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    在美国上大学 50 个必记的拉丁词汇! 来源: 樊丁的日志 来米国读书之后发现除了英语词汇,日常口语交流中,有时甚至是在写作中还会频频遇 到一些拉丁语词汇, 下面总结出来的这些拉丁语就是每个要来美国上大学的孩纸必知道 的词汇,看看你见过几个!While there may not be cities and countries full of people speaking Latin these days, that doesn't mean the ancient language is something you can just forget about. Not only are many of our words in English (not to mention many other l anguages) derived from Latin, but many of its words words are still used in tod ay's daily speaking and writing. So while you may not need to learn to speak o r read the Latin language fluently, it can still be a big help in your quest for hi gher education to know a few words and phrases. Here are some of the most c ommonly used Latin expressions that you should learn to start improving your p ersonal lexicon.虽然现在没有一个城市或者一个国家在用古拉丁语, 但这不意味着我们应该彻底忘记这 种语言。事实上,不仅仅在英语(和其他很多语言)中有许多单词都是从拉丁文衍生出 来的, 在日常的写作和交流中一些拉丁单词仍被使用得很频繁。 所以虽然你不需要系统 地学习和掌握拉丁语, 但是记住一些常被用到的拉丁词汇和短语无疑会对你的大学学习 帮很大的忙。 下面列举出的就是那些最常用到的拉丁文的表述, 相信记住了这些拉丁词 汇你的个人词库会飞跃不止一个档次!Must-Learn Terms 必记的术语If you don't know these Latin terms, get to learning them ASAP, as they are co mmonly used in speaking and writing and may be hard to avoid.亲,如果你还不知道这些拉丁词汇,那么就赶紧行动吧!因为他们在日常写作和交流的 时候是不可避免地会被用到的!Per se: (就其本身而言 )The direct translation of this term is "by itself" a nd it means just that when used in English as well. You could use it to say tha t you don't find chemistry boring per se (by itself, intrinsically), but this profess or's voice puts you to sleep. 例如:就化学本身而言我并不讨厌它,可是教授上课的 声音总是让我想打瞌睡。Vice versa : (反之亦然) From the Latin meaning "to change" or "turn ar ound," this term means to reverse the order of something . This quote from Sa muel Butler provides an example, "In the midst of vice we are in virtue, and vi ce versa."Alma mater : (母校 尤指大学) If you don't know this term already, you'l l become quite familiar with it once you graduate from college. The literal transl ation is "dear/bountiful mother" but you'll find it used in everyday language to denote the college or university from which one has graduated.Magnum opus (大师之作 / 绝好的艺术作品) : Whether it's in writing, paint ing, sculpture or music, this Latin term denotes the greatest work done by an a rtist- a true masterpiece.Bona fide (在法律术语中指良好的意图 / 一般表示真诚的和善意的) : While it' s literal translation means "good faith" this term has a few different shades of meaning in modern language. In legal terms, it is used to represent something that is presented without deception or fraud, or literally in good faith, honest, si ncere and lawful. It is more commonly used to mean something that's the real deal or truly authentic.Quasi (类似的,有如) : In Latin, this word means as if or as though and in English it is used as both an adjective in its own right and as a part of a co mpound word. It simply designates something that resembles something else bu t doesn't quite have all the same features.Alter ego (密友, 或者个性的另一面) : Cicero coined this term, most likely taken from the Greek, to mean "a second self" or "another I" and its modern meaning hasn't changed much today. Many people have an alter ego, or anothe r, perhaps hidden aspect of themselves. One example from popular culture is B eyonce's alter ego, Sasha Fierce.Verbatim (逐字逐句的 / 地): If you repeat something verbatim you repeat it in exactly the same words, word for word with no changes and no improvisat ion.Status quo (现状) : From the Latin meaning "the state in which" this ter m is used today to designate the existing state or condition of things. For exam ple, if you're making money off of a high pollution industry it is to your interest s to maintain the status quo when it comes to environmental law.Writing 写作的时候常用到的拉丁文Knowing just what these terms and words mean can be a big help in improving your reading comprehension.知道这些拉丁文可以有效地提高你的阅读理解能力。Sic (这个是指原作品中出现了错误,编辑在此指出): Found in writing, this Latin word most commonly finds a home in brackets (like this: sic) when quoti ng a statement or writing. It indicates that there is a spelling or grammar error (or just something out of the ordinary) in the original quotation and that the p ublication has only reproduced it faithfully, not made an error of their own.Id est (缩写是 i.e., 通常在作者想要给出具体的例子和解释的时候) : You've li kely seen this term in writing before, even if you weren't aware as it is commo nly abbreviated to i.e. In Latin, it means "that is" and is used in English when the speaker or writer wants to give an example or explanation that specifies a statement.Deus ex machina (解围的人或事件) : In direct translation, this term mea ns, "God out of a machine" and it harkens back ancient Greek and Roman play s. When the plot would become too tangled or confusing, the writers would sim ply bring in God, lowered in via a pulley system (the machine) and he would w rap it all up. Today, it's still used in literature to describe a plot where an artifi cial or improbable means of resolving a conflict is used.Exempli gratia (缩写是 e.g., 这通常会用在例子前面, for the sake of exa mple ) : You'll often see this term abbreviated to e.g. in writing. It means "for t he sake of example" and when it see it in a sentence you can expect that is w ill be followed by some examples.Et cetera (缩写是 etc. 意思是 and the others 还有其他的) : Few out the re aren't familiar with this term but may not know it as well when it's spelled o ut like this and not abbreviated as etc. Meaning "and the others" it is used to denote that a list of things could continue ad infinitum (see below for definition) and that for the sake of brevity it's better to just wrap things up with a simpl e etc.Ex libris (专指书籍 从. 图书馆来) : Back in the days when books were r arer and more expensive commodities than they were today, it was common to mark your books with a label bearing your own name and this phrase which means "from the library of." While not as common today, some true bibliophilesstill use the labels.Ibidem (缩写是 ibid, 常被用在文献页,指同一个资料来源被引用了两次) : An other abbreviated term, this word is more commonly seen in research writing in the form of "ibid." From the Latin for "in the same place" it is found in footno tes and bibliographies to designate that the same source has been cited twice i n succession.Et alii (缩写是 et al, 通常用在一本合著的书的某一个作者名字之后以省略罗 列其他的作者名字) : You're unlikely to encounter this Latin phrase in its unabbre viated form, and will most likely only ever see it as et al when included. This is also a term that is found in footnotes and bibliographies which allows writers t o refer to a large number of authors without having to write each name out (f or example, you could say that your source is Dr. Henry Jones et al.)Everyday Talk 日常生活中常用到的拉丁语You've likely heard these words and phrases on the news or in conversations, a nd if you didn't know what they meant then, these definitions will help make it clear now.你有可能之前在新闻或者日常对话中听过这些短语, 如果你还不清楚他们具体是什么意 思,那么接下来的解释会让你更加清楚它们的含义。Ad infinitum ( to infinity 无止尽的) : You might be able to guess what this phrase means simply through its similarity to the word we use in English. I t means "to infinity" and can be used to describe something that goes on, see mingly or actually endlessly, as some students might feel about certain classes.De facto (事实上) : In Latin, de facto means "from the fact" and in use in English it is often used to distinguish was is supposed to be the case from what is actually the reality. For example, legally, employers are not allowed to discriminate in hiring because of age, but many still practice de facto (in reality, in fact) discrimination.In toto ( in total, 总的来说 / 整体上) : No, this phrase doesn't mean that the cute little dog from The Wizard of Oz ate something, it means in all or entir ely. Think of it as saying "in total" in a really weird voice.Ipso facto (本质上 / 事实证明) : Meaning "by the fact itself" this commonl y used and misused term is denotes when something is true by its very nature. For example, if you don't feed your dog you are ipso facto a bad owner.Tabula rasa (纯洁质朴天真的状态) : When you were a child, your mind might have been more of a tabula rasa than it is today. This Latin phrase mea ns "clean slate" and denotes something or someone not affected by experiences and impressions.Terra firma (坚实的陆地) : Those who hate to fly or get seriously seasic k will be able to put this term to good use. It means firm ground, and you mi ght be thanking your lucky stars to be back on it after a trip through the air o r rough waters.Mea culpa (是我的错) : If you want to admit your own guilt or wrongdoi ng in a situation, use this Latin phrase that translates literally to "my fault." It's a bit like a fancier, less outdated way of saying "my bad."Persona non grata (不受欢迎的人) : From the Latin meaning an "unacce ptable person" this term designates someone who's no longer welcome in a soci al or business situation.In situ (现场,就地) : If something happens in situ it happens in place oalled in vitro.In vivo (在活体内) : While an experiment taking place in a glass test tub e might not cause a stir, many are up in arms about this kind of experimentati on. In vivo means "within the living" and the two most common examples of th is kind of experimentation are animal testing and clinical trials.Ante bellum (战前,尤指美国南北战争) : During your history courses, you 're bound to encounter this term. It means in the most basic sense "before the war" and while it can be applied to any war it is most commonly used to refe r to the American Civil War and the Antebellum Era the preceded it.Arguments and Logic 做逻辑和争论Representing arguments as old as philosophy itself and the terms associated wit h them, these terms are good to know for a well-rounded education.A priori : You might come across this term in classes about logic or reaso ning. It means taking a general law or idea and applying it to a particular insta nce without needing experimentation or observation. An example of an a priori statement that is used is, "all bachelors are single." You do not need to observ e this to see that it is true because, by definition, bachelors must be single.A posteriori : A posteriori arguments are different than a priori because t hey are based on actual observation or experimentation. Continuing on the previ ous example, an a posteriori example of reasoning might be that "some bachelo rs are happy." This can be based on real life observation isn't a given based on what a bachelor is.Ad nauseam : This Latin term is used to describe an argument that has been taking place to the point of nausea, often with the same arguments being rehashed over and over for years until everyone, except a select few, are simp ly sick to death of the whole thing.Ergo : Simply put, ergo means therefore and you can exchange it with the refore or hence in any sentence and maintain the same meaning. For example, you could say, "I think, ergo I am" without changing the meaning of the origin al.Legal LanguageOne place where Latin words are very commonly used is in the courtroom. Lear n some of these basic legal words to help you better understand Law and Orde r and how the legal process works.Compis mentis : Meaning "in command of one's mind" this term is used i n the legal field to denote someone who is competent to stand trial and not en cumbered by mental illness or handicap.Subpoena : If you've ever watched a legal drama on TV, you've more tha n likely heard this term thrown around but perhaps haven't given much thoughtas to what it really means. The word subpoena comes from the Latin meaning "under penalty" and if someone delivers a subpoena to you have to respond o r they'll be some big penalties under the law.Ad hominem : In court, or outside of it for that matter, this term is used to designate an argument that attacks someone's character rather than address ing a question or issue at hand. By attacking character, these arguments appeal to emotions and prejudices rather than reason or logic.Habeas corpus : A writ of habeas corpus (literally, have the body) requir es a person to appear before the court in person, generally to ascertain whethe r or not the detention of that person is lawful. Habeas corpus cannot be suspe nded unless there is reason to believe that a person could pose a danger to th e public.Pro bono : Pro bono means "for the good" and it's a term used to design ate when something is done free of charge. While the term can be applied in a ny field, it is most commonly used to describe legal services.Mens rea : There is a big difference between murder and manslaughter, a nd mens rea is what separates the two. Mens rea means "guilty mind," and tho se who go into a crime intending to commit it have it, differing from those who commit a crime accidentally or without advance planning.BusinessIt's always good to know the language of business, especially in such a competi tive market. No matter what field you enter, you're bound to hear these words at some point in your career.Ad hoc : From the Latin meaning "to this," this term gained popularity in the mid-1600s and it still used today. It refers to something that is formed or done quickly to meets the needs of a particular problem or issue without regard to a more general application and generally lacking advance planning.Per diem : Meaning "by the day" a per diem in most uses today designat es a daily allowance used in traveling for work. It can also mean a per-day rat e or that someone is paid on a daily basis. Other common similar terms are pe r annum (by the year) and per capita (by the person.)Curriculum vitae : A curriculum vitae is basically a fancy way to describe a resume. While it means literally "the course of one's life" the terms is applie d to mean a short list of your accomplishments and training- something any gr ad will need to think about putting together soon.Pro rata : This Latin phrase is something you're likely familiar with in ever yday life. It means to charge at a proportional rate. So if a service is $100 for 10 hours, then one would cost $10 pro rata.Quid pro quo : While Anthony Hopkins so sinisterly used this phrase in T he Silence of the Lambs, in everyday life it's often used to describe an exchang e of value necessary for a contract to take place. From the Latin meaning "this for that," it gets used in everywhere from the courtroom to the bedroom in m odern English.Quotes and SayingsThese quotes and sayings in Latin get tossed around, put on bumper stickers a nd repeated in conversations so they're well-worth knowing.Carpe diem : This well-known phrase comes from a poem by Horace. Whi le there have been arguments about the exact translation, it is most commonly held to mean "seize the day" encouraging individuals to live life to the fullest to day without expectation of a tomorrow.Cogito ergo sum : Translated from the Latin, the quote means "I think, t herefore I am" and comes from the writing of philosopher Rene Descartes.Veni, vidi, vici : These fa


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