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    高一必修一期中复习Welcome Unit1. Your art skills are excellent, which leaves me a deep(impress).2. This project was designed(help)the students in need.3. I find it hard to concentrate my studies with some people having small talks around me.4. I felt very(annoy) to find that they liadii't waited for me.5. China's success gives other countries the c to fight against COVID-19.6. We are looking for someone with an outgoing and friendly p to organize outdoor activities.7. She enjoys her own (陪伴)when she is travelling.8. Huawei s business(strategy) help it to be successful in the 5G technology.9. Visitors are required(register) their persona information to get a health QR code before entering the zoo.10. He is(anxious) waiting for the result of the medical test.11. The little boy fixed his eyes on the magician, feeling curious what would happen next.12. The programme(design) to help people who have been out of work for a long time.13. What parents do in their daily life will have a great effect on their children's(性格;个性) Unit 11. With the help of the(advance) technology, we can finish the work in advance.2. He has been working in a famous company after(graduate).3. He turned to his teacher for help to find a(solve) to the problem.4. I tried to make clear to hini tliat I'm not responsible for that mistake.5. He recommended that I(buy) that dictionary.6. (obvious), the coach is not satisfied with us.7. Although there are difficulties and c.we do not lose hope and face them bravely.8. Globally speaking, travelling alone has gradually become popular among the young g9. We all have a (责任)to protect the environment and make the world more beautiful.10. When he (毕业)from senior high school, he had completed all the college courses.11. Cloud-based office tools make easier for people to work at home.12. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge that is scheduled(come) into operation in 2024 is a challenging project.13. Tlie real solution the waste problem is to produce less waste.14. Instead of getting addicted to(watch) short videos on the smartphones, children should regard reading books as a hobby.15. The plan(debate) at a meeting last Tuesday and everyone thought it was workable.16. As is known to us, there is a(代)gap between the young and the old.17. His(confuse) look showed that he didn't know what to do next.18. Graduates are finding more and more difficult to find jobs at present.19. One of the(volunteer) said that she enjoyed her work because she could see the smiling faces of children.20. Behave(you) in public and you will win the respect of most of us.Unit 21. Alexander tried to get his work(recognise) in the medical circles.2. Luckily, she made helpful(评论)on my work.3. It was last night I met Mary on my way to school.4. Tom is much(admire) for his English listening and speaking skills.5. As a matter of fact, illness and age changed him beyond(recognize).6. I failed in an English exam. feeling(extreme) disappointed.6.1 don't really know the fact, so I can't (评论)on his action.8. It was my math teacher I met on the way home.9. We could make an(arrange) to meet at the school gate at 10 am next Tuesday.10. It is requested that he(hand) in his homework tomorrow morning.11. It is expected tliat China will overtake France to be the world's most popular tourist d by 2030.12. It is suggested that you should book the (住处)in advance in the tourist season.13. He has been admired by the people around him his courage since he fought with the thief on the bus.14. The film star wars sunglasses. Therefore, he ca go shopping without(recognise).Unit 31. Now that you have expressed your(determine), you should take action.2. . The ability to keep calm is one of his(strength).3. The enemy had no choice but to give in us.74. The film is a great success and is popular with the(观众)of different ages.5. He(假装)to his family that everything was fine.6. He pretended(read) books when his teacher came in.7. (master) English means we can see the world through a new window.8. . I'd like to take the chance(stress) the importance of education.9. You should set aside some time to consider your successes and(fail).10. I think you can make if you follow the advice below.11. When(compare)with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.12. I feel highly(honour) to be given such a good chance to share my experience with you.13. The success or f of the matter depends on your own effort.14. It may take a few months for you to build up your(strong).15. He is such a smart man that he can't(cheat) by a small trick.16. He finally made as an actor after years of work on performance skills.17. We should use what we have learned to do our own thinking, instead of pretending(know) all knowledge.18. Huawei has grown to a world-leading company,(compete) with Apple Inc.4参考答案:Welcome Unitimpression to help on annoyed confidence personality company strategies to register anxiously about is design personality Unit 1advanced graduation solution it (should) buy Obviously challenges generation responsibility graduated it to come to watching was debated generation confused it volunteers yourself Unit 2 recognised comments that admired recognition extremely commentswho/that arrangement(should) hand destinationaccommodationfor recognitionUnit 3 detenninationstrengthstoaudience pretended to be readingMasteringto stressfailures it comparedhonoured failure strengthbe cheated itto knowcompeting


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