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    英语试题练习题教案学案课件牛津英语(上海版)7A第五单元教学设计牛津英语(上海版)7A第五单元教学设计 从化七中 黄燕琴 Encyclopaedia Period 1 教学内容:SB 7A page 66, 67 (A1, A2, A3) 教学目标:培养学生的阅读能力,能灵活运用本课所学的单词、词组。 教学重点:1. 单词: exist, human being, everywhere, even, wing, harmless, gentle, harmful, amusement, character, sell, real. 2. 短语: someothers, asas, die out, learn about, be famous for, at the same time, be based on. 3. 通过阅读文章,培养学生快速阅读和细读的能力、学会应用英语归纳各自然段的段落大意这一阅读技巧。 教学难点:学生快速阅读和细读的能力、学会应用英语归纳各自然段的段落大意这一阅读技巧。 教学过程:Step 1: Pre-reading 1. Ask the students to look at the cartoon on page 65, SB. Ask them if they understand the meaning of the cartoon. Ask the following questions . 1) Where is Hi? 2) What is he doing? 3) What is Lo doing? 4) Where is Lo? 5) Whats the name of the book? 6) How does Lo use the book? 7) How does Hi use the book? 8) Do you know how to use an encyclopaedia? 9) Can we find something about birds in an encyclopaedia? 2. Learn the news words: T: From the encyclopaedia, we know that birds exist everywhere with human being. They fly with their wings. Many birds are harmless. They are gentle. Others are harmful. If people want to learn more about birds, they can learn from fossils of their skeletons, eggs and footprints. (The students read the new words after the teacher.) T: We can find something about birds in an encyclopaedia. Can we find something about dinosaurs? Step 2: While-reading 1. Ask the students to read the first article on page 66, and complete Exercise A1(1, 2). Then check the answers. 2. Ask the students to read the first article again, and complete Exercise A3 (1-4). Then check the answer. 3. Ask the students to tell the class whats the main idea of the first paragraph, then the second and the third. 4. The students listen to the tape and follow the tape. (T: We can find something about birds and dinosaurs in an encyclopaedia. I think we can also find something about Disney. Do you think so?) 5. Ask the students to skim the second article on page 66, and complete Exercise A1 (3, 4). Then check the answers. 6. Ask the students to read the article again and choose the best meaning from those listed below. 1) amusement A. happiness B. angry 2) founder A. a place B. a person 3) character A. a person B. a building 4) sell (sold) A. the opposite of buy B. The opposite of go 5) mail A. money B. letter 6) be based on A. but B. because of 7) real A. true B. toy 7. As the students to read the second article for the third time, and complete Exercise A3 (5-8). Then check the answers. 8. Ask the students to tell the class whats the main idea of the first paragraph, then the second. 9. The students listen to the tape and follow the tape. 10. Ask the students to find out some useful phrases and expressions. Then read them loudly. Step3: Post-reading Invite some more able student to tell about how much they know about dinosaurs and Disney?Walt. Step 4: Homework 1. Remember the new words, useful phrases and expressions. 1 2. Read the two articles. Period 2 教学内容:SB 7A page 73, 74 (A1, A2, A3,B) 教学目标:复习英语单词中音节的概念和学习如何描述一个卡通人物。 教学重点:1. To learn about how to describe a character. 2. To learn about syllables. 教学难点:如何描述一个卡通人物。 教学过程:Step 1: Greeting Step 2: Revise 1. Revise the new words, let the students read after the teacher and then put these phrases into English: 1) 和一样 2) 以为基础 3)灭绝 4)同时 5)因而著名 6)得知 7)一些, 另一些 8) 多于 9)出生于 10)例如 2. Complete the sentences: 1) 小华出生于中国。 Xiao Hua _ _ in China. 2) 七中一年级有六百多学生。 There are _ _ _ _ students _ Form One _ No. 7 Middle School. 3) 从化因温泉而出名。 Conghua _ _ _ hot spring. 4) 这种鸟在世界上逐渐绝种了。 This kind of bird is _ _ _ _ _. 5) 在那间房里有一些是美国人,其余的是法国人。 In the room _ people are _, _ are _. 3. Ask the students try to say something about Disney?Walt. Step 3: Speak up Ask the students to work in pairs and tell their partners about their favourite cartoon character. They can ask questions like this: 1) Who is your favourite cartoon character? 2) What do you know about him/her? 3) Why do you like this character? Step 4: Talk time 1. Ask the students to practise reading these words (A2). 2. Tell the students something about syllables. 3. Ask the students to read these words and write the number of syllables in the brackets(A3). Then check the answer. 4. Ask the students to do Exercise A1. Then check the answer. Step 5: Homework Book B (Page 71, A, B) Period 3 教学内容:SB 7A page 74, 75 (A, B, C) 教学目标:让学生先阅读广告再根据图片信息和文字提示完成看图写作。 教学重点:To learn about how to write a short story. 教学难点:看图写作的能力和技巧。 教学过程:Step 1: Greeting Step 2: Revise The teacher asks the students the following questions: 1) Have you ever seen a dinosaur? 2) Can we see a real dinosaur now? Why? 3) Were dinosaurs big or small? 4) Could dinosaurs fly? 5) Were dinosaurs harmless? 6) Have you ever been to Disneyland? 7) Do you know who was its founder? Step 3: Practise 2 1) Ask the students to look at the pictures on page 75. Ask them to talk about the pictures and complete the sentences of each picture, using the words in brackets to help them. Then check the answer and read the sentences together. 2) Ask the students to write an ending for the story. What did Sammy do with the money? Step 4: Writing T: Would you like to go to Disneyland? Do you want to win a free trip to Disneyland? Now you only need to write a short story containing these three words (dinosaur, Disneyland, cartoon), and post it to P O Box 46122 before 30 November. The first prize is a free trip to Disneyland! Ask the students to write this short story in 20 minutes. Step 5: Homework Book B (Page 75-76, A, B, C) Period 4 教学内容:SB 7A page 69, 70 (A, B) 教学目标:帮助学生学会根据听力材料完成笔记。 教学重点:1. Listen to a travel programme about Nanjing on the radio, and complete the notes about a famous place. 2. Listen to a conversation about the languages of the world and answer the questions. 3. spend, neithernor, It is adj. (for sb.) to do sth. 的用法。 教学难点:Listening and answer the questions 教学过程:Step 1: Pre-listening Ask the students to read the notes. Explain the meaning of the difficult words. Ask the students to look at blanks and think about what type of information will be needed. For example, they can tell from the notes that they will need a number for item 1, a verb for item 2, a noun for item 3, etc. Step2: While-listening The students listen to a travel programme about Nanjing on the radio, and complete the notes about a famous place. Play the recording once, and have the students try to write the answers. Play the recording a second time for them to complete and check their answers. Step 3: Post-listening Ask the students to read the notes loudly. Step 4: Pre-listening Ask the students to read the questions in the exercise on page 70 so that they could get a general idea of what is to be talked about. Step 5: While-listening Ask the students to listen to a conversation about the languages of the world and write down the answers to the questions on page 70. Step 6: Post-reading Students read aloud the conversation. Step 7: Explain how to use “spend”, “neithernor”, “It is adj. (for sb.) to do sth.” Step 8: Homework Book B (Page 69-70, A, B1, B2) Period 5 教学内容:SB 7A page 67, 68 (B1, B2, B3) 教学目标:让学生通过阅读课文,不仅掌握英语语言知识,而且开阔视野,扩大知识面。 教学重点:1. 单词: sand, writing, expert, completely, opinion, find, discovery 2. 短语: be good at, be interested in, hundreds of, be full of, according to, in ones opinion, of this kind, because of 3. 通过阅读文章,培养学生快速阅读和细读的能力、学会应用英语归纳各自然段的段落大意这一阅读技巧。 教学难点:学生快速阅读和细读的能力、学会应用英语归纳各自然段的段落大意这一阅读技巧。 教学过程:Step 1: Pre-reading 1. Ask the students to look at the words of Exercise B1 on page 67. Try to match the pictures with their meanings. 2. Ask the students to look at the signs of Exercise B2 and find out the meaning of the message with 3 the help of the letters in the table. Then write down the answer in the blanks. Step 2: While-reading 1. Ask the students to read the article from an encyclopaedia about the father of Egyptology-Jean Champollion and tell whether the following statements are true or false. Write T or F. 1) Jean learnt twenty languages in his life. ( ) 2) He began teaching history at university in 1808. ( ) 3) When Jean was 22, he began to study the Rosetta Stone. ( ) 4) Jean found the Rosetta Stone at Rosetta. ( ) 5) There are much strange writing and many pictures on the stone. ( ) 6) Jean could read ancient Egyptian at that time. ( ) 7) Ancient Egyptian was full of signs. ( ) 8) The signs represented things, ideas and sounds. ( ) 9) Jean found 15 signs of sound in his study of the Rosetta Stone. ( ) 10) Today people dont understand ancient Egyptian. ( ) 2. Ask the students to read the article again, then ask the students to tell the class whats the main idea of the first paragraph, then the second and the third. 3. Ask the students to read the article for the third time and answer the questions on page 68. 4. The students read the article after the teacher. 5. Ask the students to find out some useful phrases and expressions. Then read them loudly. Step3: Post-reading Ask the students to complete the article without their books. Jean _ very _ _ languages, He learnt _ _ in his life. When he was 18, he began _ _ _ _. He was _ then _ _ his students. Jean _ very _ _ ancient Egypt and in 1821 he _ _ _ the Rosetta Stone. _ _ _ _ found this stone at Rosetta when he _ _ _ _ _. Only Jean could read ancient Egyptian on the stone at that time. Ancient Egyptian _ _ _ signs. _ _ many experts, these signs represented _ and _. Jean did not _ _. _ _ _ some of them represented _. He found _ sings _ _ _ in his study of the Rosetta Stone. Today, _ _ _ _ _ ancient Egyptian 4,000 years ago _ _ Jeans _. Step 4: 1. Remember the new words, useful phrases and expressions. 2. Read the article. Period 6 教学内容:SB 7A page 71, 72 (A, B1, B2) 教学目标:掌握指示代词的用法和复习可数名词与不可数名词的用法。 教学重点:The using of demonstrative pronouns, countable and uncountable nouns. 教学难点:The using of demonstrative pronouns, countable and uncountable nouns. 教学过程:Step 1: Greeting Step 2: Revise 1. Revise the new words, let the students read after the teacher and then put these phrases into English: 1) 对感兴趣 2) 一群 3) 成百上千 4) 充满 5) 擅长于 6) 根据 7) 由于 8) 同类的 9) 依(某人)之见 10) 做是有可能的 2. Complete the sentences: 1) 这个瓶子装满了水。 This bottle _ _ _ water. (The bottle _ _ _ water.) 2) 对他来说学好英语是有可能的。 _ _ _ for him _ _ English well. 3) 火车晚点是因为有大雨。 The train was late _ _ the heavy rain. 4 4) 我对游泳很感兴趣。 I _ _ _ _ _. 5) 在山上有成百上千只绵羊。 There are _ _ _ on the hill. Step 2: Pre-task 1. Write these words on the blackboard: a boy, rice, music, an egg, soup, an apple, bread, a cake, water, milk 2. Ask the students to tell the class which words are countable nouns and which words are uncountable nouns. What is the difference between countable nouns and uncountable nouns. 3. Ask students to name six countable things in the classroom and six uncountable things. Step 3: While-task 1. Ask the students to do Exercise B1 on page 72. Then check the answer. 2. Show some pictures to the students, ask them to practise the conversations like this: A: Whats this? or A: What are these? B: Its a box. B: Theyre bottles? A: Whats inside it? A: Whats inside them? B: Apples. B: Milk. Step 4: Pre-task 1. Choose a variety of items from the classroom, both singular and plural and at different distances from the students, and say: This is a pen. That is a blackboard. These are chairs. Those are notices. Is this a book? Is that a door? Are these windows? Are those boxes? 2. Ask the students to tell the class how to use “this”, “that”, “these”, “those”. Step 5: While-task 1. Ask students to read the sentences of the first part on page 71. 2. Ask students to do the exercise of the second part on page 71. Then check the answer. Step 6: Homework Book B (Page 66-68, A, B, C) Period 7 教学内容:SB 7A page 79(A,B,C), page 80 教学目标:To learn how to use the encyclopaedia and what we have learnt in this unit. 教学重点:How do we use the encyclopaedia and what have we learnt in this unit? 教学难点:How do we use the encyclopaedia? 教学过程:Step 1: Pre-task T: What are these? (Show the students some encyclopaedias) Ss: . T: Do you know how to use the encyclopaedia? Ss: . Ask a student to tell the class how to use the encyclopaedia. Step 2: While-task 1. Ask the students to do Exercise A on page 79. Then check the answer. 2. Ask the students to do Exercise B on page 79. Then check the answer. 3. Ask the students to do Exercise C on page 79. Then check the answer. Step 3: Post-task Ask the students to read the words of this unit, useful phrases and expressions, daily expressions and ask the students to tell the class how to use demonstrative pronouns, countable and uncountable nouns. Step 4: Homework Book B (Page 77-79: A1, B1, B2, C1, D1) Period 8 教学内容:SB 7A page 76, 77, 78 (A, B, C, D, E), 79(A,B,C) 教学目标:让学生通过阅读课文,开阔视野,扩大知识面。 教学重点:通过阅读文章,培养学生阅读的能力和技巧。 5 教学难点:阅读的能力和技巧。 教学过程:Reading 1. Ask the students to read Exercise A and answer the questions on page 76. Then check the answer. 2. Ask the students to read Exercise B and use one or more words to complete the sentences on page 77. Then check the answer. 3. Ask the students to do Exercise C. Then check the answer. 4. Ask the students to read Exercise D and answer the questions on page 78. Then check the answer. Homework 1. Do Exercise E on page 78 of Book A in pairs. 2. Book B (Page 72-74: A, B, C1, C1) 第五单元测试题 一、单项填空:在四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把其编号写在题号前的括号里。(15分) ( )1. Mickey Mouse was based _ a real mouse. A. in B. of C. on D. for ( )2. Walt Disney is famous _ his cartoon characters. A. of B. for C. about D. on ( )3. _ my father _ my mother is a teacher. A. Both, and B. Neither, nor C. Either, nor D. Neither, or ( )4. I couldnt finish my homework yesterday. _ you and your sister? A. How old B. How about C. How many D. How much ( )5. Do you see _ man over there? Hes in red. A. this B. that C. these D. those ( )6. May I have _, please? A. a tea B. a cup tea C. a cup of tea D. two cups of teas ( )7. He own _ in the sports


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