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    外研版高二年级(选修6)Module 2,Module 2Fantasy Literature,Reading and Vocabulary,Contents,Post Reading,Introduction,Skimming,Careful Reading,Language points,Introduction,菲利普普尔曼,英国当代著名作家。他的雾中红宝石、北方阴影、井中之虎为少女莎莉洛克赫的冒险三部曲,充满维多利亚时代的惊悚趣味,广受好评。1996发表黑质三部曲第一部黄金罗盘,次年发表第二部魔法神刀,2000年发表第三部琥珀望远镜。黑质三部曲出版后,畅销不衰, 风靡欧美, 皆认为其深度与文学性足堪名列文学史。该三部曲迄今已被翻译成二十几种文字,全球发行量已近一千万套,并为作者获得了诸多重要的奖项;普尔曼更因为这套书被评论界认为是“继魔戒作者JRR托尔金之后最优秀的盎格鲁撒克逊奇幻小说家”。,黑暗物质的故事发生在一个和我们的地球很相似的世界里,讲的是一对名叫莉拉和威尔的少年的旅行和冒险经历,不仅围绕孩子,还涉及清白、原罪以及融合了魔幻、科学等元素。 1. Northern Lights 北方之光 The Golden Compass 黄金罗盘 (USA) 2. The Subtle Knife 魔幻神刀3. The Amber Spyglass 琥珀望远镜,His Dark Materials,(In USA),His Dark Materials Trilogy,His Dark MaterialsPart One, Northern Lights Part Two, The Subtle Knife Part Three, The Amber Spyglass,Answer the questions about the words and expressions.,adult bear creature extraordinary hero heroine philosophical play a part witch,Which of these words or expression:1. refer to people?,adult, hero, heroine, witch,adult bear creature extraordinary hero heroine philosophical play a part witch,2. refers to someone who uses magic?3. refer to the most important people who have the main part in a story?4. refer to animals?5. means very unusual or special?,witch,hero, heroine,bear, creature,extraordinary,adult bear creature extraordinary hero heroine philosophical play a part witch,6. means to have influence in a situation?7. relates to ideas?,play a part,philosophical,Have you ever read a fantasy novel? If not, why not?Have you read His Dark Materials? If not, would you like to read it? Say why / why not.Have you read a Harry Potter novel or seen one of the films? If you have, did you enjoy it? Say why / why not.,Discussion,The Cat That Vanished,Read the text and fill in the blanks.,Para. 7,the cat vanished,Para. 8,What Will found and how he entered another world,What Will saw and how he felt after entering another world,Skimming,Answer the following questions.How was Will when he saw the cat?2. Where could Will see the patch?,He was stupefied with exhaustion.,From the side nearest the road.,Read the text again carefully and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).1. The cat that vanished was called Moxie.2. It was Will who had cut the patch out of the air.3. The patch, which was completely invisible from most angels, was almost square and less than a metre wide.,Careful Reading,F,T,F,4. Will walked into the new world with his shopping bag.5. The new world was so frightening that Will went back to his own world.,F,F,Will cant think clearly because _.He was very frightened in the dark at nightHe was excited when he saw a cat. He was worn out.,Into the text:,2. Why did the cat behave strangely? A. Because the cat put out a paw to pat something invisible in the air in front of her. B. Because the cat came up to Will when he held out his hand. C. Because the cat approached the patch of grass and then left back.,3. Which of the following is TRUE about the patch according to the text? A. Will had cut the patch out of air. B. The patch was almost square in shape and less than a meter across. C. From the most positions, the patch was completely visible.,4. According to the text, we can know that Moxie was _. A. the cat that vanished B. a friend of Will C. a tabby Will once fed D. a homeless cat,5. The phrase “be laden with” in the text means “_”. A. be burdened with B. be full of C. be covered with D. be responsible for,Language points,1. She reached out a paw to pat something in the air in front of her, something quite invisible to Will. 【考点】 invisible 形容词,意为“看不见的;无形的”。 【考例】 You can see the stars on a clear night, but in the daytime they are _. A. unavoidable B. invisible C. inaccessible D. unavailable,【点拨】 选B。句意: 在晴朗的夜晚你能看到星星, 但白天它们就看不见了。invisible看不见的, 符合题意。unavoidable不可避免的; inaccessible难达到的; unavailable不可用的, 均不符合题意。,2. But Will knew without the slightest doubt that that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world. doubt意为“怀疑”, 可作动词, 在肯定句中, doubt后接宾语从句时, 常用whether / if引导, 在否定句或疑问句中, doubt后接宾语从句常用that引导。doubt还可作名词, 常可用于There is no doubt that . 表示“毫无疑问”。,doubt vt. 怀疑我怀疑他的诚实。e.g. I doubt his honesty. I doubt whether/if he is honest. I dont doubt that he is honest.,doubt n. 怀疑e.g. 毫无疑问会给那些在各自领域成功的人们奖赏。 (There is) no doubt _ the prizes will be given to the people successful in their own fields. 我对他是否来这个派对有一些怀疑。 I have some doubt _ he will come to the party.,that,whether/if,_ a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project A. It has B. They have C. It remains D. There remains选D。there remains a certain doubt表示“仍有一定怀疑”。,3. but he didnt hesitate. hesitate v. hesitate at/about/over sth. hesitate to do sth.e.g. He hesitated before giving me a reply.在给我答复之前他犹豫不决。,He is still hesitating about handing in his application form.对于是否递交申请表他仍然在犹豫。Dont hesitate to contact me if youneed my help.如果你需要我的帮助就不要犹豫和我联系。,hesitation n. 犹豫, 迟疑hesitant adj. 犹豫不决的,4. When it had gone past he crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the places where keep his eyes on: have his eyes on, or look after,e.g. Ive kept my eyes on you now, so you do as youre told.我盯着你呢,所以你要按要求做。Mary offered to keep an eye on the baby while I went out. 我不在家的时候, 玛丽自愿照顾孩子。,2. Work together and try to guess what happens next.,


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