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    1.Cash equivalents( )A.are illegal in some company B.will be converted to cash within two years C.will be converted to cash within 90 daysD.will beconverted to cash within 120 days【参考答案】 : C2.On the balance sheet, the amount shown for the Allowance forDoubtful Accounts is equal to the ( )A.Uncollectible accounts expense for the year B.total of the accounts receivables written-off during the yearC.total estimateduncollectible accounts as of the end of the year D.sum of all accounts that are past due.【参考答案】 : C3 .The primary purpose of a stock split is to ( )A.increase paid-in capital B.reduce the market price of the stock per share C.increase the market price of the stock per share D.increase retained earnings【参考答案】 : B4 .The accounting equation may be expressed as ( )A.Assets = Equities - LiabilitiesB.Assets Liabilities = Owner'sEquity C.Assets = Revenuesless Liabilities D.Assets - Liabilities = Owner's Equity【参考答案】 : D5 .Current liabilities are( )A.due, but not receivable for more than one year B.due, but not payable for more than one year C.due and receivable within one yearD.dueand payable within one year【参考答案】 : D6 .How does paying a liability in cash affect the accounting equation?A.assets increase; liabilities decreaseB.assets increase;liabilities increaseC.assets decrease; liabilitiesdecreaseD.liabilities decrease; owner's equity increases【参考答案】: C7 .Merchandise inventory at the end of the year is overstated.Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?A.owner's equity is overstatedB.cost of merchandise sold isoverstated C.gross profit is understatedD.net income isunderstated【参考答案】 : A8 .All of the following occur with a double-entry accountingsystem except:A.The accounting equation remains in balance.B.Each businesstransaction will have only two entries.C.Every transaction affectsat least two accounts D.The sum of all debits is always equal to the sum of all credits in each journal entry.【参考答案】 : B9.On the balance sheet, the amount shown for the Allowance forDoubtful Accounts is equal to the( )A.Uncollectible accounts expense for the year B.total of the accounts receivables written-off during the yearC.total estimatedD.sum of all accountsuncollectible accounts as of the end of the year that are past due.【参考答案】 : C10 .Which statement below is not a reason for a corporation to buy back its own stock.A.resale to employees B.bonus to employees C.for supporting the market price of the stockD.to increase the shares outstanding【参考答案】 : D11 .Financial reports are used by( )A.management B.creditors C.investors D.all of the above【参考答案】 : D12 .What is the type of account and normal balance of Allowancefor Doubtful Accounts?A.Contra asset, credit B.Asset, debit C.Asset, credit D.Contra asset, debit【参考答案】 : A13 .Debts owed by a business are referred to as( )A.accounts receivables B.equitiesC.owner sequity D.liabilities【参考答案】 : D1.1 If the allowance method of accounting for uncollectible receivables is used, what general ledger account is credited to write off a customer's account as uncollectible?A.Uncollectible Accounts ExpenseB.AccountsReceivable C.Allowance for Doubtful AccountsD.InterestExpense【参考答案】 : B15 .Which of the following financial statements reportsinformation as of a specific date?A.income statement B.statement of owner's equityC.statement ofcash flows D.balance sheet【参考答案】 : D16 .Current liabilities are( )A.due, but not receivable for more than one year B.due, but not payable for more than one year C.due and receivable within one yearD.dueand payable within one year【参考答案】 : D17 .The debt created by a business when it makes a purchase onaccount is referred to as anA.account payable B.account receivable C.asset D.expense payable【参考答案】 : A18 .The percentage analysis of increases and decreases inindividual items in comparative financial statements is called( )A.vertical analysisB.solvency analysis C.profitabilityanalysis D.horizontal analysis19 .Merchandise inventory at the end of the year was understated.Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?A.net income is understated B.net income is overstatedC.cost ofmerchandise sold is understatedD.merchandise inventory reported onthe balance sheet is overstated【参考答案】 : A20 .Which of the following groups are considered to be internalusers of accounting information?A.Employees and customers B.Customers and vendors C.Employees and managers D.Government and banks【参考答案】 : C21 .Available-for-sale securities are securities that managementexpects to sell in the future, but are not actively traded forprofit.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : B22 .The matching concept requires expenses be recorded in the same period that the related revenue is recorded.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : T23 .Even when a trial balance is in balance, there may be errors in the individual accounts.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : T24 .The order of the flow of accounting data is (1) record in the ledger, (2) record in the journal, (3) prepare the financial statements.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : F25.1 n establishing a petty cash fund, a check is written for the amount of the fund and is recorded as a debit to Accounts Payable and a credit to Petty Cash.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : A26.501 vency analysis focuses on the ability of a business to pay its current and noncurrent liabilities.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : T27 .Every adjusting entry will affect at least one income statement account and one balance sheet account.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : B28 .Purchasing supplies on account increases liabilities and decreases equity.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : F29.Solvency analysis focuses on the ability of a business to pay its current and noncurrent liabilities.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : B30.The journal entry to record the cost of warranty repairs that were incurred during the current period, but related to sales made in prior years, includes a debit to Warranty Expense.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : T31.If the liabilities owed by a business total $500,000, then the assets also total $500,000.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : F32.If bonds are sold for a discount, the carrying value of thebonds is equal to the face value less the unamortized discount.33 .The matching concept requires expenses be recorded in the same period that the related revenue is recorded.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : B34 .The main reason that the bank statement cash balance and the depositor's cash balance do not initially balance is due to timing differences.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : B35 .Paying an account payable increases liabilities and decreases assetsA.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : A36 .For strong internal control system over cash, it is important to have the duties related to cash receipts and cash paymentsdivided among different employees.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : B37 .Bondholders are creditors of the issuing corporation.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : B38 .Even when a trial balance is in balance, there may be errorsin the individual accounts.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : B39 .The statement of cash flows consists of an operating section, an income section, and an equity section.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : F40.1 ntangible assets differ from property, plant and equipmentassets in that they lack physical substance.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : T41 .The amortization of a premium on bonds payable decreases bond interest expense.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : T42 .The double-entry accounting system records each transaction twice.A.错误 B.正确43 .An income statement is a summaryof the revenues and expenses of a business as of a specific date.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : F44 .The difference between Accounts Receivable and its contraasset account is called net realizable value.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : T45 .Primary users of accounting information are accountants.T. 对 F. 错【参考答案】 : F46 .The balance of the allowance for doubtful accounts is addedto accounts receivable on the balance sheet.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : A47 .Dividends in arrears are liabilities of the corporation.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】 : A48 .When the market rate of interest is less than the contract rate for a bond, the bond will sell for a premium.A.错误 B.正确tests mustand must49 .For a current liability to exist, the following two be met. The liability must be due usually within a year be paid out of current assets.A.错误 B.正确50 .Revenue is earned only when money is received.A.错误 B.正确


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