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    英语应用文写作教案英语写作 教案 英语写作 Chapter 1 Letter Writing Useful Words and Expression: For private letter: th1. Im very glad to receive your letter of 16 April. th2. Thank you for your letter of 16 April written from Shanghai. 3. I had been looking forward to hearing from you and you can imagine my pleasure when I got your letter. 4. I hope you can forgive me for putting off writing you for so many days. th5. I was so glad to get your letter of 16 April and to learn that alls well with you. 6. It was a great pleasure to get your letter telling me about your recent trip. m sorry that I didnt write you as soon as I got your letter, but Ive been very 7. Ibusy. 8. Please forgive me for having delayed my answer to your lettr. 9. I hope this will not greatly inconvenience you. 10. I look forward to seeing you soon. 11. I wish you every success. 12. I hope youll get well soon. 13. I wish you every happiness on the coming trip. 14. Please remember me to your mother. 15. I hope you wont mind my not going. For business letter: 16. This letter is to inform you that we have lately obtained a patent for an improved method of aluminum soldering. 17. In response to your letter of the 16th respecting the account, I will send you a check shortly. 18. We received your letter dated 6th February. 19. We confirm our call of last week respecting our offers to you. 20. We have received your favor of 16th May, and confirm your todays telegram as per the copy enclosed. 21. We thank you for you inquiry. 22. We thank you for your past favor, and I trust that you will continue the same in future. 23. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this matter has given you. 24. We trust that this business may prove to our mutual advantage. 25. We hope to have your further orders for serges at an early date. 26. Enclosed please find the invoice of 80 bales of wool bought by your order. 27. We enclose for realization drafts as per the list at foot. Notes of Format: 1. 信头:给亲友写信时,信头里只写门牌号码,街道名和城市名,以及写信日期。如果是商务书信,信头还应该包括发信人的公司名称。 2. 称呼:称呼中所用的标点符号。BE: “,” AE: “:” 3. 书信正文: 书信的正文一般分三部分:引言,写信目的和结束语。 4. 结尾客套语和署名: 在正文最后一样的下一行或隔一行书写 For private letters For business letters Love, Sincerely yours, Yours, Sincerely, As ever, Cordially yours, Fondly, Yours sincerely, Sincerely, Yours truly, Affectionately, Yours cordially, With love, Very truly yours, Yours with love, Respectfully yours, Best wishes, With best wishes, Yours truly, Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, As always, Gratefully yours, 署名是指发信人或代表商务机构的书信执笔人在书信上签上个人名字或公司名称。私人书信的签名通常在打印后再补上手写体签名。商务书信的签名,经常占三行或四行的空格。第一行用作机构的名称,全部用大写字母;第二行用于签名,多用钢笔手写体;第三行是印刷字体签名;第四行用于打印签名人的姓名和头衔(e.g. President,Director, Manager etc.)或所属部门。 在正文后面如需要补充事项,可以附言,经常用缩写P.S.(postscript) e.g. P.S. I have just received your letter of July 10,for which I will write you later after full investigation. 随信附记物件时,可写上Enclosure 或者Encl. 如两件以上物件,用Encls: 之后要表明物件数量和品名。 e.g. Encls:2 Encl.:Check Exercise: 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences. 1) yours sincerely 2) confidential 3) registered 4) Enclosure: 2 invoices 5) Enclosed are two copies of our price list. 6) I am addressing to you on an important subject. 2. Translate the following inside addresses. Director Graduate Admissions and Enrollment Services Graduate School of Maryland University Baltimore, MD 21201 中华人民共和国 北京市 100084 北京大学 王校长 3. Plan the layout according to the following particulars. 1) senders name: H.G. Wilkinson Company, Limited 2) senders address: 245 Lombart Street Lagos, Nigeria 3) senders telephone:3305421 th4) date: may 5 ,2006 5) receivers name: China National Light Industrial Products Import& Export Corporation 6) receivers address: 128 Huhui Road, Shanghai, China 7) Salutation used: Dear Sirs 8) Subject matter: printed shirting 9) The message: we are interested in printed shirting suitable for skirt making and would like to have the details of your prices and terms. It would be helpful if you could supply samples. 10)Complimentary closing used: Yours faithfully 11)Signature: David 12)Post notation: ordinary mail 4. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a short letter based on the chinese given below. You are not supposed to translate the letter word for word. You should write no less than 80 words in the composition sheet. 你写信给你的朋友: Susan Fountain 要点:写信日期:2003年12月12日, 回复Susan 12月8日提议元旦聚会的事情。你建议在元旦假期举办音乐欣赏会(a music appreciation evening)。你要求她安排一下这个活动。你说你愿意帮忙,比如写邀请信之类的事情。问问她意下如何。 Chapter 2 Social and Personal letter writing Lesson 1 Letter of Recommendation 推荐信分为两种形式。应被推荐人的直接要求而写的,常常成为公开推荐信。信封上和信内称呼都用“To Whom It May Concern”(致有关人士或单位)的字样。如果是应招聘单位或学校的请求而写的推荐信,一般则注有“Confidential/Private”(机密)的字样。 Useful words and Expressions 1. native intellectual ability 2. breadth of general knowledge 3. conscientiousness 4. capacity for analytical thinking 5. ability to wrok independently 6. capability for abstract reasoning 7. potential as a researcher 8. ability to express his ideas orally and in writing 9. capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work Basic Patterns: 1. the bearer the letter 2. He seems well on his way to establishing an equally high reputation in 3. has a very unusual combination of qualities. 4. He is a gold mine to whoever employs him. 5. Should you wish further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. 6. If I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me. 7. I take pleasure in recommending 8. I write to recommend 9. Id like to take the liberty of recommending to you 10. I strongly recommend ones admission to 11. I wish to presentfor your favorable consideration. 12. I consider it a great honor to recommend 13. He always distinguished himself from others with his diligent and original thinking which proved him to be quite adequate for research work. 14. As for his character and personality 15. Your favorable consideration of his application for would be most appreciated. 16. Any favorable consideration of his application for would be much gratefully acknowledged. Notes of Format 1. 推荐信(Recommendation letters)是较为正式的文件,其内容包含正式信件的各个基本要素:信头,信内地址,称呼语,信件正文,问候语及签名。 2. 推荐信正文部分应包含以下内容:推荐人和被推荐人的关系,被推荐人的工作(学习)成绩,被推荐人的优势,以及推荐人对被推荐人的评价和态度。 A sample of recommendation letters. As the Director of the Bay Area Community Center, I work closely with many of the community volunteers. I consider Michael Thomas to be one of the most studious and responsible members of our organization. After three years time, I have come to know him well and would like to recommend him as a candidate for your undergraduate program. Michael is a dedicated member of the Bay Area community and has donated countless hours of his time to the Center. He has not only worked with members of the community, he has also helped to implement plans and programs that will enrich the lives of those around him. Michaels leadership and organizational skills have been invaluable to these programs, most of which have been started from the ground up. Sponsored Links Find Your Right School We do the College Search for You Get the Facts and Get Started Now In my opinion, Michaels unwavering devotion to his community exemplifies strong moral fiber and character. He is a trustworthy individual and would be an excellent candidate for your school. Sincerely, John Flester Director, Bay Area Community Center Self-assessment Able to meet operational deadlines Respond well in high pressure atmosphere Quick adaption to new environment Readiness to any challenges Easy-going A high sense of teamwork spirit Analytic and penetrating thinking Vigorous Smart and quick-minded Extroverted communicative Ability of organizing and managing Active in teamwork Willing to try and ready to conquer Being able to maximize personal value Superb learning ability and potential Strong desire and will to learn Good at coordination and communication Have a passion for work Have good analytical and problem solving skills Competent to work under pressure Aggressive, independent Industrious and punctual Be able to endure hardship High loyalty and commitment Attentive and diligent Nice characters Observant, discreet, prudent, respondent Eager to learn Possessing strong analytical skills and decision-making abilities Outstanding coordination and interpersonal skills Generous and optimistic Honest and trustworthy Faithful, sociable, thoughtful, outgoing Reliable and highly organized Ability to work under pressure in fast pace environment Full of acute judgment Unfailing patience and the spirit of enterprise and devotion Clear and straight communication skills A motivated person with merit of better Flexibility and a pair of analytical eyes Radiation of great enthusiasm and self-confident Broad interests and strong senses of quality and detail-oriented good communication skill Effective co-ordination skills Candor and adventurous Observant with independent thinking and wide scope of knowledge conscientious Initiative Enjoy good popularity among people Harmonious interpersonal relationship Innovative Rich in original ideas Highly inquisitive Detail-oriented Exercises: 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences. 1) 愿意在压力下工作,并且具领导人素质。 2) 年轻,聪明,精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。 3) 珍妮是一个了不起的姑娘,她充满热情,自信而且考虑周到。 4) 除了某某您就不可能再有更好的选择了。 5) 若需要更详细的情况,将很高兴提您解答。 6) I can recommend him without reservation. 7) I believe that anyone who is fortunate enough to hire him is getting the best there. 8) He has shown himself industrious, dutiful, conscientious, intelligent and reliable. You will fail to find him amiable and cooperative. 9) It is my pleasure to avail myself of this opportunity to recommend to you, Miss 10) While in our employment, Mr. Zhangs performance was more than satisfactory. Situation Writing: Rock Bird worked as a copywriter in the advertising department of West wood distributors for five years. A little over a year ago he resigned to join an advertising agency. As the manager of the advertising department of Westwood, you recive an inquiry from Newell. Inc., about Bird who has applied for the job to be an assistant advertising manager. Bird has a fine record, and you want to give him a hearty recommendation. Lesson 2 Letter of Application for a Position Introduction The purpose of a letter of applicationis to help the applicant obtain the job he is interested in. It should state clearly what position the applicant wants, and should tell what his abilities are and what he has to offer. It should provide a quick, clear picture of the applicant's qualifications, accomplishment and aims. It should present the applicant to possible employees in the best light. A well-written letter of application, however, does not necesarily guarantee a position; but it does insure consideration and a better chance of an interview. The applicant cannot hope to get his whole story into his letter, but he should cover enough ground to intrigue the prospective employer and make the employer willing to meet him, speak to him, and find out more about him. It takes more than a good letter to land a job; instead, it takes ability, specific experience, and good character. But the letter may open the door for the applicant, and give him the chance to "sell" himself. A letter of application should be simple, human, personal and brief without omitting any essential or pertinent facts. The applicant is well advised not to write a dull, stereotyped letter of application. What he should do is to make the letter interesting. Generalities should be avoided in it, that is, it should be specific. The letter should be typed if possible. When the applicant can neither type his letter, nor has it typed by someone else, he should write it out very neatly and legibly in case the letter is discarded for its illegibility. Useful words and Expressions 1. HR (Attachment: positions of English terms) Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分) Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁 Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理 Sales Manager 销售经理 Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理 Merchandising Manager 采购经理 Sales Assistant 销售助理 Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员 Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员 Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师 Marketing Consultant 市场顾问 Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监 Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员 Manufacturer's Representative 厂家代表 Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监 Sales Representative 销售代表 Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理 Marketing Intern 市场实习 Marketing Director 市场总监 Insurance Agent 保险代理人 Customer Manager 客户经理 Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁 Regional Customer Manager 地区客户经理 Sales Administrator 销售主管 Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监 Advertising Manager 广告经理 Travel Agent 旅行代办员 Salesperson 销售员 Telemarketer 电话销售员 Sales Executive 销售执行者 Marketing Assistant 市场助理 Retail Buyer 零售采购员 Real Estate Manager 房地产经理 Real Estate Broker 房地产经纪人 Purchasing Agent 采购代理 Product Developer 产品开发 Marketing Manager 市场经理 Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员 Advertising Assistant 广告助理 Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail) 广告文撰写人 Customer Representative 客户代表 Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理 MIS Manager 电脑部经理 Project Manager 项目经理 Technical Engineer 技术工程师 Developmental Engineer 开发工程师 Systems Programmer 系统程序员 Administrator 局域网管理员 Operations Analyst 操作分析 Computer Operator 电脑操作员 Product Support Manager 产品支持经理 Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管 Director of Information Services 信息服务主管 Systems Engineer 系统工程师 Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师 Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员 Information Analyst 信息分析 LAN Systems Analyst 系统分析 Statistician 统计员 Director of Human Resources 人力资源总监 Assistant Personnel Officer 人事助理 Compensation Manager 薪酬经理 Employment Consultant 招募顾问 Facility Manager 后勤经理 Job Placement Officer 人员配置专员 Labor Relations Specialist 劳动关系专员 Recruiter 招聘人员 Training Specialist 培训专员 Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁 Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁助理 Personnel Manager 职员经理 Benefits Coordinator 员工福利协调员 Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表 Personnel Consultant 员工顾问 Training Coordinator 培训协调员 Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官 Director of Operations 运营总监 Vice-President 副总裁 Branch Manager 部门经理 Retail Store Manager 零售店经理 HMO Product Manager 产品经理 Operations Manager 操作经理 Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理 Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员 Management Consultant 管理顾问 District Manager 市区经理 Hospital Administrator 医院管理 Import/Export Manager 进出口经理 Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员 Program Manager 程序管理经理 Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员 Project Manager 项目经理 Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理 Regional Manager 区域经理 Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官 General Manager 总经理 Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监 Controller(Inter


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