious, not smile Mr. Wu            popular, good-looking, energetic, amusingStep 4 Careful readingMake sure students get the detailed information by doing the following.1.Read the text again and fill in the table.NameAppearance/CharacterSubjectTeaching styleMy feelingMrs.Linervous, shy, kind, patientEnglishexplain,avoid,smileslowly for,wonderful formake progressMrs.Chenstrictseriousnot smilephysicswell-organizedclearexplain exactlynever be my favorite lessondo well inMr.Wugood-lookingenergeticamusingChinese literaturetalkwavetell jokesrespect a lot2.Explain some language points to the students.(Ref: Notes to the text)3.Read the text a third time to understand it better and then finish Activity4 on P13 quickly.4.Finish Activity2-3 as usual.【*Activity1 and Activity5 can be omitted】Step 5  Summary and Homework1.Summary: Summarize what they have learned in this period.2.Homework: Finish Reading on P75-76 in workbook.Appendix: Notes to the text1.I think perhaps she was, as it was her first lesson with us.as  conj. 1)因为(引导原因状语从句)eg: As he wasnt ready in time, we went without him.2)以方式(引导方式状语从句)eg: Do as I say.3)当的时候,一边一边(引导时间状语从句)eg: I listened to music as I wandered around the mall.2.She explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it.  .but Mrs Li just smiles, so that you dont feel completely stupid.1)so.that 分开用时引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”eg: He is so honest that everybody trusts him.  He was so ill that we had to send for a doctor.2)so that连在一起用时引导的从句既可表示目的,也可表示结果,要根据句子意思确定,意为“以便,以至于”eg: I worked hard so that I could pass the exam.(目的)  He was caught in the rain so that all his clothes got wet.(结果)3.We dont dare to say a word unless she asks us tounless 从属连词,引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,所以 unless= if not 意为“除非,如果不”。eg: Dont come unless I phone you.(=Dont come if I dont phone you.) 除非我打电话,否则就不要来。  You will fail unless you work hard.(=You will fail if you dont work hard.)  除非你努力工作,否则你会失败的。4. There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late keep doing sth.        一直不断地做某事keep on doing sth.      接连/反复/继续做某事keep sb. doing sth.      使某人一直做某事keep sb. from doing sth.  阻止某人做某事注意: keep doing sth.表示状态或动作的持续, keep on doing sth.表示动作的反复e.g. He kept standing there for two hours without moving.  He kept on standing in the meeting.(会议中他一再地站起来。)  Dont keep the girl waiting outside.  We keep the students from smoking.  Why do you keep (on) laughing all the time?5.she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving.as a result 因此,结果;  as a result of(=because of ) 因为,由于的结果eg:Many people helped him. As a result, he succeeded at last.  As a result of the flood,many people become homeless.6.but I think that Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.    with + 宾语 + 宾补eg: We lay in bed with the window open.  With a book in his hand, the teacher entered the classroom.  She was knitting, with the television on.  With so many things to deal with, I cant go on a holiday.  With time going by, the girl understood her parents.7.Useful expressionsThey say that(=It is said that)ones (first) impression ofavoid/hate/admit doing sth.make you feel stupidmake progressbe strict with sb. in  sth.do well inin facttell jokes/a jokefall asleepPeriod ThreeTeaching content: Grammar; Pronunciation & WritingTeaching important points:1.Encourage the students to sum up grammatical rules;2.Train the students writing skills;3.Improve the students pronunciation. Teaching difficult points:1.How to help the students apply verbs followed by -ing form. 2.How to help the students use punctuations correctly.3.Teach the students to recognize the stressed sound of a word.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Greetings and Revision1.Greet the students as usual.2.Check the homework in last period.Step 2 Grammar1.Finish Activity1 in this part on P14.2.Summarize the verbs followed by the gerund('dernd 【英语语法学】动名词).非谓语动词作宾语用法总结:1)只能跟-ing形式作宾语的动词及短语常用动词:admit, avoid, advise, allow, appreciate, consider(考虑), delay, enjoy, escape, finish, forbid, imagine, keep, mind, permit, practise, risk, suggest常用短语:feel like, give up, cant help, keep on, insist on, put off, be busy in, have some trouble/difficulty /problems(in), be/get used to, look forward to, devoteto, stick to, object to(反对), thanks to, get down to(开始,着手)  eg: I am looking forward to seeing you. 我盼着再见到你。  The book advised taking more exercise. 医生建议多运动。.  The boy refused to admit stealing my money.  这个男孩拒绝承认偷了我的钱。  We missed the 5:30 bus, which means waiting for another hour.   I really enjoyed working on the farm. 我真的喜欢在农场干活。  She had finished listening to the news. 她听完了新闻。动名词的复合结构:动名词有时可有自己的逻辑主语,构成动名词的复合结构 one(ones)doing sth。 eg: Would you mind my opening the door? 我打开门你介意吗?I am angry at my brothers being late.2) 只能跟 to do sth. 作宾语的动词  decide, agree, expect, hope, manage, refuse, want, offer, pretend, promise, fail, plan, beg, determine, affordeg:I refuse to take part in anything that is illegal.3) 既能跟 -ing 也能跟 to do sth. 作宾语,意思差别不大的动词  like, love, hate, prefer, begin, start4) 既能跟 -ing 也能跟 to do sth. 作宾语,意思差别很大的动词remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事    remember to do sth 记住做某事forget doing sth  忘记曾经做过某事      forget to do sth  忘记去做某事regret doing 后悔做过某事              regret to do sth 后悔或遗憾地去做某事stop doing 停止做某事                  stop to do sth 停下来去做某事                              try doing 试着做某事                    try to do sth 尽力去做某事mean to do sth 打算做某事                mean doing 意味着3.Finish Activity2 in this part on P14. Then read out the sentences aloud in class.*4.Finish Activity3 in this part on P14 if possible.Step 3 Pronunciation1. Ask the students to listen and repeat the words and find the stressed sound in the words of Activity 1.2.Tell the students something about the stress of words.3. Ask the students to underline the stressed sound in Activity 2. Then listen and check.Step 4 Writing1.Look at the position of commas in these sentences in this part.  Ask the students to pay attention to the importance of punctuation in a sentence.2.Punctuate the paragraph in this part.*3.Write an essay about your favourite teacher after the model in Activity14 on P78 in workbook.General description of the teacher; The reasons for your liking him/her OR his/her characters; How will your study be with him/her. (You can refer to the reading text in this module.)Step 5 Summary and Homework1.Summary: Summarize what they have learned in this period.2.Homework: Finish Activity3-4 on P73 in workbook.Period FourTeaching content: Listening and Vocabulary & Function and SpeakingTeaching important points:1.To motivate the students to work together;2.To train their listening and speaking skills;3.To make sure they know how to express preference. Teaching difficult points:1.How to enable the students to express preference. 2.How to arouse their interest in taking part in classroom activities.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Greetings and Revision1.Greet the students as usual.2.Check the homework in last period.Step 2 Listening and Vocabulary1. Activity1 in this part1)Read the words in the box and have the students repeat them after you, paying particular attention to stress.2)Ask the students to work in pairs to do questions and answers.(If the level of the students is not very high, they can just read through and understand the questions and they dont need to answer them.)2.Activity 2 in this part1)Read the sentences and make sure they understand the words.2)Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. If necessary, explain the words or expressions.3)Check the answers and listen again to understand it better.(Write on the blackboard.)3.Activity 3 in this part1)Read the given information and make sure they understand the words.2)Listen to the tape and choose the right answers. 3)Check the answers and listen again to understand it better.4.Read through Activity4 and Activity5 to understand the given information and just ask the students to think these questions by themselves in their mind.*5.Activity6 can be omitted.Step 3 Function and Speaking1.Activity1 in this part on P171)Have the students do this activity individually and check their answers.2)Help the students summarize the sentence patterns expressing preference.【Sum up the expressions of preference and explain the usages.】Id / I would/ I prefer A (to B).    宁愿而不原Id / I would/ I prefer doing A (to doing B).Id / I would/ I prefer to do A (rather than do B).Id / I would/ I prefer sb. (not) to doeg: -Coffee or tea?  -I would prefer tea, thanks!  He prefers watching TV to going out for a walk.  I would prefer not to think about it.  Id prefer to play basketball rather than go swimming.  My mother would prefer me not to go out alone at night.would rather (not) do sth. 宁愿(不)做某事would rather do than do(=would do rather than do)宁愿做而不愿做eg: I would rather not take a trip with him.  I would rather die than apologize to Helen.(=I would die rather than apologize to Helen.)2.Activity2 in this part on P171)Ask the students to write the answers individually and then check the answers.2)Ask the students to read out these sentences aloud in class together.3.Activity3 in this part on P171)Read the instructions and the example.Make sure the students know what to do.2)Ask the students to try their best to make dialogues after the example and then to act out.Step 5 Summary and Ho


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