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    人教版英语八年级下册 Unitl综合测试卷一、选择()1.lf you are friendly to others, you make more friends.A.wouldB.couldC.will()2What do you think of the show Trump Card Season(王牌对王牌)?-Wonderful! We enjoyed.A.our B.us C.ourselves D.yourselves()3.my surprise, my son wasn't scared the first time he saw the dog.A.To B.With C.ln D.For()4.-On August 10th, 2019, my best friend had a serious and he hurt badly.-I'm sorry to hear that.A.light B.accident C.decisionD.situation()5.-I have trouble the new word.Can you help me?-Sure. You can look it up in the dictionary.A.understandingB.to understandC.understand0.understood()6. want to be a singer like Karry (王俊凯的英文名),so I won't give up.A. singB. sings C. to sing D. singing()7.Tina didn't come to school yesterday because she a bad cold.A.made B.had C.wanted D.took()8.-Nobody knows who the club. Do you know?-Perhaps Hu Kai is the boss(老板).A.is ready toB.is in control ofC.is up toD. get into trouble()9.-Dad, what is the loudspeaker saying?-It is to the.The flight to Wuhan is boarding now.A.customersB.passengersC.membersD.tourists()10.-I'm unhappy because I don't have any money. My money ran out.-, Rita.I can lend (借给)some to you.A.I agree with youB.Don't worryC.Sounds greatD.Don't do like that二、填空1.完形填空() A. sick()(6) A. seatsB. nervous C. strong D. excitedB.lights C. windows D. floorsIt was at 7:20 am on August 8,2017. Chen Yong was driving a traveling bus to() A. teacherB. doctor C. workerD. student)(8) A.lent)(9) A. noneD.offeredD. allJiuzhaigou as usual. (1) about 14 hours' ride, the bus finally arrived at the scenic spot(景区).All the passengerswere tired and they wanted to get off the bus and have a.But suddenly, Chen and the passengerssaw many (3) falling off theB.pushed C.riskedB. bothC. mostmountain. Soon their bus was surrounded (被包围) by these rocks. Chen (4)()(10) A. pressureB. difficultyC. fairnessD. kindnessit was an earthquake 他震).He was(5)at first, but quickly he calmed down (冷2.根据句意及汉语提示,完成句子静下来).He told the passengers to break the (6) to get out of the bus one by one(登山者)in China. He is brave.(1) Wang Linghai is a greatand then he took them to the safe area. Chen didn't stay there with the passengers. Instead,he helped some passengers who got hurt find a .Later, he his life (2)What does the word "WIFI (意思'是)?Can you tell me?to return to his bus to protect all the things of the passengers.(3) It is very relaxing for me to(身尚)on a soft sofa after a long time study.() A.realizedB. arguedC. meantD. cheeredwhat they should do to keep themselves safe.what are the accidents at school? Take a look.Thanks to Chen, all the passengers were safe and(9)of their things got lost.They may not feel the beauty of Jiuzhaigou, but they feel the bravery 勇敢)and(10)of a bus driver.()(1) A. Since B. When C. During D. After()(2)A.lookB.restC.walkD.test()(3)A.rocksB.treesC.housesD.people(4) Have you made a 决定)to go on a vacation?(5) Kimi was one of the most famous actors in China. His(死亡)made us very sad.三、阅读In China, safety education is becoming more and more important now. The last Monday in March is for students to learn it at school. It helps students learn more aboutStampedes踩踏),earthquakes and fires are the main accidents at school.( )4.Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A stampede always happens in crowded places. When students around you begin to push, just stand there and try to hold onto something. If you fall down in the crowd, move to one side and protect your head with your hands around.When earthquakes happen, you can get under a desk quickly and hold on. It'll protect you from falling things. If you are outdoors, find a place away from buildings, trees, and power lines.A. When there's afire, don't leave the classroom quickly.B. Many people die in a fire, not because of the fire but smoke.C. When you want to get out of afire, you shouldn't make yourself close to the floor.D. It's better to put something dry over your mouth and nose.()5.What's the best title (标题)for the article?When there's a fire, leave the classroom quickly. It's better to put something wet over A.Health educationyour mouth and nose.In this way, you won't breathe in smoke. Many people die in a fire,C.Habits educationB.Manners educationD.Safety educationnot because of the fire but smoke. It makes them cough and they can't breathe. That's very dangerous! So when you want to get out, you should make yourself close to the floor. Then四、写作you can breathe some fresh air.( )1.Stampedes, earthquakes and fires are the main accidents .A. at schoolB.at homeC.on the farm D. in the open air()2.A stampede always happens inplaces.A. busy B.dirty C.crowdedD. clean( )3.When earthquakes happen, you can geta desk quickly and hold on.同学们,我们必须做许多有益的事情才能快乐、健康地成长。请你以“ How to be ahealthy and happy child 为题,根据下列信息,写一篇不少于 ”80 词的英语短文。内容提示:1 保持快乐的心隋:2积极参加体育锻炼:4 多与师长交流,分享心中的烦恼和喜悦。3 思想单纯,努力学习,远离网络,结交益友;How to be a healthy and happy childDear friends, we all want to grow up happily and healthily. So we have to do manythings.答案:一、1.C. if表示“假如;如果”,引导条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现"原则。故选Co2. C短语enjoy oneself过得开心。且人称前后要保持一致,故选 C。3.A to one's surprise意为“令某人感到惊讶的是",故选A。4.B5.A have trouble (in) doing sth.意为“在做某事方面有困难”,故选A。6.D give up doing sth.意为“放弃做某事”,故选D。7.B have a bad cold意为“患重感冒”,故选B。8. B be ready to意为“愿意做某事";be in control of意为“掌管;管理" ;be up to 意为“由决定";get into trouble意为“陷入麻烦”。故选B。二、1. (1) - (5) DBAAB (6) - (10) CBCAD2. (1) climber mean (3) lie (4) decision death三、1-5 ACBBD四、One possible version:How to be a healthy and happy childDear friends, we all want to grow up happily and healthily. So we have to do many things. First, we should keep in a good mood though life is not full of sunshine. When we are in trouble, we should be brave enough to deal with problems. Second, we must study hard and make helpful friends. We should have pure thoughts. Third, we must stop chatting online and playing games because they are bad for our study and sleep. Besides, if we meet with difficulties, we had better talk with our parents and teachers to share troubles and happiness. Finally, we have to do sports to keep healthy. We can go running, play ball games or take a walk after on-day study.I think if we do those things, we will grow up happily and healthily.9. B10. B


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