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    人教新目标八年级英语上册:Unit 4 Section B 1 1a1e 学案(无答案).docx

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    人教新目标八年级英语上册:Unit 4 Section B 1 1a1e 学案(无答案).docx

    . Section B1a1e 【学习目的】一、知识目的:重点单词:funny,creative, quiet, good, boring, loud, serious, performer重点短语: talk about, a school talent show, the best performer重点句型:Sb. is the person I know; Who is/ was the best performer?学习重难点:重点:1 掌握一些形容词和副词的比较级和最好级,并掌握其变化规律。2学会进展简单的比较。难点:1最高级的构成 2用形容词的比较级或最高级对事物进展比较。二、才能目的:能运用所学知识进展简单比较,并表达自己的好恶;听懂相关话题的对话。三、情感目的:对事物持有正确的审美观。【学习过程】【课前预习】一通过预习课文,写出以下各形容词的最高级。1. funny _ 2. creative _ 3. quiet_ 4. good _5. bad _ 6. loud _ 7. serious _ 8. boring_二词组、短语互译:1.最有创意的_ 2.最幽默的人_ 3.才艺展示_ 4. the best performer_【课内探究】一、引入新知识。First, ask students to discuss with their partners, “ Who is the +adj.最高级 person in their class, Then choose some students to talk about their discussion. Eg: T: Who is the funniest person in your class? S: I think XX is the funniest person in our class.二、合作探究Task1: 小组合作讨论完成1a,1b并作汇报。 Task2: Listening, 听听力完成1c, 1d. Task3: 根据1c,1d所听内容,在小组内仿照1e编对话。并作展示【课堂练习】一单项选择。 1. Which is _ hotel in our city?A. the most expensive B. much expensive C. more expensive D. expensive 2. What do the young people think about_?A. watch TV B. watching TV C. to watch TV D. watched TV 3. -Who do you think _ the song best? - Tang Huan, of course. A. sing B. sings C. to sing D. singing 4. Which city is your favorite? Hangzhou, of course. Its the _ place that I want to visit.A. worse B. worst C. better D. best 5. Eliza was the best_ I know. A. performer B. performor C. perform D. performers 6. The girl played_ at the party.A. music B. a piece of musics C. a pieces of music D. a piece of music 7. Lucy is the youngest _ the three girls. A. in B. than C. of D. at 8. -_ do you think is the _ in your factory? Jim is.A. What/ most creative B. Who/ more creative C. Which/ creative D. Who/ most creative 9. Mary is _ girl I know. A. funny B. more funny C. the funniest D. the most funny 10. _ was the best performer? Tom was. A. Which B. What C. Who D. Where二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. You can buy _expensive clothes at this store.2. Millers has _ cheap clothes.3. The restaurant is _popular one in town.4. This ruler is _long than that one.5. The man is very _friendly to me.6. Lily is _serious girl I know.三、句型转换,每空一词。1. Turkey is good. Chicken is much better. 改为同义句 Chicken is _ _ _ turkey.2. She is more serious than any other student in her class. 用最高级改写句子 She is _ _ _ student in her class.3. My father is 40 years old. My mother is 37 years old. 用比较级改写句子 My father is _ _ my mother.4. My bag is cheaper than the other two. 改为同义句 My bag is _ _ of the three.【课后练习】一写出以下各词的比较级和最高级。1. loud _ _ 2. cheap _ _3. late _ _ 4. big _ _5. funny _ _ 6. friendly _ _7. good _ _ 8. bad _ _9. serious _ _10. popular _ _11. comfortable _ _12.boring _ _13. fun _ _14. creative _ _二从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。happy, perform, bad, act, creative, John1.The next _ is David, and he will sing an English song.2.Look! How _ Tony is laughing.3.This clothes stores has_ clothes than that one. I never buy clothes in it.4.Who is _, Jim, Bob or Jack?5.The most popular fruit store is_ in our town.6.Who_ the play? Xu Zheng did.三完型填空。 Taylor Swift was born 出生on December 13 rd, 1989 in Pennsylvania, America. She is a _1_ girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She is a _2_ and songwriter.Taylor really loves to sing for people. She _3_ to sing for strangers on the beaches when she was _4_four. At the age of twelve, she started _5_ songs for herself. She says, “ Im so_6_ that I can write my own music and write my own stories. I hope_7_ cares about the words that I write. Taylor Swift released发行 her first album音乐专辑in 2019_8_ she was only 17years old.Taylor is one of the biggest stars _9_ music now. She hopes every young person can follow their _10_ and try their best to make their dreams come true. 1. A. healthy B. beautiful C. poor D. dirty 2. A. teacher B. doctor C. worker D. singer 3. A. left B. learned C. began D. stopped 4. A. only B. still C. also D. always 5. A. singing B. buying C. taking D. writing 6. A. sad B. busy C. lucky D. free 7. A. everyone B. anyone C. everything D. anything 8. A. because B. after C. if D. when 9. A. on B. in C. at D. to 10. A. habits B. dreams C. lessons D. questions*;第 4 页


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